[Canada] $16.88 for Final Fantasy V (Wal-Mart Typo)


16 (100%)
Wal-Mart's newest flyer has Final Fantasy V for $16.88. Check it out on their website at www.wal-mart.ca. Print it out, and see if you can price match at Future Shop or Best Buy. Someone on another forum has confirmed that they were able to price match, but YMMV. Might be worth it =)
Hmm, I'll have to wait until tomorrow since that's when they send out the flyers for our area (they still have last week's on the website, too). Now should I get this or FF3 next week? So many decisions.
Do you mind posting an actual link to the flyer? We don't have them yet in Ontario. They seem to almost always be the same Nation wide, so I'd love to see it.
[quote name='Spades22']hmm I dont see it!!

Oh crap...ya its YMNV or w/e you guys call it...[/quote]check the link i have above
[quote name='TheBigBoi']Ok, now I have a dilemma. Do you guys think I should buy this, or wait for FF3 next tuesday?[/quote]

Get it.
P.S. It's in Ontario Flyers
[quote name='Princess Zelda']The best place to get Fianl Fantasy III right now is Amazon.ca

It's priced 34.99 :) That's the cheapest Price I've seen, FutureShop & Best Buy have it for $49.99.[/quote]nice find zelda, and on the canadian site thats awesome, i'm gonna be poor if FS lets me pm all those copies of FFV i'm getting, you have no idea how high the demand is, i've gotten like 5 pm's about it already :)
[quote name='snotnose_colossal']if youre going to the downtown FS, leave some for me, I'll probably head down there on my lunch[/quote]heading to the broadway and fir one, they said they got a shipment of 100 i reserved 3 for myself so they should be fine
[quote name='Princess Zelda']There's a few more deals out there:
Elite Beat Agents $29.99
Yoshi's Island $29.99
http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10075798&catid=22023&logon=&langid=EN[/quote]i'll wait till i head to the states for those, $19.99 less tax and the canadian dollar is strong so it will be cheaper
I was able to succesfull PM Future Shop for Final Fantsy V for $14.88. I live in Ontario so the flyer was in my mail box. I just walked up asked for a PM and showed the flyer to the lady. She said "Wow" rung it up, I handed over the cash and left.
got it today, though the sales person didn't give me the 10% off the difference because he said if i bought the game first THEN saw it at the advertised price they would do it, whatever, he was a tard anyways, gave me a hard enough time as is
[quote name='maigoyume']got it today, though the sales person didn't give me the 10% off the difference because he said if i bought the game first THEN saw it at the advertised price they would do it, whatever, he was a tard anyways, gave me a hard enough time as is[/quote]

I know its just 2 dollars but you should go to customer service or something. He's really not allowed to do that.
[quote name='Azumangaman']I know its just 2 dollars but you should go to customer service or something. He's really not allowed to do that.[/quote] i actually bought 3, they wouldn't let me take anymore ehehehe :razz: actually he sent me to customer service to check on it first, and i just went around and came back and told him it was okay, so this guy butts in and goes like "whats happening?" and then his buddy tells him that i'm trying to PM at this price, and he gets all "wow thats a big diff" on me and all this other junk, i could've saved almost $9 from it, the guy also told his buddy to call wal-mart to check, and i was just happy to get out of there with 3 for that price
First time poster...

But I can confirm that at least the Lougheed WM had the 16.88 price. Not as good as with the PM, but still might be useful for some.

I tried to PM at BestBuy, but the lady called Walmart and they said they were out of stock, so she said if Walmart was out of Stock I couldn't get the PM. Darn.
[quote name='TronB']I tried to PM at BestBuy, but the lady called Walmart and they said they were out of stock, so she said if Walmart was out of Stock I couldn't get the PM. Darn.[/quote]try another location or just go to FS
[quote name='maigoyume']try another location or just go to FS[/quote]

I'm going to try to go to another place tonight, maybe tomorrow. But what does the game being in stock or out of stock have to do with anything? The lady just said "because it's out of stock" when I asked. -_-

I think it is a typo, because I went to Walmart and it was priced at 16.88 (sold out!), but someone I know went to a different one and it was priced at 38 or 39 something.
[quote name='TronB']I'm going to try to go to another place tonight, maybe tomorrow. But what does the game being in stock or out of stock have to do with anything? The lady just said "because it's out of stock" when I asked. -_-

I think it is a typo, because I went to Walmart and it was priced at 16.88 (sold out!), but someone I know went to a different one and it was priced at 38 or 39 something.[/quote]it is a pricing error, i just don't tell anyone :) FS and BB will only PM if the other place still has it in stock, i've never had an experience where they actually called though, you were just unlucky i think, just try another store
I usually never have the employees call and they just usually price match. Until yesterday! lol.......she called used webcodes but, luckily they had it in stock and I got the price match.
I'll try to PM it at Walmart Lougheed...I went to Futureshop in Burnaby and Richmond and got denied both times, as they called and were told by Walmart employees that the price had been changed and corrected..I'm now going to try every Walmart for a price check as most Best Buy's have them outta stock.
Well..no luck :(..tried three Futureshop's in and around my area and Walmart's around Lougheed and Guildford and they're all sold out..guess this game is popular..I'll just wait for a price drop in the States now, as I can bide my time :)
[quote name='NolbertoS']Well..no luck :(..tried three Futureshop's in and around my area and Walmart's around Lougheed and Guildford and they're all sold out..guess this game is popular..I'll just wait for a price drop in the States now, as I can bide my time :)[/quote]call the locations, tell them to check in the back before you head out, i called the broadway one and told them to hold 3 copies for me, which is why i got them, there were actually none on the shelves
I was able to pricematch at Zellers. Got myself 4 copies:cool:

Although, Zellers only pricematch and don't give you back a % of the difference. Also, they usually don't call the store that they're pricematching. Be sure to have the real flyers though.
Well..finally got the game, but honestly..such hassle..last time I attempt to go the CAG route in Canada..I've never had this happen to me in the States..there..no questions asked and they PM the deal. But I did end up getting it for 29.99...yes..I know that's not the deal, but I finally went to try at a Zellers, and than the cashier is new, so calls in the manager and they call Walmart Lougheed and they said that although they sold it at that 16.99 price, the actual price was 38.49 and was corrected, so they can't honour it..I was choked and just pled my case, in the end I got only about $10 off, but the last time I try to go the CAG Canada route..I'll just stick to the US CAG deals from now on, as the FF V game in the States was about 29.99 too, but the high tax in Canada is what's the turnoff here, but yeah..waste of gas and time looking for the game and calling up many stores..sheesh. Sorry for the rant, just tired and at the same time..learned my lesson never to look for deals in Canada...I'm solely sticking to US CAG deals from now on.
bread's done