Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
about a year ago, i was sitting at home playing halo on my xbox when all of a sudden i saw a flash in the sky. i looked out my window and noticed a trail of smoke trailing in the distant sky. to the best of my knowledge, it was some aliens watching me playing halo and taking notes :p
I once woke up at like four in the morning randomly. I looked up at my lamp and swore it was a face. I then proceeded to freak out about aliens landing in my room and watching me, waiting for me to wake up and abduct me. Then I realized it was my lamp and went back to sleep. I was really freaked out for about 2.5 seconds.
When I was around 6, a show entitled something along the lines of "Supernatural Encounters" was on latenight, around 11. During the summer, I watched it every night. One night, after a particulary scary episode, I was walking back to my bed when I saw an alien! He was slightly translucent and also whitish, following me wherever I went. I was scared stiff and decided to hide all night underneath the table.
I'd always wanted to see a alien or UFO, but the closest I got was watching aliens cross over the US/Mexico border.

Hopefully, I'll witness a real alien one day.
It was a hot summer day, we went on a trip to our relative's farm to have some fun. Suddenly, we noticed something moved behind the bushes!! I went check it out and discovered that it was an alien in disgise. So, I quickly grap a stick and beat it until it stop moving, it tried to run but it was no match for my sonic speed. Since we didn't know what to have for lunch that day, so into the oven it went. Oh yea, it taste like rats.
When I was little I woke up in the middle of the night and E.T. was freaking standing right next to my bed with his glowing finger pointing at me. Scared the crap out of me, but when I flicked the light on, he was gone...
I havent had any alien encounters yet:(

except for that time I saved the world and went to mars and bit a giant aliens ankle. He slapped me and I flew back to earth into my bed.
I was feeling really shitty and I all of the sudden see my dog barking and looking out my window, I came over and I saw a distorted face, I'm with my friend, I'm like dude, it isn't halloween yet and my room is on the second floor. And we both started freakin out and i'm saying how we don't do shit and hallucinate and were like wtf happened. My dog is one smart/crazy dog for barking at a UFO. We still joke around till this day, we still wonder if we were hallucinating, Carbon Monoxide Leak??? or A REAL UFO???. YOU DECIDE
Driving on a road at night. Dry heat is overwhelming, sweating like a hog. Headlights on full since road is clear. I hear a loud rattle to my left but see nothing in the smoky darkness. I stop to investigate, don't know why, maybe just boredom. Walking a bit with my flashlight, I encounter a huge cloud of dust. Just about to give up, I see several shapes emerge from the cloud. I see four aliens slowly approach me. "Hola" one of the illegal aliens says to me. I run. The illegal aliens do not see the UFO behind them, and are sucked in somehow. Driving on road. Sweating like a hog, not from heat.
The only alien encounters I've ever had took place at a Greatful Dead show many years ago in college. Due to the nature of chemical influences, I cannot verify that any of these memories had a basis in reality.
I remember this time I saw a cool looking thing in the sky with lights I didn't recoginze, and it didn't look like it was going anywhere. So that was pretty cool. I wish I could really see aliens. Anways, I would **** my pants if that happened.
My family and I did decide to take a vacation in Colorado. We decided to drive there from my hometown Iowa. While we here still driving, trying to find a hotel in Colorado my mom and I saw like a green ball flickering in the sky for about 5 seconds in the sky. That's about the closes thing that I probably ever came to seeing an unidentified flying object.

The X-Files are pretty good though. I have every season.
Once driving around looking for a place to eat, I was visted by a alien where red pants and suspenders. He had this strange smile on his face. Then I realized that I was stoned drunk and staring at a statue of "Bob's Big Boy" in the parking lot of a "Bob's Big Boy". Man that was a weird night.
True Story

When I was 6 I fell down the stairs and cracked my head open.

Aww crap, this was supposed to be about aliens? damn it!
When I was about 12, I went to Disney in Florida and saw a real life alien encounter. I was in the Magic Kingdom and went to see some scientist show in the World of Tomorrow, but then aliens came in and took over. One started biting at my feet and another one was breathing down my neck. Scary!
yea, so i was just playin bball outside real late and dark one night...i was about to hit my 4th 3-pointer in a row, when an alien showed up and blocked my shot! i was like WTF!! and he was like, if you want the ball, come get it...we played for a few minutes when he went up for a layup and I blocked that shit...he sucked..i said to him "that's why aliens shouldn't play basketball..." he ran to his ship crying...

