[Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List


16 (100%)
Update 3: The new website is http://www.tivs.ca thanks to neksus!

Update 2:

Lone Prodigy is awesome and made a new one: http://ebtradeinvalues.scribblewiki.com/Main_Page

Please update the wiki yourself. The new wiki is http://www.citgocapital.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

RFDers use/edit it as well.

Alright, the Americans have a wiki page with all the EB Games trade-in values and I figured we might as well start one for the Canadian EB. It's good reference for if we ever want to sell our soul or maybe take advantage of loopholes in their promos! I'll try and keep the list updated as much as possible.

If you have info to add, please do so in the following format:
*Game Name - $# - Month Day, Year
For example:
*Sonic Mega Collection - $8 - September 29th, 2006.

Group them by system please!

Wiki Link: http://wiki.cheapassgamer.com/index.php/EB_trade_in_values_-_Canada
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[quote name='neksus']lol nice. can the "cd-key" be redeemed more than once?[/quote]

no, it's only used to add the songs to rock band, but the game can still be played with the disc, so they should still take it... :( Once the key has been used no one else can add use it to add the songs to rock band, but can still use the game.

from rockband.com:
AC/DC LIVE: Rock Band® Track Pack™ Q&A

Q: Is AC/DC LIVE: Rock Band® Track Pack™ a standalone game or a DLC offering?
A: AC/DC LIVE: Rock Band® Track Pack™ is a standalone game turning 18 classic live tracks from AC/DC’s prolific live performances featuring over 99 minutes of gameplay for each instrument.

Q: Will AC/DC LIVE Rock Band Track Pack be available as DLC?
A: AC/DC LIVE Rock Band Track Pack will NOT be available as DLC, only as a standalone disc.

Q: Will players be able to export the tracks from AC/DC LIVE Rock Band Track Pack into Rock Band or Rock Band 2?
A: At no additional cost, all 18 tracks from the AC/DC LIVE: Rock Band Track Pack will be available for play in Rock Band and Rock Band 2 by entering a special one-time export authentication code found in the manual of the game for the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 versions. Online connection required for export of AC/DC LIVE Rock Band™ Track Pack for play in Rock Band and Rock Band 2. Additional instructions can be found in the manual.
Q: Then why didn't you just release it as a DLC since you've made it near impossible to put the game on the secondary market?
A: Because we're pricks and love to screw legitimate customers out of their constitutional right of first-sale.

Q: Given the small number of tracks vs. the enormous amount of content that you can fit on a disc, isn't this pack a massive waste of resources, and in fact a gigantic waste of the fossil fuels you used for the package?
A: Yeah, well, we aren't too fond of the environment, either.

Q: What will you say to the customer who gets a copy of the expansion pack, new or used, only to find that their key code is invalid because someone else wrote it down, took it home and used it?
A: We'll say "thanks for the cash".
This code business is happening a lot now. Rock Band 2 and Gears of War 2 both reward new buyers as opposed to people who buy used. Publishers and developers don't get a cent off of used game sales so they want to stop GameStop from selling used games for $5 less than new and making 200% pure profit.
I'm about to trade in these 4 games in:
Dead Rising
God Father Wii
Ace Combat 6
Tiger Woods 07
To get:
I'll let you know tomorrow how she goes.
I've never traded in games before and a friend of mine told me that you need to be 18+ to do so, is that true? Last time I checked I can buy M-rated games so why would I need to be 18+ to do so? Do I need ID or could I just lie about my age?
[quote name='Grease_Bits']I'm about to trade in these 4 games in:
Dead Rising
God Father Wii
Ace Combat 6
Tiger Woods 07
To get:
I'll let you know tomorrow how she goes.
I've never traded in games before and a friend of mine told me that you need to be 18+ to do so, is that true? Last time I checked I can buy M-rated games so why would I need to be 18+ to do so? Do I need ID or could I just lie about my age?[/quote]

i don't know about the age thing, but you do need a driver's license. maybe that's for age purposes, but they always write down your drivers license number on the receipt.
[quote name='Grease_Bits']I'm about to trade in these 4 games in:
Tiger Woods 07

