CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='GamerDude316']Yeah, I think the quitting is the biggest issue I have with this too. Its at least the second time I can remember you quitting out of a game, the first time being that game against the Saints last year after which you said you were "hanging it up for the season." To me thats just classless and completely goes against the "Gentlemen" part of the Gentlemen's league.[/QUOTE]

That's nice. What would you call forcing the game to continue when your opponent is having a conversation with you via XBL messages, running a play while your opponent isn't even looking at the screen, or forcing a delay of game penalty on your opponent while they're typing a message? I feel no remorse over being classless when someone is being classless to me. I can be the nicest person you've ever met. But if you act like a piece of garbage, I'll treat you like a piece of garbage. It's a two way street.
I threw 6 picks in the game against him! His secondary is redonk! I barely threw it to Daniels who has been a staple of my offense as he is in real life behind foster and Johnson!

When he says he's a nice person he means when you agree with him and his skewed ways. Otherwise he is a prick!
[quote name='Docb9110']I threw 6 picks in the game against him! His secondary is redonk! I barely threw it to Daniels who has been a staple of my offense as he is in real life behind foster and Johnson!

When he says he's a nice person he means when you agree with him and his skewed ways. Otherwise he is a prick![/QUOTE]

So why are you still here?
[quote name='perdition(troy']Completely honest question, but wouldn't rage quitting call for a strike?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it would. But...completely honest opinion, I think forcing the game to continue during a conversation, and not waiting on an agreeable resolution would call for one as well. If you want us both to get a strike, I'm fine with that.
[quote name='Blade3D']Do you have a headset/mic? Seems if you couldn't type fast enough you could have sent a chat invite real fast.[/QUOTE]

That's a fair point, but do you have kids? I'm not just free to talk whenever I feel like, man. Pretty much everything in my life has to be scheduled these days.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']That's nice. What would you call forcing the game to continue when your opponent is having a conversation with you via XBL messages, running a play while your opponent isn't even looking at the screen, or forcing a delay of game penalty on your opponent while they're typing a message? I feel no remorse over being classless when someone is being classless to me. I can be the nicest person you've ever met. But if you act like a piece of garbage, I'll treat you like a piece of garbage. It's a two way street.[/QUOTE]

Well, XBL messaging doenst tell you when somebody is typing a message (at least I've never noticed it), so for all I know, my opponent is just being a dick and leaving the game in pause like you said earlier so yeah I'm gonna unpause. And he says he messaged you explaining it, so it sounds like it was addressed on his end. I get that you were frustrated but from an outsider perspective I'm not really sure what you expect here. I'm certainly not gonna sit there and go "well my opponent might be typing a message so I'm just gonna sit here and twiddle my thumbs and wait".

And I had to lol at your "but you guys drag me into this!" comment. This is a community thread and you came in here first posting about what a jerk he was. If you expect everybody else to not have any comments at all about you quitting out of a game, perhaps you shouldnt post it in such a public setting.
[quote name='Blade3D']Do you have a headset/mic? Seems if you couldn't type fast enough you could have sent a chat invite real fast.[/QUOTE]

He doesn't I tried before.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Well, XBL messaging doenst tell you when somebody is typing a message (at least I've never noticed it), so for all I know, my opponent is just being a dick and leaving the game in pause like you said earlier so yeah I'm gonna unpause. And he says he messaged you explaining it, so it sounds like it was addressed on his end. I get that you were frustrated but from an outsider perspective I'm not really sure what you expect here. I'm certainly not gonna sit there and go "well my opponent might be typing a message so I'm just gonna sit here and twiddle my thumbs and wait".

And I had to lol at your "but you guys drag me into this!" comment. This is a community thread and you came in here first posting about what a jerk he was. If you expect everybody else to not have any comments at all about you quitting out of a game, perhaps you shouldnt post it in such a public setting.[/QUOTE]

My point exactly! Better said tough thanks dude!
[quote name='GamerDude316']Well, XBL messaging doenst tell you when somebody is typing a message (at least I've never noticed it), so for all I know, my opponent is just being a dick and leaving the game in pause like you said earlier so yeah I'm gonna unpause. And he says he messaged you explaining it, so it sounds like it was addressed on his end. I get that you were frustrated but from an outsider perspective I'm not really sure what you expect here. I'm certainly not gonna sit there and go "well my opponent might be typing a message so I'm just gonna sit here and twiddle my thumbs and wait".

And I had to lol at your "but you guys drag me into this!" comment. This is a community thread and you came in here first posting about what a jerk he was. If you expect everybody else to not have any comments at all about you quitting out of a game, perhaps you shouldnt post it in such a public setting.[/QUOTE]

Well, personally, I would have waited on a message saying something like "Ok, fair enough." but that's just me. I'm just a huge what do I know?