THE end :)
I would add a story, but since I've never had an alien experience and do not believe in flying saucers and all that, I can't. I do like to shoot aliens though, on my TV. Yeah. That is about it.
I was around 7 when I lived in Hawaii.(We lived there because my dad was in the music buissness) It was around eight at night, and we had just gotten back from visiting the "Big Island". We got out of the car and I looked up in the sky, and there was a bright white glowing light shining. I thought it was just a really bright star or maybe venus, so I stared at the sky for awhile, when all of the sudden the "star" moved! It zig-zagged across the sky for a few seconds and disapeared. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

*edit* I would also like to add that the man who hosted the show "A.D. 2000 The End?" is Satan, in his true form.
When I was young my neighbor used to tell me a whole bunch of junk and of course being the young naive kid I thought the world of him and believed everything he said. Even when he told me an alien ship hovered over top of our houses one day and his whole family saw it. However after a couple days of me searching the skys for the craft he took it too far and said he saw the alien wave to him through window. After that day I started to doubt all the stories he said and thus took another step closer to adulthood leaving my imagination behind.
So one night I'm running through a corn field backwards naked and I trip over this grey thing. It turned out to be an Alien and he had this long light stick. He ran away and I stayed playing with the corn.
One time I went to bed and when I woke up, there were aliens surrounding me, and they stuck an anal probe up my butt. The next day in school I was farting fire, it was crazy. I think I pooped it out...yeah I did, it said Made in China but I swear that aliens put it in me!!!
When I was 12 or 13, we were driving back from one of my baseball tournaments and saw something strange in a field. It wasn't completely dark yet, but very close, and this bright light flashed right off the road next to the car. We all turned to look, and it flashed again, this time much further behind us. It did it two or three more times, then stopped. It couldn't have been a plane, because we would have seen it, and it was way too low and close to the road. We thought it might have been some farm equipment, but it had moved far too quickly. My parents and I finally came to the agreement that there had been lights set up along the road, and for some reason they had turned on and off sequentially. When we passed the same place the next day and saw a bare field, we didn't know what to think, and I still can't think of a reasonable explanation.
Sometimes after watching something scary or whatever, I don't look at a certain window in my house because I expect to see one of those white faced aliens looking at me. I just walk on by!
I was sleep walking when I was awaken by a sound. It was an alien and it had a mustache that made it resemble the pringles mascot. I chased it out with an icepick.
I awoke on a cold steel bed. I felt little green fingers probing my rear. I knew I was not in Kansas anymore by the look of the stars out of the glass window. Then bam! All the aliens came out and starting doing all these strange things to me.

First, they forced me to play Mario 64 without an analog stick. My hands still hurt so bad.

Second, they made me play Superman 64 till I started to cry.

Third, they demanded for me to make their Xbox play DVDs without the remote. Everytime I failed a green egg was shoved up my rectum.

Lastly, I was forced to play all games for all system that scored under a 4 on the Internet and they told me I would never be saved.

I awoke in a puddle of mud and went blind several days later.
Aliens just have to exist because it would be pretty sad if ours is the only planet in the universe capable of producing lifeforms stupid enough to elect Bill Clinton as President of the United States of America.
true story:

