Cant say Im going to the movie theatres anymore

lol..nah, its getting irked like I did at POTC 3 and thinking about all the other times Ive gotten pissed, I either need to wait till 3wks to a month after its in the theatre, bootleg it or just buy it via dvd.
It's actually jackasses like these people in the theaters that have caused me to go see some of my most favorite movies. If I want to see a movie, I think "what movie will none of these brats and annoying people be in?" I saw Napoleon Dynamite, Mystic River and Pan's Labyrinth with no one in the theater before any of the general public realized these were great movies and I had a great experience.
[quote name='blandstalker']I honestly don't know what people are thinking anymore. I would never dream of bringing my kid (who is now 7) to a PG, much less R film, yet I know many otherwise sane parents who have done so. I don't get it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Too many parents these days have lost their minds. I have a friend who let his (then) 6 year old and 3 year old step-daughters watch Jurassic Park. And when the six year old started having night terrors about being eaten by dinosaurs, they acted like they had no clue how it could have happened.

About a year later they took the kids to see generic-gore-movie and were told to leave when both girls started crying, and they had the balls to complain about it!

Then one time they rented the departed and wanted my little sister to watch it with them. I know it's a crime that I still haven't seen it but I knew enough in advance to know it's not appropriate for a 9 year-old girl. So I didn't let her. Of course they thought I was being a jerk and whatever but at this point it doesn't bother me.

Anyways, the point of all that was to show that parents have all lost their minds and I am the only person with any decency left. Thank you.
You know here in Utah I gotta say it is not that bad. I go to movies about once a month and very rarely do I have any of these problems. I guess it also has to do with the fact that I mostly go to R rated movies. I used to go to those free movies on the Air Force Base though and UGH everything you guys described happens and the picture and sound quality is terrible even for free older movies it is not worth it. We are lucky in that we have a drive in theater only about 4 miles away too. Everyone loves it and it is always full. I think people like the experience and they even BBQ there before the sun goes down and the movies starts. However when my wife and I have kids we will stay home and watch Blu-ray and HD-DVD's. The picture and sound is pretty much superior to movie theaters anyway like already mentioned.
I pretty much stopped going to films on their new release date namely due to the idiots who ruin the experience. The last time I went to an night time showing on opening day was "A.I." I had some stupid woman behind me who had to yack on her cellphone for several minutes right during the opening. Sadly for her I happen to know the manager of the theater so she got a nice swift warning to either have her phone turned off or be removed.

Last time I went to a film with any crowds was the third "Harry Potter" on opening day (daytime showing). Amazingly despite the crowd being mostly kids and their parents everyone was well behaved, watched the film quietly, and enjoyed it.

Otherwise I mostly wait until the following Tuesday or Wednesday if I want to see a film badly at the theater. Tho I do somewhat regret not going to the opening night showings for "Clerks 2." I heard the crowds at the theater I go to were a riot that night.
Answer: Don't go on opening days, find theaters that don't get much attendance, or find cheap theaters that show movies a few weeks or months later on the cheap.

I saw Spider-Man 3 on opening day at noon and there were maybe 20-30 people in a theater that isn't busy most of the time. I've seen Snakes on a Plane there shortly after its release and there was not another person besides me and my friend. That was nice.

I've never had much of a problem at the bigger theaters, except for maybe a teenage girl that kept screaming at the horror-ish scenes in Hot Fuzz.

As for pricing, the vast majority of the movies I've seen have been at most $6 or so. I just try to refrain from going to evening showtimes and even then I'll use my student ID to get a discount to a more reasonable time.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Are you talking about the Drafthouse? That place is what theaters should be like, in order to stay alive in the DVD/HD era.[/QUOTE]
The Alamo Drafthouse isn't the best theater in the nation for nothin', son.

But I also second Dallow's recommendation of waiting a few weeks and then going.
for the price of me and my girlfriend's tickets a drink and a small popcorn... I can buy like 3 discounted GC games, to see one movie one fucking time... Prices are outrageous, people are fucking annoying, and I don't want to go to jail for stabbing someone. I think i'll avoid the theater experience :)
[quote name='Will']I RANT[/QUOTE]

Well thats why you bring a super soaker full of warm piss. Then spray a single shot at those who annoy you.
I love the theatre when I'm the only one in the audience.

