CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

[quote name='perdition(troy']Just a quick little update with pictures of my weight loss (and guys will have an idea of who I am).

February 23rd:


March 7th:


March 20th:


March 30th:




Edit: And yes I have some incredibly stupid faces on my pictures. They were taken with the fact that I would be the only one to see them in mind.[/QUOTE]
Don't know if it's just me but I don't see anything when I click on the spoilers.
Ok, one more shot at it:

February 23rd:



March 7th:



March 20th:





March 30th:




Hope it works, ignore the stupid faces they were meant to only ever be seen by me :lol:
Ok, one more shot:

February 23rd:



March 7th:



March 20th:





March 30th:




Ignore the retarded faces, I never planned on these pictures seeing the light of day :lol:
Man, you guys have made such excellent progress. I'm incredibly impressed. :applause:

If anyone needed any evidence that hard work pays off, they need look no further than this thread.

[quote name='Javery']at least I left up $75 overall[/quote]

I'd chalk that into the positive column. ;)

[quote name='perdition(troy']Now thats funny (mood changes that she notices). Hopefully the bacne doesn't get too bad. [/QUOTE]

It doesn't help that a.) I scratch open the ones that are just harder lumps, and b.) she slaps me when she sees that I've created small open wounds. Hahaha

Just a general health opine: I'm pretty sure getting my testosterone levels to a normal number has been the best thing I've ever done. Looking back in time, issues like anxiety, and other notable things, could have been resolved many years ago. I'm angry that I somewhat lost those years. So, bros, get your level checked. Could be a lifesaver. [/PSA]
Nice work there, Troy. Definately can tell the difference...your hard work is paying dividends!

Chase, put socks on those hands to help with the scratching! ;) Thanks for the PSA...I'm turnung 40 soon so I plan on getting an all-out physical to celebrate...Low T test will be included now.


Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (1/1): 250.6 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 196.8 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 193.8 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -3.0 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -56.8 lbs
Goal weight (190 lbs): 3.8 lbs to go

I so want this to be's getting there just in time for the nice weather. Maybe it's because I'm so close to my goal, but I'm finding it harder and harder to stick to "the plan". Hopefully just another 2 weeks..unless I change the goal again. I'm thinking normal BMI is within reach (184.3 lbs).

Diet this week was OK, for the most part. Even with more questionable choices, I stuck to the points except for the 2 slices of "NY style" pizza I had on Friday. Would have eaten more if it wasn't for the fact that the pizza was awful..."NY Style", indeed. More like false advertising. Jav, think I can sue? ;)

I balanced out the pizza with a short run over the weekend, which I never do. I usually rest on the weekends, but I had the "eaters remorse" from the pizza. Nothing a good 2 miles in the cold rain to teach me to never do that again. I also bumped up the cardio time to 60 minutes, and I think that helped too. I was almost able to run a 10K in 60 minutes (6.12 miles) yesterday, so I was happy about that.

Nice job, all. Happy Easter. Enjoy that Ham!
I didn't lose a single pound the past 2 weeks. (Still at 236 lbs.)

There were fluctuating days in which I am on Nutrisystem and when I'm not. So one day, I'm at my 1200-1500 calorie intake when on Nutrisystem and off days, it can be as high as 2000.

Could be I've been introducing more weight training into my gym routine. I'm optimistic I can get to 220 in 3 weeks.

I need your secret 83! :lol:
OK... so on Saturday night I got wrecked. Sunday morning I woke up and took a nasty dump and my ass has been burning ever since. It is really uncomfortable. It especially hurts when I cough. Usually I'm super regular and there is virtually no mess. WTF is going on? I'm worried I won't be able to work out tomorrow because of this. Yes, I realize how stupid this post is.

EDIT: Don't ever use Google to try to figure out medical stuff. Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, infected prostate... the list keeps getting worse. Goddammit.
[quote name='vlv723']I didn't lose a single pound the past 2 weeks. (Still at 236 lbs.)

There were fluctuating days in which I am on Nutrisystem and when I'm not. So one day, I'm at my 1200-1500 calorie intake when on Nutrisystem and off days, it can be as high as 2000.

Could be I've been introducing more weight training into my gym routine. I'm optimistic I can get to 220 in 3 weeks.

I need your secret 83! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I know with Weight Watchers when you hit certain milestones, you are supposed to adjust your point intake. For example, when I started out I was at 24 points per day. When I hit 225, I dropped to 22. When I hit 200, it dropped to 20. Etc. Is Nutri-System like that?

