Circuit City Clearance list. 5 - 10 dollar games as of June 18


June 18.

Since this list was bumped I changed it so that no one would think that the old prices still counted. At this point I don't know if CC has any kind of percentage clearance going.

Here then are the games that I know to be 5 - 10 as thier regular price.


MX Superfly $10
NBA 2K3 $10
Star Wars Rogue leader $10
Street Hoops $10
Waverace Bluestorm $10
WWE Crushhour $10


Alter Echo $10
Batman Dark Tomorrow $10
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO $10
NBA 2K3 $10
Shenmue II $10
Triple Play 2002 $5


Alter Echo $10
Breath of Fire:DQ $10
Corvette $10
Evergrace $10
Evolution Skateboarding $10
Haven $5
RTX Redrock $10
Shinobi $10
Transworld Surf $10
Wipeout Fusion $10
[quote name='dtcarson']Why would they raise the prices? If this was a clearance, doesn't clearance mean 'we want to get rid of this stuff?' I agree that once a deal gets FW'ed, its pretty much F'ed, but this doesn't make much sense from a CC standpoint. If they were willing to price them at 4.98 or 10.00 or whatever, now that they're selling, they are raising the prices again? Especially when the only people who were buying them either knew from the listings people have posted, or people who pick the game up off the shelf, willing to pay 39.99, then get pleasantly surprised at the register?[/quote]

I think CC originally had that in mind but when all those games started selling, they probably got greedy and nudged the prices up a little (and all the games that were 1/2 priced because of the sale went back up to full price because the 1/2 off sale ended). It's possible that all along CC decided that if they reached so and so much left of Haven (insert any clearance title you wish) we'll raised it up to so and so and when it reaches ... we'll raise it up again ...

Having the deals reach the "mainstream" over the weekend probably really pushed their sales numbers high and hit those marks. Sure, we wouldn't think of paying $7 for Freaky Flyers now when we had it for $5 but for a lot of those people just learning about it from FW or SD or wherever, it's a great deal!
Man, I was gonna go on Thursday to get NFL Street with the free $10 gift card and get some other games from the list but I guess I wont now. Oh well, at least I got most of the games that I wanted.
This reminds me of a time when, a few years ago, I happened into the local Sears and got a price on Excitebike 64, which at the time was $49.99. When it rang up as $24.99, I nearly crapped my drawers. I had them price a couple games and, sure enough, they were also going for $24.99, as well as a couple $39.99 and $29.99 ones ringing up for half off. No ads for this, no nothing, it just happened. Needless to say, I blew my wad there and went home a happy camper. Of course, knowing then what I know now, $25 bucks isn't THAT great a deal. But, for me, then, it was like the Gaming Gods had decided I was worthy, if just for one night, and cut me a break.

R.I.P. Circuit City Cheap Ass Deal...
I consider my self fortunate to have gotten all the games I wanted...hopefully most cag's have as well. Screw fatwallet.
Unfortunately for me, my CC sucks ass, but you guys have done one hell of job keeping on top of this sale. Congrats on having the most popular thread ever on CAG and thanks again!

I'm glad most CAGs had their pick of the top games since the deal was posted here first.

I guess the only question now is whether or not this thread will hit 1000 posts!
I just got back from CC, and they had some stragglers left from the list. I had them price check for PS2:
Defender - 6.97
Hunter the Reckoning - 13.97
Rygar - 29.99 [I had thought I saw this one on the discount list somewhere]
Maximo - either 15.99 or 17.99.
I ended up getting Defender and Hunter [in part because they're both 2 player, and a rental from BB is 6.29, so ~7.00 is a no-brainer, and that 10$ rebate someone posted for Hunter brings them down to about 6 bucks apiece.
The checkout guy did a doubletake, when the games that were tagged 49.99 rang up at a total of ~20 bucks ; )
Still good prices, and I should've jumped earlier--but thanks for the info, and no thanks to the dealkillers :(
OK, perhaps some good news.....