In other words: I love the film / theatre communion; I hate the inconsiderate, amateurish social movie-goer audience who have to chomp on their snacks (food shouldn't be allowed in theatres) and talk to one another as loud as possible.

That's why I see films on weekdays, at around 11 AM to 1 PM. I hate people.

$4.50 for the theatre experience, sans people, is a fair price.
Saw Spiderman 3 opening night. Woops. A group of drunk people came and sat near me (average age of late 20's). They wouldn't shut up. Ugh.
[quote name='Graystone']Well thats why you bring a super soaker full of warm piss. Then spray a single shot at those who annoy you.[/QUOTE]

My original plan of action was to throw glitter on em and run but these days Im sure thats considered assault.
movies here in utah aren't "that" bad.. 7 bucks usually.. but i usually go to a cheaper movie if i have the choice.. we have several dollar movie theatres and yeah i'm never in a rush to see a movie when it first comes out..

i always sit in the front.. and i always talk.. i always MST3K the hell out of movies that aren't "the best".. ah well.. i'm sure i upset a lot of people (even my GF from time to time)
[quote name='urzishra14']i always sit in the front.. and i always talk.. i always MST3K the hell out of movies that aren't "the best".. ah well.. i'm sure i upset a lot of people (even my GF from time to time)[/QUOTE]
And I'm sure, unlike MST3k, it's neither funny or charming clever.

Just shut your mouth when you're in the theatre.

You wouldn't want me shitting all over your mother's chest at her open-casket funeral; I wouldn't want you talking during my movie.
[quote name='Brak']And I'm sure, unlike MST3k, it's neither funny or charming clever.

Just shut your mouth when you're in the theatre.

You wouldn't want me shitting all over your mother's chest at her open-casket funeral; I wouldn't want you talking during my movie.[/QUOTE]
The only exceptions to this rule are Uwe Boll movies.
[quote name='Brak']And I'm sure, unlike MST3k, it's neither funny or charming or clever.[/QUOTE]

But I'm sure he probably thinks he is the funniest mother fucker alive, like most people who feel the need to "crack jokes" during a movie.
[quote name='Will']See, its stuff like that that one of these days Ill regret doing but at this point,I think its safe to say I cant miss these people no matter how early or late I go and I just cant enjoy movies anymore at the theatre.

The last straw was the opening day to Pirates 3.

9:45am first showing. There were alot of kids, alot of adults. Everythign was smooth till the previews started and some lady walked in with 2 infants, and 2 toddlers. She went all the way to the back row by us and sat in the corner.
The kids werent quiet, the babies werent quiet and that theatre was WAY too loud for those little ones. To top it off half way through she was pulling off diaper change duty.

No more theatres like I use to. Unless its a must see in theatre movie, its bootleg time or wait till dvd[/QUOTE]

When I went to see Pirates on opening night I was really worried that a bunch of annoying teenagers would talk/ruin the movie for me. They didn't, but some stupid lady brought her child as well and during the last hour or so the child started crying. Instead of being a nice person and taking her child outside, she just let him cry. The kid stopped after about 5 minutes then started and stopped about 2 other times. No one said anything, but I could see people (I was in the back row) look over towards her. The lady to my left whispered to her friend "God, shut that fucking kid up!" but that's the only thing I heard. On top of that, the girl to my right kept checking her cell phone for the time. It's almost a 3 hour movie so she should've been prepared for the length!

I also went to see Spider-Man 3 the week after it came out and there were about 15-20 people in the theatre. Everything was fine, except some random guy was snoring throughout the second 1/2 of the movie. WTF! Who the hell goes to see a summer blockbuster and then falls asleep during the movie? :bomb:

Luckily I had a positive experience this past week when my friends and I went to a pre-screening of Knocked Up. There were no crying babies/people on cell phones/people talking in general. The crowd was excellent and most people laughed at all the right parts. That's what I like to see or rather experience when I go to a theatre.

Mostly I only pay for matinees and I try to avoid opening weekend of big movies. This usually assures a good experience.
When I went to see Spider-man 3, there was this dumbass lady who brought a baby in with her and sat about two rows behind me. The baby was terrified of Venom, so everytime Venom was on the screen, all you could hear was the baby doing that horribly annoying baby screaming. On top of that, there was this little kid behind me who kept pushing his his feet back and forth into my chair, rocking it. I couldn't yell at him or anything either, because he was just some little kid. I just had to deal with it to avoid trouble.

