Circuit City Clearance list. 5 - 10 dollar games as of June 18


June 18.

Since this list was bumped I changed it so that no one would think that the old prices still counted. At this point I don't know if CC has any kind of percentage clearance going.

Here then are the games that I know to be 5 - 10 as thier regular price.


MX Superfly $10
NBA 2K3 $10
Star Wars Rogue leader $10
Street Hoops $10
Waverace Bluestorm $10
WWE Crushhour $10


Alter Echo $10
Batman Dark Tomorrow $10
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO $10
NBA 2K3 $10
Shenmue II $10
Triple Play 2002 $5


Alter Echo $10
Breath of Fire:DQ $10
Corvette $10
Evergrace $10
Evolution Skateboarding $10
Haven $5
RTX Redrock $10
Shinobi $10
Transworld Surf $10
Wipeout Fusion $10
Well, I bought Gitaroo-man, Shinobi and Gungrave 2 weeks ago, but I of course threw away the receipt.
Well anyways I go to return Treasure Planet and I ask if there is any way for them to find that reciept. I paid with my credit card so they look it up by the credit card. They find it too and I was able to get a credit of 22.97
Well I end up trading Treasure Planet for Clock Tower 3, it had a difference of 3 pennies. Some guy at the counter gives me a nickel, and I of course take it. CC is being too kind to me.
Here goes some more. I have the list of dropped game prices ( I work at Circuit City), I will post all tommorrow. Lost Kingdoms $10, Freakstyle gamecube $7.50, Bomberman generations $25, Resident evil 0 $20. Here are xbox games Baldur's Gate, Burnout, Unreal Championship are all $10 each! Fatal Frame $25, Pro Drive Racer ( think that's the title made by codemasters) $20. Gameboy advance super gouls and goblins $10, both castlevania titles $15 each, f-zero $15, zoe of enders $15, defender $6. Most titles I rounded to the nearest dollar.
[quote name='scdoanintendo']Here goes some more. I have the list of dropped game prices ( I work at Circuit City), I will post all tommorrow. Lost Kingdoms $10, Freakstyle gamecube $7.50, Bomberman generations $25, Resident evil 0 $20. Here are xbox games Baldur's Gate, Burnout, Unreal Championship are all $10 each! Fatal Frame $25, Pro Drive Racer ( think that's the title made by codemasters) $20. Gameboy advance super gouls and goblins $10, both castlevania titles $15 each, f-zero $15, zoe of enders $15, defender $6. Most titles I rounded to the nearest dollar.[/quote]

when will you list them?
I picked up gungrave for $5 and freekstyle gamecube for $7.50 and bustamove for 10. asked for the list, but the cashier said he couldn't find it.
Well, I picked up Gungrave a few weeks back for $10 but I got my $5 back today. I also snagged the last copy of Shinobi for myself at $5. Then I grabbed 3 Gungraves, 3 Havens, and 1 Crush Hour to trade at EB...Great day for me.
[quote name='scdoanintendo']Yes both castlevania games for gameboy advance.[/quote]

Well, there's actually three castlevania games for GBA. They are:

Circle of the Moon
Harmony of Dissonance
Aria of Sorrow
[quote name='AvidWriter']Is it just me or do GC games hardly ever have sales...[/quote]
Well Resident Evil @ 9.99 is good...if you didn't buy it when it came out.
[quote name='bowsernieb']Unreal Championship has a one-player mode but it's basically just matches against bots. No story or anything.[/quote]

Aw crud, no real point in getting it then since I've no intention of going Live on this sucker. 8)
[quote name='bowsernieb']Oh! Oh! Post the list tonight please!

That way I can make sale plans for tomorrow... *rubs hands together suspiciously*[/quote]

Yes, please do post them tomorrow, because I know and you know that Circuit City doesn't update the price tags for the customers really well (from the 2 i've been to today, anyway). One still had JSRF for $50 and Capcom vs. Snk 2 for $40.
Hey kids, just wanted to let you know that I picked up Galerians: Ash for $7.50 today for the PS2 at my local CC. 55% at I mean.....$7.50....fluck it.
I might snag that one too tomorrow. Probably gonna be a Grinch and buy all the JSRF's they have. One for my GF, one for her friend, and the rest for trade/sale for some other games.
If you can find them, Rez is $25 and Ikaruga is $20 (turns out there is a 4th Circuit City not too far from me -- who knew -- and they had one copy of each). They actually became even cheaper than that thanks to the buy 3 $20+ games and get $20 off deal running right now.
[quote name='C_A']I might snag that one too tomorrow. Probably gonna be a Grinch and buy all the JSRF's they have. One for my GF, one for her friend, and the rest for trade/sale for some other games.[/quote]

This is really starting to bother me. As stated in many threads, don't go hogging multiple copies of a game so that you can make a quick buck. Let other CAGers enjoy these deals too!
Circuit City pricing should be the same across the country in every store, with no regional diffs.