Let us know how this goes. I asked about this title today (for 360) and it was $7
[quote name='cm matty']i don't know about the age thing, but you do need a driver's license. maybe that's for age purposes, but they always write down your drivers license number on the receipt.[/quote]

It doesn't necessarily have to be a drivers license, but it does have to be some government issued ID. So that could include a provincial ID card (essentially a drivers license), or a passport. You don't have to be 18 to trade the games in, but you will be 18 to get M rated games (unless they don't ask).
[quote name='Grease_Bits']
I'll let you know tomorrow how she goes.
I've never traded in games before and a friend of mine told me that you need to be 18+ to do so, is that true? Last time I checked I can buy M-rated games so why would I need to be 18+ to do so? Do I need ID or could I just lie about my age?[/QUOTE]

You do have to be 18 to trade in games. They will ask for ID usually a drivers License. I've been in stores where the store clerks didn't know me and they wrote down my driver's license number when I traded in a game. Of course this is only if they follow the rules at the store...
Yeah I'm 17 and I trade and buy M-rated games without any problems. I don't have a driver's license so I use my birth certificate cross-referenced with my photo Ontario health card (that alone isn't enough, I guess). Just picked up Gears 2 yesterday!
Tiger Woods 07 (360) - 8
Dead Rising (360) - 8
Ace Combat 6 (360) - 22
Godfather (Wii) - 11

They didn't ask for ID, I just used my drivers to fill out the form. BTW I don't think you need to be 18, seeing as the clerk said I could of used my student ID to fill out the form if I didn't have a drivers, I'm thinking the age is 16, unless it's an M-rated game.

Got Gears 2 and Call of duty: world at war.

***Sorry about that, was off in a hurry to play the games.
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[quote name='Grease_Bits']Tiger Woods - 8
Dead Rising - 8
Ace Combat - 22
Godfather Wii - 11

They didn't ask for ID, I just used my drivers to fill out the form. BTW I don't think you need to be 18, seeing as the clerk said I could of used my student ID to fill out the form if I didn't have a drivers, I'm thinking the age is 16, unless it's an M-rated game.

Got Gears 2 and Call of duty: world at war.[/quote]

Tiger woods (WHAT YEAR???) That would be a big help!
Just tried trading in Assassins creed, Pro Evo. Soccer 08, and Mass Effect, all 360.

Only one they would take is assassins creed.
[quote name='neksus']hmm...mass effect was reported earlier today (twice!) to have $11 tiv...[/quote]

Yeah I know, it was even my "backup" game that I brought, figuring it would definitely be taken. The store was semi-busy, so I assumed he just rushed me out of there or something. I'm going back first thing tomorrow morning with Assassins Creed, Burnout Revenge, and trying Mass Effect again.
[quote name='Adams_Mom']Yeah I know, it was even my "backup" game that I brought, figuring it would definitely be taken. The store was semi-busy, so I assumed he just rushed me out of there or something. I'm going back first thing tomorrow morning with Assassins Creed, Burnout Revenge, and trying Mass Effect again.[/quote]

three reports as of now that ME didn't qualify today
Question about the uncircled receipt.

When I traded in Gears of War 2 (for their $50 boost-up special) and WWE Raw (for the "trade it back for full retail" deal), they wouldn't let me use the 10% boost from an uncircled receipt. "They don't combine with any offer" they said. Is that true?
Zelda - Twilight Princess (GC) - $29 (got it for 9.99 at RV!)
Mario Power Tennis (GC) - $7 (Got it at RV free because of a buy 1 get 1 free 9.99 used game deal)

Nights: Journey of Dreams (Wii) - $10
[quote name='Deadmon']Zelda - Twilight Princess (GC) - $29 (got it for 9.99 at RV!)[/quote]

I've hit several EBs over the past few weeks, and every single one of them has this huge, massive stockpile of Gamecube games. Which is great because last year when I was looking for games, they barely had any stock. Or at least it seems its great until you look at the prices of the games. You're hard pressed to find a Zelda or Mario game for under $30, and some of them are actually priced twice as high as I paid for the entire GC system!

I could understand this if they were "Well, we only have two copies of this extremely rare game in Canada", but every single EB I got in has, like, 10 copies of each Zelda game. wtf?