This one is infuriating. When I went to see The Matrix: Reloaded, there was a group of about ten teenagers with laser pointers. Through the ENTIRE MOVIE, there were ten little red dots flying all over the screen. Management wouldn't do shit either, because they had no definitive proof that they were doing it, and they were too goddamn lazy to stick around and catch them.

When I saw Pirates 2, there was a mother who couldn't control her five year old daughter, and they were sitting right next to me. Seriously, the whole movie I had to hear "Mommy look it's a ship!" "Mommy did you see that? Mommy! Mommy did you see that?" "What are they gunna do Mommy?" "Mommy I don't get it." "Mommy I'm scared." "Mommy who's that?" " Mommy did you see the dog? Did you see the dog Mommy?" "Mommy can we go get some candy? Why not?! Moooooommmmmyyyy!" *Several minutes of crying and screaming and kicking*. That was pretty much the whole movie for me.
Kids shouldn't be allowed in theaters...
[quote name='d00k']When I went to see Spider-man 3, there was this dumbass lady who brought a baby in with her and sat about two rows behind me. The baby was terrified of Venom, so everytime Venom was on the screen, all you could hear was the baby doing that horribly annoying baby screaming. On top of that, there was this little kid behind me who kept pushing his his feet back and forth into my chair, rocking it. I couldn't yell at him or anything either, because he was just some little kid. I just had to deal with it to avoid trouble.

This one is infuriating. When I went to see The Matrix: Reloaded, there was a group of about ten teenagers with laser pointers. Through the ENTIRE MOVIE, there were ten little red dots flying all over the screen. Management wouldn't do shit either, because they had no definitive proof that they were doing it, and they were too goddamn lazy to stick around and catch them.

When I saw Pirates 2, there was a mother who couldn't control her five year old daughter, and they were sitting right next to me. Seriously, the whole movie I had to hear "Mommy look it's a ship!" "Mommy did you see that? Mommy! Mommy did you see that?" "What are they gunna do Mommy?" "Mommy I don't get it." "Mommy I'm scared." "Mommy who's that?" " Mommy did you see the dog? Did you see the dog Mommy?" "Mommy can we go get some candy? Why not?! Moooooommmmmyyyy!" *Several minutes of crying and screaming and kicking*. That was pretty much the whole movie for me.
Kids shouldn't be allowed in theaters...[/QUOTE]

Yet you keep paying money, three times now, to experience these horrible experiences.

To the people who keep subjecting themselves to this over and over again, WHY? It just seems like you are wasting your money.

It only took two bad experiences, one after the other (wanted to make sure the first time wasn't a fluke) for me to swear off movie theater's forever.
It surprises me that people still go to the movie theater, and I work at one! It also surprises me that I still work at a movie theater.

I love how everyone acts so surprised at how expensive everything is, when it should be common sense at this point in their lives (hell, I realized it when I was four). Maybe this is the CAG in me, but I will never give a movie theater a dime of my money for as long as I live.

I will NEVER see a movie opening weekend or on nights when there is no school the next day; luckily I usually just watch what I want to see before it comes out, but that's neither here nor there :cool:
i love the theater i don't want to see a movie first unless it is on a big screen with great sound. Cinemark near me is amazing never had any issues with kids but maybe you should try another theater or change your view time. I usually go at 8-12 and never any issues. I am going to see oceans 13 opening night. However i am one of those guys that if i don't see a movie opening night i wait till the dollar theater shows it.

Funny pirates experience

NOTE: there was no behavior issues during the movie.
There were a few tweens in the row ahead of me and during the credits they kept taking pictures of each other, the flash was killing our eyes while we waited to see what was after the credits. the guy next to me sticks his middle finger up at them and says "SECURITY THEY ARE FILMING THE MOVIE" it was so fucking hilarious i almost died from laughing.
I pretty much agree 100% w/ the g/f LOVES going to the theatre but even she only wants to attend for the HUGE hits now...
Damn, your movie theatres suck. Only problem I've had with ours is a small malfunction on the projector 5 minutes into Pirates 2 (we got 2 free movie tickets each after the movie too). Other than that, it has been great *knock on wood*. Although it does help when you go to the late night showings, 10 PM being the earliest
Projector + Sound System + Netflix subscription = awesome investment.

