Comcast Supplies Porn, Man Rejoices


I was in for quite a pleasant surprise this morning when I found that my Comcast basic cable subscription, coupled with my new HDTV yielded me the power to view porn broadcasted from Comcast. The ATSC tuner in my new tv brings in a ton of new stations that I have never seen advertised anywhere by Comcast; I now have multiple variations of PBS, and CSPAN, as well as all the network stations in HD. However, I also get many stations that I probably should not be receiving; I get about 5 stations labeled as ondemand, however I lack the actual ondemand station. Instead, I get a station labeled as ondemand, that only shows the ads from ondemand that appear in the upper, and lower corners; everything else is blacked out. But back to the porn: I have a channel that shows hardcore porn, but it appears that someone else is pausing, stopping, and fast forwarding through it. It is almost as if I am tapping in to someone else's cable. What gives? Anyone else experience this?
I'll tell you what gives - God. Praise his name, for he has given you the gift of free pornography. Rejoice.

[quote name='Maklershed']I think you should return the favor and send comcast some sensual pictures of yourself.[/quote]

pure genius lol
[quote name='Airswoop']I was in for quite a pleasant surprise this morning when I found that my Comcast basic cable subscription, coupled with my new HDTV yielded me the power to view porn broadcasted from Comcast. The ATSC tuner in my new tv brings in a ton of new stations that I have never seen advertised anywhere by Comcast; I now have multiple variations of PBS, and CSPAN, as well as all the network stations in HD. However, I also get many stations that I probably should not be receiving; I get about 5 stations labeled as ondemand, however I lack the actual ondemand station. Instead, I get a station labeled as ondemand, that only shows the ads from ondemand that appear in the upper, and lower corners; everything else is blacked out. But back to the porn: I have a channel that shows hardcore porn, but it appears that someone else is pausing, stopping, and fast forwarding through it. It is almost as if I am tapping in to someone else's cable. What gives? Anyone else experience this?[/QUOTE]
OMG! I'm finally not alone in this!... I get hardcore pornography as well! Do the porn occur around channels 101.xx - around 106? :)
[quote name='freakyzeeky']OMG! I'm finally not alone in this!... I get hardcore pornography as well! Do the porn occur around channels 101.xx - around 106? :)[/quote]
That would be correct.
[quote name='Airswoop']That would be correct.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's weird... I was thinking the same thing whenever it would rewind or fast-forward or whatever. Oh well, it's still free! :p
This reminds me of the one friends episode where Joey and Chandler hit a magic button combination on the controller and got free porn. For the love of god, don't turn off the TV or the magic porn may go away!
[quote name='dafoomie']With your own tuner, you'll get other people's on demand in your neighborhood. What they see, you see.[/QUOTE]
:lol: :lol:

Blackmail M I RITE?
[quote name='dafoomie']With your own tuner, you'll get other people's on demand in your neighborhood. What they see, you see.[/quote]
Do you know why or how this happens?
[quote name='Airswoop']Do you know why or how this happens?[/QUOTE]
Its just the manner that on demand TV is delivered by cable. It doesn't single out your box and deliver it to you, it'll single out your neighborhood and basically have its own channel.
hmm my tv used to do this before i got comcast digital cable, i had the 1xx.xx channels.

/me rips the box out of the entertainment center, flies to 106.xx

[quote name='Airswoop'] But back to the porn: [/QUOTE]

any post with that phrase wins my heart

i'm jealous of your free pr0n and CSPAN 6, 7 and 8.
I've got Insight as my cable provider but since i've never even touched the tuner since i've had the tv I had to try it and see if I could find more channels! No dice with the HD digital box connected I can only get the tuner to pick up whatever channel the box is watching. Cable from wall straight to tv I get only the basic channels + HD local channels.