As I was again visiting a Columbus, OH CC, I talked to a Video Game Dept manager, and she told me that, yes indeed some of the prices went up. However, they are continuing the sale until 2/28 and there would be NEW markdowns on Friday! She told me that there might be markdowns on games EVERY Friday until the sale ends, but she did know FOR SURE that there would be additional discounts this Friday, but she hadn't received the list yet. I asked her if I could have the list if I came back Friday, and she said sure.

So take a rest and sit back until Friday.....hopefully I'll remember to go get the list!
UPDownLoAD, what Circuit City did you go to in Columbus? I live in Columbus and I figured there were a few CAG's there since the lady at Circuit City had mentioned another person coming in during the sale and buying a bunch of games. I usually go to the one on West Broad next to Kohl's.
Well, I made my 5th or 6th trip to CC today. They gave me back money on 2 of my prior purchases - 35+ days ago. Then I bought Silpheed $7.50 and Mad Maestro. They scanned the UPC behind the value sticker, but it did not have a price. (it was not in their system.)

The other games have gone up in price, but I have
had a great time. Thanks a ton.

Take Care,
Yeah, the deal is gone, went to CC today and these are their prices

Harvest Moon PS2 $19.96
Final Fantasy Origins $23.99
Breat of Fire II $23.99
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter $6.97
Freaky Flyer $6.97
GunGrave $7.96
Iron Man GBA $7.96
Mario Tennis GBC $19.96
Jet Set Radio XBox $4.96 -- still good deal!

That's all I checked.
If there is a sale on Friday or in the future it would be helpful if everyone put their CC location (place of sale) so we would know which store has what games at what prices. It seems that most of the larger states are covered in this forum.

Just a thought...
Can anyone tell me if red faction 2 for the xbox is still cheap?....thats about the only game i want out of the rest i havent got. Maybe the clone wars/tetris combo,but that rung up for $99. So if anyone has any info on red faction 2,i would truly appreciate it.
It looks like Circuit City is raising the price back up on some games. I live in Decatur, GA and my local store raised Robotech, Giants, Mad Maestro, Wipeout, Freaky Flyers all PS2 and several others to anywhere between $7 and $10. Haven is still $5 though. Whew! Maybe some rocket scientist figured out that games don't have to be marked down that much to sell. If only they would figure out the whole pricing thing. Oh well, more games for us. Thanks CAG.
Damn, iwas going to go back and get Grandia Xtreme for $25. That might not have been raised though so im going to go back and price check it assuming they still have the 1 copy left. I can't believe some of the markups. Like Wildarms 3 going from $9.99 to $39.99...Ouch

Well it was nice while it lasted. Thanks to everyone who contributed deals. Looks like they're are still some really good prices so all is not lost.

I don't think posting it on other boards is really to blame. I was in a store on Sunday and they had Shinobi, Ico, ZOE 2, and BOF V still sitting there (Marked 49.99). So obviously most customers do not know. I think Circuit City just decided not to liquidate so quickly.

Has anybody found out the current price on Shinobi? I'll pick the two up I saw for members that had asked for it recently if it's still a good deal. It's a bit of a drive so it might be a week though.

I'm still waiting for who ever went and posted the list on Slickdeals to fess up. I really don't care if the list is posted elsewhere but give credit to CAG and to the main authors of the list. I took care to give credit where it was due (technically everyone who posted deserves credit) on the first page.

Whoever copied it just wanted attention and was even too lazy to properly edit the list for posting elsewhere. So far they don't have the balls to step up either.
This was an amazing deal; probably the only way the local CC will get money out of me (poor service at my local store). They better do something like this again.
Wow.. Again, thanks Yeahman, but each of those games you've mentioned I've never seen in 3 CCs that I'm been visiting every week for 3 weeks -_-.. except I did see BOF once. Congrats to everyone who got in on this deal (I did for Freaky Flyers and Haven among others) and major props to those who helped maintain a current listing.
Ahhhh...I wnet and found 2 copies of Skies of Arcadia, Crazy Taxi, Rez and a bunch of others...then went up to the register and they were all marked up a lot!!! :(
[quote name='GameDude']Ahhhh...I wnet and found 2 copies of Skies of Arcadia, Crazy Taxi, Rez and a bunch of others...then went up to the register and they were all marked up a lot!!! :([/quote]

