Burger King giving away free Kinects every 15 minutes!

[quote name='Camel']Just won! Couldn't believe it.

It was the first code I entered for the day after playing for 5 or so days. I put my code in at 11:34 PM EST.

Good luck to all those still trying![/QUOTE]

Holy crap, big congrats to you!!!

I was trying at that time, no wonder I didn't win :) lol
[quote name='1Sail0r']Was it on the dot? and congratz btw :)[/QUOTE]
Not sure, unfortunately. I just made sure to look at the clock so I could post it here, but I didn't look in THAT much detail.
Some of you are much more patient than I am. At some point the time spent trying to win this contest will be equal to the amount of hours it would take to earn the money to buy the damn thing.
[quote name='genfuyung']Some of you are much more patient than I am. At some point the time spent trying to win this contest will be equal to the amount of hours it would take to earn the money to buy the damn thing.[/QUOTE]

But winning feels soooooo much better. No regrets either :)
Wow, I feel bummed out. Just had a 20 second loading page, and it even had "uploading" instead of the normal thing URL at the bottom, and then it timed out. :(
[quote name='McKing']I just won also! First day, 4th code.

I hope this really ships.[/QUOTE]

Ha, wow. Fail tonight for me, Two people win exactly while im putting in codes, Seirously, 1-2 in the morning is to busy :O
[quote name='DoReiRei']Ha, wow. Fail tonight for me, Two people win exactly while im putting in codes, Seirously, 1-2 in the morning is to busy :O[/QUOTE]
didn't you already win one?

Not sure if you missing out chances on your 2nd attempt for a second win counts as a fail
[quote name='TheRobReport']didn't you already win one?

Not sure if you missing out chances on your 2nd attempt for a second win counts as a fail[/QUOTE]

My brother keeps forgetting to do his so i keep ending up doing it for him, same for my friend, To lazy to even put in 6 codes -.- blah, but having someone to play with would be good.

Also, i ment the fail as, one here & one on SD enter/reply they win, the exact times i was doing it, was the fail part, to me anyways.
FYI, I won at 2:48 am on Nov. 5 and got a UPS shipping notice on Nov. 11 at 4:10 pm. Good luck everyone else!
WOOOOO!!!! I just won!!!! I think I won at 6:53am central time

P.S. I used the same code for all entries and won on the 6th entry.

[quote name='Malik112099']WOOOOO!!!! I just won!!!! I think I won at 6:53am central time

P.S. I used the same code for all entries and won on the 6th entry.


Congrats!!! :applause: Seeing some older CAGs win keeps my hope alive!
[quote name='Malik112099']WOOOOO!!!! I just won!!!! I think I won at 6:53am central time

P.S. I used the same code for all entries and won on the 6th entry.


congrats! to bad wunderman.productions doesn't reply anyone! on time when someone send him a message :(
Is it wrong I don't even want the 360? Sure it'd be nice, but I'm really after the Kinect device for programming. Don't seem to have the dough to purchase it on my own. Le sigh.

Getting harfd to keep trying every day
[quote name='Malik112099']WOOOOO!!!! I just won!!!! I think I won at 6:53am central time

P.S. I used the same code for all entries and won on the 6th entry.


BOOO!!! HISSS!!!! You won using internet explorer. Ewwwww
true that jason00 ... I think that with some many ppl losing They will eventually give up I woke up at 6:30 and put my codes in ... Still no Luck Try again later ...
[quote name='jason00']My wife and I both have entered 6 times a day for 12 days. After 144 losses, I think I know when to quit.[/QUOTE]

No Sir, CAGs dont quit, whine when the comp is over! Its not Nov 28 yet, you got time. I put in both me and my wifes codes in, and I'll stop when it's over. If I win I'll still put in her codes. Who knows maybe she'll win first. Point is never give up, never surrender! ;)
[quote name='Unaki']I think everyone here that won is employed by Microsoft or Burger King and are sent to places like this to generate false hope.[/QUOTE]

Man your right i work at the burger king inside of microsoft headquarters!

Iam just pulling your chain iam a graphic designer i won one on the 11-7-10 and got my shipping conformation yesterday. And i just won another one today i shit you not i never win any online contests but its nice to finally win at all let a lone 2 times. Sorry for all of you who didnt win keep trying i didnt give up. Because i was about to give up, and my brother is pissed he didnt win but that lucky SOB won a PSP on the subway contest and i didnt win anything not even a damn subway gift card.
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[quote name='3mitr3llim']Man your right i work at the burger king inside of microsoft headquarters!

Iam just pulling your chain iam a graphic designer i won one on the 11-4-10 and got my shipping conformation yesterday. And i just won another one today i shit you not i never win any online contests but its nice to finally win at all let a lone 2 times. Sorry for all of you who didnt win keep trying i didnt give up. Because i was about to give up, and my brother is pissed he didnt win but that lucky SOB won a PSP on the subway contest and i didnt win anything not even a damn subway gift card.