Ultimately, I don't care, lol. Do what you guys want. Quit from the league, mutiny, whatever. I think he was being a dick...he thinks I was being a dick. Agree to disagree. We're going in circles at this point.
I still think you deserve a strike as the rest of us would get in this situation!

But hey commish, agree to disagree!

I'm still here for the same reason you created the enjoy the game with people if like quality on playing the game! I put up with you the same reason you out up with options!
I would like to take the time to announce a new league, the Non-Pro League. It will start next year for Madden 25. It will be managed by a few current and former members of this league. The Non-Pro League will be for members who are not skillful enough for the Main League.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, personally, I would have waited on a message saying something like "Ok, fair enough." but that's just me. I'm just a huge what do I know?

Ultimately, I don't care, lol. Do what you guys want. Quit from the league, mutiny, whatever. I think he was being a dick...he thinks I was being a dick. Agree to disagree. We're going in circles at this point.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps I'm just more used to non-replies to XBL messages then. Too much Halo and Borderlands in my play history, lol.
hmmmm still not sure why i was called out for defending konfusion of not playing cheese like. i just have an issue with the rage quit which i found it to be distasteful in that situation
Nothing like a good-old fashioned shitstorm to get more than 3 posts a day in the thread.

I think mistakes were made on both sides. If my opponent pauses the game I try to wait a minute before resuming because I feel either they're sending a message or had to step away for a bit. At the same time, a weird formation, as we've established, is fair game as long as it's not abused. Konfusion has always seemed like an upstanding guy in the thread and I'm sure he didn't mean anything malicious. Nate has put himself on auto and as far as I'm concerned it's all good.

To be fair to Konfusion, I have a 5 wide formation with a HB and TE in it. I'd love to take out the HB for a WR in the quick sub menu, but it won't let me, so at best he could make it a 3 WR 2 HB set. As with most bullshit in this game, EA's terrible programming is a factor to consider.
[quote name='Blade3D']I would like to take the time to announce a new league, the Non-Pro League. It will start next year for Madden 25. It will be managed by a few current and former members of this league. The Non-Pro League will be for members who are not skillful enough for the Main League.[/QUOTE]

Forgive my conspiratorial attitude, but was this intentional? We all know you and doc are buds. Did you wait until n8 blew up and got doc to egg him on? Doing all of this to gain support for your rival Madden league? Classy. I am probably reading in to it too much.

I don't agree with everything Nate does, but the way you guys have dismissed any wrong doing on the Ravens part is kind of disgusting. I know I would be annoyed if I had it show up "2WR, 1HB, 2TE" Not enough to quit but certainly annoyed. I like Konfusion, he's a great guy, and I don't think it's unreasonable for him to not realize that the game would broadcast it so stupidly. However, these things happen.

As for the unpausing, I always try to give the person a little time to do whatever. Remember, this isn't Ranked. Most people don't just pause for no reason.
[quote name='KasterDB']Nothing like a good-old fashioned shitstorm to get more than 3 posts a day in the thread.

I think mistakes were made on both sides. If my opponent pauses the game I try to wait a minute before resuming because I feel either they're sending a message or had to step away for a bit. At the same time, a weird formation, as we've established, is fair game as long as it's not abused. Konfusion has always seemed like an upstanding guy in the thread and I'm sure he didn't mean anything malicious. Nate has put himself on auto and as far as I'm concerned it's all good.

To be fair to Konfusion, I have a 5 wide formation with a HB and TE in it. I'd love to take out the HB for a WR in the quick sub menu, but it won't let me, so at best he could make it a 3 WR 2 HB set. As with most bullshit in this game, EA's terrible programming is a factor to consider.[/QUOTE]

Haha honestly no not at all! I was honestly expressing my opinion. We have been planning a league for a wbile but the plan wasn't to do anything like this at all actually. It just came about that way. We didn't need this to happen to get a lot of already committed members.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Forgive my conspiratorial attitude, but was this intentional? We all know you and doc are buds. Did you wait until n8 blew up and got doc to egg him on? Doing all of this to gain support for your rival Madden league? Classy. I am probably reading in to it too much.

I don't agree with everything Nate does, but the way you guys have dismissed any wrong doing on the Ravens part is kind of disgusting. I know I would be annoyed if I had it show up "2WR, 1HB, 2TE" Not enough to quit but certainly annoyed. I like Konfusion, he's a great guy, and I don't think it's unreasonable for him to not realize that the game would broadcast it so stupidly. However, these things happen.