What was Rez up to?
Can you believe this? The CC in NYC I went to has none, read NONE, of the games on that list! Nothing was in stock! All regular Greatest Hits games are still priced at $20, and they didn't even have some of the most common games, namely Mario Kart.
Well everyone, it was a great run and I'm pretty much broke from all of it anyway! :p But I would also like to thank everyone who posted prices on this thread. I know I got a lot of great deals from them, and I hope the prices I posted helped a few fellow CAGers get some good ones too. I couldn't find several games in local CCs like Rez, Contra:SS, Mr. Mosquito, Shinobi, or Hitman 2 GCN, but I did get a lot so I guess you can't have everything.

Oh, and whoever posted this on another site, a big F-U to you. :evil:

I looked at the Slickdeals mini thread and people are like " What's PAT!"

One guy says something like it means price adjustment time because Adjundar , the "ahem" original poster, (This is written with heavy sarcasm ) used that phrase once.

They're all confused because prices are ringing up higher now and they can't find stuff that's been on sale for 2 weeks.

" Slickdeals is the best deal site on the web" Suuurrreeee

[quote name='Yeahman']](*,)

They're all confused because prices are ringing up higher now and they can't find stuff that's been on sale for 2 weeks.


That's the one silver lining in the prices being changed. I hope that andjuhar (or whatever) looks like a fool because of the coincidental raising of the prices right when he posted his "list".
It's not as great a deal, buy my local BJ's Warehouse Club has Wild Arms 3 for 14.00 last time I went in there. Not as good as 9.99, but much better than 39.99 ; ) You do have to be a member to buy stuff, but if you are a member of a warehouse club, you may want to check them out--odds are against finding a deal, but sometimes you can get lucky. They also had FFX-2 and the Brady strategy guide for 56.xx, I think. Again, not an incredible deal, but about 5-7$ off the regular price of both of them. Just another place to check out. after letting the memories of the CC deal die down a little bit ;)
I posted the list at TNL but I definitely gave credit to CAG at least, and TNL is a far cry from FatWallet and the such.

But hey, if I'm to blame, here I am.

If it makes anyone feel better, I would have gotten to CC yesterday but my car wouldn't start after class and I was stranded 30 miles away from home.

Anyone got a good deal on a cheapass solenoid starter?
I would also like to chip in my thanks to everyone here cuz I came away with 2x Skies of Arcadia and Fatal Frame (Xbox) for about $18 each, and since I normally stay away from CC all my thanks goes to CAG.
Damnit damnit damnit. I was going to make my third or forth trip (I forget which) to Circuit City tomorrow, as we have a half day at school. At least I go there Sunday, got some good deals and even helped out a father and daughter looking at games (it never hurts to spread the wealth). I picked-up a pretty good amount of games, but I'd still like to get more, heh.
Thanks to all who contributed to this list. I got Resident Evil, Rygar, Gungrave, ICO, and Beyond Good & Evil in the last week or so for a total of $50! I hope the Friday thing is true like someone above posted... It will make for some exciting weekends!
I'm pissed I didn't go to Circuit City last night, I decided to wait a day to get Freddy vs Jason at the same time & save a trip. It wound up costing me $7 more for the games I picked up.

ZOE 2 $10.47 was $7.50
Rayman 3 (GCN) $13.99 was $9.99
I'm going to go tomorrow at lunch just to double check a couple more games I passed on before - The Thing (Xbox) which was $10 and Defender (Xbox) which was $7.50. Someone else posted today that Defender was actually less, at $4.98. Keeping my fingers crossed...
If not, I got most of what I wanted - Quantum Redshift, Red Faction 2 and Enclave. Add to that the $5 MAce Griffin from Target and teh Nightfire from and I got 5 new games this week for an average price of $7.50 each. Awesome!
[quote name='JediSB']I'm going to go tomorrow at lunch just to double check a couple more games I passed on before - The Thing (Xbox) which was $10 and Defender (Xbox) which was $7.50. Someone else posted today that Defender was actually less, at $4.98. Keeping my fingers crossed...[/quote]

