BIOSHOCK - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='triforcer']going back to the comparison to metroid prime, while MP was fun, looked, and sounded great, it was really lacking in the story department. because of that, in retrospect it's not that memorable of a game at all, the music is probably the best thing in it for me. the series needs to evolve with the competition actually having compelling stories.

after playing the bioshock demo i already know it has more story than MP.[/QUOTE]

That's probably true (although I personally loved the original MP's story) but the playabilty is there. I think I'm gonna still get Bioshock first and MP3 later, and that's mostly because Bioshock had a demo (something I really wish MP3 had) that impressed me (didn't really care for it before).
looking at some videos for MP3, it looks like they're bringing new characters and fleshing out the universe. i say it's about time because they've had this cool female protagonist and all we know is her name and what she looks like. for all we know she could be a real bitch :)
[quote name='getmyrunon']You would actually not play a game for fear of it being too difficult?[/QUOTE]

I didn't say I wouldn't play it, but it does concern me in terms of getting it as a rental if I end up getting stuck somewhere. I don't play all these FPS games 24 hours a day like you guys, after all :lol:. If difficult = frustrating and having to play the same level 40 times, then I wouldn't like that (reference what Wombat said about Scobie and GoW in the latest CAGcast). Not that I mind retrying in genres I enjoy - this one, I'd probably get bored with retrying again and again (IF that's the case). Though I did notice it had an easy mode (I did normal on the demo).
[quote name='io']I didn't say I wouldn't play it, but it does concern me in terms of getting it as a rental if I end up getting stuck somewhere. I don't play all these FPS games 24 hours a day like you guys, after all :lol:. If difficult = frustrating and having to play the same level 40 times, then I wouldn't like that (reference what Wombat said about Scobie and GoW in the latest CAGcast). Not that I mind retrying in genres I enjoy - this one, I'd probably get bored with retrying again and again (IF that's the case). Though I did notice it had an easy mode (I did normal on the demo).[/quote]well there is a difficulty setting and if i'm not mistaken
when you get killed you don't start over
[quote name='io']I didn't say I wouldn't play it, but it does concern me in terms of getting it as a rental if I end up getting stuck somewhere. I don't play all these FPS games 24 hours a day like you guys, after all :lol:. If difficult = frustrating and having to play the same level 40 times, then I wouldn't like that (reference what Wombat said about Scobie and GoW in the latest CAGcast). Not that I mind retrying in genres I enjoy - this one, I'd probably get bored with retrying again and again (IF that's the case). Though I did notice it had an easy mode (I did normal on the demo).[/quote]

I think I read some where that even if you die your enemies don't heal. So for example if you are fighting a big daddy and get 1/3 of its health down and die when you respawn you will be fighting a big daddy with 2/3 of it's health left. Eventually you will beat him.

I am also worried about my general suckiness at FPS games (I kept getting killed at the end of the demo on medium) but I'm not going ot let that stop me from enjoying what could be the best game of the year. I'm actually looking forward to the audio experience the most - the demo creeped me out - especially the little sister!
Damn son. BioShock is getting amazing reviews all over. I was going to buy this game in December as I won't have time to game in September, but after seeing these scores, I MUST get the game ASAP. This will likely go down as the best game of the year.
I have a bit of a problem. I actually managed to get my wife interested in this game and its storyline. She was pretty impressed with the art direction and the opening. the only thing is, she HATES needles, and there is no way she can keep watching me play this thing if the main character is going to jam (and I mean jam!) a needle into his wrist every 20 seconds! Why on earth did they have to put that animation in there? I have no problem with needles, but even I don't really feel like watching that all the time.

Otherwise, amazing game.. I can't wait for the retail version. Anyone out there agree with me on the other stuff?
[quote name='catapult37']I have a bit of a problem. I actually managed to get my wife interested in this game and its storyline. She was pretty impressed with the art direction and the opening. the only thing is, she HATES needles, and there is no way she can keep watching me play this thing if the main character is going to jam (and I mean jam!) a needle into his wrist every 20 seconds! Why on earth did they have to put that animation in there? I have no problem with needles, but even I don't really feel like watching that all the time.