As for the unpausing, I always try to give the person a little time to do whatever. Remember, this isn't Ranked. Most people don't just pause for no reason.[/QUOTE]

I'm with this 110%, Just seems....odd.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Forgive my conspiratorial attitude[/QUOTE]

u dont believe in the Illuminati do u?
[quote name='KasterDB']Nothing like a good-old fashioned shitstorm to get more than 3 posts a day in the thread.

I think mistakes were made on both sides. If my opponent pauses the game I try to wait a minute before resuming because I feel either they're sending a message or had to step away for a bit. At the same time, a weird formation, as we've established, is fair game as long as it's not abused. Konfusion has always seemed like an upstanding guy in the thread and I'm sure he didn't mean anything malicious. Nate has put himself on auto and as far as I'm concerned it's all good.

To be fair to Konfusion, I have a 5 wide formation with a HB and TE in it. I'd love to take out the HB for a WR in the quick sub menu, but it won't let me, so at best he could make it a 3 WR 2 HB set. As with most bullshit in this game, EA's terrible programming is a factor to consider.[/QUOTE]

Though, I didn't make note of every single name on the field, I'm pretty sure his formation actually had 1 WR, 3 TEs, and 1 RB. His TE had also been lined up in the backfield on several plays, so I don't know if the game was counting him as a FB, or what...but that threw me off even more (I tried to scan the names really quick while calling an audible and moving players since I was expecting a running formation, and I don't remember seeing another RB).

This TE was lined up all over the field in the game: backfield, slot, wide, etc. and had like 5 catches at that point in the 2nd quarter. Like I said, I considered the way he was using him a bit cheesy, but when I saw a 5 wide play give the appearance of 2 RB, 1 WR, 2 TE, that was it for me.

Designed play or not...the game's programming and the lack of information we have available makes it worse. Then, when trying to figure out what was going on, and why this was happening (considering I had just checked depth charts, I didn't think that was the issue), I'm getting rushed along in the game. It felt dickish, and that's the stance I'm sticking with. At that point, I wasn't concerned with his opinion of me.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I highly doubt this was planned as a new league announcement but it doesn't surprise me at all. If doc wouldn't have brought his points up I would have.[/QUOTE]

I welcome it. Truth be told, I probably like less than half of the people in this league. :lol:

I'm kidding...or am I?

[quote name='perdition(troy']I highly doubt this was planned as a new league announcement but it doesn't surprise me at all. If doc wouldn't have brought his points up I would have.[/QUOTE]

No it honestly wasn't planned. No conspiracy or anything haha! I promise. The league was blades idea along with DVO I believe. I was stating my opinion or accusing...whatever and as its been pointed out several times over various other issues I believe there isn't a fair standard here and it doesn't seem like a GL league and more of a "it's my way or fuck you" league! I put up with it as its been asked why I'm still here because I don't have a choice! I tried the main league and got destroyed and that isn't fun! I play madden in this league because as N8 said most of us can go either way against any opponent in here. Only a few go over 12 wins. I'm here to play and I am outspoken but I'm also not gonna let someone call another player out when he himself broke a huge rule.
lol, when the "new league" was announced (and the tone of how it was done).. my mind went to my childhood and reminded me of this:

[quote name='Superstar']lol, when the "new league" was announced (and the tone of how it was done).. my mind went to my childhood and reminded me of this:


Dude there is something on Netflix that is like the history of the NWO! Childhood memories flowed! Lol
[quote name='Superstar']lol, when the "new league" was announced (and the tone of how it was done).. my mind went to my childhood and reminded me of this:


hahahahaha! YES! Superstar, I think we're friends now.
[quote name='Blade3D']I would like to take the time to announce a new league, the Non-Pro League. It will start next year for Madden 25. It will be managed by a few current and former members of this league. The Non-Pro League will be for members who are not skillful enough for the Main League.[/QUOTE]

It was just an opportune time to announce this.
A word to the wise I've discovered you are better off not airing grievances in these leagues. I left the other one for a similar reason (not that there have been any problems in this league), but now I keep problems to myself unless they are blatant. Sometimes it's tough for the people in charge to view their choices as democratically as they can view decisions of others.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Though, I didn't make note of every single name on the field, I'm pretty sure his formation actually had 1 WR, 3 TEs, and 1 RB. His TE had also been lined up in the backfield on several plays, so I don't know if the game was counting him as a FB, or what...but that threw me off even more (I tried to scan the names really quick while calling an audible and moving players since I was expecting a running formation, and I don't remember seeing another RB).

This TE was lined up all over the field in the game: backfield, slot, wide, etc. and had like 5 catches at that point in the 2nd quarter. Like I said, I considered the way he was using him a bit cheesy, but when I saw a 5 wide play give the appearance of 2 RB, 1 WR, 2 TE, that was it for me.

