Best random game deal discovery?

Complete copy of Paper Mario (N64) for $5 at a yard sale. Also a Zelda OOT 'Perfect Guide' for $0.25 at a yard sale. Sold the guide for $50 on (although it sat for over a year before finally selling.)

Didn't go to really any yard sales last summer. I need to get back into them.
2 sealed copies of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne for $30 a piece. Got that at the TRU in the Co-Op City section of the Bronx. Guess all the hoodrats didn't want to take a chance on it.

I also picked up sealed copies of Legend of Mana and a non-GH Final Fantasy Tactics at a KB that was going out of business in Hartsdale, NY. I picked those two up for around $10 a piece.

Picked up a copy of Disgaea (PSP) for $12 at a second hand store in Dayton.
I found two copies of Karaoke Revolution Vol. 2 at my college bookstore the other day for $10 each. One was used, the other was new, sealed.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Walked into Sears a couple of weeks back & grabbed DDR Mario Mix for $9.97. Right before Christmas to ;)[/QUOTE]

I walked right by an endcap on Black Friday at my sears with two sitting there...

I swear I walked by, saw them and thought wow they must have finally died down.... till I got home came across a thread here about them still being hard to find...Damnit.
[quote name='zegota']I found two copies of Karaoke Revolution Vol. 2 at my college bookstore the other day for $10 each. One was used, the other was new, sealed.[/quote]I suppose this thread is supposed for finds in unexpected places, so this is a good example.

Otherwise, this is turning into a "whats the best deal you ever got" thread
A couple years ago I stumbled upon Timesplitters 2 for the GCN at Target on clearance for $7. To this day is it's the only console FPS that I'll play.
bread's done