CAG PSN Gamesharing #2 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

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I'm looking for somebody who would like to pay $15 to join a long-term gamshare. I have one spot left. You will have access to:

Pac-Man CE DX
Dead Nation
Spelunker HD
Superstars V8 Racing
Costume Quest

...and you will be allowed to choose a $14.99 game of your choice. Plus, I can promise you at least $50 more PSN content.

If interested, please PM me.
TETRIS + strong badds video game for attractive people.
$5 a slot

1. (host)vonoliveramora
2. iwarboY

wilflare, are you a go on us with this one? i just took the liberty of putting you in coz you said you wanted another game aside from tetris only but its up to you mate.
hey vono apologies! i managed to find another group that decided on more than just one game
go ahead without me
sorry for not letting you know earlier!
[quote name='Das_Regal']There seems to be enough demand, so I'm starting a standalone Borderlands share. No DLC.

Borderlands - $6 a share.
1: Das_Regal

I can probably host, though if someone else volunteers I'd prefer they do it.[/QUOTE]

I'd join you if I could spare the cash :/

anyway, looks like you can contact Devil May Cry since he's interested in 2 slots (in case you missed his post)
[quote name='Das_Regal']There seems to be enough demand, so I'm starting a standalone Borderlands share. No DLC.

Borderlands - $6 a share.
1: Das_Regal
3: Devil May Cry
4: Devil May Cry

I can probably host, though if someone else volunteers I'd prefer they do it.[/QUOTE]

EDIT: Re-read charles post, my mistake. Two more people needed.
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TETRIS + strong badds video game for attractive people.
$5 a slot

1. (host)vonoliveramora
2. iwarboY

wilflare, no prob. 1 more peeps. account set up and ready to go. 1 more and we can start the new SOP :)
[quote name='DoReiRei']Feel free to add yourselves:

1. (Need host)
5.DoReiRei[/QUOTE]If someone decides to host, I'd gladly take their other slot.:bouncy:
[quote name='jgiovanni']Anyone interested in Dead Space Ignition? I have an extra code for the first 5 that can make a group.[/QUOTE]

You're giving a slot for free? If so, I'm in.
[quote name='bastiartadi']You're giving a slot for free? If so, I'm in.[/QUOTE]

I think he means he has an actual code (not a share), and he wants to sell the rights to it 5 people willing to make a shared account for it.
I really think that there should be some sort of feedback system for PlayStation 3 gameshares. I have "traded" a few times with some awesome users here and would like to leave some feedback and praise for them.

In the meantime, here is "feedback" for WiiNet. My transaction went fast, smooth, and easy. You have no worries here.
[quote name='Polaris1001']TETRIS:
1. (Need host)

Still need a host[/QUOTE]

I would host, Know anywhere i can get 10$ in PSN points with paypal?
[quote name='DoReiRei']I would host, Know anywhere i can get 10$ in PSN points with paypal?[/QUOTE]

Just checked ebay and Amazon.

eBay: Sellers are charging shipping, which makes it over $10 and very stupid.
Amazon: Only two sellers and the $10 card is being sold for over $50 :whistle2:s
[quote name='Devil May Cry']Just checked ebay and Amazon.

eBay: Sellers are charging shipping, which makes it over $10 and very stupid.
Amazon: Only two sellers and the $10 card is being sold for over $50 :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Yeah, 13-14$ for a 10$ card, Weaksause.
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[quote name='Darklighter']BFBC2 Vietnam share:
1 Darklighter
2 erequena
3 noone13

Im interested in joining if a slot is still available
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I think he means he has an actual code (not a share), and he wants to sell the rights to it 5 people willing to make a shared account for it.[/QUOTE]

No I mean i have an exta code and will give it to a group of 5 for free instead of holding a contest.
[quote name='jgiovanni']No I mean i have an exta code and will give it to a group of 5 for free instead of holding a contest.[/QUOTE]

Just made the account for it.

[quote name='jgiovanni']No I mean i have an exta code and will give it to a group of 5 for free instead of holding a contest.[/QUOTE]

Oh, very charitable of you. Don't see that on the internet too often. I already got 100% on this game, so I'll let someone else in on the fun.
[quote name='DoReiRei']Just made the account for it.


if you don't mind i'll tab a slot if your gonna give it away :)
Dead Space Ignition:


Added myself. bastiartadi showed interest so I'll dump him in too. Thanks for the free slot!
Can I get in on Dead space Ignition? I'll pass on the share here when I'm done with it....


if there are no problems, and thanks either way, quite rare to find random generosity on the web
Dead Space Ignition:

5. Charles

Its full now.