i was walking to school in 6th grade when all of a sudden a i felt my stomach start to turn sour. i thought i had to poop real bad so i rushed to school. once i got into the bathroom and dropped my pants at mach3, this intense pain came over me and i couldnt help but scream. all of a sudden im lifted off the toliet seat, as if something is pushing me upwards towards the ceiling. i passed out from the pain. when i awoke i found myself on the floor next to a shit covered david duchovney. apparently he was searching my ass for anal probes. he appologized, threw a 5 dollar bill at me and disappeared. it was the second most weird day in my life.
There were these crop circles being made all over the local farmland. Things started to get really crazy, and this little kid had a book about aliens which totally showed my house in flames and the aliens killing us all. I was pretty freaked out, so I made a tin foil hat to keep their evil brain waves from taking control of me. I then... wait a minute... dammit! That's Signs! Well... Mel Gibson made it THAT realistic!
I see aliens in the sky all the time. They have blue and red blinking lights on they and are in the shape of an airplane.
I woke up and there was an elite with an overshield and sword! I said "What the Shaq-Fu!" He said "Wort wort wort" I busted out my PP and BR and owned him in the dome and he died! The end, I win free game plz!
This happened when I was maybe 14 or 15. It was like any other night, I was sleeping in my own cozy bed. Something apparently woke me up because I had woken in the middle of the night, maybe around 2am. Whenever I wake in the middle of the night, I usually get up for a drink...but for some odd reason I couldn't move. I was actually paralyzed and the only thing I could move was my head. I looked around my room and saw some strange small figures near the edge of my bed. I started to panic a bit because there were some strange beings in my room and I couldn't move to get away. The next thing I knew, I was being lifted off my bed. I saw a strange bright light and the next thing I knew I felt like I was dropped onto my bed. It was 5am when I checked the clock. I dont know remember what else went on during those 3 hours. I figured I probably dreamed all of this up. A couple months later I happened to injure my arm. They took x-rays of my arm and something stranged showed up. There was some metal embedded into the bone of my arm. The doctors couldn't really figure out what this piece of metal was. However, they noticed that the metal had some strange type of insignia on it. In the end the metal is still in my arm because they wouldn't be able to remove it without actually breaking or drilling into the bone of my arm. It hasn't bothered me one bit, but it does make me think of whether or not the dream of those small figures were real...
I was eaten by an alien. I'm still in its stomach, but I have a whole bunch of stores and electricity near me inside this place, so it's not bad.
So there I was, minding my business late at night while walking through an old cornfield.

I look up, and see a flash of light streak across the sky. In awe, I backed up and felt something enter my rectum. I figured that this was an alien tactic, dazzle humans with a lightshow and then probe 'em. Well, it turns out that I backed up into some corn, plus I wasn't wearing any pants.

So much for a probing.
When my grandparents still lived out in Bensalem, in an apartment complex across from the horse-track(Philadelphia Park i think) there was this flying shape that looked like it was made of 3 or 5 floating lights. They had seen it one day and told us about it, the next day we came over for dinner and it was there..AGAIN. The lights changed colors and shapes, they would hover, sometimes looking like a pyramid, flashing red, yellow and green sometimes a rectangle or a circle. They floated, rotated and sometimes dashed across the sky, then stopped and floated again. We all watched them from the balcony, couldn't have been a helicoper because there was no noise and couldn't have been an airplane because they don't hover, or break up into several pieces and then come back together in a diffrent shape also I don't know anything that could dart back and forth like that. My grandfather tok pictures, but sadly the camera was cheap and old, had bad zoom and the lights were too high up for the flash to do much good. I think one or two of the pictures you could actually see them, but the pictures were all blurry and foggy like the time he tried to take pictures of the Hale-Bott or whatever it was comet.
At my old house, we had what me and my friends called 'the orange people'. It was these orange balls that would appear when we would play outside in my backyard. It was like a hazy ball of orange that would float around the windows. This was something that me and my friends would see just float around in the windows then dissappear. At first we dismissed it as just a reflection of the sun or whatever, but then we started to see it during sunset and it would be moving across multiple windows kind of quickly. We would hurry inside to see, or send one person while the other would wait outside, but it would always dissappear. I dont know if that would count as a UFO/alien thing or just a haunting or something, but still scared the crap out of us.
I live in california, los angeles to be exact. I see aliens all the time on my way to work. they stand on the corner trying to blend in in small groups. They proclaim themselves as skilled labor at a reduced price. I run away from them real fast.
So these aliens arrived and they said "Hey you come aboard" and they took me aboard and made me watch Pauly Shore movies until I told them the secret herbs and spices in KFC chicken. Then they probed me with a long skinny codl thing and ever since that day at the exact time of the probing my butt goes numb.
Life as an alien is interesting. I believe my video games are working to warp their minds into fledglin peons so that one day I may take over their puny planet. Little does CHEAPY D know that I have control of his Cheapy mind...hahahahahaha!
Ah, back to the subject... My first encounter with the humans involved a drunken abyss of teenagers hanging out in a field. I only observed them...from what I saw, I know my grand intellect will soon rule them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one time I found my friend beating off and jarring it to sell as alien sperm. He told me green food coloring works great to make it look more authentic.
Well, when I was a kid, I saw an alien outside the mall... but he was selling karate lessons.

And one time I was in the park and I saw a ufo... but it was some hoover disk thing some kid was throwing... it was pretty cool if you ask me.
bread's done