My winning times were 9:00 am on 11-12-10 and 10:00am 11-4-10[/QUOTE]

Dude, it's kind of a douchey move to keep playing after you've already won once.
[quote name='3mitr3llim']And first of all i won one with my email and the second one on my wifes email.
So is it my fault for being so lucky.[/QUOTE]

It's still a douchebag move. Do you and your wife really both need an xbox and kinect prize pack? You won one, now step back and let someone else have a win. I'm not mad at the other people in this thread who have won, or even people using multiple accounts for their kids, spouses, pets, dead uncles, etc. But general rule is that if you've won the prize you stop doing all that so that other people can share in the luck.
[quote name='3mitr3llim']And first of all i won one with my email and the second one on my wifes email.
So is it my fault for being so lucky.[/QUOTE]

:) good job, im trying for my brothers that lives somewhere else and my friends a xbox myself. Ha yeah im jealous to, but i know i'll get at least one of them one befor the end. Tomorrow i will win.
[quote name='3mitr3llim']And first of all i won one with my email and the second one on my wifes email.
So is it my fault for being so lucky.[/QUOTE]

of course you're going to get some hate... you're proclaiming a second win while there's at least 20+ other CAGs trying to win who keep losing.

GTFO :rofl:
No smart ass i is for my kids and the other one is for my brothers son so sorry for winning to help out a family member.

Sorry your didnt win yet but keep trying :)

I wasnt on CAG hating on all the subway winners and i didnt win anything i think its my turn to win now.

And buy the way iam not playing any more because iam not greedy i was trying to make it a good xmas for the kids.
[quote name='crewj']of course you're going to get flamed... you're proclaiming a second win while there's at least 20+ other CAGs trying to win who keep losing.

GTFO :rofl:[/QUOTE]

You better hope that they don't disqualify you for using more then one account on the same IP I know on GSN.com multiple accounts can play but they will only ship to one address coming from the same IP.

And yeah on top of that not a smart idea to admitting to win the same prize twice people have already been reported in this contest for using bots so openly admitting to winning again not the brightest idea when your email could be lingering around.

I'm sure you will win one of the prizes but don't count your unhatched eggs on the 2nd prize. Aside from your greed congrats on your prize you can't not enjoy a new xbox360 lol.

I have to say though the one thing that makes me think to myself is why would someone take the chance disqualifying themselves after already winning.

When i played subway contest i didn't win anything, in the Wendy's contest on my first codes i won NCAA football 11 but i stopped playing on my first win in fear of being disqualified. And ive still yet to get NCAA 11 from Wendy's to.
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I haven't won this contest YET, but will continue trying...

in need of some LUCK!!!

one day I hope to report back here with success lololol
[quote name='needler420']
When i played subway contest i didn't win anything, in the Wendy's contest on my first codes i won NCAA football 11 but i stopped playing on my first win in fear of being disqualified. And ive still yet to get NCAA 11 from Wendy's to.[/QUOTE]

I'm still waiting on my copy of GT5 from the Subway competition, but I guess everyone's waiting on GT5 right now!:rofl:
yeah, hopefully im not disqualify. ha. that'll suck, but either way i'll keep trying, and no real worries about disqualifying if they send it too already, Hoping mine ships soon, but i'd figure more then a couple of people try from the same house anyways/family wise so not to worried. :( I was hating to till i won, Congrats still also! :O Hopefully the mic is pretty good on kinect, since i keep breaking headsets...
still trying. one account, once a day, enter six codes one after the other at a random time of day. is this not the best method?
I got my 6 free codes. Should I enter all of them at one period of time a day, enter each at random times, or just enter the same code 6 times in a row at once?
See another happy CAG winner keep it up thats awesome. :)

And the contest still has 16 days left so keep trying and dont give up until the it ends.
So after looking at the rules, I see it's just the first person to put in a code at the specific time in the 15 minute period wins. Guess I'll just choose a random 15 minutes throughout the day to try my codes.
So the point is to, for example, enter a code the second it turns 3:00 and whatnot? If that doesn't work, enter as soon as it hits 3:01?
I'm on crap-tastic internet right now, so every time I enter there's a pause between me hitting the Play Now button and the (unfortunately You Lose) results screen. Always makes me wonder whether I won or not.

I really hope I end up winning one of these days. Is the prize Pack just the Kinect and games, or does it actually send you an Xbox as well?
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I'm on crap-tastic internet right now, so every time I enter there's a pause between me hitting the Play Now button and the (unfortunately You Lose) results screen. Always makes me wonder whether I won or not.

I really hope I end up winning one of these days. Is the prize Pack just the Kinect and games, or does it actually send you an Xbox as well?[/QUOTE]

4 gig xbox slim
Kinect Sports
Kinect Adventures (which apparently comes with demos for other kinect games)
bread's done