Made an account to enter the code on, just waiting on that now.
Does anyone who has hosted before know if you withdrawal funds from your paypal account to your bank account, do you get fined on it at all? Or can you just withdrawal without losing any money?

EDIT: Or can you somehow use paypal to add funds directly to the account for purchasing games on PSN?

I'm wondering if there's a way to do this without using my credit card on the account. I've never hosted before, so.

Borderlands isn't available on Amazon for an online game code, that's a no go.
Mafia 2 DLC

There are two packs out: Jimmy's Vendetta and Joe's Adventures. Both are $10.00.

$20.00/5 = $4.00 each.

1. blurrz
2. jgiovanni
3. Mixer236
[quote name='Das_Regal']Does anyone who has hosted before know if you withdrawal funds from your paypal account to your bank account, do you get fined on it at all? Or can you just withdrawal without losing any money?

EDIT: Or can you somehow use paypal to add funds directly to the account for purchasing games on PSN?

I'm wondering if there's a way to do this without using my credit card on the account. I've never hosted before, so.

Borderlands isn't available on Amazon for an online game code, that's a no go.[/QUOTE]

Withdrawals to your bank account are free of charge. You cannot add funds from PayPal to PSN.
[quote name='DoReiRei']Dead Space Ignition:

5. Charles

Its full now.

Made an account to enter the code on, just waiting on that now.[/QUOTE]

Sent the code to DoReiRei, he(or she) will let you guys know the account info.
[quote name='Das_Regal']Does anyone who has hosted before know if you withdrawal funds from your paypal account to your bank account, do you get fined on it at all? Or can you just withdrawal without losing any money?

EDIT: Or can you somehow use paypal to add funds directly to the account for purchasing games on PSN?

I'm wondering if there's a way to do this without using my credit card on the account. I've never hosted before, so.

Borderlands isn't available on Amazon for an online game code, that's a no go.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about paypal, but I know that you can remove your Credit Card information from the account after you have purchased the game. If you live in a state that charges tax I think you can do the following:

You can first add funds to your account, remove your credit card information, change the address to a state that doesn't charge tax, and finally buy the game with the funds from your wallet.
[quote name='DoReiRei']Dead Space Ignition:

5. Charles

Its full now.

Made an account to enter the code on, just waiting on that now.[/QUOTE]

Hey, i didnt say im in. Count me out
Bastierdi, if you have interest, you ight as well since the join in is free. If all of you guys do not mind, just pass it along if you want once you are finished with your slot.
[quote name='jgiovanni']Sent the code to DoReiRei, he(or she) will let you guys know the account info.[/QUOTE]

Awesome,Downloading it now..Thanks for this Jgiov and doRei :)
1. (Need host)

Still need a host for this.

Also starting a group for Marvel Pinball, I can host since the game is on Amazon. $2 PayPal.

Marvel Pinball

1. Polaris1001
[quote name='jgiovanni']Sent the code to DoReiRei, he(or she) will let you guys know the account info.[/QUOTE]

He -

Login info sent out, if i forgot someone let me know.

Also, A huge thanks, You are super awesome for the code. :applause:
anyone interested in Borderlands DLC? All 4 chapters, PM me or post here =)

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[quote name='DoReiRei']He -

Login info sent out, if i forgot someone let me know.

Also, A huge thanks, You are super awesome for the code. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Apparently you forgot me? Thanks again for the free code!
[quote name='jgiovanni']Bastierdi, if you have interest, you ight as well since the join in is free. If all of you guys do not mind, just pass it along if you want once you are finished with your slot.[/QUOTE]

What the..? Then who said it isnt' free?? Weird. If its free, why not? I'll pass it along once im done with it.
MW2 Maps

Ferrari The Race Experience $5
High Velocity Bowling & Killzone 2: Steel and Titanium Pack $1.50

Siren: Blood Curse** $8

**Check out the game info here. Game is only available on the PSN at $40.


Please PM me with any inquiries
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