CAG Buzz: Akysys Games' From the Abyss (DS) and Battle Fantasia (360) Giveaways!

From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:
What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
Mostly, I look for a fun combat system and good controls.
If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
I saw it a few times on various gaming websites I visit.
Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why.
C.A.G-Lurking in the message boards
DSFanboy-Keep up with DS news
Kotaku-Keep up with gaming news in general

Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:
Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
I don't play many fighting games, so I don't get very excited about announcements for them unless there is something I feel is interesting about them.
How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
I think the characters and art style in Battle Fantasia look great.
Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
I prefer 2D fighters. In the limited number fighting games I have played the 2Ds ones moved smoother and looked better.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
I get excited about any fighting game.

  1. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
  2. I love the character design and art styles.
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
  4. 2d because it normally lets games have better art styles.
Awesome, just so everyone knows.. there are 3 more winners out there :) Good Luck to those and thank you CAG, GameQuest Direct and everyone else. :)
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
great controls, expansive world to explore, and deep customization

  1. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
didnt hear of it until now

  1. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why.
great community
great deals
lots of info
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
i love fighting games, i cant get enough

  1. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
its got a very anime look to it, which is very different form the usual styles

  1. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
2d much prettier and the controls all come down to whos got the quickest reflexes
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Answers:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title? RPG elements like new and different skills that help break up the monotony of sometimes very simplistic hack and slash gameplay.
  2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from? I believe I first picked up rumour pieces from and continued to do a bit more digging on my own as not many news sites really covered the japanese release of the game.
  3. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why. would be my most regularly visited as it is great for random gaming news on a variety of topics within and around the industry. would be second as I'm deeply enthusiastic with fighting games right after my deep love for japanese style rpgs, and the blog/forum is much more focused on fighting games in general, as well as comes up with information threads on fighting game based information much faster than other journalism outlets. Lastly would be IGN as they have probably the most enjoyable podcasts of most sites and funny enough is how I was convinced to pay CAG a visit since there was basically an entire podcast devoted to how awesome CAG was.

Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Answers:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series? I get really excited about all new fighting games announced as any new fighting game is always good to help push the genre. It's a hard genre to get people into, but with a community any fighting game can be fun.
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia? I really love the oddball characters like Watson with unique fighting styles. In general though, most if not all of the characters in Battle Fantasia look interesting in both gameplay and visual designs which is rare.
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why? Personally I enjoy 2D fighting games more as fighting games have insane amounts of replay value and in general, 2D games age much better. The games also have a different feel to them because of how they are designed. Often times 3D fighters with jumping or any vertical movement feel very floaty while they try to imitate 2D games, but how they look in 3D makes them feel different even if the timing is matched (for instance Street Fighter 4). It's nice to see much more fast paced games such as Battle Fantasia though that try to do best with what they are using rather than try to imitate 2D with 3D models.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
1. I get excited for any new fighting game. I love seeing new moves and charachters. It's always fun
2. I love the design of these charachters and the colors! seems awesome!
3. I prefer 2D fighter games. They are the best! I grew up with 2D and love it. Designers also get to spend more time on gameplay and less on camera angles and everything. Wish more 2D games would be made =/
[quote name='bytemap']Awesome, just so everyone knows.. there are 3 more winners out there :) Good Luck to those and thank you CAG, GameQuest Direct and everyone else. :)[/quote]
Oh, I forgot to mention I won on the 16th. I haven't recieved anything in the mail, so, I don't know which game I got. =p
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?

I mostly just get excited by my favorite fighting series like Soul Calibur and Street Fighter.

2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?

Anime is one of my favorite things to watch. I like the look. Kinda unique compared to a lot of other fighting games.

3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?Kinda in between. They both have there ups and downs.
1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
how easy it is to use moves and how fluidly it plays. also that i get something for defeating enemies to make it feel worth my time.
2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
Gonintendo post of a review
3.Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why.
Cheapassgamer- cause they save me money
GoNintendo-cause they have all i want to know about nintendo news
Kotaku - cause there is a world outside of nintendo, i guess
if cag doesnt count: Joystick - cause multiple sources of info is good
1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
a great story

2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?

Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why. - i gotta get my gaming new s - i broke and i new need good deal on video game
3.PS Blog/Forum - community and imma sony fanboy

Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
Yes but it depend on the franchises im willing try a new IP

2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
Has a great Anime feel to it, great art. one of the best on 360

3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
2D becuase the control are simpler and easy to pick up and play
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title? - Upgrading!
  2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from? Game preview/review magazine or website- i don't recall
  3. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why. Cheapassgamer - to find deals Gamespot - for easy access to reviews and metacritic for more reviews

Battle Fantasia

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
    -I like many fighting games series so I don't discriminate. This one looks promising!
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia? I really like the animation and art style.
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why? There really isn't much of a difference between the two for me so I don't have a preference. 3d fighters are pretty much 2d fighters with walls and sidesteps.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series? Any fighter has me at hello. I do have certain favorites such as Dead or Alive or Street Fighter, but I'm willing to try anything.
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia? At first I was rather put off by them, but I got used to it, I enjoy the musically historic look to the characters and backgrounds.
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why? Very difficult question for me. It's like asking who your favorite kid is. I enjoy any type of fighting game as long as it's good. Considering I started out with Street Fighter, and have loved it since, I'd give 2D fighters a slight edge there.
Battle Fantasia (360)

1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?

1. I know it isn't correct to answer a question with another question but, How do you not get stoked about a new fighting game coming out?. Some of the best games for consols are fighting games. Regardless of the expert rating I always at least give them a rent.

2. The Characters look pretty cool. The vivid colors and anime esque design seems to make them pop. I haven't seen any video of the animations and game play but seems to me as if the characters set it a bit apart from the standard MK and SF.

3. I grew up playing a ton of SF and MK and love the 2D stuff. I have played a few of the 3D. But for pure playing satisfaction in a party atmosphere I perfer the 2D.
Battle Fantasia (360)

1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?

1. Why yes yes I do.
2. Very anime type feel to the design, I really like that.
3.If the game is good doesn't matter.:applause:
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
  2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
  3. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why
1. A balanced leveling system where I don't have to end up pushing the A button all the time.
2. I just heard of it here and will look for more information on it in the future.
3. CAG because it has helped me save so much money during these hard times.
Gamefaqs because I like finding out about easter eggs in games that I would never have known and cover gaming issues that come up.
Gamerankings because it is my start in finding reviews for games that I have become interested in and helps me make a decision if it is worth what little money I have.
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:
What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
a: I look for a great storyline and interesting battle system

If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
a: I've only heard of it from this contest.

Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why.
a: 1. CAG, cause I'm a cheap ass. 2. RF Generation, cause I'm a packrat and I like to keep track of my collection. 3. Goozex...great trading.

Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
a: I've only really gotten excited about series that I have enjoyed in the past.

How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
a: I've really enjoyed what I've seen of the style of Battle Fantasia. I really think that this could be a fighter that I could enjoy on the 360.

Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
a: Def. 2D. I've never gotten into 3d fighters.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
For the most part, my favorite fighting game series, unless previews have been really positive.
2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
I think its pretty good, since it is so bizarre.
3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
2D, more easy to pick up and play..
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?

    I usually only get excited about new titles from a game series I enjoy(most notably Street Fighter)
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?

    Looks cool. I like that squirrel in the wizard outfit
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?

    2D. They have always been superior in control, and don't have awkward camera angles.
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:
1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
Basically good controls and an entertaining story

2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
Game Informer

3. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why., &

Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:
1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
I get exited if the game looks like it will be fun.

2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
It looks great, Its 3D but it has that 2D look to it, Looks like "World Warriors" Very tongue in Cheek.

1. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
I like them both but since i grew up old school i usually go for
the 2D Fighters because They show the artistry of the hand drawn
sprite and you can see the feeling they put into that drawing.
It just feels better.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:
Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?

1: I always enjoy a new fighter on the block
2: I love the JRPG-esque models.
3: I like both, however 2d ones are usually more simplified, and have nicer art styles.

From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:
What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?
If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why

1: A rewarding leveling system, and rewarding gear for killing bosses
3: IGN (Awesome Reviews), Cheapassgamer (Good game deals and discussions), (Great forums for Steam Games)
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title?

  1. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from?
  2. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why.
Battle Fantasia (360) Entry Questions:

  1. Do get excited at the prospect of the announcement of any new fighting game or do you only care about your favorite fighting game series?
  2. How do you feel about the character design and style of Battle Fantasia?
  3. Do you prefer 2D or 3D fighters and why?
From the Abyss (DS) Entry Questions:

  1. What are some of the key elements that you look for in a Action RPG title? I look for the a good story line and characters. Also look for difficulty rating, becuase if its going to be a breeze leveling up, no point in playing.
  2. If you’ve heard of From The Abyss, where did you hear it from? First time hearing it was from this thread, so I then checked out some reviews on it too.
  3. Name 3 gaming sites you visit regularly and why. 1), find deals on games and chances to win games, huge community of gamers to talk to. 2), many gaming reviews and hardware reviews with a very large community of people from across the world who know a lot about gaming. 3), strategy guides when i get stuck >.
bread's done