Thank goodness for RV and BBV looking at their games and saying "this one's old. $5!"
As of 11/13:

Legend of Spyro (360) - $25 @ EBG
NBA Ballers (360) - $3 @ EBG
Summer Athletics (360) - $0 (No SKU @ EBG) - $15 @BBV
Call of Juarez (360) - $0 @ EBG (won't accept trades on this anymore)
Virtua Tennis 3 (360) - $7 @ EBG
as of November 13

Wii - Code Lyoko - $8
Wii - mummy movie game whatever it was called - $8

Got both at rogers 9.99 each and buy 1 get 1 free and traded in to ebgames for Mirrors Edge
Just traded in two games today:
Fable 2 (360) - $35
Rock Band (PS3) - $22 [I got $25 instead because the employees were nice enough to give an extra $3]
EBgames Trade-in value as of Nov 14:
Excite Truck Wii - EB TIV 15$ (not 22$ anymore)
Alien Syndrome Wii - EB TIV 8$ (still!!!)

Petz Catz 2 PS2 - EB TIV 2$ (was 0.93$ at WMT, the person did not liked the game!)
On November 15 2008 for EB Games

Fatal Inertia (360) $7 (didn't qualify)
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (360) $11 still
Sega Rally Revo (360) he didn't tell me the value, but it qualified, so at least $8

Also I had a question about the mobile version. When I browse on my blackberry it appears to only show the EB values, how do you switch to FS and BB? I couldn't find a link. Awesome site keep it up!
Is there any way to contribute (ie. edit) TIVS.ca? I went to FutureShop and traded in Heavenly Sword and Army of Two (PS3). I got $22.80 for HS, but only $13.20 for Ao2.
Overall, my first FS trade-in experience was mediocre. It took forever, then when I went to buy Resistance 2 in-store, the gift card I was given didn't work. The computers from the company issuing the store credit were down or something :whistle2:s That's the story I got at least.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']
Overall, my first FS trade-in experience was mediocre. It took forever, then when I went to buy Resistance 2 in-store, the gift card I was given didn't work. The computers from the company issuing the store credit were down or something :whistle2:s That's the story I got at least.[/quote]

I had a bit of hiccups as the system was not very responsive. It took a couple of tries to get the money in the card but the sales rep made sure that the money is in the card. I used the Genji 2 TIV towards The Dark Knight bluray preorder ;-)
[quote name='danthemightyone']I had a bit of hiccups as the system was not very responsive. It took a couple of tries to get the money in the card but the sales rep made sure that the money is in the card. I used the Genji 2 TIV towards The Dark Knight bluray preorder ;-)[/quote]

Well it's FS's loss I guess. I'm going to pick up Resistance 2 at RCSS for $50 instead. I'll use the credit for something else (probably something on sale).

So anyone have any idea regarding updating TIVS.ca? Who runs the site?
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Well it's FS's loss I guess. I'm going to pick up Resistance 2 at RCSS for $50 instead. I'll use the credit for something else (probably something on sale).

So anyone have any idea regarding updating TIVS.ca? Who runs the site?[/quote]

neksus does.
Nov. 16
Assassin's Creed - $8
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - $11
Gears of War - $11
Soul Calibur IV - $27
(all for 360)

These 4 games + $20 got me Gears 2 and Left 4 Dead. :D
[quote name='Gombay']Nov. 16
Assassin's Creed - $8
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - $11
Gears of War - $11
Soul Calibur IV - $27
(all for 360)

These 4 games + $20 got me Gears 2 and Left 4 Dead. :D[/quote]

Don't forget to update your tradelist :)
[quote name='ChaosKnight']Bioshock (360) - $7
Halo 3 (360) - $24
Folklore (PS3) - $18

I can't believe Bioshock isn't over 8 anymore :([/quote]

I'm having more troubles with the Halo 3 TIV to be honest
[quote name='ChaosKnight']Bioshock (360) - $7
Halo 3 (360) - $24
Folklore (PS3) - $18

I can't believe Bioshock isn't over 8 anymore :([/quote]

Someone posted that Bioshock is sold @ $20 (probably used) so TIV drop was very imminent.
bread's done