If you're truly broke, you can charge your friends to come over and watch movies with you after they see how cool the setup is.
Spiderman 3, there was just a bunch of people who needed to shut the fuck up. "Ooh Spidey, you need an interior decorator." That wasn't even clever.

Only time I talk during movies is Will Ferrell movies and thats usually at 2 in the afternoon at matinees.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Answer: Don't go on opening days, find theaters that don't get much attendance, or find cheap theaters that show movies a few weeks or months later on the cheap.

I saw Spider-Man 3 on opening day at noon and there were maybe 20-30 people in a theater that isn't busy most of the time. I've seen Snakes on a Plane there shortly after its release and there was not another person besides me and my friend. That was nice.

I've never had much of a problem at the bigger theaters, except for maybe a teenage girl that kept screaming at the horror-ish scenes in Hot Fuzz.

As for pricing, the vast majority of the movies I've seen have been at most $6 or so. I just try to refrain from going to evening showtimes and even then I'll use my student ID to get a discount to a more reasonable time.[/quote]

Hey, since you're in Tempe do you go to the Mills to watch anything? I avoid that theater like the plague unless my buddy does a preview screening there. Only then are the usuall riff-raff not in the theater. God I hate ghetto mills.
[quote name='SithFran']Hey, since you're in Tempe do you go to the Mills to watch anything? I avoid that theater like the plague unless my buddy does a preview screening there. Only then are the usuall riff-raff not in the theater. God I hate ghetto mills.[/quote]
Yeah, that's the main place I go when I'm down here for school, since it's only a few minutes away from where I live. I don't go that often, but if my friends are interested in seeing something I'll go with them. I haven't really had any bad experiences except for crowded seating when we go as a bigger group, as some of them tend to delay the rest of us.
i dnno what there is in texas but in oregon and some other states they have kind of higher class movie theatres. many of these places have a coupple diff rooms where they show diff films and some even cater only to adults ( due to selling alcohol) and have very nice plush seats and tables and serve full meals. its worth the price if youre looking for a better place to enjoy a movie.
the problem I have at theaters is some asshole is always kicking my seat. i havent been to the public theaters in a month or two. my friends and i will go to this theater that gets the releases a few weeks after the initial release date, so they only charge $3 before 5pm and $6 after 5pm. The theater seems to be just as crappy as it was before they sold it and turned it into a discount theater, according to my brother who went there for a screening. Food is also reasonably priced with some famous german hotdogs for only $1.
Some things I have seen. During Resident Evil, someone brought there 5 year old and he started freaking out during the zombie dog scene, of course the parent did nothing. All during Aqua Teen there are various subtitles and this dad was reading them outloud to his son who had to be 7 or 8 and these were some of the most visious words that could be read aloud and he just went right on saying them.
Hah, I must be lucky, I've never had a bad movie experience...unless the movie just sucked.


Oh no wait, now I remember. In Spiderman 3 there was a 5-6 year old sitting behind me yelling out the obvious. But I found that hilarious.



I guess it just takes a lot to piss me off. Some parents can't get/afford a sitter, so they have no other options but to bring their kids in with them. Teenagers will be annoying and talk, babies cry, etc. etc.
I enjoy a packed theater every now and then. Arena style seating FTW. (Or whatever it's called when the rows are steeply staggered.) But people can be pretty annoying. I remember once (I think it was Star Wars III) a lady was repeating much of the dialog for her (I assume) hard of hearing husband. Although I did chuckle when she said "Oh that's Princess Leia!" when Portman first came on screen. A few really obnoxious "Shhhh!"s from me and she pretty much zipped it.

But for the most part I just wait for DVD. Especially now that there are redboxes ($1 rentals) all over my area.
[quote name='seanr1221']Some parents can't get/afford a sitter, so they have no other options but to bring their kids in with them. Teenagers will be annoying and talk, babies cry, etc. etc.[/QUOTE]There's always the option of not going to the theater...
I still like going to the theaters. At home, I can't watch a movie because there are too many distractions.
[quote name='wubb']

But for the most part I just wait for DVD. Especially now that there are redboxes ($1 rentals) all over my area.[/QUOTE]

redbox FTW!
[quote name='Will']I downloaded a bootleg of Spiderman 3

I feel guilty because when I wanna see something, I think I owe it to whoever gets the money to pay.