Otherwise, amazing game.. I can't wait for the retail version. Anyone out there agree with me on the other stuff?[/QUOTE]

No. No one does. I would hope you don't really like bashing people over the head with a wrench after electrocuting them, but you do plenty of that in the game.
I don't mind the needles at all and I fuking hate needles. What I do mind is the way the body's look stiff for a second when you kill someone besides a big daddy. Other than that complaint this game is a fuking amazing piece of work. I've been up since 12am playing it.
If Gamespot gives this a high score then we have the OOT of FPS. Meaning this is gonna be in the top five games of all time. I wonder if Gamespot will play bad guy again and give it a low rating? Me wonders.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']If Gamespot gives this a high score then we have the OOT of FPS. Meaning this is gonna be in the top five games of all time. I wonder if Gamespot will play bad guy again and give it a low rating? Me wonders.[/QUOTE]

I still can't believe how mad people were at GS over Zelda. 8.8. Get over it. It's a score. If you like it who the fuck cares. Scored higher than what it deserved if you ask me.

Back on OT. Since GS changed their ratings to only whole numbers and .5s, I predict a 9.0 and the internet will catch on fire from the "outrage". In reality, it probably would've been a 9.3. A slim chance for a 9.5, with no chance for a 10/10.
This may not be new info but GAMESTOP BROKE RELEASE DATE! I went yesterday to preorder my LE copy and the guy told me that they changed the release date and it is today! So everybody you should be able to go into gamestop and get your copy right now. Also he let me hold and look at the LE box and it was awesome. The Big Daddy figurine is way nicer then I thought it was gonna be. I should be going in in about an hour to pick up my copy.
I'm pretty sure his store is just slow to react....

darthbudge IDK if you know....I would hope you do...TRU broke release date on Tuesday and almost shut down the internet. They've since corrected the problem. Also some GS's have been reported to break release, but for the most part, both chains stopped selling the game early.
[quote name='javeryh']I think I read some where that even if you die your enemies don't heal. So for example if you are fighting a big daddy and get 1/3 of its health down and die when you respawn you will be fighting a big daddy with 2/3 of it's health left. Eventually you will beat him.[/QUOTE]

This is True. Im about 3.5 - 4 hrs into the game (and in love with it) and I was fighting a big daddy last night and just as i was about to kill him a random grunt killed me and i was pissed. Then when i made it back to the room The big Daddy and little Sistier were still there and i was suprised to find him with only a fraction of health. One Freezing plasmid blast :cold: and 5 armor piercing rounds from the old tommy gun did the trick. The i really like the way the respawn system works in this game. It dosent "punish" you for dieing but instead makes you rethink your approach of the area in which you died.
:lol: My wife's about to throttle my neck from all the stores I've craned my neck towards, thinking, "I wonder if *they* broke street date on Bioshock?"

Her: "That's a PetSmart, dumbass!"
[quote name='mykevermin']:lol: My wife's about to throttle my neck from all the stores I've craned my neck towards, thinking, "I wonder if *they* broke street date on Bioshock?"

Her: "That's a PetSmart, dumbass!"[/quote]

Thats funny I don't care who you are :lol:. I"m looking forward to picking this up this coming week man I"m gonna be soooo broke this christmas season.
I think i'm going to get the CE and leave it sealed. I have extra credit to burn at work, I think I'll pick up both versions.
Yeah I know that TRU broke release date but I figured that GS wouldn't do it because they are a bit more reputable in their market. Also it may just be my GS because the manager is really cool and will often do things like this cause he understands what the gamers want.
[quote name='darthbudge']Yeah I know that TRU broke release date but I figured that GS wouldn't do it because they are a bit more reputable in their market. Also it may just be my GS because the manager is really cool and will often do things like this cause he understands what the gamers want.[/QUOTE]

don't stores get charged a couple thousand per copy that they sell before the street date?
I told my gf this morning I think Bioshock will end up with a 9.5 from Gamespot. If it gets a 10 it'll probably be game of the year. If it ends up with a 9.0 there will be massive outrages.
cause he understands what the gamers want.
It has nothing to do with "understanding what gamers want" and has everything to do with not wanting to pay several hundreds of thousands of dollars per copy sold. You may have been told it's today, but I wouldn't celebrate until I had a copy in my own hand.

I just called my local GS. Tuesday.

//edit: Put me down for a 9.4 from Gamespot
[quote name='Scorch']It has nothing to do with "understanding what gamers want" and has everything to do with not wanting to pay several hundreds of thousands of dollars per copy sold. You may have been told it's today, but I wouldn't celebrate until I had a copy in my own hand.

I just called my local GS. Tuesday.