Also, I only do cardio (I hate lifitng and don't do it). However my arms are like pipe cleaners now :lol:. I make it a point to set goals like increasing my time, or try to get in an extra .25 miles in a set time by taking a shorter walking break mid-run. And once I hit that goal, I tell myself there's no going back. I started running for :30 mins and now I'm up to 60.

I think with the reduced point intake plus the added cardio is what helps me keep losing. It also helps that I'm now psychotic and get angry when anyone tries to feed me. I prolly have an eating disorder. :D

[quote name='Javery']OK... so on Saturday night I got wrecked. Sunday morning I woke up and took a nasty dump and my ass has been burning ever since. It is really uncomfortable. It especially hurts when I cough. Usually I'm super regular and there is virtually no mess. WTF is going on? I'm worried I won't be able to work out tomorrow because of this. Yes, I realize how stupid this post is.

EDIT: Don't ever use Google to try to figure out medical stuff. Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, infected prostate... the list keeps getting worse. Goddammit.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like Hemorrhoids, but you would notice that when you can feel them if they are external. Internal ones bleed, a lot. My wife has them due to having kids and you are describing exactly what she tells me. Especially the coughing. I recommend Tucks Pads...the Witch Hazel works wonders in soothing them according to Mrs. Number83.

As uncomfortable as they may be, the best thing you can probably do is numb them up with the Tucks pads and work out. Use the pain as motivation. ;)
[quote name='Number83']Sounds like Hemorrhoids, but you would notice that when you can feel them if they are external. Internal ones bleed, a lot. My wife has them due to having kids and you are describing exactly what she tells me. Especially the coughing. I recommend Tucks Pads...the Witch Hazel works wonders in soothing them according to Mrs. Number83.

As uncomfortable as they may be, the best thing you can probably do is numb them up with the Tucks pads and work out. Use the pain as motivation. ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking the same thing. I've never had this before and it sucks. My wife says the same thing from having kids.... man, if this is what she was complaining about I should have been even more helpful around the house. If it doesn't get better in a day or so I may have to medicate. God this blows. I am never drinking again.

EDIT: I'm feeling a little better (not 100%) but I'm a bit scared to take a dump... and it's been since Monday. I seem to be falling apart over the past 2 weeks. I've been working like a dog, I've got a cold I can't seem to get rid of and I've missed more workouts in the past 20 days than I have in the past 18 months. I'm also exhausted and I've been off the diet a bit. I'm hoping I can get a day off on Friday and rest over the weekend and be back to 100% by Monday. I don't know what else to do. This morning my son woke me up at 8:30 a.m. saying "you're going to be late for work" - I was out cold and probably wouldn't have woken up for hours.

EDIT: Successful dumpage! Woo hoo!
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Can't believe I'm posting this but I'm very glad your dump went well!

Started today thinking I've had a so so week and I shouldn't go near a scale. So of course after work before I lift I decided to weigh myself *hangs head in shame. HOWEVER, I am not officially under 200 pounds, I clocked in at 198. This feels really good. As long as I stay on track I should be at 190 by May 1st. I've lost 27 pounds now.
Age: 32
Height 5' 10'' usually
Starting Weight: 261
Today's Weight: 250.2
Goal Weight: 220

I did a double take when I weighed myself this morning. And checked it thrice. Ten pounds down. Thirty more to go!!
[quote name='perdition(troy']Can't believe I'm posting this but I'm very glad your dump went well!

Started today thinking I've had a so so week and I shouldn't go near a scale. So of course after work before I lift I decided to weigh myself *hangs head in shame. HOWEVER, I am not officially under 200 pounds, I clocked in at 198. This feels really good. As long as I stay on track I should be at 190 by May 1st. I've lost 27 pounds now.[/QUOTE]

Congrats man! See, now why did you have to go and do that? I haven't been able to exercise for over a week because I hurt my So I am at 200.8, now we're not the same anymore, lol. No but seriously, that's so awesome you got under 200! I can't wait to get there myself.

Has anyone tried the Power 90 workout? I am thinking of picking it up and ditching the UFC Personal Trainer game. I think it will be a better workout. I looked into P90X, but I don't think I am ready for that yet, but Power 90 appears to have great results as well but seems to cater towards people who are just getting their footing into the world of working out. Any information from anyone who's tried it would be awesome.
Age: 27
Height 6' 2"
Starting Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 268
Goal Weight: 250

I have not really posted in here since the thread started. I was 300 lbs march in September 2011 and started the loseit just counting calories, but not exercising. I got down to 280 before thanksgiving and lost all discipline during the holidays. on January 1st I weighed in at 295. So I decided it was time to finally buckle down and try this.

