CAG Halo 3 "FireFight" Nights

I know this is a FireFight thread, but does anyone wanna play through campaign on legendary from the beginning? If so, PM/add me.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I'll be on again throughout the day.

Sorry about that last night Malik I was on like a 1:20 hours game with Johnnyrocker and his friends.[/QUOTE]

no biggie..i was spam inviting everyone
[quote name='Swoxx']Anyone else having fps lag from time to time? was playing with some cags last night and we all experienced it.

I'm also getting some of the left stick lag that CheapyD mentioned, i guess its because I'm in Sweden, but thats kinda lame, never had those issues with CoD4.

Bungie needs to get on that, you do get used to it but it's still a nuisance[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Malik112099'] playing with Swoxx last night and the lag at times was horrible. 4 frames per second horrible[/QUOTE]
I think I played with you guys on Friday.
Sorry I bailed quickly after the 2nd rd but I had an emergency come up that I had to attend to.

Anyways I'd be up for playing again sometime. Firefight mode is pretty fun!
Oh man, I was playing with a few guys trying to get the "endure" achievement and I screwed-up. We were about 30 minutes away from getting the achievement (3+ hour commitment) and I lagged out. If my team is reading this, I'm so sorry. :(
It's actually like a 2 and half hour commitment. Getting to the first bonus round is pretty key since on that one map you can get about 12 extra lives.

I got all of the Firefight achievements now, so all I need to do is do Campaign on Legendary and get Good Samaritan. But I'm still willing to help out with Firefight.
popular penguin your a meanie :( we were like so close
If anyone want to go for endure on tuesday send me a message i want it tomorrow experienced players pls :l



also if anyone is up for a halo 3 legendary vidmaster attempt also message me on live
Bravosnake joined me and two buddies to get the Vidmaster: Endure last night. Took a week and half of tries but it is finally done.

Looking to get Chasm Ten, Crater, Last Exit, & Windward tonight at midnight EST. Looking for some help - please feel free to FR on XBL (Shinobi Hanzo). Thanks!
[quote name='wjhard63']Bravosnake joined me and two buddies to get the Vidmaster: Endure last night. Took a week and half of tries but it is finally done.

Looking to get Chasm Ten, Crater, Last Exit, & Windward tonight at midnight EST. Looking for some help - please feel free to FR on XBL (Shinobi Hanzo). Thanks![/QUOTE]

You're on my friends list and I'm down for some Firefight since I think Crater and Chasm Ten are the last 2 Firefight 200K achievements I need.

I'm curious but which map did you get the Vidmaster: Endure on? We've only tried twice I think with somebody killing our best chance by dying 25 times running into swarms of enemies for kills and we still made it to the last 3 enemies on the 5th wave of the 4th set on Alpha Site interior.

EDIT: the 2nd time was with several random noobs :D from here (i.e. little to none of the Firefight achievements) and I don't think we made it past the 4th wave of the 1st set.
I strongly suggest you not try for Vidmaster: Endure unless you have plenty of experience with Firefight.
3 of my close friends and I got Endure at Oni Interior AlphaSite. Two of them died 22 times each. One of them died 9 and I died 10 times so there are plenty of lives to go around. We had about 9 lives at the time it was finished. Conservative can be effective. Sometimes, theres a need for someone to take charge but never kamikaze. I had 360K points myself out of the 600+ we had. I mainly used plasma pistol + automag. It took 2 hours.

Here are some tips: (AlphaSite)

At least 2 out of the 4 people should carry a plasma gun as their secondary. Charged plasma pistol shots completely eliminate Brute armor leaving only the need for one quick headshot to kill.. even after the 2x enemy health skull is activated. At some point, enemy shields will deflect bullets further adding importance to plasma based weapons. USE THEM!

There are two paths from which enemies come from so there should be one person on each side scoping in to headshot grunts. Grunts are one shot kills with the pistol or carbine. Its best to eliminate them first since they can easily kill you with a plasma grenade.

Once the Chieftan shows up, priority on him. If the fuel rod guy comes out first, kill him, take his gun and use it on chieftan. Save the extra rounds for Bonus round assuming its nearby. A successful bonus round means 4 bonus lives + 4 lives for completing the round. This is a great morale/confidence boost.

SMG works beautifully on drones. Automag or Carbine on grunts/unarmored Brutes/jackals.