Reminds me of when people used to be able to unlock Direct TV cards and get EVERYTHING. I would go to my buddies house and drool at all his channels and get mad because I couldn't have a dish where I lived.
[quote name='$hady']

Reminds me of when people used to be able to unlock Direct TV cards and get EVERYTHING. I would go to my buddies house and drool at all his channels and get mad because I couldn't have a dish where I lived.[/QUOTE]

My dad used to have a friend that did this and hooked us up. Direct tv with EVERY channel available, every.
It was pretty cool to say the least for the couple years it worked.
[quote name='kyle90316']/me rips the box out of the entertainment center, flies to 106.xx[/QUOTE]

I just tried that, and the coaxial cable that went to the cable box is now shocking me. Well, I'm not sure it's shocking me, but I can feel the electricity in my hands when I touch it. I yelled "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" really loud when it happened. What the hell was that? I've never had that happen to me before.
It happened on my TV too, but sadly it stopped one day. I do miss the porn, but not looking at my neighbors and thinking which one ordered "2 Girls 1 Cup" on demand.
[quote name='vrs1650']It happened on my TV too, but sadly it stopped one day. I do miss the porn, but not looking at my neighbors and thinking which one ordered "2 Girls 1 Cup" on demand.[/QUOTE]

You're kidding, right?

Also, did anybody else get electricity to flow through their hands? It was freaky!
[quote name='Chuplayer']You're kidding, right?

Also, did anybody else get electricity to flow through their hands? It was freaky![/QUOTE]That happened to a friend of mine once, except he was standing barefoot on my coaxial cable. He was like, "What the fuck?!" and jumped off of it. I told him he was imagining things, so he tried standing on it again and confirmed it was definitely shocking him. I didn't try it at the time since I was doing something else I believe, but the cable runs across my carpet and I've never had it shock me before. *Shrug*
[quote name='Javil']That happened to a friend of mine once, except he was standing barefoot on my coaxial cable. He was like, "What the fuck?!" and jumped off of it. I told him he was imagining things, so he tried standing on it again and confirmed it was definitely shocking him. I didn't try it at the time since I was doing something else I believe, but the cable runs across my carpet and I've never had it shock me before. *Shrug*[/quote]

The cable thing has happened to me many times before. I'm always like... WTF?!?! It's not painful or anything it's just... weird. Same with wall sockets. I've been electrocuted by them a few times and it's always been relatively enjoyably weird.
[quote name='Airswoop']I was in for quite a pleasant surprise this morning when I found that my Comcast basic cable subscription, coupled with my new HDTV yielded me the power to view porn broadcasted from Comcast. The ATSC tuner in my new tv brings in a ton of new stations that I have never seen advertised anywhere by Comcast; I now have multiple variations of PBS, and CSPAN, as well as all the network stations in HD. However, I also get many stations that I probably should not be receiving; I get about 5 stations labeled as ondemand, however I lack the actual ondemand station. Instead, I get a station labeled as ondemand, that only shows the ads from ondemand that appear in the upper, and lower corners; everything else is blacked out. But back to the porn: I have a channel that shows hardcore porn, but it appears that someone else is pausing, stopping, and fast forwarding through it. It is almost as if I am tapping in to someone else's cable. What gives? Anyone else experience this?[/QUOTE]

I have one tv that I get everything you said but the porn. I was getting some other stuff from the history channle but it had no sound. Most of it is the home shopping channle. Some of them are now gone and I deleted them so they do not come up when changing the channles. I have yet to see porn but I have charter communications. Also on the one tv that does not have a cable box pluged up to it I only have one spot for the line. Another one I have one marked cable and another that I think is marked ATSC. Could always try it but why when I download it.
[quote name='dafoomie']With your own tuner, you'll get other people's on demand in your neighborhood. What they see, you see.[/quote]

More details are required
I remember zapping the shit out of myself using my old Genesis. It was acting up, and I was like 9. I figured that the old "blow in the machine" trick would work, except I used the AC adapter cable that was still plugged into the wall. Needless to say, I soon saw sparks jump from the plug to my tongue. :(
Yep, the same thing happened to me when I upgraded to an HDTV. 'Twas quite a suprise when I stumbled upon it.
that reminds me of back before all this digital cable crap. you could hook your basic cable up to a cable box and get all the ppv and porn and movie channels for free. man those were awesome times back when everything was still cool boxing wrestling porn. got to see the tyson fight where he won the title for free.
My friend has that. Instead of porn though, he was watching TMNT and other PPV movies that he didn't pay for. The fast forwarding and pausing must be a buzzkill sometimes.
Umm, the tv is general bigger so you get more pixels to look at.