I got a pair of new balances to start walking in, and my brother and I found a knock off bow flex at a garage sale for $20. Trying to walk an hour a day now and sticking to it. Loseit says I should be down to 250 by June 9th now.
Hey, good luck, Habbler. As a dude with flat, wide feet, I praise the glory that is New Balance—though I still have to pop in an arch-support pad. You'd be amazed by how much those pads help. One of those small wonders that has dramatically improved my life.

Stopping in and reading the last page to see how everyone's doing/pooping. It's always nice to see results. So, well done, sirs.

In my neck of the woods, I've finally retired my entire lineup of small shirts. Either my torso has become longer (which is impossible as I'm not a contortionist or a Dhalsim) or something has changed somewhere—as they're all belly shirts. They'll be used as sleep shirts or lazing-around-the-house shirts for my girlfriend. I already fill out a medium, so it was long overdue.

My weight has been a steady 185. I had to cut back my workout hours to just one 150-minute session a day. And just a couple butt-stabs into therapy, but I had higher hopes for the power of TRT. I suppose I'm just nitpicking. I'm happy to be back at 185 (from 178).

I'm working on releasing the last two ab sections from their fatty hell. I've worked out hard, for several years, to get to where I am today, and this will be, by far, my greatest accomplishment since my initial weight loss. I wish I had placed more focus on nutrition and S&C instead of just being a "skinny cardio-nut" in those years. What a waste of time.
Age: 30
Height 5' 11"
Starting Weight: 245
Today's Weight: 211
Goal Weight: 165 -175
Congrats man! See, now why did you have to go and do that? I haven't been able to exercise for over a week because I hurt my So I am at 200.8, now we're not the same anymore, lol. No but seriously, that's so awesome you got under 200! I can't wait to get there myself.
LOL just read that. Don't worry I'm probably right back by you, I had an awful day yesterday. There was a morning brunch I went to at a local restaraunt and I just pigged out. Ribbs, chicken, meatballs, bacon, eggs, strawberry shortcake and more lol. Walked 5 miles so far this morning, so here's to taking the next week to make sure I keep it off. I won't be weighing myself until Friday ;)
Nice work guys! Everyone seems to be sticking to the exercise and eating plans and making a lot of good progress.... so I'll be the one to drag down the thread for a second...

I took last week off from exercising (and the diet) and man I was a wreck this morning. Insanity kicked my ass (I was getting a bit comfortable with it) and I gained a little weight. It's nothing 3-4 weeks of working out and eating right won't fix but man it is depressing. I needed the week off though so I'm OK with it but it is amazing how quickly you can lose your form and endurance.

EDIT: Also, the Woot shirts I ordered a few weeks back (size: M)... yeah, they don't fit at all. Oh well - it was the random shirts so they were only $6 each. The Ls are definitely a little bit loose though but I'll live with that rather than the skin-tight painted on look of the Ms.
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When I first started looking up about losing weight, the before and after pictures are what helped me stay motivated.

I was looking at some old pictures the other day and I came across one that made me realize how much weight I've actually lost. So I guess now I can add my own before and after picture.

Height, Weight: 6'4" (but probably 6'2" since my huge gut gave me terrible posture), 273 pounds, probably 60+% body fat
Exercise: digging pizza rolls out of the freezer, waving down the Hooters waitress for another plate of all you can eat wings, getting in the car to drive to Taco Bell
Daily Caloric Intake: probably 4,500+ based on what I used to eat (example meal: 20 pizza rolls, 5 chicken tenders, french fries, 3 huge glasses of sweet tea with real sugar)
Health Problems: Sore back/legs/feet, allergies were pretty sensitive, winded after minimal activity, difficulty sleeping, fatigued all the time, constant feeling of stress, high blood pressure, probably would have developed diabetes after a few more years of destroying my body
Clothing sizes: XL/2XL shirts (but XL was obviously too small, see picture), 42" waist jeans (but they were actually stretched out some and felt snug)

Mile run: 13:30 "running"
Pushups: 10, maybe 15
Situps: 20, if I was lucky
Pull-ups: LOL:rofl:
Swimming: I could float