Prepare yourself for possible lag at the latter stages of your achievement attempt. My last round on the 4th set was nearly unplayable.

Power weapons on the map include Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, and theres a Rocket Launcher nearby where the enemies come from.

COMMUNICATE! Yeah, it takes 2 hours. Yeah, you run out of jokes. Communication is key. From telling your teammate that theres a freaking chieftan right behind him to asking guys if they want to pick up the rocket launcher. These things ease the process.
I have heard the way to do Endure is on Lost Platoon. 2 people just drive the warthog around going for splatters and kills with the turret. 1 person hides in the structure and uses the Spartan Laser to take out the Wraiths when they appear. The last person should ride in the warthog until a brute chopper is available. Then they follow the warthog around to help get kills as soon as the covenant drop in.

If anyone is interested in giving this a go sometime let me know. I might not be available tonight, but should be available late night (after 10pm est) later this week and weekend. Wouldn't mind setting up a group to go through these (Vidmasters & 200k in Firefights maps).

Shoot me a message or post here and we'll get a group together. If you send me a FR on live please post here or send me a message so I know why you are sending the FR.
The best way to do it is on Oni Site Interior. If you can get to the first Bonus Round, you'll probably be able to go the distance.

I did about half of Campaign on Legendary last night with 1 person, but I kind of want at least 2 more people to help us finish it (or just do the whole thing over again).
[quote name='KingBroly']The best way to do it is on Oni Site Interior. If you can get to the first Bonus Round, you'll probably be able to go the distance.

I did about half of Campaign on Legendary last night with 1 person, but I kind of want at least 2 more people to help us finish it (or just do the whole thing over again).[/QUOTE]

I will do Campaign on Legendary with you... Missing a good chunk of missions on Legendary. Just let me know a time.
still waiting for people to play with lol. All my friends stopped playing and sold the game off after a week.

all the while I was dicking around in vesperia.
I will be on for some FireFight and Endure tonight after 8 pm EST. I need three awesome players willing to carry me, as I am mediocre at best. :)
feel free to message me here or on live.
im home all day so ill play whenever. ill probably be up tonight for a while.
im going through it solo on heroic right now should be done in another day or so, would liek to do a coop legendary run after that.
Prof Mustard, sorry for not joining you last night but we were in the middle of a try at Vidmaster Endure that ended in failure :whistle2:( We were doing well until 2 of the guys died around 10 times in a single wave of the 3rd set! Cannot stress enough saving up lives is much more important than doing a kamikaze just to get 5-6K points since it doesn't matter how many points you get.
Sucks that we were on the last wave but oh well.

It's OK, we failed in our try as well (on the last wave). I am trying to get a game going now before I need to ship the game in a few hours.
I need help from 2 others to get the 4 player vidmaster achievement in firefight. Its kinda hard without a dam lobby system.
fuck you TIKB, your children will hate you someday (that is IF you can actually figure out how to use your flacid, pathetic dick correctly). This piece of shit left on the fourth set while we were all going for Endure. Avoided.
[quote name='Foxtrot0245']fuck you TIKB, your children will hate you someday (that is IF you can actually figure out how to use your flacid, pathetic dick correctly). This piece of shit left on the fourth set while we were all going for Endure. Avoided.[/QUOTE]

Haha, you FR'd me, and then didn't inv...had to watch the office anyway, but still. Get me in on that ish next time.
[quote name='Foxtrot0245']fuck you TIKB, your children will hate you someday (that is IF you can actually figure out how to use your flacid, pathetic dick correctly). This piece of shit left on the fourth set while we were all going for Endure. Avoided.[/QUOTE]

That sucks. I am game to go for it the next time. Let me know date and time and I will get on.
if you guys send requests or messages, please let denote youre a cag its hard to sift through and i have no desire to play with non-friends that arent cags.
i finished the solo campaign so im up for firefight achievements, i dont have any of them, or legendary campaign, just message me.
[quote name='freshzen']I'll be playing a bunch this weekend, I just did Endure but I still need Deja Vu and a bunch of maps.[/QUOTE]

Look for a FR from me sometime this weekend.
I'm on now trying to get some of the audio logs. If you are playing Firefight or any of the non-campaign related achievements, send me a FR/invite.
bread's done