[quote name='omgu8myrice']whats the big deal with porn on demand? why not use computer?[/quote]
[quote name='omgu8myrice']whats the big deal with porn on demand? why not use computer?[/quote]

Well, it was free, unexpected and lasted longer than 15 seconds. :lol:

The PC's dominance isn't in jeopardy though.
Thanks for all the replies guys, I hope this thread has touched you as much as it has touched me.

har har
You could conduct an interesting study of the human sexual experience by recording the type of content that gets paused and rewound, and how long the mystery watcher pauses on said content.

Just out of curiousity, is it pron "across the board", or simply straight, hetero-type pron?
I've only seen hetero, early in the night it's like Girls Gone Wild but the later you get the harder it gets, like DP and Gangbangs.
[quote name='shieryda']You could conduct an interesting study of the human sexual experience by recording the type of content that gets paused and rewound, and how long the mystery watcher pauses on said content.

Just out of curiousity, is it pron "across the board", or simply straight, hetero-type pron?[/QUOTE]You don't think the cable company already collects and shares that information?
[quote name='chakan']You don't think the cable company already collects and shares that information?[/quote]

Bright House might, but I'm not sure about Comcast.:D
i noticed that when my cable box was messing up and i did a straight plug-in coaxal wise...

i was straight watching a few movies until I noticed they would start re-winding and stuff.
I have only seen straight hard/softcore on it, thankfully nothing else. It is pretty interesting seen which parts get skipped during shows: During some playboy show the viewer would fastforward through all the talking straight to the stripping, which is good. However, during some movie there was a scene with a women that had some extremely hairy parts to her, and the watcher continually rewinded to a part where the hairy vagina was being exposed.
LOL I saw the thread and knew it was this. Slate had an article early this year about it.

On the whole cable being electrified issue, it might be signal boosters. Comcast had to put one on my line to keep my cable internet signal from dropping out since I have so many devices hooked up to the line.
tl; dr I get shocks too.
[quote name='Airswoop']I was in for quite a pleasant surprise this morning when I found that my Comcast basic cable subscription, coupled with my new HDTV yielded me the power to view porn broadcasted from Comcast. The ATSC tuner in my new tv brings in a ton of new stations that I have never seen advertised anywhere by Comcast; I now have multiple variations of PBS, and CSPAN, as well as all the network stations in HD. However, I also get many stations that I probably should not be receiving; I get about 5 stations labeled as ondemand, however I lack the actual ondemand station. Instead, I get a station labeled as ondemand, that only shows the ads from ondemand that appear in the upper, and lower corners; everything else is blacked out. But back to the porn: I have a channel that shows hardcore porn, but it appears that someone else is pausing, stopping, and fast forwarding through it. It is almost as if I am tapping in to someone else's cable. What gives? Anyone else experience this?[/quote]

Guess what- this is happening all over. Per ComCast support if you sign up for cable internet they have to provide the signal for the TV too. In fact, it even shows on your bill that you're signed for basic cable, though you're not.

Problem is, if they find out you have TV channels you can actually pick up, then they say they'll send someone out to cap that.

Of course it's inevitable that SOMEONE will let the WORLD know about it.

WHY would SOMEONE want to RUIN it for EVERYONE with their BIG fuckING MOUTHS??
[quote name='Airswoop']However, during some movie there was a scene with a women that had some extremely hairy parts to her, and the watcher continually rewinded to a part where the hairy vagina was being exposed.[/quote]

Who can blame him? Everyone loves shrubberies.
bread's done