However lately, Im turning away from that.

Movie ticket prices keep going up, and here in Tx its nowhere near what it is on the east coast so I can just imagine.

Im tired of theatres letting people bring in infants to a loud ass movie they dont need to be in. They let the kids cry and dont take them out. I dont wanna miss some of the movie to go bitch to a manager about it because I dont wanna start a 2+ hr movie over to get back to that one spot.

People that get there and see the requests to turn off their phones and dont. People who talk and bicker during a movie. People that come in late, want me and my gf to move down a few seats so their whole crew can fit in one row together....NO, I dont move either, I told them they shoulda got here earlier.

If I could get through a movie with no babies crying, no kids flapping their gums, no people flapping their gums to each other or on a cell phone, I wouldnt mind paying 8.50 a pop. As it is now, Id rather bootleg it except for movies that really do need to be seen in the theatre.

Back when I was watchin X-2 or X-3, cant remember...we sat in the very back. The very last row was roughly 6 seats long, for those in wheel chairs etc so we were in the row in front of that. Granted there was more room and it was much comfy there, I didnt wanna take those seats because they werent intended for me.
Not long after we sat down, some kids in the 15-16 range came and sat in that row. Even before the previews started, they were geeking out on X-Men knowledge. They were wrong on 50% of what they were saying but I shrugged it off. The previews started and every once in awhile I could feel a swinging foot hit my chair. I looked back once and thought that was the end of it. Then about 10 mins into the movie it started again, so I stood up turned around and leaned into my chair and got in the kids face and said if another foot hits my chair or my gf's, Im gonna come back there and use my steel toed boots and kick the crap out of each one of your chairs so you know how it feels. Not another kick the whole movie.

While we went to see Ghost Rider, we were in a diff theatre but essentially 2nd to last row again. Behind us there was a teenage couple. They were fairly quiet but she obviously lost interest in the movie cause every few secs I could hear her giggle. Finally it turned into full blown convos. I had enough and walked down a few feet and leaned into the chair and got within a few inches of their face cause she was sprawled out in his lap and a few other seats and I politely said "some of us are trying to watch a movie, please keep quiet" and thatw as the end of it.

See, its stuff like that that one of these days Ill regret doing but at this point,I think its safe to say I cant miss these people no matter how early or late I go and I just cant enjoy movies anymore at the theatre.

The last straw was the opening day to Pirates 3.

9:45am first showing. There were alot of kids, alot of adults. Everythign was smooth till the previews started and some lady walked in with 2 infants, and 2 toddlers. She went all the way to the back row by us and sat in the corner.
The kids werent quiet, the babies werent quiet and that theatre was WAY too loud for those little ones. To top it off half way through she was pulling off diaper change duty.

No more theatres like I use to. Unless its a must see in theatre movie, its bootleg time or wait till dvd[/QUOTE]

As someone who works at a theatre, I know too well that you speak truth. I've had hundreds of run-ins with assholes like the ones you described. Worse yet is when I have to argue with a parent that they have to either quiet their crying infant / kids down or remove them from a theatre.

Honestly, if you're a parent, leave the kids at home until they're grown enough to behave. If you can't leave them home with a sitter, then stay home yourself. Rent a movie and watch it at home.
as a kid i loved going to the movies.. back then for me it was a big an event . like seeing the ninja turtles on the big screen !!

It has defintely lost its awe.

These days.. those annoying "frat" or "gangsta" kids that love to yell curse words or stupid phrases during the movie and think they are funny or cool.... that annoys the hell out of me.
My biggest pet-peeves about going to the movies:

1) people who sit directly behind me. It's pretty much a guarantee that they'll begin kicking the back of my sit at any moment. If they stink (b.o. or smoke), that makes it even worse. There are 70 other fucking seats in the theater! Why do you have to choose the seat behind mine?

2) mothers who bring their underage kids to an R-rated movie. The kids get fussy, or the content of the movie is too graphic so the mom decides to take the kids home. What did you expect bringing them to an R-rated movie? Do you not check the ratings for content beforehand?

3) people who don't turn their phones off during the movie. Was the theater's request at the beginning of the trailers not enough notice for you to turn that shit off? How inconsiderate are you?

