Best Old School Game System?

I must be just a wee bit older. I wore out many joysticks and acquired many blisters playing the Atari VCS for hours on end in 1979. Atari was my first love, so to speak, and you never forget your first love. Nes was cool and had great games but nothing compares to the wonder and amazement of the day my dad brought home the atari. And then a year or so later, Space Invaders!
i am going to have to say the SNES, it was the very first system i got when i was younger and i still have one today. we started out with games like mickey's magical quest (which is a great game considering that it involves mickey), ken griffey presents and star fox. then i explored more and founf games like, zombies, ms pac man, donkey kong and even more recently i picked up zombies sequel, ghoul patrol and i am about to go and get Street fighter 2! SNES all the way


This was HARD. See, Atari I NEVER played because I wasn't into video games then. Once NES came out, I played that constantly, then SNES and GENESIS came out, they brought so many good games and lots of memories, but becuase NES was the more dominant in my childhood memories, I PROUDLY VOTE NES!
Genesis is the first system I ever played. But I have to say SNES is the best old school system I've ever played. I mean common! Mario owns!
since when is genesis and snes old school? i thought the list would be include several of the ataris, intellivision, commodore 64, collecovision...oh the memories.
[quote name='alongx']since when is genesis and snes old school? i thought the list would be include several of the ataris, intellivision, commodore 64, collecovision...oh the memories.[/quote]

I think the Poll relates to "old school" consoles not "at birth" consoles. :D
do you even have to ask? itd have to be nes
Atari may have paved the way for gaming but nes showed us where gaming could go.

funny how nes' rival Segas master system didnt even make the poll
Too bad Nintendo has geared itself trowards a younger audience now, but hey I was young too once
Old School, not ancient.

I didn't really think of the Master System...I guess it seemed just like the Genesis to me.

Atari was cool at the time, but I just don't think it holds up. I LOVE classic gaming but I just can't play more than 4-5 Atari games. And most of the games I liked were re-released anyway.
Although I started with much earlier systems, my vote would go to the Super Nintendo. It still have fond memories of Final Fantasy II, Axelay, Street Fighter II and Super Contra.
I grew up on atari, colecovision, odyssey and intellivision in elementary school. I fooled around with the 8 bit computers in high school. I spent many hours on nes, genesis, snes and tg-16 in college. Out of them all I'd have to say that it's the nes I consider my favorite.
SNES is the only system I can still play almost every game I own, current consoles included. Almost all of the sequels were better than their predecessors on NES, except for Super Punch-Out, which wasn't as fun as the original. Long live SNES.
[quote name='karmapolice620']This is a little off topic but what was that simpsons game that had bart and you went through his dreams?[/quote]

Bart's Nightmare
Definitely the NES; Playing Bases Loaded, Baseball Stars with my older bro and kicking his A was the best. And I'll never forget staying home from school "sick" so I could beat Zelda. Although Atari will forever own my love, NES was the first system I excelled at.
bread's done