Buy 2 Get 1 Free Blu Ray/HD DVD at Warner


Hello Cagers, ran onto this and thought I'd pass it along. Here is the Link

You have to enter the coupon code WBRNHD in order for it to work at checkout.

Free shipping on orders over $50, not sure on the sales tax situation.

I am Legend can be included in your order!

The deal is for blu or hd but with the declining prices on hd's, this isn't as good as a deal.

I got

I Am Legend (free)
Oceans 11, 12, 13 box set ($59.95)

$86.90 shipped. Not bad at all. 5 blu ray movies at $17.38 each :)
Was going to pick up V for Vendetta,Gotham Knight and the Orphanage for $54.xx shipped but then tax made it $58.xx and it didn't seem like a deal anymore.I almost positive I'll be able to get Gotham and V for around $15 each at some point or another once their released.That being said,as long as I get The orphanage for less than $28 I'm better off getting them separate than together.
bread's done