Best Buy PS3 Inventory Locator

[quote name='Gully']

Type in your zip code and there you go. Found one today for a friend thanks to it :).

P.S. Copy & Paste the address into your address bar if it doesn't work via Click.[/quote]

it's not working for me. I'm just curious to see if there are any in my area. Demand doesn't seem to be too high here. I just want a Wii and everywhere I go they're sold out. GC fucked up my pre-order not once but twice.
Holy crap that's awesome. Now if i can convince the stores to let me buy the one they supposedly have it'll be even better. This is the best non-deal deal in a long time.

EDIT - Realized that I may have sounded a bit sarcastic here but I wasn't meaning to be. This is seriously a valuable tool... someone chase down one for the Wii.
BTW, when you go to the store if you don't see them out on the floor, ask the manager. Most employee's will give you the run around.
while one person already confirmed it worked, anyone try it and it not work?

i mean to say, they say it's in stock at several stores but in reality it isnt in stock?

just not sure how realiable, accurate, and dynamic this stock system is (as i found a suprising amount of stores claiming to have it in stock in there).
[quote name='spincut']while one person already confirmed it worked, anyone try it and it not work?

i mean to say, they say it's in stock at several stores but in reality it isnt in stock?

just not sure how realiable, accurate, and dynamic this stock system is (as i found a suprising amount of stores claiming to have it in stock in there).[/QUOTE]

Honestly with Best Buy's store inventory locator, from experience it depends on the Best Buy store. I've noted that 3 of the 5 stores Best Buy shows me with the zip code search usually have their Inventory up to date, the other 2 are a complete mess and can never find anything in their own store. I Use Best Buy's store inventory locator for a lot of items, saves me the trip for nothing and/or dealing with ignorant employees who couldn't find anything in the store.

I'll see if I can find a Wii version of the tracker, for everyone else.
all i know is when searching the LA area i got 3 really popular stores turn up bold, and i find that rather surprising. I havent bothered calling them, i dont even want a PS3 yet, but i'm surprised it says they have it in stock.

This is definitely NOT a good indicator of which stores actually have stock. It might show that they had stock in the few days or something (I haven't been able to pin down exactly what the relationship is between the online display and actual stock). But I do know that my local store got some in and sold out of them and yet the online checker still listed them as having stock. So I don't think it's terribly useful in figuring out where to go.
[quote name='spincut']all i know is when searching the LA area i got 3 really popular stores turn up bold, and i find that rather surprising. I havent bothered calling them, i dont even want a PS3 yet, but i'm surprised it says they have it in stock.[/quote]
Yeah, I saw the West LA store on Pico showed it in stock and that was quite the shock. IF they have some they're probably holding them for a certain day.

The most likely reason for so many stores showing them would be from returns. If they take back a defective system it would show in their inventory until they shipped it back.
It says 5/6 of the BBs in 5 miles of me have some in. I don't want to actually go check because I'm afraid I'd buy one.
Hmm, for the past couple of days that link has shown 5 out of 6 stores having them in stock. However, I just checked right now and only 1 has a 60GB in stock.

Option A: This tracker is working.
Option B: This tracker is not working.
Option C: I missed out on a PS3 because I didn't physically go to the stores.
Is there any way to call ahead and reserve one? I think my boss would kill for one of these, and I could probably sell it to him on the high end if I can get one :)
I've tried the Inventory checker a few times over the last few days. Always OOS at the BB near me. But now it's showing in stock.... I guess I need to hit BB first thing in the morning to see since they are closed now.
Keep in mind that these systems sell out within minutes of being put out on the sale floor and that Best Buy gets their last UPS shipment in the afternoon. The only way these stores could have stock now (in the very early morning on a Monday) is if they had all have gotten shipments of PS3s on Friday (UPS doesn't deliver on the weekends) and saved them to put out on Monday. But why would they do this? It doesn't make sense. So there are two explanations. Either the tracker doesn't work (or is very delayed) or the tracker shows things like returns or systems that are being saved for other reasons.

I want to find a PS3 as much as the next guy, but I have a feeling that if you guys show up at BB bright and early tomorrow, you're going to be disappointed. The time to go is just after their daily UPS shipment is due to arrive. Of course, it's pretty much up to chance whether you happen to be there on the day they get a PS3 shipment.
Yea I dont have much faith in them either but checking doesn't hurt. Like I said It either has to be wrong or BB was hording them over the weekend. Might have gotten a saturday shipment since ups does Saturday services after thanksgiving. I know it's not a delay since my BB hasn't gotten a shipment since Wednesday and I've been checking that link since Thursday night and it's always been OOS till tonight.

