CC HD DVD & Blu-Ray Sale Buy 2 Get 1 Free, A3 $199 11/18-11/21


170 (100%)
Doesn't say its on "selected titles" so I'm assuming it works on all.
I have all those movies.. sigh.

Why is chuck and larry already on a buy 2 get 1 free dealy.

I bought that two weeks ago when it came out.. sigh.
Since CC sells at MSRP, B2G1 isn't that great of a deal. If it was B1G1, that'd be a different story. Guess we've all been spoiled with the current deals, which typically nets you a HDM movie for well under $15.

At B2G1, it'll end up being around $20 or higher per HDM.
It'd have to be for all movies.

It says of equal or lesser value.

makes no sense to put that in there when they are ALL 29.99.

But the bourne movie is only 24.99.. so that doesnt make sense.

But I bet CC will screw up again and itll work for blu ray too and ALL MOVIES.
the ad does say it works on blu-ray movies with a few pictured as would be hard to believe that it is all movies...actually i take that back...since most of their movies are overpriced by $5 or so anyway
Wonder if itll work on box sets .. :)

I bet cc will do the usual and hide all their good movies. Like with cod3, or their other sales in the past with freebies.

Wouldnt put it past them.
Arhghhahrhghghgghrhhahaha!!!!! Linkin Prime put HD DVD before the Superior Blu Ray. What a Fan Boy.......De- Moddddddddddddzzzzzzz Him!. LOL Thanks for the Post LP. I'm going to mos def pick up some HD DVD's. I have all the ones I want so far though....... tough decesions.
Yeah, just not worth it for these disc prices.

But that is a good deal on the A3 HD DVD player, although there's a better one floating around where you get 10 movies.
can we mix the blu ray and hd-dvd b2g1 free? looking towards getting F4-ROTSS and chicken little on blu ray, and shrek 3 on hd-dvd.
Ive read on other forums it works for ALL movies, u just need to hassle the clerk a bit to get it to work.

I wont try til Tuesday.. and Im only getting Die Hard box set.. so doubtful Ill try to get anything..
just got back from cc, got 3 die hard films for 63.00 and then die hard 4 rescue dawn and santa claus 3 for my little one for 63.00

bread's done