Costco Wii Bundle Information *UPDATED* B&M

[quote name='VegasRobb']As if midnight:

70 people outside the local Target.

30 people outside the closest Game Stop.

I'm guessing lots of people are sad they missed out on PS3s.[/quote]

I pre-ordered it from a local Gamecrazy and they just magically happened to lose my pre-orders (one for a friend that I put down) and the money that I put down:roll::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I pre-ordered it from a local Gamecrazy and they just magically happened to lose my pre-orders (one for a friend that I put down) and the money that I put down:roll::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:[/quote]\

Didnt you get a receipt? Especially if you put money down you should have a receipt.
Question about their return/exchange policy, do you really need to bring back everything included in the bundle if something goes wrong?

I'm going to see if I can't get one online, but that policy does kind of suck if true.
Not showing up on the home page, but I just ordered through the "Order by item number" link at the top of the page. Item # is 200619.
Thanks all for this thread. Now sic 'em!
I got all the way through to the confirmation but it said there weren't any and my cart has been adjusted. Oh well. I'm sure there will be some around by the time I'm ready to play it. ;)
Got one in cart at around 11:05AM EST using the item number. I could have sworn I saw $15 shipping. But then when I actually placed the order at around 11:20AM (had to run outside and get something) the shipping was now $24.10. Was it always $24.10 or did I really see $15 earlier.
How the hell did you know it's item # 200619 ?!

Apparently the only wy to get one was going to these forums, since didn' t have it on the main page, and search for "wii" did not give results for the bundle.

I'm slightly upset, but I'm more confused. What gappened? :hot:
just went to my local costco in plano, tx.

they said they had Wii's "on order" and that they will be recieving them on monday. However, my friend that works there said they looked it up and it said the wii's were in fact on order, but had 0 "in transit"

so i don't think they are getting any at all maybe, i'm not sure.

we were told initally they would have them on sunday at the store for purchase, now they are telling us monday, i don't think they have any idea when they are getting them to be honest.
I called around to the ones in Atlanta, and they all said Tuesday. First come, first serve. I am headed over there later today to upgrade to a business membership so I can go in an hour before the masses. Hopefully not too many business card holders are interested in playing with a Wii (heh).
[quote name='kohan69']How the hell did you know it's item # 200619 ?!

Apparently the only wy to get one was going to these forums, since didn' t have it on the main page, and search for "wii" did not give results for the bundle.

I'm slightly upset, but I'm more confused. What gappened? :hot:[/quote]

I know what the number was because I work there. And if it's true that people are able to order it through the website without it actually having a page; I'm thinking I may have a backlash if they find out.
Just got mine B&M at the Cal Expo Costco in Sacramento, CA. Went to wait in line at about 9:15..opened at 10. Orderly line of about 35 people.....manager passed out about 30 tickets I think. Came out to $366.34 incl. tax (I didn't wanna pay the $18 or so shipping online to get it a week later).

Definitely OOS here.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I know what the number was because I work there. And if it's true that people are able to order it through the website without it actually having a page; I'm thinking I may have a backlash if they find out.[/quote]

You could deffinetly get in some trouble. There was no way for the regular public could find out. But you got this to your defense:


Unless YOU supplied that too.

Since the item # is there, some extremely clever Professional shopper could of figured it out :bouncy:
I got my Wii bundle at Costco this morning in Burbank. I showed up on a whim 15minutes before they opened, there were probably 100 people there....most of them pissed off. For whatever reason, they decided to raffle the 27 units they had to everyone in line at 9:50am. I got there 5 mins before the drawing and walked out with unit ;) $339 bundle.. came with the Wii console, Zelda, and Excite Truck. :applause:
I'm in NW indiana and there are several costco's by my area including the chicago area and oddly none of them had any Wii's. Apparetnly they are 'in transit'. I was pretty bummed becuase there are several other stores (best buy, target, circuit city ect...) in the area that was selling Wii's, but i figured Costco would have the best deal in general. I know the bundle comes with Zelda and Excite truck. I knida wish there was a reasonable priced bundle that came with an extra nunchuk and 'weemote', but oh wells.....i'm gonna still go for teh costco deal because its cheaper i think. so i'm gonna stop by the costco's for the next couple days....wish me luck
What came with the bundle. I talked to one mgr who says the instore bundles are diff from the online bundles-I think thats a load of crap because the item number is the same online and in the store. IF YOU NEED WIIMOTES AND NUNCHUCKS BUY AT NINTENDO.COM WHILE THEY ARE IN STOCK EVERYWHERE ELSE IS OUT
Atlanta apparently doesn't know that Costco is selling the Wii, or people absolutely have to have it today. I talked to several, and they are all coming in on Tuesday, and all are first come first serve, sort of. I talked to a manager at the Perimeter location, and he was giving out his business cards with your number in line on them. He took my information, and said he would call as soon as they came in. As long as I answered the phone and picked it up that day, he said I was guaranteed one since I was #14 on the list. This was about 20 minutes ago (6 PM), so not many people have tried. As far as I know, all the other Altanta Costcos are just doing first come, first serve on the day they come in. Hopefully I do not get fired in the next couple of days for answering my cell while I am in a meeting with a VP, but a man has to have his priorities in life....
On Saturday I called my costco and they said that they will have 24. So the next day I went in at 8:30 Am and they told me that they never got any. So then I went home and waited until the sales started. 20 minutes later i still couldn't find the page. So then I remembered the item number but by then it was all sold out. I'm going to check back at costco tomorrow to see if they got them in.
I opted out of the Costco Bundle.. I was going to get it but then I wouldve lost my place in Line at Target. The BUndle came out the same at Target since I know peple there and gave me a discount. Plus Target offered a 3 Yr. warrenty for 25 bucks. Not bad.. Plus uf you registered your product at NINTENDO.COM you get an extra 90 days so its cool. It was only about a 10 dollar discount at Costco anyways.
[quote name='supercrazy']Went to costco at 9 am , was 10th in line. They gave out 24 tickets , so I got a wii.[/quote]

