CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Zombie Red Dead tomorrow night! Who wants in?

Share folks: it'll be in the share account as soon as it's available in the PSN store!

[quote name='MisterBee']I most likely won't be there since I am working late, but you never know[/QUOTE]

Mr. B has a job? I'm so out of the loop! ;)

[quote name='metaly']Also when's Split/Second night?[/QUOTE]

Whatever night you, me, and SweetSweet are available, apparently!

[quote name='mguiddy']Randy and I will be getting LP2 soon.[/QUOTE]

Got it today!

[quote name='StrandedBrit']LP2 has up to 4p coop![/QUOTE]

Nice. Let's kill some giant bugs.
I just knocked Batman: Arkham Asylum (fun game) out of my backlog, and already two more games have sprung up in its place... The original Red Faction and Red Faction II are each $2.50 on Steam until Tuesday morning. Go, go!!

They also have RFG for $5, which I am only mentioning for completion's sake.
[quote name='zenprime']Well that went well :cry:. I guess its better luck for wednesday or something...[/QUOTE]
Yeah... I doubt I'll still feel this shitty by Wednesday.
Regarding the RDR DLC: if you haven't bought *any* of the DLC yet, you can get Undead Nightmare and the two previously-released packs for $20 in a bundle.
PSN Store update is sooooo late. But! ....RDR Undead Nightmare is there if you do a search.

...and its a 1.7 GB file, so its gonna take a while.
Quantum Theory deserves some props for bringing back the throw-your-partner mechanic from Gunstar Heroes.
And Rescue Rangers on the NES.

But yeah, it was still pretty bad.
I started downloading the Undead Nightmare DLC soon after the store was updated, but the download took me two freakin' hours to download. Sorry I missed out on all the fun... :/
I got the 1million guider trophy in WKC. You have to have 1million g at one time, what you've spent doesn't count. Oy! Thinking I might spend a little now and move my town.
I could've told you that. :lol:
I had well over 1 million total, but I keep spending it on shit (buying town shit and moving it... after upgrading the starting place :lol:).
I just read somewhere that the zombie bait in RDR:UN explodes after a short delay. I kept switching to dynamite and tossing it in there after they'd gathered around the bait. I guess that explains the two explosions. I had just thought that one of you was also tossing dynamite. Whoops. I started the single-player this morning; only played about 45 minutes, but seems quite good so far.
[quote name='mguiddy']I could've told you that. :lol:
I had well over 1 million total, but I keep spending it on shit (buying town shit and moving it... after upgrading the starting place :lol:).[/QUOTE]
Kinda remember that now. I wasn't actually going for the trophy, I was just saving up money for the next town upgrade at first (470k) and before I knew it I was hovering around 987k and then blam-o, trophy.
Zombie bait explodes... Hmmm... I can't wait till we can play it again. Next time we can get an earlier start. :whee:
According to this... in the single player you can get an updated zombie bait called the "boom bait" that explodes after a while. The regular zombie bait doesn't explode, so I guess we were all throwing dynamite.
Although... most of the information there seems to ignore online... it doesn't mention the "Thor's Wrath" effect of holy water... so who knows if it explodes in multiplayer. We'll have to test it next time.

I noticed that you can't have more than one zombie bait out at a time. So the couple of times I used more than one bottles, in an attempt to keep zombies away from me when trying to open a coffin, I was just wasting them.

You rebirth?
I had planned on playing all day Sunday to rebirth, I end up spending all day in a NyQuil induced "coma." :lol:
Feel a million times better now though and am gonna go start leveling up some more here in a few minutes.
[quote name='mguiddy']Zombie bait explodes... Hmmm... I can't wait till we can play it again. Next time we can get an earlier start. :whee:
According to this... in the single player you can get an updated zombie bait called the "boom bait" that explodes after a while. The regular zombie bait doesn't explode, so I guess we were all throwing dynamite.
I noticed that you can't have more than one zombie bait out at a time. So the couple of times I used more than one bottles, in an attempt to keep zombies away from me when trying to open a coffin, I was just wasting them.[/QUOTE]

Maybe the zombie bait explodes in multiplayer by default?..... Oh well, moral of the story: we should say "throwing bait" every time we do it.
Hey Mr. B, my Lost Planet 2 showed up today.
Cool... I should be close to that before tonight (wonders if MrB is playing tonight...), we could have a mage party. :whee:
[quote name='metaly']Hey Mr. B, my Lost Planet 2 showed up today.


[quote name='mguiddy']Cool... I should be close to that before tonight (wonders if MrB is playing tonight...), we could have a mage party. :whee:[/QUOTE]

I will indeed be playing tonight, I will try not to fall asleep at 11:30 tonight
Give it to DD he probably wants it the most. Don't know if I will be around tonight for WKC I really want to finish up Mass Effect 2. I only have a few missions left.
[quote name='MisterBee']Give it to DD he probably wants it the most. Don't know if I will be around tonight for WKC I really want to finish up Mass Effect 2. I only have a few missions left.[/QUOTE]

I think DD already got one (from the same source I got mine).
[quote name='zenprime']I really want one. Really really want one. Box wine in a diet coke can want one.[/QUOTE]

Waiting to confirm that DD actually got a code already (because I know he tried to and see no reason why he wouldn't have). Assuming he did, I'll shoot you the code.
Yep, got one.
I was gonna try it on a secondary account to see if it's sharable. Probably not, but you never know. :D
Warning ME2 Spoliers:
I want Mordin back :cry:, STD Lecture + Showtune Singing = Best Character Ever! (I had no idea he could die that easily)
I might have to replay that final mission to fix this...
Anyone up for some election night RDR/Uncharted/whatever? I could also do Split/Second or Lost Planet 2.

[quote name='MisterBee']Warning ME2 Spoliers:
I want Mordin back :cry:, STD Lecture + Showtune Singing = Best Character Ever! (I had no idea he could die that easily)
I might have to replay that final mission to fix this...[/QUOTE]

I still want to go back and redo the final mission (actually probably the last few hours of the game) because a bunch of my crew ended up dying. If you don't mind some spoilers (they're probably all pretty minor at this point since you finished the game), you should read up on what factors affect who lives and dies during the last mission. At first I thought it was just "whoever you send here dies" like in ME1, but there's a lot more going on in ME2 and it's sort of cool.

Mass Effect 1 is still better, though. ;)

[quote name='bmachine']Patapon 3 tomorrow! Also, that new version of Goldeneye comes out tomorrow, too.[/QUOTE]

At the risk of sounding like a certain someone, why would you get Activision's inevitably subpar Goldeneye sequel when you can play Rare's AMAZING Goldeneye sequel? ;)
bread's done