Ashlee Simpson is Ugly or Fug-ugly

Where's the Average category? When compared to a lot of singers/celebrities she comes up short, but weighed in against all young women she's somewhere in the middle. She's definate not fucking ugly! When you see a girl so ugly it's tough to even look at her, that's fugly.

Back in college there was a girl (don't remember her real name) who got around a LOT, busted grill, and people called her "fucked up mug". I know this is brutal...someone decided that it'd be funny to say that around her and other people so they sort of coded it as "ferg derg merg". Then when enough people knew about the code they just shortened it to Murray. And that's what she became. I know I know, totally stupid/mean but looking back it does give a little chuckle.
dude... that chick is fucking hot! my goal in life is to have sex with both her and her sister.......

..... at the same time
Well, kiddies, looks like she's single again!! Her boyfriend was a tool anyway.

The link is to a girly website so here's the text if you don't want to be seen at the site:
Grab your tissues guys -- it looks like Ashlee Simpson and her BF, singer, Ryan Cabrera have called it quits. The New York Post reports that the couple decided to end things due to "scheduling problems." According to a source, the two finally realized that their relationship was doomed when it became apparent that neither would be in the same time zone anytime soon. "They looked at the calendar and realized that the next time they'd be able to get together is a year from now." Now before you starting pitying poor Ash, let us remind you that when we spoke to her just a few short weeks ago, she seemed more focused on her career than playing GF to just any old guy (even a soon-to-be famous one). "I'm 19, and I love everything that I'm doing right now. I want to enjoy all that and not be worried about a guy. We both like each other -- a lot. But labels scare me right now."
Why does everyone think she's ugly or nasty? Her music is terrible, but she's kinda hot.

[quote name='FrankySox'][quote name='Gameboy415']Whateva.

I think she's better looking than Jessica "dumber-than-a-brick" Simpson. At least in her music video, I haven't seen/heard of her show or whatever.[/quote]
Totally agree she is so much hotter than Jessica Simpson, She is certainly far from ugly, I don't know what you guys are smoking but if you think Ashley is ugly you to picky and will never get laid![/quote]
I agree, Ashlee is pretty hot, and I think she is hotter with black hair, it just does something for me that blonds cannot.
Judging by the pictures posted on this thread, I say she is pretty.

Of course, if she was as dumb as her sister...It going be a turnoff. I'm too old for dumb women.

PS: She's underage anyways so this whole point above is moot.
[quote name='captainofindustry'][quote name='doraemonkerpal']for the peeps who are out of the mtv generation (i just googled her pics):

Jessica simpson is disgusting. and annoying. and dumb. and blonde.

4 strikes, remove her from the gene pool.
[quote name='Tom'][quote name='FrankySox'][quote name='Gameboy415']Whateva.

I think she's better looking than Jessica "dumber-than-a-brick" Simpson. At least in her music video, I haven't seen/heard of her show or whatever.[/quote]
Totally agree she is so much hotter than Jessica Simpson, She is certainly far from ugly, I don't know what you guys are smoking but if you think Ashley is ugly you to picky and will never get laid![/quote]
I agree, Ashlee is pretty hot, and I think she is hotter with black hair, it just does something for me that blonds cannot.[/quote]

Yaeh I don't think she is too bad with Blond hair. I've seen an episode of her show when I was channel surfing and she doesn't seem as stupid as her sister so that's a definite plus. She also seems less annoying.Even with the black hair, she doesn't look too bad.
She is alright but I don't think she can sing...
But then again I only heard her sang on the Teen Choice Awards. But in my opinion she was singing pretty badly that time (offkey most of the times and seems like she's outta breath...)
She's not THAT bad looking, heck I've seen worse, but then again I 've seen A LOT better. :D
I vote for fug-ugly... I went to her website and nearly vomited :) The photo gallery was pathetic heheh...
[quote name='cmdryuk']I vote for fug-ugly... I went to her website and nearly vomited :) The photo gallery was pathetic heheh...[/quote]

She doesn't look bad and in the face she does kinda look like Tesh. Seriously in a few more years she could have the serious look down too. I mean she wouldn't be a bad looking face on TV for an anchor or network TV news show. I'm surprised she's 19 since she kinda looks younger than that.
I wouldn't necessarily call her hot, rather I would call her cute.

Now that I look at her she also kinda looks like Beverly Mitchell.
I don't like her voice (or her music because of that), her show, or her personality, but come on, she's beautiful.

I don't know why other's disagree. It's an odd kind of beauty, but she still looks good to me.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Are you shaq-fuing kidding me? Ashlee is the hottest 16 year old Ive ever seen. I loooooove that black hair. You guys are on crack.[/quote]
Couldn't agree more, black hair=hot
She has nice tits... thats about it for me as far as she is concerned

Her sis... I'd been drooling over her since before she hit it big :D
[quote name='Cracka']she's ugly, but then again 99% of all famous women are ugly as hell without their makeup.[/quote]

...and some are ugly WITH makeup... shiver me timbers... while some just make you say 'meh' because their look is so... umm... them, that you're just indifferent...
Wow she looks exactly like Owen Wilson (Total sarcasm) If I saw her walking down the street I'd say great job in Starsky and Hutch....(what a stupid comparison)
[quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='Cracka']she's ugly, but then again 99% of all famous women are ugly as hell without their makeup.[/quote]

...and some are ugly WITH makeup... shiver me timbers... while some just make you say 'meh' because their look is so... umm... them, that you're just indifferent...[/quote]
[quote name='bmulligan'] She looks like a female Owen Wilson. :puke:[/quote]

Nooooo, come on now.. I would agree that she doesn't look hot in every picture but no way does she look like a dude.
bread's done