CAG Game Group: Halo 3 Tuesdays @ 9PM EST - add CAGHALO

[quote name='wubb']Well the thing is that I don't want to exclude people that don't have the pack.[/quote]

Right, I don't either, but if we have a night were everyone that shows up has it, why not play on some of the new maps?
Go ahead and add me to the Legendary Maps list.

It's a pack worth downloading, unlike the Heroic Maps and now everyone is turned off of downloading them because of that. Sucks to always have at least one person without the Legendary maps.

I know HotShot would love Avalanche. Just perfect for crazy vehicle driving. *hint hint*
Updated the OP with a UK game time that ANDY P4NDY can make each week to invite people in. Guess we'll see how that goes. I don't think I'll be able to make many of the UK games.
Hello CAGs Im ANDY P4NDY and i will be setting up the Halo Nights on fridays 4pm EST - 9pm GMT You will get an invite if you are online with CAGHALO added to your friends lists

Well only ANDY and myself showed up for the UK game but there was only about 1 hour notice so that wasn't terribly surprising. Not sure if it's going to continue or not. I won't be there this Friday.

Anyway we should be on for tomorrow at 9PM. Maxed at 16 the first week, 12 the 2nd week. 8 max this week?
I'll hopefully be there. Getting my new television delivered tomorrow, so if everything goes well I'll be there even if it's not recalibrated yet.
We should be a go for this evening. Hope we get a decent crowd and keep this rolling. :D

I'll plan to start with some sort of FFA that people can join in session. Just like I've done the other weeks.

I'd like to try a SWAT flag game but if it's not available as a built in list I'm not sure I'll have time to create the type.

Also like to try a Nades N Spades game (only sticks and melees do damage) not sure the best map to run that on. Guardian would work I think as there are a ton of the stick nades all over.
On a side note got a warning that I was approaching the 100 item limit for downloaded items in Halo 3. Didn't know they limited you. Guess I should clean out some of the stuff I'll never play again.
Ended up with a good crowd and maxed out at 16 in our party last night. Went with a mix of standard gametypes and customs and I thought it played out really well.
Good turn out, though it seemed to have ended a bit earlier than usual. I left at around 10 EST to go play with this other group I had promised to join. Then at 11 when we were done I figured I get some more gaming time with you guys.

Though I checked Lbgrowl and seemed only him and Dastly were left. So I figured might as well go to bedsince was sleepy anyways. I definitely had fun as always!
I dropped out at 10:30 when somebody else was party leader. (Dastly I think.)

I thought fat kid (infection variant) was pretty damn cool although apparently it's not all that fun for the actual fat kid. :lol:

And the Seven Seas infection variant we've played several times is also a good one.

We tried a Team SWAT match with 15-16 people just before I left but sadly it was so laggy I had to end it early. I think with a max group a Team SWAT match to 50 would have lasted maybe 5 minutes. :D
I think we need to lay off the obscure infection types and play more standard team slayer or objective. i might be in the minority though.. thoughts?
I thought fat kid was awesome and definitely want to play that again.

I thought last week we had a pretty good balance of standard games with some customs peppered in between.

But I want everyone that has a preference to sound off with what they want so please feel free to post your druthers. If anybody has a specific standard game they'd like to do (1 Flag on Last Stand for example) let me know and we can probably do that. Usually I'm just picking out the map to play a standard type on the fly.


We should be on for tomorrow.

Like I already mentioned I'd like to play fat kid again this week as a custom. I also wouldn't mind giving nades n spades another go as it was fun and very easy to pick up. If we have an even number we could try it as a team game which is the default setup.

I was watching a youtube video of two bad ass teams going at it on a MLG variant CTF map and gametype so I may try to grab one of those for us to try. This is basically standard CTF (w/ a few tweaks probably the same as those on the MLG list under hardcore in MM) on a custom map that seemed to be very quick to pick up. The foundry one looked awesome but it's probably too small if we get 12+ like we have been.

I'd also like to play a round of Team SWAT. Tried that last week but that particular match was horribly laggy for some reason.


I removed the bit about the UK game night as I assume it was a bust again this week? (Correct me if I'm wrong on that ANDY.)

Upon the request of ANDY P4NDY we're also setting up a UK CAG Halo 3 game night for Fridays at 9PM UK Time (4PM EST) Please add the same CAGHALO and you should get invites from ANDY P4NDY if you are online at that time.
Ok - I know it's going to be tough to try to be an active member in the COD 4 clan and the Halo 3 clan, but I've been aching to play this game again.

I'm on the Halo 3 clan list - feel free to send me an invite if you see me online tonight.
Doubt I'll be on.

My wife and I are getting ready for her surgery tomorrow. She is having a c-section and we will get to say hello to our third (and final) child (girl named Marley).

So, have fun, fat kid is a blast!
Fat Kid stinks, because all you have to do is stay behind while everyone else fruitlessly rushes the Fat Kid... and you've won.

That gametype doesn't make any sense.
I didn't mind CaptCuban. Although I wasn't on his team. :D

Good turn out again this week. I'm not sure if we ever hit 16 (maybe?) but I know for sure we had 13.

We did some stuff with multiple teams (teams chosen via mass chaos of everyone picking random colors) which was fun.
Don't have COD4 so cannot say, but I've been playing pretty much every Tuesday since they began and we normally have kept it topped. We have seen a slow night where it began with 8 but soon get to 12, a few nights were we had all 16 slots filled with people coming and going through the night.
Tonight at 9PM EST once again!

There's a chance I won't be there. If not, somebody please create a group and invite everybody online from the CAGHALO tag. I find it works best to start with a custom FFA match once you have 4+ that people can join in session.
Okay I didn't manage to get on until right at 9PM but we managed to get close to maxing out by 9:30 or so.

But then I got an unexpected phone call I had to take and was AFC from 9:45 or so until 10:20. I popped hotshot as the party leader when I took off and it looked like you guys hopped into monster trucks. By the time I got back nearly everyone was gone and it was pretty much completely dead by 10:30.

So sorry about taking off on you guys but it happens.
bread's done