Best Buy PS3 Inventory Locator

[quote name='Chitown021']This link is bunk. I checked the Liberty MO store 3 times today and NADA even thought the link said they were in stock.[/quote]

Check the Independence Walmart, they still had 3 PS3's last night
Called all the stores that mentioned they were in stock and none ever received one. Then I whined to Best Buy customer service and now I'm waiting a response.
[quote name='spincut']while one person already confirmed it worked, anyone try it and it not work?

i mean to say, they say it's in stock at several stores but in reality it isnt in stock?

just not sure how realiable, accurate, and dynamic this stock system is (as i found a suprising amount of stores claiming to have it in stock in there).[/QUOTE]

yes, got this all week since launce at westwood BB and west LA best buy even tho the tracker says its in stock go figure. It may be in stock in reality and no one knows it? go figure.
I went on over to BB to see if I could get one for my boss after I saw it on the store locator in stock. After a long drawn out talk with one of the head honcho looking dudes over there, the online system can have a several day lag behind the store's real inventory. Thus, there is no real way to tell if your store has one or not unless you call or drop by to check it out. The store locator feature is a great idea, but the odds of it working are pretty low. Good luck to you all.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']It said that my Best Buy had them in stock.. I went and guess what they DID!!! bought it @ 11:15 am[/QUOTE]

well while we have determined this locators are fake anyway, it seems you did get lucky.

but for posterities sake, what Best Buy was it, how many did they have in, and how many do you think they had sold since they got that shipment in (and when, was it their black friday shipment that they decided to hold until monday?).
Did Best Buy get new shipments of PS3s? I saw about 20 people at a local BB while driving to work. These just could be the everyday low life scalpers looking to make a quick buck.
[quote name='spincut']well while we have determined this locators are fake anyway, it seems you did get lucky.

but for posterities sake, what Best Buy was it, how many did they have in, and how many do you think they had sold since they got that shipment in (and when, was it their black friday shipment that they decided to hold until monday?).[/QUOTE]

Best Buy Roanoke VA, 4 when I got there, how many did they have I have no clue, no idea about BF... But the Target right next door got some today also I walked in when the last one was walking out... And my local TRU got some 20gb yesterday.. Sounds like a new round of shippments to me..
My BB in Atlanta said they didn't get shipments in Today. I've found that if you call when the store opens, the operator will let you know if they are expecting shipments that day. I think they will tell you this so you don't harass them every hour on the hour.
From what I understand, though, these shipments are more or less a surprise even to the people working there, so I'm not sure how well that would work.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']Best Buy Roanoke VA, 4 when I got there, how many did they have I have no clue, no idea about BF... But the Target right next door got some today also I walked in when the last one was walking out... And my local TRU got some 20gb yesterday.. Sounds like a new round of shippments to me..[/QUOTE]

so this is like a surprise third (partial shipment) or just leftovers from the second one that was actually reported?
[quote name='icruise']From what I understand, though, these shipments are more or less a surprise even to the people working there, so I'm not sure how well that would work.[/quote]

I dont think so, I know someone in CA who saw about 24 people walk out of BB with PS3's at 2:30 in the afternoon, he just missed them by a few min. I think the managers or employees are calling their friends when they come in and selling them on e-bay, just my 2 cents from what I have been seeing and hearing around here at least
My 2 cents.

Checked this list the other day, and 3 of 6 "local stores" showed as having systems. But when I called, all indicated they were out.

Today, I checked again and a 4th store was "bold" meaning they should have systems. I called, and a very nice woman indicated they hadn't gotten any more... but they were expecting more, and they would be selling them as soon as they arrive. This was more info that other employees had provided, and I really appreciated her understanding. Obviously some employees are getting tired of the questions, but good customer service is ALWAYS appreciated on this end. :)
Yeah they must've taken it down since it wasn't updated or something...anyway, not sure if this is nationwide or not but my BB got in ~40 PS3s around 1:00 for me...I was doing my daily routine of checking local stores (BB, Target, CC, EB, GS, TRU) at 2:00 and just missed them...This is starting to reaaaally piss me off..but at least they're trickling in.
[quote name='THPS']Yeah they must've taken it down since it wasn't updated or something...anyway, not sure if this is nationwide or not but my BB got in ~40 PS3s around 1:00 for me...I was doing my daily routine of checking local stores (BB, Target, CC, EB, GS, TRU) at 2:00 and just missed them...This is starting to reaaaally piss me off..but at least they're trickling in.[/QUOTE]

I was headed into my local Best Buy yesterday around 1pm or so, and saw a guy walking out with one. Went in and asked if they had any left, and the guy in the video game dept said to go to register 3 and ask for a PS3. I ended up picking one up even though that wasn't why I was there in the first place. I got home and called my brother to let him know that I had gotten one and he asked me to go back and try to get him one. I went back around 6 and they were sold out. So, maybe 1pm is the best time to go.
It varies by the store. Some stores get shipments at two different times. One in the afternoon or one in the evening. If they get the PS3's in the evening shipment they hold them until the next morning for sale. If they get them in the afternoon shipment, they go on the floor immediately.

The supervisors I've talked to say they don't disclose any of the details to the employees so the employees usually only know if they have them on order.

Crapshoot on whether they get them in the shipment at all and then if the shipment is in the afternoon or evening.
bread's done