CAGcast #227: 5 Inches is Fine

Way to go out on a limb there with your NGP prediction, shipwreck. Picking the entire Android platform as a single entry? There are, what, 30 different handsets now, with a couple new ones arriving every month?
[quote name='mik']Way to go out on a limb there with your NGP prediction, shipwreck. Picking the entire Android platform as a single entry? There are, what, 30 different handsets now, with a couple new ones arriving every month?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing about the Android platform.

As for people "not wanting" to play Uncharted or other top-tier games on a portable - most of the bigger fans will. I know I'll take as much Uncharted as I can get. It also really won't hurt any development on the full-fledged releases, as most of the studios let a different dev team handle the brunt of the work, while they simply maintain ultimate veto power and oversee the process just to make sure it all remains canon. And also, I'm sure, to make sure the game doesn't "suck" which could potentially harm the franchise.

GoW games were made by a different team on the PSP
Ratchet games were made by a different team on the PSP
Jak & Daxter games were made by a different team on the PSP

All of those games managed to be solid(some of them great) titles without needing the full attention of the original/main Devs. Uncharted is following this trend(I read so somewhere... Joystiq or psblog, maybe?) and I have no concerns about it whatsoever.
I honestly feel like the NGP is doomed out of the gate. I'm sure Sony will charge something like $399 for it and market penetration will be practically non-existent. I feel like even Nintendo is going to have quite the fight on its hands against the likes of iOS and Android. We're just about past the era where you can expect most people to have a dedicated gaming system as their portable device. The per-game pricing scheme is another weakness of both dedicated gaming handhelds. Quality iOS / Android games cost significantly less. It just feels like the Japanese gaming industry is completely disconnected from the US market these days. I expect the 3DS to succeed purely because of Nintendo's record in this territory, but I don't think Sony's record is going to help them.
Like wombat said, content is king... so if NGP launches with CoD and Monster Hunter it will sell millions by the end of the year (if it comes out this year in the US & Japan) and it will be sold out everywhere. Both of those games have huge followings and extremely dedicated fans, expect them to buy the NGP on day 1!
I travel a lot and I would love to be able to sync the NGP with a game that I am playing on the PS3 and take it on the road with me. Of course I would prefer to play it on the console and big screen, but I often have time in a hotel and don't have to worry about watching kids, etc. A "portable console" would be a great option that would allow me to get in some gaming while traveling.

Regarding the length of the podcast...I prefer the 90 minute version.
Why is it that people are treating the PSP like in hindsight it was a failure? This show kinda touched on it being a failure because it didn't sell as well as the DS and I've seen other editorials and what not saying the similar things like there are no great games on PSP.

I agree that the MUST PLAY titles are few and far between on the PSP, but can someone name some must play titles that are the DS? Both systems have good games, but neither IMO have titles that are going to make you want to make the jump to the portable if you have no interest in the platform. The only way they can get people with these consoles is putting established titles on handhelds that people really like. For Nintendo it's Pokemon, it's going to move portable consoles for them. The PSP uses console established games to move the PSP. Valkyria Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

I would hardly say that the PSP was a failure though, perhaps from now now on when they release other SKUs they should make more drastic changes, as far as appearance goes, so that people can feel the need to rebuy the console like people did with the DS. When was the last time anyone saw someone playing on this ugly hunk of junk...

If you can play a PS3 saved game on the NGP AND not have to pay for a second copy, i could see it as a real value.
I am going to guess Donkey Kong for the game. That first bit of sound effect is very Donkey Kong-ish... I liked the short episode format, a lot more concise
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Why is it that people are treating the PSP like in hindsight it was a failure? [/QUOTE]

Basically because it was such a fantastic piece of hardware and held such promise, but big games were so rare. It wasn't uncommon to go over 6 months without a release that looked even remotely interesting. To make matters worse, the best games on the PSP were basically watered down PS2 games.

I wanted to love it, but I ended up playing my DS 4-5 times a week and my PSP 4-5 times a year.