After (this morning):
Height, Weight: 6'4", 184 pounds, around 9% body fat
Exercise: swimming, calisthenics, weight lifting, running
Daily Caloric Intake: 1,800 - 2,500 depending on how much I work out
Health Problems: Nothing at all.
Clothing sizes: L-Tall (shoulders fit, but the midsection area is baggy), I wear 36" waist jeans but my waist is actually around 34"

Mile run: 6:02 just the other day, going to try to get below 6 minutes after I get off the computer
Pushups: 75+, easily
Situps: 80+, easily
Pull-ups: max set so far was 10, usually doing 25-40 per day
Swimming: 500 meter breaststroke in ~10 minutes


I've actually owned the black workout shirt since before the first picture. Back then it was so skin tight that it wasn't possible for me to wear it. Now it's loose on me.
Damn blindinglights - those are some impressive and inspiring results! It must be awesome running into people you haven't seen in a while...
Thanks for the comments!

As far as running into people goes, they pretty much never recognize me until I say something. My hair is kept cut very short and my face is so slim in contrast to how it used to be, that I look drastically different.

It's kind of nice, since I can just ignore the people I don't want to talk to :lol:.
Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (1/1): 250.6 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 193.8 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 191.6 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -2.2 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -59.0 lbs
Goal weight (190 lbs): 1.6 lbs to go

Metabolism is a wonderful thing these days...I thought for sure I was thrown off track this week, especially this weekend. Easter Sunday was the first day since January 2, that I cast my Weight Watcher points aside and said I was going to eat like a "normal human being" for a change. Well, I certainly did that...So nice to eat Lasagna and Ham and Oreo Cream Pie and chips and to drink Coke Zero again.

I didn't eat massive quantities, but not from a lack of trying. I just couldn't physically do it. I felt so stuffed and bloated after dinner and had the worst belly ache Sunday night. I was so stuffed that I didn't even eat yesterday...I wanted to, I just wasn't hungry. I feel better today.

My food hangover carried over to the gym yesterday, as I was 35 minutes into my 60 minute run that I had to 'excuse' myself and head to the bathroom. That's all I'll say about that, but I do apologize to the people at Summit Fitness that had to go in there after me. :oops: I never went back to finish the last 25 mins.

I think after hitting my goal this week, I'm going to take a break from the diet. My wife is back on the "You look too thin" kick, and I said to myself I didn't want to get like that. Although, I don't see it (and 6'0" 190 isn't exactly buff :lol:).

Maybe I can put 10 lbs of muscle back on but I really have no idea how to do that. Does anyone have any lifting advice/routine they can give me or refer me to a website that would help put some definition on? Keep in mind that I hate lifting (and hate is not a strong enough word to describe it :D) Thanks in advance!

Keep up the good work everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing really well!
Awesome 83. You are definitely "there" when it comes to your diet. I gorged myself a couple of weeks ago and although I felt sick for a while afterwards, I couldn't physically consume as much food as I used to - I think my stomach has actually shrunk or something.

Don't listen to your wife either - I get that from time to time too but I think it's because she is 8 months pregnant and generally resentful that I lost weight while she gained. She is going to do P90X with me later in the summer when she is ready to work out again a couple of months after the baby. It's better to look "too thin" than to look like you could stand to "lose a few", IMO. Plus, 6'0" and 190 lbs. isn't too thin although you probably look very different since you've lost 60 lbs. You could probably drop another 15 lbs. and be just fine (I'm 178 lbs. and 6'0" - down from a high of 234 lbs. - and I am VERY comfortable and look healthy and I feel great).