4) those goddamn annoying Fandango ads before the trailers. Better yet, get rid of all those fucking ads for Pepsi, Mentos and any other consumable or service. I just paid $9 to come see a film, not a bunch of fucking commercials.

Any and all of the above can ruin a movie for me. I've been going to the movies for as long as I can remember, and always will be a theater fan, but I do have my limitations.

By the way, matinees are the way to go. There seem to be fewer people in the theater most of the time, and thus fewer things to annoy me. Plus, you can save $3-4 per show.
A family friend always gives me movies tickets for XMas and I dont have the heart to tell them that I dont use them.

Esp because the tix are no good on opening weekend, which is the only time my dopey friends seem to want to go.

Oh well, I basically agree with everyone here that movies suck because there always seems to be at least one bad apple...
My wife and really enjoy seeing movies in the theater but find ourselves going less and less for many of the same reasons listed already. When we do go we usually will go to the first showing at a locally owned theater near us. Not only do the show first run movies for several dollars less then the chains, but they also have cheaper concessions and use real butter on the popcorn instead of that crap the others use. If I am going to hasten my death eating theater popcorn I at least want it to have real butter. Of course more often than not we just wait for the movie to come out on DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD and watch it on our home theater set-up, 70" TV and plenty of sound power to back it up!
I threw a milk dud at a bald guy's head from across the theatre, he thought it was the guy behind him, he stood up and starting yelling at the guy behind him, threatening him, and the threatened guy's GF went get security... bald guy that I hit with a milk dud got kicked out. It was rad.
[quote name='Koggit']I threw a milk dud at a bald guy's head from across the theatre, he thought it was the guy behind him, he stood up and starting yelling at the guy behind him, threatening him, and the threatened guy's GF went get security... bald guy that I hit with a milk dud got kicked out. It was rad.[/QUOTE]

Winner of the topic!

[quote name='Koggit']I threw a milk dud at a bald guy's head from across the theatre, he thought it was the guy behind him, he stood up and starting yelling at the guy behind him, threatening him, and the threatened guy's GF went get security... bald guy that I hit with a milk dud got kicked out. It was rad.[/quote]

Shoulda been you gettin' your ass kicked out.
[quote name='hohez']NEVER see movies on premiere day unless you have to. Wait a couple weeks and go see an early show, generally (here in texas as well) I will be one of MAYBE 5 other people in the theatre.[/QUOTE]

Like Frisky said, the cheap theaters that show movies weeks after they're out of regular theaters are a good way to enjoy a movie. The one here in Ashland is $2.50 matinee or $3.50 regular.

But I agree, never go on opening night, ever. Hit matinees a week or so after release! Going at night even a week after a new relase is no good. Pullman Square in Huntington was packed for a 9:15 showing of Spider-man 3 and we were lucky enough to have a 15 year old white kid in an over-sized jersey and jeans throwing back a couple of tall cans of beer stinking everything up and then stagger out after the movie leaving his trash there. I thought about mentioning it to one of the local police standing around outside of the theater in the Square but I lost sight of him.

I'm all up for watching movies on a big screen and surround sound at home.
I love going on opening day before school is out. I like the audience experience mixed in with the movie itself. I'm the first one to let out a hearty laugh and I won't hold back. I won't talk my ass off either though and I've only experienced that one time.

Heading back for a DIGITAL PROJECTION viewing of Transformers next month. :)
[quote name='Brak']And I'm sure, unlike MST3k, it's neither funny or charming clever.

Just shut your mouth when you're in the theatre.

You wouldn't want me shitting all over your mother's chest at her open-casket funeral; I wouldn't want you talking during my movie.[/quote]

thanks for the quote brak
During Spider man 3 I had a screaming baby behind me while at Pirates 3 I had a kid that talked to much on the right. Fortunately tickets here are 5.50 and the theather got new DLP projectors, but thats about it.
[quote name='Roufuss']
To the people who keep subjecting themselves to this over and over again, WHY? It just seems like you are wasting your money.

Well, I usually only go to movies that parents would never bring their kids to. And that was the only time I've ever had problems with immature teenagers.

I'm never going to stop going to the movies. I may have a few bad experiences, but I have a lot more amazing ones. I love the movies. It's probably my favorite place to go. I'm going there this Friday in fact, and I highly doubt there will be any bothersome children there.
bread's done