I'd like to know about the thing also
Yeah, I think the price raising is the best thing that could have happened. I mean, c'mon man, these deals have been up for a while now, you could have checked it out. I mean, I'm shocked that we kept a lid on it for so long. But now, the poster is discredited and everything is sweet. And PLEASE don't pretend that if a sweet gaming deal was posted first on fatwallet it wouldn't get here pretty quickly, and be demolished by us. :D
I got everything I wanted from that list anyways. I was gonna pick up 4 cheap games for that eb trade in deal, but no biggie. Thanks to whoever posted that huge price list.
:evil: :x Why would you ever post this crap in the FatWallet forums? That's just asking for double suicide. Double because you kill the deal for everyone and then you kill your reputation because now everyone is upset.

Seriously, what logic was there in posting this on FW? Some things FW is good for, like when you need computer parts or stuff that have rebates and you get really good deals. But things like this need to be kept on the downlow. I'm not saying for certain that CC marked up all the games because of the influx of people, but I fail to see if they were clearancing games why they would raise the price unless they knew people were buying large quantities of them.

FW kills all deals. There are so many people that just visit the forums it's not even funny. Next time don't do that.

And if anyone finds a copy of Rez, I'll be willing to pay you cost+shipping+a few bucks extra.
Dragons Lair 3D for Xbox rang up as 15.99 when I went to CC today. Glad I got everything else I wanted, esp during that $20 off 3 games deal.
[quote name='Snake2715']

She said some guy had been in the store the day before with a printout from the interent and bought tons of games and so somehow she said they had to call coporate to get the prices changed.


Hey Snake,

I was wondering if you could tell me what state you're in? I'm just curious where (I think) the beginning of the end of the deal started? I figured once the manager called corporate that was when they raised all the prices. :cry:
[quote name='burgundy']I posted the list at TNL but I definitely gave credit to CAG at least, and TNL is a far cry from FatWallet and the such.

But hey, if I'm to blame, here I am.

If it makes anyone feel better, I would have gotten to CC yesterday but my car wouldn't start after class and I was stranded 30 miles away from home.

Anyone got a good deal on a cheapass solenoid starter?[/quote]

Burgandy, don't worry about it. TNL members would buy 1 or 2 games at most (to play, not resell) and have a smaller or similar user base than on here. Most of the complaints are aimed at those who posted on larger, more generic deal sites.

BTW, thanks for hooking me up with a cheapass Saturn VOOT controller and DC Ikaruga last summer!
Ahh, the classics of supply and demand with a national influx of lower priced game sales in the stores resulting in an impromptu price raise (or an annoyed exec who wasn't satisfied with the sales they were leeching). Well, I bought a copy of everything I wanted from my local store (10 games for $65) and thankfully decided to make my last visit this Monday. I'm a bit annoyed at not finding ZOE1-2, AC3, Contra, and Tenchu at my store but after hearing of fellow CAGers who have found little to no titles in their CCs, I can't help but feel thankful.
May the person who betrayed this deal to the masses (and esp. resellers) suffer and be looked upon as a fool by all.
Anyway, this deal is by far the best I've witnessed, allowing me to cross out quite a few games on my "wanted" list (who would've known almost all of the $5 games were ones I had been waiting to get already?). I applaud and deeply thank the finders of the sale and keepers and contributors of the list. If there really are special Friday sales, please keep them coming. Again, thanks!
Yes - I unfortunately had some of the $9.99 games go upto $15.99. And Phantasy Star Online jumped too.

Anyone know if the Pokemon Game Boy Color games are still $5?

[quote name='DestinyHero']:evil: :x Why would you ever post this crap in the FatWallet forums? That's just asking for double suicide. Double because you kill the deal for everyone and then you kill your reputation because now everyone is upset.

FW kills all deals. There are so many people that just visit the forums it's not even funny. Next time don't do that. [/quote]

The problem now is that some FW regulars have most likely joined the CAG boards and are watching the CAG site regularly, which means that any deal posted here that's worthwhile will now most likely show up on FW.
bread's done