By the way, I had a small taste of Oreo Ice Cream Pie for Easter - homemade by my Mom. So delicious.
So I finally reached goal # 1. I am 198.6 as of this morning (my first goal was to drop below 200lbs). I hurt my back working out a couple of weeks ago so I haven't been as active as I want, so I am definitely pleased I am still losing weight with mainly my diet and light cardio. I finally went to a chiropractor yesterday so I can get my back all fixed to start the Power 90 program hopefully this weekend. Either way, I am super excited to be under 200lbs! I haven't been below 200 in over 15 years! I have lost about 34 lbs since I started working out and eating right in late October. I have about 30 more to go I think. Plus, I quit smoking on Sunday, so I am happy I didn't gain weight like everyone said I probably would.
Congrats mek! I know when I hit that I was out of my mind thrilled lol. Hopefully you stay away from smoking, it'll make you feel like a new man on its own. It will make the cardio a heck of a lot easier :)
I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for putting this thread up!
You guys are insperations to me.
I am 5' 9" and I weighed about 230 lbs. back in November of last year.
Since November 29th I lost 45 lbs. (am now at 185 lbs.) using the Lose It! app and excersising atleast 3-4 times a week running, walking and, using the rowing machine at the gym. My goal was 159lbs. but I really don't want to look all sucked up, so I think I will probably be fine at 170 lbs.
Anyway thanks again for the inspiration and keep up all the good work on your own goals!!:applause:
Number83: I agree with Javery, don't listen to the too thin comments. I've been getting them from my family a lot lately, and I think it's just because 20+ pounds overweight is viewed as practically normal nowadays so when you get to a healthy weight it looks thin in comparison. My girlfriend also likes to throw in a few too thin comments, but I think she just does it in hopes that I'll stop meticulously monitoring all of the food I eat daily.

mightymek: Great job on reaching your first goal and quitting smoking. That should definitely help you with your future workouts.

dillonfan: Awesome job so far. Have you done any weight lifting yet?

I've been cutting back going to the gym a couple days a week to save on gas money and so I have been trying some different workouts at home on the days I don't go. Well today I tried and successfully completed the "300 workout" that's posted all over the internet:

25 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 dead lifts (135 lbs.)
50 box jumps (30", I used an old picnic table since I didn't have the 24" box)
50 clean and press (35 lb. dumbbell)
50 barbell wipers (135 lbs.)
25 pull-ups

In succession, with only as much rest as necessary.

Talk about an ass kicking. I knew it would be somewhat difficult, but it was way worse than it looked on paper. Not to mention, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I did a light 4 mile run in 30 minutes and then took a 30 minute rest before starting. :wall:

Took me about 50 minutes to complete all 300 reps. The 50 wipers and second set of 25 pull-ups took up about 25 minutes of that because by the time I got to them, I was pretty much dead. Finished those just because I was determined to complete it.

Next week I'm going to start off with that and see how fast I can finish it. I like trying to beat my own times at running and swimming so maybe doing this once or twice a week will be right up my alley. Not running first should help a good bit, but I also have to be able to crank out pull-ups a lot faster on the front and back end if I want to really cut the time down.

Anyway, hope everyone keeps up the good work :applause:
Thanks everyone. This is such a great thread to visit. Very inspiring and everyone is awesome.

Being this is CAG, I thought you guys would get a kick out of this. Since my back is still fucked up, I decided to just continue at a brisk 3.5 mph on the treadmill to get some cardio, but not overdo it. So I decided to try something I never did. I played Modern Warfare 3 while on the It was fun. I actually did good on one map, but mostly did pretty bad. Before I knew it, 55 minutes, 3 miles, and 410 calories flew by. I only fell off once and almost fell off 4 times, lol. Was worth it to try, but I most likely won't do that again...very dangerous, heh. Still, thought I would share.
Pretty funny mightymek! I'm always tempted to play games when doing cardio. I used to play the ds on an exercise bike, but noticed that my pace would slow down to focus on playing Chrono Trigger. It's great that the time flies by.
So this morning I was getting dressed in the dark, as I tend to do because I have to be at work at 6:00 am, and I was rooting around the closet for a pair of jeans since it's casual Friday. Well, I feel out a pair, put them on and as I'm walking around the house, I say to myself "Self, these pants seem awfully long." So I take them off to look, and it turns out they belong to my 18 year old son.

He's 6'2" and about 165. Being that he likes to have them hanging down around his a$$ (for which I yell at him for all the time), they are size 34 x 34. They arent tight at all!!!! So, when I realize this I start squealing like my 7 year old daughter, go running into my sons room and start jumping up and down on his bed yelling, "I fit in your Jeans, I fit in your Jeans." and then proceed to rain down Macho Man Randy Savage (R.I.P.) elbows on him. Woke the whole house up! /goodtimes
Haha - awesome story. It will be quite a while before I fit in my son's jeans... he's 4.