For those of u paing $25 for Rez, I salute you.

I will confirm this later this week and let u know what I find out.
[quote name='E-Z-B']
This is really starting to bother me. As stated in many threads, don't go hogging multiple copies of a game so that you can make a quick buck. Let other CAGers enjoy these deals too![/quote]

Agreed! Maybe somebody should start another site called :wink:
there's difference between saving money and making money....except that the latter is oviously better.

people who visit this site have ALWAYS been taking advantage of offers....they're just starting to vocalize it. were you really that ignorant of capitalism before you started reading the CAG forums?
[quote name='user']there's difference between saving money and making money....except that the latter is oviously better.

people who visit this site have ALWAYS been taking advantage of offers....they're just starting to vocalize it. were you really that ignorant of capitalism before you started reading the CAG forums?[/quote]

Look, user. I think you're missing the point of this website. It's not about everyone exploiting deals to make as much money as possible off of other CAGer's deals that they discovered. It's about sharing deals with other fellow cheap ass gamers so that we can ALL enjoy a cheap game or guide. This behavior would actually ENCOURAGE people to share deals that they found, not to horde them and not tell anyone else about them. You can say it's socialism instead of capitalism, but if you're looking for a capitalist website, then try ebay.
Amen. If we were all in it for ourselves, no one at all would post deals, and then there would be no website. And then i'd cry, like a lady.
Ooooh, on second thought, I know I'm not helping things with that last comment, but could we please not turn this thread into a discussion about this? I think it's important...just not as important as $4.98 Shinobi.
Sweet....Final Fantasy Origins for 15 bucks. Why doesn't anyone update the list I started....fine if it isn't done when I come back from doing some errands, I'll do it. Yes discussions are not as important...besides how about finding out what fellow CAGs are in your area. I know the closest one I have is in Wilmington, and that is 45- an hour away. If no one else is here to enjoy those deals...enjoy them yourself!
I was just there yesterday and picked up:
Gungrave, Shinobi, Mat Hoffman 2 all for PS2, and JSRF for Xbox all for $20. There was a whole stack of Rez there, I'd say at least 6 or 7 copies, but I didn't check them. Is this a rare game or something? Also is the $5 Mace griffin just for Xbox or is it for PS2 as well?
[quote name='E-Z-B'][quote name='C_A']I might snag that one too tomorrow. Probably gonna be a Grinch and buy all the JSRF's they have. One for my GF, one for her friend, and the rest for trade/sale for some other games.[/quote]

This is really starting to bother me. As stated in many threads, don't go hogging multiple copies of a game so that you can make a quick buck. Let other CAGers enjoy these deals too![/quote]

I'll probably only get 4 of them, and 3 of them would go to friends as gifts because they want them. On top of that, I'd most likely try to trade the last copy for Shinobi or something, because both CC's within 100 miles don't have one, dammit! :(

damn, and i sure have been bashed all to hell in the past 10 posts anyway. oh well, screw all y'all ;P
just a question. when i found 2 games in the 50% bin the guy that i had price check them told me that the price would be without 50% off. so i dug through the bin and found Robotech Battlecry (xbox) $10 and Clock Tower 3 (PS2) $10. so im like kool there $5 each. after he told me that they were $10. so when i went to the front the cashier said well yur getting more than 50% off anyway. but i didn't feel like arguing. so are they supposed to be marked down or did some dood pick them up and through them in the bin. because if thats the case then i won't argue but if they were supposed to be 50% off and they riped me off $10 then i want that back.
ok thanks i gotta take back robotech battlecry as the game has a few scratch spots on it and its skipping. is it possible that some games are 50% off and not in the bin. Because RE:remake for GCN has been $20 and i found it on the shelf and asked the guy to price check it and it came up as $10. so would this be from the sale or a simple price drop?
Don't kill the deals for other people just because you're greedy and decided to trade in every game for store credit :|
I didn't look in the PS2 bin so I dunno if Mace Griffin is 50% off on PS2 or not. They had one copy left on Xbox and it said 20 bucks on the tag, but it rang up as $4.99. I was expecting to pay 10 :?
Yeah, what Wario64 said. Don't get greedy. This isn't to benefit you in making money from it, it's to benefit from saving money.
I hope you guys arent talking to me

tons of people have mentioned doing this and they havent got shit, so yea dont target me and such. i was just wondering thats all, did i say i was going to do it? no just wondering. i cant afford to buy stuff to resell seeing that ive bought 6 games this past week for myself. so yea lay off.
[quote name='Masterkyo']REZ (PS2) $24.99 at Local Toysrus (what's so special about this game) ???[/quote]

Total sensory experience. One of my favorite games, and it's made by Tetsuya to boot. Of course, I have it for the Dreamcast, which imo looks better than the PS2.
Got a copy of Gungrave for $5.39 with tax. They had a few copies in a bin that said 50% off at the Circuit City in Schaumburg, Illinois across the street from woodfield mall if anyone near there is reading this.
Final Fantasy Origins $15

