computer problem-high CPU usage


1 (67%)
im playing unreal 2k4 and i noticed lag so when i checked the cpu usage and it was spiking every couple of seconds,does anyone know how to tone it down? I played this before with no problems,then i wiped my hard drive to clear space and reinstalled 2k4 to find this problem
This may sound stupid, but are there any PC-hog programs running in the background? Antivirus or powerhungry firewall, perhaps?
[quote name='flizmo007']Maybe Spyware running in the background...[/quote]

Good suggestion. Try running a complete PC scan with some good spyware cleaners, like SpyBot, Ad-Aware, Microsoft AntiSpyware, and SpySweeper.
if you just reloaded win xp and went on the net you probably have the sasser virus or another w32 worm, just go to windows update and run it and you should be fine.
[quote name='megaseadramon']just norton internet security and norton auto protect[/quote]

Try closing the Internet Security, and see if there's any difference on performance. Did you try a PC scan?
i ran norton to find i had one adware so i deleted it and didnt notice any difference,shut off the internet scanner nothing,im running out of ideas
There are some programs that try to launch on startup: AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Quicktime, etc... you may see if this is the case on your rig. Is your anit-virus set too auto download updates? If so, it may be connecting durning your games... dunno... just hoping to help a little.
i only have 3 icons when im playhing,my 2 virus things then my sound icon,thats it,and im not connected when im playing so it shouldnt be downloading
it seems to run fine for awhile now,but when my fan kicks in then it starts to go into overdrive,and i swear it never did this before,could it possibly be something inside my laptop?
bread's done