Re: Show Length
The longer the better. I listen to it at work to distract me from the depressing drudgery of work, so the longer the distraction the better. :D
Can someone PLEASE tell me what the name of the Intro music is? Cheapy listed it as "Super Duper Mario" in the ShowNotes but a good 30min of Googling and YouTubing yielded nothing for me. Also, I'm pretty sure I hear a Ludacris voice sample in there from the song 'Stand Up', but still, nothing! Help!
On the show length, really depends. With the motivation to move along in the discussion, this show didn't have to 30+ minutes of... nothing that many of the previous Cagcasts had. Then again, anytime discussions started getting interesting, it moved along too quickly. What I would LIKE to see is a happy medium. A longer show, but one with a purpose. Of course that takes more preparation before showtime and I hate to say it but it seems like Shipwreck is the only one willing to outline talking points, etc, before the show records. Nothing against the other two hosts but the optimum show requires a bit more work that could ultimately destroy the fun in creating the show.

As for the handheld wars, I really do think Wombat, Shipwreck, and CheapyD's tendacies to essentially ignore the platform (PSP) as a whole when you can't mention anything beyond Lumines for the platform. It also defeats the other preferred platform of CheapyDs... iPhone/Pad/Touch. Can you really name a "must have" experience on those platforms? Besides, beyond that, haven't we really proven over the past two generations that kind of thinking is no longer thought?

Put in another way, where was PS2's Mario 64? Where was Xbox 360's? A platform is no longer one game that must be present to warrant the purchase by itself, and hell, it hasn't even been that way for a long long time. If you can look at a platform as a whole and say, "I had a blast with that thing," then that's what it takes for the platform to be good. PSP's library, taken as a whole, is a phenominal library that requires only the time to explore it. Many of it's more popular genres and games are titles I prefer to take on the go, such as Hot Shots, DJ Max Portable, Field Commander, Dissidia, Wipeout, and FF Tactics. Are any one of these games titles that I could have missed out and been just fine with? Well, yes. But that's every game ever. But the library as a whole has presented me a lot more fun than my NintendoDS library. If NGP follows suit, I'll be fine with it. And with all the casual flood gamers that DS used to win the last war moving onto iPhone/Pad/Touch, then maybe, just maybe, we'll see a true handheld war. But considering Nintendo has already preloaded their opening volley with Nintendogs, I don't know if they're taking Sony or Apple seriously.

And speaking of 3DS, despite my preorders, I have a feeling the only thing Nintendo has prepared for launch of this system is the machines itself. Everything else, the software, the long term plans, even the frickin online store, seems like Nintendo is rushing around chanting "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, HURRY UP, THEY'RE GONNA BE HERE ANY MINUTE!" If Nintendo keeps up this air of uncertainy and NGP does launch this year with a launch like PSP had, we might see a repeat of the beginnings of the last war.
Did you guys know that EA had a 99 cent free-for-all during the holidays for the IPhone? I got The Simpsons(2.99), Tetris(2.99), the Sims 3(6.99) & it's expansions(2 of them(4.99)(2.99), Battleship(.99), Battlefield: Bad Comapany 2(4.99), Heroes of Lore 3(removed from App Store), Madden 11(.99, but was more before Super Bowl), Lemonade Tycoon(.99) (loved it on the apple waay back in grade school), 2 different Monopolies(2.99x2), and NFS: Hot Pursuit(4.99). 13 bucks right there instead of the total if bought today which is... $39.88.

Thats my guess why EA's profits are the way they are at.
do you guys know where i can listen to the full version of the intro? i can't find super duper mario anywhere.
I have googled for like an hour now and still cannot find the show intro, super duper mario. Someone please help me.
Please stop talking about World of Warcraft. You guys admit you aren't PC gamers, so don't pretend. Listening to Wombat say he thinks WoW would work on the NGP is completely laughable. He thinks WoW would work, but DC:U (a game played with a PS3 controller) wouldn't work on the NGP. Good show otherwise. No more short shows please.
I definitely think the show felt a bit rushed. The 90 min shows just seem more relaxed and allow alot more time for (often funny) musings and meandering.

If the podcast runs it's course at 60min that's fine but don't hit it with a time constraint.

Great show anyway, I'll have to add Dead Space 2 to my list of games to play.
Vote for the longer podcast from here.

But we can understand sometimes you have more time in life than other moments that is understandable.

First 10 min should be off topic talk anyway that is what makes the show different and stand out.
Keep up the great work.
Hey Cheapy, what ever happend to the iPhone app? I haven't heard you mention it in a long time and the last time you did it sounded like it was nearly finished.
[quote name='Cao Cao']Uh Cheapy, is the mystery game Wizard of Wor?