This morning I did Insanity Pure Cardio followed by Cardio Abs then some lifting (traps and bis) then 20 minutes on the elliptical. I'm freaking exhausted. I feel pretty good though. Everything fits.
That's awesome number83. I had a similar experience yesterday, I threw on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn since dec/Jan and thought man these feel huge. Turns out I can put them on and off without even unbuttoning them :)

Didn't have time for my weigh in today so I'll use Wednesdays number, 196. I walked 31 miles this week mon-fri, and still did my weightlifting. Was a really good week for me, and sorry if my post is goofy in anyway I'm on my iphone
Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (1/1): 250.6 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 191.6 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 190.0 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -1.6 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -60.6 lbs
Original Goal weight (200 lbs): 0.0 lbs to go
Final Goal weight (190 lbs): 0.0 lbs to go

That's it! Mission complete!!! And right on the button too.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. It's going to be hard to eat something without feeling guilty or thinking I need to run this off ASAP. I'm definately going to stop counting points, but I still will go to the gym and work out like I have been. I think that's going to be the key to maintaining thie weight...and maybe even lose a few more, but I'm really not going to try. I also still have a goal to do the Broad Street Run and partake in a few 5K's now that the weather has turned nice, so the cardio will do me good.

Some additional facts:

My Pant size dropped from 40 to 34.
My Shirt size dropped from 2XL to L-XL (I like them loose).
Lost 2 inches around my neck.
I went through 2 pairs of running shoes and I dropped a 1/2 shoe size.
I started out barely running 1.9 miles in 35 minutes. The past 3 weeks I did 6.2 Miles in 60 minutes.
I started out only being able to do 10 stomach crunches with a 3 lb weight. I can now do 70 crunches with 5lbs. (This still needs work)
I can climb 1075 steps in :30 minutes.
I can no longer consistently hit a 3 point shot in basketball. I can't reach the basket from that distance anymore. :lol:
I lost as much weight as my 7 year old daughter weighs.

I'd also like to thank everyone in this thread who posted stories about thier own progress. Personally speaking, it has been a tremendous source of motivation and information for me, especially days where I felt like "taking a break" (which there were quite a few).

Thanks again everyone! :bow:

I look forward to seeing everyone again in a few months when I've put it all back on and have to do it again! ;)

I'll still be around...don't tell my body, but I would like to get to normal BMI (184).
Jumped on the scale yesterday, down to 290.4 from 337. Still doing my 20 minutes of intervals on the recumbent bike (resistance at 7/16) but trying to do it every day. Bought some weights to add in every other day.

Current goal is 275 by my friends wedding on June 16th - even if it doesn't get that far as long as I'm closing in on it i'll be happy.
First off I want to say how impressed I am with everyone. I hope I can do half as well you everyone.

What do you guys think works better for losing weight, exercise or eating better? I just started using the MyFitnessPal (I didn't really like the set up of Lose It, plus it wanted me to only have 1000 cal a day which seemed way too low) to track my eating. I tend to get into kicks where I get a lot of exercise then I don't for extended periods. Never anything steady. I want to figure out the best approach. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='RallyV']First off I want to say how impressed I am with everyone. I hope I can do half as well you everyone.

What do you guys think works better for losing weight, exercise or eating better? I just started using the MyFitnessPal (I didn't really like the set up of Lose It, plus it wanted me to only have 1000 cal a day which seemed way too low) to track my eating. I tend to get into kicks where I get a lot of exercise then I don't for extended periods. Never anything steady. I want to figure out the best approach. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

A cliche answer but I say both. Rather than lowering my caloric intake to 1500, I'd rather eat 2000 calories worth and burn 500 running. I get to eat more and strengthen my body at the same time.
Age: 28
Height: 5'5"
Starting weight (3/2/2012): 245.6 lbs.
Last Weigh-in (3/19/2012): 237.6 lbs.
Current weight this morning: 229.4 lbs.
Pounds Gained/Lost since last weigh-in: 8.2 lbs.
Pounds Gained/Lost total: 16.2 lbs.
Interim Goal weight 220.0 lbs: 9.4 lbs. to go

I made a few changes in my exercise routine and stay committed to Nutrisystem. Guess it took longer since I been doing weight training as well with my cardio. My large size shirts fits comfortable and no longer showing the full belly. My 38s feel a little bit loose but that waist size is pretty stubborn to reduce. Some people at bootcamp told me "where's the other half of me?" Pretty feel-good compliment.

I go on vacation in 9 days. Is it possible to lose 9.4 pounds before that day? We'll see...
[quote name='RallyV']What do you guys think works better for losing weight, exercise or eating better? I just started using the MyFitnessPal (I didn't really like the set up of Lose It, plus it wanted me to only have 1000 cal a day which seemed way too low) to track my eating. I tend to get into kicks where I get a lot of exercise then I don't for extended periods. Never anything steady. I want to figure out the best approach. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

What are your current stats and goals? I'm surprised it would give you a number that low.

