CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Alight I'm back home and my apathy is over. Weeee! So good to not have to walk dogs in the rain anymore! And food, actual ingredients so I can cook, not just a pan, some oil and whatever I can find in the garage freezer!
Just FYI, Uncharted 2 is $20 used at Blockbuster, effective Monday. Might be worth it if you have a nearby store and can find a copy in good condition. Just finished Enslaved and really, really dug it. Thanks for the recommendation Randy!
I finished Enslaved last night and
thought everything was extraordinarily well done until they had Andy Serkis sit in front of a camera and explain everything a la The Matrix Reloaded. I loved how the rest of the game never dropped any gratuitous exposition and it was up to the player to make sense of everything, so it was a huge disappointment how they handled the ending.

I'm trying not to let that ruin the first 95% of the game for me, though. ;)
[quote name='metaly']I finished Enslaved last night and
thought everything was extraordinarily well done until they had Andy Serkis sit in front of a camera and explain everything a la The Matrix Reloaded. I loved how the rest of the game never dropped any gratuitous exposition and it was up to the player to make sense of everything, so it was a huge disappointment how they handled the ending.

I'm trying not to let that ruin the first 95% of the game for me, though. ;)
You know, I actually dug that part, at least aesthetically. I felt like the juxtaposition between the live-action Serkis and the CG game world/characters actually added to the entire concept. As in, the separation between the past (the world as we know it) and the present (the mech-ridden wasteland). Or, at the very least, it was more believable for me.
I just finished episode 3 in Lost Planet and the last section was just incredible. One of the coolest boss battles of the year, for sure. Also there are a bunch of unlockable costume codes here, including Wesker from Resident Evil and Frank West, but I think you need to have finished the campaign once to be able to use them. Frank comes with a teddy bear backpack.

I'm going to be a little late for Worms, but I'll send you guys a message when I'm ready.

[quote name='mkernan']
You know, I actually dug that part, at least aesthetically. I felt like the juxtaposition between the live-action Serkis and the CG game world/characters actually added to the entire concept. As in, the separation between the past (the world as we know it) and the present (the mech-ridden wasteland). Or, at the very least, it was more believable for me.

(more Enslaved stuff)

Having the live action stuff was definitely a clever way to show the separation between the two worlds, now that you mention it. It really pulled me out of the game, though.

Also I'm still trying to make sense of how the guy said he was capturing people in order to spare them from the wasteland, and yet he had a giant scorpion mech army. And wasn't he behind the Leviathan and at least some of the other mechs trying to kill you throughout the game?
[quote name='metaly']I just finished episode 3 in Lost Planet and the last section was just incredible. One of the coolest boss battles of the year, for sure.[/QUOTE]

You played without your ASSS brothers?! :cry:
[quote name='metaly']
(more Enslaved stuff)

Having the live action stuff was definitely a clever way to show the separation between the two worlds, now that you mention it. It really pulled me out of the game, though.

Also I'm still trying to make sense of how the guy said he was capturing people in order to spare them from the wasteland, and yet he had a giant scorpion mech army. And wasn't he behind the Leviathan and at least some of the other mechs trying to kill you throughout the game?

Yet more Enslaved stuff...
It obviously requires some suspension of disbelief, but I think that is all because he believed he was "saving" people from the harsh reality of what the world has become. There are certainly some plot holes, but I really liked it, without nit-picking too much.

Its probably not very likely, considering the low sales, but I'd like to see a sequel that explores what happens after the slaves are freed.

Great couple of Worms games! I'd keep playing, but I have a couple of friends over.
Whoops, I didn't see Mr. B's Worms tweet until just now. The great irony(?) is that earlier I was trying to set up Twitter notifications on my phone (since SweetSweet mentioned them), but couldn't figure out how.

And Stranded... my ASSS brothers were nowhere to be found! :cry:
[quote name='metaly']Whoops, I didn't see Mr. B's Worms tweet until just now. The great irony(?) is that earlier I was trying to set up Twitter notifications on my phone (since SweetSweet mentioned them), but couldn't figure out how.[/QUOTE]

Just upgrade your Twitter app (the official one) and it should be on by default, I think. If not, hit the '...' icon, then 'accounts and settings', 'settings' (bottom left), and the notifications are there.
[quote name='mguiddy']You missed the greatest Banana Bomb of all time. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

OMG yes! I wish there was a way to upload a YouTube video of that... It was so freakin' epic. :lol:
[quote name='mkernan']Just upgrade your Twitter app (the official one) and it should be on by default, I think. If not, hit the '...' icon, then 'accounts and settings', 'settings' (bottom left), and the notifications are there.[/QUOTE]