//edit: Put me down for a 9.4 from Gamespot[/QUOTE]

It's gotta be a 9, 9.5 or 10! They have silly new ratings..
I just came back from paying off my pre-orders of Stranglehold and Bioshock CE. I asked if I could have it today but no dice. I can get it first thing Tuesday morning. At least he told me that none of the Big Daddy figures came broken. Apparently they had to fill out some kind of report on how many units were broken and send it back to 2K.

Btw, I think Gamespot will give this game a 9.5
So if mobs actually retain their damage after you die, I see no reason NOT to play this game on hard. Unless you have to play it on easier difficulty for achievements.
As much as I worry that this game will be too short, there isn't much coming out until November so I just preordered the regular edition at gamestop. This will clear out the rest of my credit so I don't have to go there much anymore. (My regular store used to rock but it's all new stereotypical gamestop people.)

The girl told me they are doing the Midnight thing so I can grab it early-ish I suppose. Either way I'll be sure to bring my 10% off coupon courtesy of cag.
[quote name='Surferflames']As much as I worry that this game will be too short, there isn't much coming out until November so I just preordered the regular edition at gamestop. This will clear out the rest of my credit so I don't have to go there much anymore. (My regular store used to rock but it's all new stereotypical gamestop people.)

The girl told me they are doing the Midnight thing so I can grab it early-ish I suppose. Either way I'll be sure to bring my 10% off coupon courtesy of cag.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ananag112']Damn son. BioShock is getting amazing reviews all over. I was going to buy this game in December as I won't have time to game in September, but after seeing these scores, I MUST get the game ASAP. This will likely go down as the best game of the year.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lordwow']With these reviews I'm glad I preordered the CE.[/QUOTE]

They're just reviews kiddies, remember that they aren't always right and they aren't always unbiased ... remember a little game called Halo 2 with graphics that glitchy and it still scored unbelievably high, it's only saving grace was the incredible multi-player.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']...Halo....?[/quote]
Rental...? It's not my bag. I'll play co-op but honestly the multiplayer just doesn't do it for me. Since it scares every other publisher, nothing else on the horizon until a month later it seems :(
Did someone here say that the game was only 10 hours?

I'm already past 12 hours and I haven't even been past half of the areas (according to the elevator menu).
Yeah, this game is insanely long. I honestly don't give a fuck about Halo and Metroid anymore. Like I still will buy em, but I was anticipating them so much untill I played this game. The innovation, voicework, environments, interactives, oh my! It reminds me of Halo when it first came out. Sleeper hit that sells consoles.
Jeff Gerstmann, who I think will review BioShock at GameSpot, didn't seem overly impressed with it. I'm guessing an 8.5 from GameSpot, just because they hate things.
[quote name='Hitze']Jeff Gerstmann, who I think will review BioShock at GameSpot, didn't seem overly impressed with it. I'm guessing an 8.5 from GameSpot, just because they hate things.[/quote]

Unless you give out enough free copies for all the employee's
[quote name='A Happy Panda']*sigh* They gave ONE game a JUST score, which I still think was too high for Zelda: The Ocarina of More of the Same.[/quote]

I'm not talking about Twilight Princess; I haven't even played the game. Gamespot has always rated games lower than everyone else.
[quote name='Hitze']I'm not talking about Twilight Princess; I haven't even played the game. Gamespot has always rated games lower than everyone else.[/QUOTE]

This is true. I feel like before GS had the honor of being known as the website that had tough reviews. Whereas sites like IGN, which more than often overrates games. But ever since GS' TP review came out, the internet game community is just like "Oh holy shit! They gave TP what?!" and now, everyone seems to ignore GS if they're even just a couple points below the average score of whatever videogame.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']This is true. I feel like before GS had the honor of being known as the website that had touch reviews. Whereas sites like IGN, which more than often overrates games. But ever since GS' TP review came out, the internet game community is just like "Oh holy shit! They gave TP what?!" and now, everyone seems to ignore GS if they're even just a couple points below the average score of whatever videogame.[/QUOTE]And it's probably their most spot-on review, too.

I wonder to think that Twilight Princess would be the best reviewed game of all time hadn't GS stepped up and rated the game objectively.
GameSPot is hit and miss. Some games they review far too low, while others they review far too high. They gave Halo 2 a 9.6 or a 10.0 I think. That's wya too high, in my mind. Low 9s at the highest for a game with a forgettable single-player. But reviews are always subjective, so you can't read too much into them.
i usually just rely on metacritic, but i do hold more respect for gamespot because they do review stuff harder. so when a game gets a good score from gamespot you know it deserved it.
bread's done