EDIT: Yep, it's gotta be The Incredible Wizard (Wizard of Wor) for the Bally Astrocade, just saw the Youtube video of it.[/QUOTE]

I remember a neighbor kid having the Astrocade when I was a kid. The controller was a bit wonky but the games were really good... loved WOW.
Longer shows are definitely better. Good show guys. I still need to see the games and actual demos on the NGP before making any judgment.
Personally, I actually preferred the shorter show.

I do enjoy listening to the show, but sometimes I find it gets a bit time consuming. An hour long is a great length, in my opinion and I definitely wouldn't mind more shorter shows in the future.

Excellent job guys, looking forward to the next one.
Hmm...some like the show shorter, some like it longer, for some it was "just right."

Thicker, anyone? Thinner? Or "just right"? :whistle2:k
Someone throw us a bone with this intro! According to google, "super duper mario" is nothing but a crappy newgrounds flash and other not awesome stuff.

As for show length, longer is better, but don't push it. Do the same thing you've always done: talk about video games until you're finished. Forcing the conversation into a shorter or longer than natural length won't make anybody happy.

And I like this new analyst segment! Make sure you actually revisit your claims. And more Mr. Bean please.
lol, Wizard of Wor?

...To me it sounded like a modified version of many MIDI sounds of the Original Donkey Kong. xD

btw, didn't the original PSP (Phat) come bundled, at first, with a 32MB Memory Stick
Pro Duo and not a 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo?...I think it did, because I remember
it being the only Memory Stick Pro Duo media format I had when I had the original PSP.

I moved on to the slicker looking & Slimmer PSP-2000 (Silver) so I can't quite remember.
BTW, Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck (aka Boatcrash) I prefer longer podcasts. I enjoy hearing your weekly banter on video games and highly tangential topics
Great show. Thought I would drop my opinion in about the show length. I think 90+ minutes is the way to go. Seemed like this show went by so fast it was over before I knew it. I enjoy the CagCast and the more the better.

And add some more Tai at the end of some shows, too. He is funny. :D
I liked the shorter show, honestly I'm pretty busy with my life lately and having a nice short little CAG break is nice. Although I think the show is best when you stay a bit off topic, if you still did off topic and maybe take out a piece of less important news you could still have a 50 minute show and keep what is in my opinion the best part of the show.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Why is it that people are treating the PSP like in hindsight it was a failure? This show kinda touched on it being a failure because it didn't sell as well as the DS and I've seen other editorials and what not saying the similar things like there are no great games on PSP.

I agree that the MUST PLAY titles are few and far between on the PSP, but can someone name some must play titles that are the DS? Both systems have good games, but neither IMO have titles that are going to make you want to make the jump to the portable if you have no interest in the platform. The only way they can get people with these consoles is putting established titles on handhelds that people really like. For Nintendo it's Pokemon, it's going to move portable consoles for them. The PSP uses console established games to move the PSP. Valkyria Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

I would hardly say that the PSP was a failure though, perhaps from now now on when they release other SKUs they should make more drastic changes, as far as appearance goes, so that people can feel the need to rebuy the console like people did with the DS. When was the last time anyone saw someone playing on this ugly hunk of junk...


The only reason I would call the PSP a failure is because it became so easy to pirate. I bought one a few years ago because I loved the idea of being able to play final fantasy tactics on the go. The GOW titles were outstanding too. And Rock Band provided endless fun.
Wow, do we really need to rubberize the world ANY MORE? Now Rape Jokes are not funny anymore? Jesus krist! In that case someone should shut down TMZ and The Superficial for doing it all the time! And Seth McFarlane should be sentenced to DEATH for making CONSTANT rape jokes on Family guy and American Dad! Jesus fucking krist when will it end? This dying need of over political correctness and constant squashing of freedom of speech really has to stop now. Seriously. I fully support that Penny Arcade with their comic. We live in a terrible depressing world where bad shit happens EVERY DAY and sesame street style humor is not going to make it better.... crude humor does.
Sounds like Cheapy is getting old. No talk of poop or pot or humping pillows in a very long time. Real life is now even cutting into the length of the show. Welcome to the Old Farts Club Cheapy D!
Is it just me, or is Shipwreck getting crankier. "PS3, get off my lawn!"
The prediction segment is kind of lame if we have to wait 3 years to find out if it was correct. Maybe predict which will be the best seller out of the weeks new releases.
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