Gungrave $5
Shinobi $5
Galerians: Ash 7.50
Britney's Dance Beat $8
Clock Tower 3 $10
Gitaroo-Man $10
Jade Cacoon 2 $10
Maximo $10
Frequency $15
Ico $15
Legaia 2: Duel Saga $15
Ikaruga $20
Primal $20
Rez $25

Mace Griffin $5
Baldur's Gate $10
Burnout $10
Unreal Championship $10
NHL Hitz 20-03 $10
Orta $15
Pro Driver Racer? $20
Fatal Frame $25

Freakstyle 7.50
Lost Kingdoms $10
Resident Evil $10
Resident Evil 0 $20
Bomberman Generations $25
Skies of Arcadia $25

Defender $6
Phantasy Star Collection $10
Super Ghouls & Goblins $10
Castlevania: COTM $15
Castlevania: AOS $15 2 Were mentioned to be on sale
Caslevania: HOD $15 not sure which 2 are the ones.
F-Zero $15
Zone of Enders $15

Games that have been tried and are still at regular price
Haven $5
Treasure Planet $10
Amplitude $20

City Crisis for $15, Bustamove can they specify for which system? Update as you go for the 1/2 off sale.
Saw a single copy of Rez for 25 bucks (or I'm assuming because it still had the 50 price tag on it)...and I didn't get it. I don't know...I think the game looks cool, but ever since I became a true CAG, I have a hard time paying more than like 15 bucks for a game.

What to do?
I'm thinking of checking out a CC sometime soon that still has oldies like Mister Mosquito, Ephemeral Fantasia, Forever Kingdom, and The Bouncer. Maybe I can find a deal on some of those.
Hey guys thanks for your replies. Just picked up Rez and Skies of Arcadia.

I also got Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast for gamecube for $25. Plus since they had that buy 3 get 20 dollars off I saved even more :)

They also had

Home Run King (GCN) 9.99
Dues Ex (PS2) 9.99
Soccer Slam (GCN) 24.99
Fatal Frame (PS2) 24.99
Kinetica (PS2) 14.99

Not sure if these are part of the half off or are old news but

Timesplitters 2 (GCN) 9.99
Red Faction 2 (GCN) 9.99


Somebody said yesterday they were going to post the complete list. Did they post it somewhere?
[quote name='FaintDeftone']I didn't look in the PS2 bin so I dunno if Mace Griffin is 50% off on PS2 or not. They had one copy left on Xbox and it said 20 bucks on the tag, but it rang up as $4.99. I was expecting to pay 10 :?[/quote]

I checked the CC near my job for the Xbox version of Mace, and it came up @ $14.99. I guess not all deals are the same all over.

I'm in Houston, TX, and I was able to get Baldurs Gate: DA (Xbox) for $3.33. I think the cashier made a dumb mistake and gave me more off than I was supposed to.
[quote name='bowsernieb']Saw a single copy of Rez for 25 bucks (or I'm assuming because it still had the 50 price tag on it)...and I didn't get it. I don't know...I think the game looks cool, but ever since I became a true CAG, I have a hard time paying more than like 15 bucks for a game.

What to do?[/quote]

If anyone could pick up a $25 Rez for me, I would be grateful.
I have a friend who is having a hard time finding it.
I can pay you via paypal.

Drop me a PM if interested in helping me out.

MMM.... Rez
Just got out of work. Marked down games. Most of the ones worth mentioning have already been listed. Here are some others, any questions just pm me.

timesplitters $15
shox $10
sledstorm $10
Legia 2? $15
parappa the rapper $15
tony hawk 3 $10
jet x 2o $15
kinetica $15
herdy gerdy $10
maximo $10


spyhunter $10
agent under fire $10
nba street $10
ufc tapout $15
star wars clone wars $10

vexx $15
batman tommorrow $10
crazy taxi 3 $10
legends of wrestling 2 $25
speed kings $20
sega gt/ jet set radio future are one penny!

gameboy advance
iron man $5
defender $8
iridon 3d $8
silent scope $13

All nba street 2's are $30, the dvd remotes (playstation 2) are $10.
Pretty much all sports titles from 2002-2003 are $5-20. There are more but I forgot the prices like frequency, mechassult, bloodrayne (xbox), etc.
Just got in from what it seems to be turning into my daily CC visit - thanks CAG. Tonight I was able to pick up:

Xenosaga 1 (rang up $19.96) for $9.99
.Hack 1 (rang up $14.96) for $9.99

I asked the cashier what the restrictions were on the Buy 2 Save $10 deal and she told me there were no retrictions. So, having just picked up .Hack, I went back and got Xenosaga and the cashier just changed the price of both games to $9.99.
Hey all! Just stopped by a CC and picked up 2 Gitaroo Mans and a .hack Infection for $15. Also, just to let you guys know, it seems like CC sells all non-current Jampacks (2002 and earlier) for a penny, so you might want to go check that out.
bread's done