Which costco?
[quote name='antihero27e']I opted out of the Costco Bundle.. I was going to get it but then I wouldve lost my place in Line at Target. The BUndle came out the same at Target since I know peple there and gave me a discount. Plus Target offered a 3 Yr. warrenty for 25 bucks. Not bad.. Plus uf you registered your product at NINTENDO.COM you get an extra 90 days so its cool. It was only about a 10 dollar discount at Costco anyways.[/quote]

Costco has a free ~5 year warranty. :roll: (you can return it for 100% refund for 5 years)
Anybody that order their Wii online? Does your order page still say "In Process" or did anyone get theirs yet?
Mine still says "In Process." I'm pretty sure it's already shipped as the email said they would ship by Tuesday, just the website hasn't been updated with the tracking info. Costco is usually slow with updating that.
[quote name='evanl85']Anyone know where ships from?[/quote]

I was told they ship from California somewhere. I am in Florida so I would guess they all ship from California otherwise they would have picked a closer shipping point for mine.
Called my local stores last night and was told that all the area locations got 24 units and sold out within an hour. The store had a line before opening. I wish I could play hooky from work in hopes that they might have some units...

Even better would be to be specifically told what day they'll get some in, instead of 'Tuesday or Wednesday'
Any employee have any info on the next shipments?

I called my Costco and the guy said he knew but employees were instructed not to tell because of fights that errupt from people camping when they know the shipment dates. He was nice enough to specify within the next week though. I was thinking this weekend hopefully?
I was able to get in on the online bundle and got an order confimation number but they ended up canceling my order a few days later. I am a member so I know that wasn't problem (did any nonmembers actually get in on the online bundle?) So I tried to contact their customer service to see what had happened.

Their website customer service does not live up to to the Costco reputation. It was nearly impossible to get a hold a CS rep, and even then the rep was rude and actually lied to me, saying that I had requested via email that they cancel my Wii order.

It wasn't so bad cause I had one preordered from Amazon, but the Costco bundle with Zelda looked so tempting so ordered one. But they canceled it and I had to wait until just a couple days ago before I finally got a copy of Zelda. Even 3 weeks later, I'm still kinda of sore about the way they handled they whole thing. I would be happy with just an apology, but they can't even give me that.
[quote name='ofacto']I was able to get in on the online bundle and got an order confimation number but they ended up canceling my order a few days later. I am a member so I know that wasn't problem (did any nonmembers actually get in on the online bundle?) So I tried to contact their customer service to see what had happened.

Their website customer service does not live up to to the Costco reputation. It was nearly impossible to get a hold a CS rep, and even then the rep was rude and actually lied to me, saying that I had requested via email that they cancel my Wii order.

It wasn't so bad cause I had one preordered from Amazon, but the Costco bundle with Zelda looked so tempting so ordered one. But they canceled it and I had to wait until just a couple days ago before I finally got a copy of Zelda. Even 3 weeks later, I'm still kinda of sore about the way they handled they whole thing. I would be happy with just an apology, but they can't even give me that.[/quote]

To be fair, Costco Online wasn't prepared to take orders for the Wii Bundle. There was no page when people started ordering and ordered through the number that I'd given them.
[quote name='Dante Devil']sonderiaom

Are you aware of any shipments coming to Yakima, WA or the Tri-Cities?[/quote]

I just checked today on all three consoles and I didn't see any for the NW. Course it showed up in the computer a few days before we actually got them so, it could just be delayed.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I just checked today on all three consoles and I didn't see any for the NW. Course it showed up in the computer a few days before we actually got them so, it could just be delayed.[/quote]

How about for the east coast? Michigan to be exact. 48035 zip code.

Thanks :applause:
[quote name='beast40']Hi sonderiaom,

Any news on the two stores in the Cleveland area? (Avon and Mayfield Heights)



I looked in all 3 quardrants and it didn't show anything.
[quote name='sonderiaom']I looked in all 3 quardrants and it didn't show anything.[/QUOTE]

Hey, man, screw those other areas - just keep those Pacific NW updates coming ;). I'm looking for one for my brother-in-law but don't want to do any Target camping or EB/GS UPS guy stalking. I figured Costco was my best bet (plus I can keep Excite Truck out of the bundle).
[quote name='io']Hey, man, screw those other areas - just keep those Pacific NW updates coming ;). I'm looking for one for my brother-in-law but don't want to do any Target camping or EB/GS UPS guy stalking. I figured Costco was my best bet (plus I can keep Excite Truck out of the bundle).[/quote]

Heh, well, all 3 quadrants are the whole united states. It's the SE,NE, and NW, and the last one includes california.

In any case, I still don't see any more shipments coming which is very disconcerting for anyone still needing to get one.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Heh, well, all 3 quadrants are the whole united states. It's the SE,NE, and NW, and the last one includes california.

In any case, I still don't see any more shipments coming which is very disconcerting for anyone still needing to get one.[/QUOTE]

Oh well, thanks for checking. At least with the info you provide I don't have to pester the people at my Costco and can look elsewhere. I'm thinking Fred Meyer is my best bet now. I mean, they actually had Wii remotes the other day - better than most places ;).
bread's done