Designed play or not...the game's programming and the lack of information we have available makes it worse. Then, when trying to figure out what was going on, and why this was happening (considering I had just checked depth charts, I didn't think that was the issue), I'm getting rushed along in the game. It felt dickish, and that's the stance I'm sticking with. At that point, I wasn't concerned with his opinion of me.[/QUOTE]

To clear some things up.....

I don't believe I used any 3 TE formations in this game. Yes, my TE was in the backfield on some plays. A lot of playbooks have formations like that. A TE in the slot and out wide are in multiple playbooks also including BAL, NE, and NO. My #2 TE Vanhorn caught both TDs. On the first, he was lined up along with my #1 TE on the end of the offensive line. He ran a drag route and scored. The second TD was the one with the strange formation. Vanhorn ran an out and beat the secondary to the endzone. My tight ends had a combined 4 catches. My #6 draft pick Flewellyn had 2 catches for 18 yards, I'm not exactly sure on Vanhorns yards, but it was maybe 30-40 yards and 2 scores on 2 catches. I honestly don't remember throwing to my RB except on a screen pass and didn't gain much on that. I had ran the ball with Doug Martin around 8-10 times at this point. I wasn't gaining much, but enough to keep the chains moving. As I have stated before, my WRs were covered well. I tried throwing an out to Burleson and it got picked. I tried a curl to Roberts and he dropped it. I tried a long pass to an open Torrey Smith, but Flacco overthrew him. It's not like I got a ton of opportunities here. We only made it to midway through the second quarter before he quit on me. His offense couldn't do anything and he threw a pick six and a number of very short drives where I got my hands on more balls, but couldn't haul them in, maybe because of rain. My offense wasn't dominating or anything, but I was definitely in control of the game on defense.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, personally, I would have waited on a message saying something like "Ok, fair enough." but that's just me. I'm just a huge what do I know?

Ultimately, I don't care, lol. Do what you guys want. Quit from the league, mutiny, whatever. I think he was being a dick...he thinks I was being a dick. Agree to disagree. We're going in circles at this point.[/QUOTE]

For the record, I never said you were being a dick. I've only been defending myself from your accusations this whole time. You quit, then came in here calling me a jerk, saying I did some stuff that wasn't even entirely true. I didn't even do anything against the rules. I really don't believe that you threw this whole fit over a 5 yard penalty in a game you had done nothing in. I've asked you a couple times what you were going to message me and you have declined to answer. I assume that is because you had nothing to say. I explained the play and why it was the way it was. What else could you have said other than something like "alright" or call me a liar? I very rarely ever send Xbox Live messages other than very short things like "gg". I can't do XBox message fast, I don't have a chatpad, and didn't want to sit there arguing with you over something that I had already explained.
[quote name='Superstar']lol, when the "new league" was announced (and the tone of how it was done).. my mind went to my childhood and reminded me of this:

[/QUOTE] of the night.


[quote name='slofton']Has anyone tried playing as a CB? Is it me or is it super hard to earn xp? I'm shutting down WRs but not getting anything for it.[/QUOTE]

ive tried but its hard... picks and pick 6's are where they get there xp mostly and high development helps as well of course. i usually user a safety and LBs
For the record, if anyone has a smart phone or iPad, there's an xbox smartglass app which is beautiful. I use it all the time on my iPhone to send messages super quick and it doesn't even cost anything (Microsoft shocks the world)
[quote name='KasterDB']For the record, if anyone has a smart phone or iPad, there's an xbox smartglass app which is beautiful. I use it all the time on my iPhone to send messages super quick and it doesn't even cost anything (Microsoft shocks the world)[/QUOTE]

I forgot to mention this. It's an awesome app! I use it all the time.
[quote name='DVO21']ive tried but its hard... picks and pick 6's are where they get there xp mostly and high development helps as well of course. i usually user a safety and LBs[/QUOTE]

Im thinking of switching to a safety. Im a sucker for making new players left and right. Especially freaks of nature. 7'0" CB's, 5'0" 400lb DTs etc.

Anyone remember how badly EA messed up that poor player from Marshell in NCAA11? He was like 2ft tall
[quote name='jza1218']Oh jeez, when he got into the end zone and held up the football I nearly lost it.[/QUOTE]

It's the size of his entire upper body! :rofl:
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] of the night.



This works on two levels, since back in 2002, Ric Flair briefly was the leader of the nWo.

For anyone who doesn't know, I've been watching wrestling for 23 years. I love it more than I do most things. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to that stuff. So, as far as that goes, feel free to feed me more. ;)
We're definitely advancing tomorrow right? My opponent will be back Saturday and I can play the CPU f we are, but if there is a chance we'll advance on Saturday I may wait so we can potentially play. Either way works for me though.
bread's done