If you really want to pick one for just losing weight, I'd say the eating better should be the top priority. I think most would agree that it's way easier to cut 500+ calories out of your daily diet than creating that deficit via exercise. I know when I first started, I was able to cut 800+ calories out of my daily intake just by going from sweet tea with real sugar to water only.

Ideally you want to do both though.
First off I want to say how impressed I am with everyone. I hope I can do half as well you everyone. What do you guys think works better for losing weight, exercise or eating better? I just started using the MyFitnessPal (I didn't really like the set up of Lose It, plus it wanted me to only have 1000 cal a day which seemed way too low) to track my eating. I tend to get into kicks where I get a lot of exercise then I don't for extended periods. Never anything steady. I want to figure out the best approach. Thanks in advance.
I would definitely say it is a mixture of both. To put weightloss in its most basic form, just do the calories in vs. calories out routine. 3k~3.5k calories burned is roughly a pound of weight. The average person burns 2k-2.5k calories a day just doing normal things. If you lower the amount of calories you are bringing in, and raise the amount of calories you are burning (you can see where I’m headed) you’re going to lose weight faster than doing one vs the other. Walking is an easy way to start burning calories and losing weight, and it isn’t that hard to keep track of.

As you progress you can obviously do things differently, but a simple diet change and walking a few miles a day will do wonders. Just get to know your body and find out what works for you. I walk multiple miles a day, and have a pretty strict lifting regimen and know that it works for me. I hate the stress running puts on my knees, so that is something I just don’t do. Maybe running will be your thing, or biking, or swimming. It is all about what works specifically for you. Some people need the strict diet regimen, some people need to run/walk a specific amount a day, but when it gets down to it you just need to make a lifestyle change and eat healthier and look for ways to exercise that you previously didn’t think about.
I go on vacation in 9 days. Is it possible to lose 9.4 pounds before that day? We'll see...
Do it man! Cut a snack out of your daily diet and walk a couple miles and I'm sure you'll get pretty close. Some smaller meals (Peanut butter sandwich, tuna sandwich, eggs and toast), a few less sodas, and cut down on drinks and I'm sure you could get pretty dang close.
I'm currently at 135. I set my goal to lose 1-1.5lb a week. I know most sites/people say you shouldn't lose too much right away. Being female and not being able to burn as many calories as guys, it makes it a little tougher to make up the difference with exercise.

My job got hit bad with Hurricane Irene and we were forced to close to the public for over six months. Everyone still came into work but brought in food like crazy. So between the sitting around and just eating crazy amounts of food so I easily packed on the pounds pretty fast. Now that it's warmer out a co-worker and I have been doing tennis twice a week. I can usually sneak in some strength training at least twice a week too. I also have been trying to cut down on the pop.

Just looking for some advice and a little help. Also my husband is horrible. He eats and offers me half or part of it all the time. A good portion of the time I don't even want it but end up eating it anyway. Any advice there?
That is complete opposite of my wife. It always ends up me getting the last "_____". That must have been why she has stayed so skinny when I was gaining weight :( What works for me is just smaller portion sizes for things, or I just do the easiest thing and say sure, and if I don't actually feel hungry I put it in the fridge or throw it away. It will be harder for you as a female, there is no question about that. Just don't get frustrated right away if you don't drop weight as quickly as you want to.
Congrats to those of us who reached their goals, and those who are still working towards them. Makes me upset that I didn't get started sooner and with a better effort. But I'm getting there.

Even though I haven't lost that much weight (it fluctuates), and I'm not on the strictest if diets, regular exercise and more moderation in the foods I eat have me feeling better all around. And I like it.
[quote name='Number83']That's it! Mission complete!!! And right on the button too. [/QUOTE]

Awesome man. Congrats on all the hard work. I know how tough of an accomplishment it is. I say you just keep at it - don't be crazy trying to lose weight but definitely keep exercising and keep weighing yourself once a week to keep yourself honest. The hardest part is maintaining the weight loss after you've reached your goal. Maybe try a new workout or something to keep you interested?

I got down to my ultimate goal a few weeks ago (178lbs. - I'm 6'0") and I'm already focusing on what the "next" thing for me will be and I think I've settled on P90X. I need that carrot in front of me otherwise I just stop cold turkey.
bread's done