I'm fully expecting to get let down in the morning but what the hell. I'll try :roll:
4 stores have it in stock in my area. I can't really get to a store in the morning so i guess I will have to give it a shot next week. by that time, at least I will know if this tracker is accurate or not.
If you do go and happen to find that your store has stock be sure and post quickly so that other CAGs can run out and check as well (this is especially true for people living in eastern time zones, since their stores will be open earlier).
[quote name='icruise']If you do go and happen to find that your store has stock be sure and post quickly so that other CAGs can run out and check as well (this is especially true for people living in eastern time zones, since their stores will be open earlier).[/quote]

I plan on being there before they open. However I'm West coast so other board users should know before I get back home and my report will only verify if the checker was smoking crack when it said my BB was in stock ;) However if they Hoarded them since saturday (can see not selling sunday morning since the Wii lines and alll) then they might be stocking up for a certain day or ad.

This chasing a PS3 is getting old lol, I want to play Zelda more then FoM but it's the challange of getting it more then the desire to have it at this point
One in Aurora, CO. Or so it says. Having worked at Best Buy for two years, I'm with icruise on this; the stock listed is unreliable. Constantly I found while working there that if our system said we had only one of something brand new in the box, we probably didn't.
There are 4 out of 6 showing inventory in my area...when I used the inventory checker in the previous thread for the 60gb ps3 on friday all 6 showed stock.

I visited one of those stores that are still showing stock as of right now on friday...they said they had no units.

I can get to the same store at about 11am tomorrow, west coast which is an hour after they open and ask to speak with a manager if no one else on the east coast can confirm/deny the validity of the inventory locater before I leave.

I'll check this thread from work in the morning to see if I should bother checking the BB.
I remember trying before black friday and as usual the BB employee was giving me the run around.I found it funny he stated before I left . Him: " Xbox 360 will be on sale" Me: "really? core or premium?" Him:" What's the difference?"
I just love how quickly the PS3 eBay auctions are basically dying on the vine, at least relative to the endless riches that danced through people's sleep-deprived heads while camping out for days on end!* This can only be good news for those of you wanting one for personal usage or as a gift.

If the eBay prices keep dropping, that can only be a sign that this sort of pursuit may pay off sooner than most would think. How's that $300-$400 profit margin taste after camping for the better part of a week, you hoarding fucks? Nelson Muntz sends a big "HA-HAA!!" to all of you.
Now this is interesting... If I use the link in the original post of this thread, only 1 of 6 stores is listed as having stock. If I use the link in the thread that I linked to above (the thread in the PS3 forum), 5/6 stores are listed as having stock. What's the difference?
[quote name='icruise']Now this is interesting... If I use the link in the original post of this thread, only 1 of 6 stores is listed as having stock. If I use the link in the thread that I linked to above (the thread in the PS3 forum), 5/6 stores are listed as having stock. What's the difference?[/QUOTE]

theory, each link could just be a time relevant stock indicator, and only give you the stock indicators for the best system from a certain period of time.
I hate to say it but this is fake..the way best buy's inventory is set up , you can easily make the inventory page say one thing and be pointing to another. After you do this and get your inventory up, hit cancel,a nd the site will take you back to what this is really checking for, which is the 1080p tv.
The closest BB to me is also showing stock. I find it hard to believe all of these BB's suddenly have stock. I guess it can't hurt to check it out.
Enfield, West Hartford and Orange CT have 3+ PS3's according to the tracker.
Granted I don't want one and I live right next to the Newington and Meriden one. Figures.

We need a Wii tracker!
Man I wish I had internet access at work (well I do but almost everything is blocked by filters) so I could monitor on-line stores for possible sales or Wii/PS3 stock.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Enfield, West Hartford and Orange CT have 3+ PS3's according to the tracker.
Granted I don't want one and I live right next to the Newington and Meriden one. Figures.

We need a Wii tracker![/QUOTE]

Considering that I work down the street from the Orange Bestbuy, I'm tempted to pop by when the store opens (shift begins at 10, store opens at...err..10).

My concern is that this tracker might be including returns/ defective units amongst the totals. Still, it'd be worth it. Anyone have a good excuse for showing up 15 minutes late for work?
[quote name='Chitown021']I wonder if BB pulled this page down because of all of the sudden attention to it.[/QUOTE]

Page works fine for me. However, stores that showed out of stock 15 minutes ago are showing up in stock now.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I just love how quickly the PS3 eBay auctions are basically dying on the vine, at least relative to the endless riches that danced through people's sleep-deprived heads while camping out for days on end!* This can only be good news for those of you wanting one for personal usage or as a gift.

If the eBay prices keep dropping, that can only be a sign that this sort of pursuit may pay off sooner than most would think. How's that $300-$400 profit margin taste after camping for the better part of a week, you hoarding fucks? Nelson Muntz sends a big "HA-HAA!!" to all of you.[/QUOTE]

Gee Jolly, again? You jump all over the whole eBay topic every chance you get.
Weird. Yesterday all the stores around me showed the ps3 in stock. Now it shows that only 3 stores have it in stock. I think I might have to take a trip during my lunch break.
bread's done