Got it. It turns out I just had the old version still. Now I'll never miss a Worms game again.
[quote name='mguiddy']You missed the greatest Banana Bomb of all time. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

You just couldn't let me have the best ending of the night could you :bomb: :lol:

[quote name='metaly']Got it. It turns out I just had the old version still. Now I'll never miss a Worms game again.[/QUOTE]

You could have gone to the website and set it up to send you text messages everytime someone mentions you or direct messaged you. That is really only useful if you dont have a smartphone though.
[quote name='MisterBee']You could have gone to the website and set it up to send you text messages everytime someone mentions you or direct messaged you. That is really only useful if you dont have a smartphone though.[/QUOTE]

I actually had that set up for DMs. Too bad you didn't send me one of those. ;)

Ass brothers: Game night this Monday or Tuesday? I've mentioned it in the ACB thread but I'll be shocked if anyone shows up.

ASSS brothers: When's a good night to play Lost Planet again?
Bought my copy of Ass Brothers tonight, but I'm heading to the in-laws in GA in the morning. Packing up the PS3 to bring with, but I'll be stuck with a standard def TV and will be hit or miss as far as joining up online.
No offense to kube, but is slashdot anywhere near as good as it was years ago?
His last article was on there as well.
Yea I noticed the typo on receive after I submitted it. Opps

Guess the users over there like my stuff. Im not certain out of all the writers for that submit to the site, Im the only one whose stuff doesn't get flagged as spam.

DD, Im not certain if its as good anymore

I finished New Vegas, for those who wanna run through it quick, choose the way of the Yes Man after you reach the strip
I know freaky's opinion... but does anyone else plan on making NFS:HP the new racing game of the week? Or are most people racing gamed out after MNR and blur (and Split/Second)?

It's $35 without a coupon at Kmart this Thursday and Friday and I was kinda debating about picking it up.
So if we can get a small group of people to play Ass Bros I think it could become a really good niche game for us to play!

With some honour rules (keeping random running around and jumping like idiots to a minimum) I think the multiplayer could be something special.
What's the limit on AssBros multiplayer? I want to be an AssBro (and an ASSSBro) but if there's enough people with it already that there'd be an odd man out I won't bother.
Also, you don't need to do any of the single player to play the online do you? I haven't played the first or second (anyone selling either cheapish? :lol:) yet and want to before I do the single player.

I'll probably get AssBro or NFS:HP this week, just not sure which yet.
No, you can play the multiplayer without playing any of the single-player stuff. If you've played them before, you'll already have a handle on the controls though. I put my copy in yesterday and went straight to the multiplayer without any problems.

Also, regarding Flik's comment about random jumping around / acting like an idiot: the good thing is that playing like that is discouraged by the scoring system. E.g. - a stealth kill gets you 400 pts and a crazy, blatant one gets you 100 pts (or something along those lines).

I'm dying here at the in-laws with terrible, terrible shitty DSL, so I don't know how well any multiplayer attempts this week will fare for me.
Wow, I'm trying the LP2 ranked multiplayer and almost every player is Japanese and level 80 or above. :whistle2:# Who's gonna get the level 1 on their team?!? :whee:
[quote name='mguiddy']What's the limit on AssBros multiplayer? I want to be an AssBro (and an ASSSBro) but if there's enough people with it already that there'd be an odd man out I won't bother.
Also, you don't need to do any of the single player to play the online do you? I haven't played the first or second (anyone selling either cheapish? :lol:) yet and want to before I do the single player.

I'll probably get AssBro or NFS:HP this week, just not sure which yet.[/QUOTE]

I think a private game caps at 8 players? Who all has the game? Randy, metaly, Sweet, me and who else? I don't think we quite have 8 yet DD!
[quote name='hustletron']Does anyone still actually play RFG?[/QUOTE]

Like at all, or just here? ;)

A good-sized group of us still plays every week. Probably not this Thursday, though. And then we're playing on Friday next week, just to be confusing.

The Friday thing is because that weekend there's a community get-back-to-RFG event. So, if you're into public games, next weekend will be a good time to play.
Well I played this to death on the 360, then it just kind of died out so I got rid of it. I've been considering getting it again but leveling to get another ostrich uhhhggggggg, but yall play pretty regularly throughout the week or what?
Happy Thanksgiving, jerks! I hope everyone survives their Black Friday shopping. And if you don't, well, you should have known better than to go outside tomorrow.
I have to work in one of my stores all day again today but I should be around tonight.

I noticed that they finally patched Lara Croft to support online co-op, too!
I'm up for... I dunno.... something.

Also was sorely disappointed by the lack of gaming apparel in my local Hot Topic. Have to shop elsewhere for my brother's Christmas present.
bread's done