damn the 3rdparty memory cards


i dont have an official memcard but i have 2 3rd party ones one from action replay and some other 16m memcard from gameshark , theones you have to boot up. anyways this is the second time Ive gotten a game that wouldnt load aftwer booting up the memory cards. first time was True crime it wouldnt work. so i looked around and found a main code from action replay and it worked. but now with mvp it doesnt load either.hmmph! and that game is too new to have codes yet .

So has any else have or had no load issues with 3rd party memcards??? or any other terouble?
I lost all of my data on my Madcatz PS card. Since then, I've never used any 3rd party memory cards. Thats why I love my Xbox so much, no memory cards to deal with.
Learned long ago not to use third party stuff, memory cards or otherwise. The only good experience I've had with them was with the Mad Katz controllers for the PSOne. This was before Dual Shock controllers and analog sticks. I could get Mad Katz for $8 each and they were actually better than the official Sony controllers.

Every other third party device I've ever used has met with bad things happening.
I haven't had any problems with third party memory cards, although I use them mostly for back-up copies of files.

Third party controllers are another story. Every one I've owned has broken down on me. Unless they are extremely cheap I'm sticking to the first party controllers from now on.
I had one third party card dedicated to FF7 back in the day, I dropped 20 on it when Sony brand was 30. Anyways I would save my game like 5 times on FF7 because i would get corrupt files, one time 4 saved games became corrupt. I havnt gone back to look at the game in a long time, im sure everything is corrupt. If i find that card im going to smash it, then flush it down the potty
I've only owned one 3rd Party memcard - a MadCatz PS2 card. This was back when there was a memory card "shortage." I haven't had a problem with it yet (keeping fingers crossed). I wouldn't have bought it had the official card been available at the time.
I have only one PS2 memory card, the now-discontinued Interact 8MB Flash one that needs a disc to boot up, and it's had mixed results. No corrupt files (luckily, and I've had it for many months), but it just doesn't work with some games. I know for a fact that Tony Hawk's Underground and True Crime: Streets of L.A. don't work with it...
I bought a Gold MadCatz memory card for PS1 back in the day. I think it had something like 32x storage of a regular memory card. I never had any problems with it whatsoever.
actully no 3rd praty horror stories

my first ps1 memory card was a preformance card, it works flawlessly to this day

i had a 32 page ps1 memory card and it worked fine if u knew how to use it

then i upgraded to a little box that plugged into the back of the ps, where a gameshark would go....best...save device...evar!! 60 cards, easy interface and pretty cheap too!

on cube i have a mad katz 251, and i believe my n64 card is 3rd party, not that it matters, all 64 cards suck and frag all the time anyway =op
[quote name='punqsux']

then i upgraded to a little box that plugged into the back of the ps, where a gameshark would go....best...save device...evar!! 60 cards, easy interface and pretty cheap too!


Yeah, I got one of those too, but I lost the manual and it always took me like 15 minutes to figure out how to switch cards on it. Funny thing is, is that I'd figure it out and think "I should write this down" and I'd look left and right and if there wasn't pen and paper (there never was) I'd end up saying "oh well, I'll remember it next time for sure" and then repeat the whole thing a week or two later. My short term memory is........ where am I?
[quote name='m_d_amore'][quote name='jdpimp'] My short term memory is........ where am I?[/quote]
Memento was a great movie[/quote]

Excellent movie.... I'll have to watch it again this weekend, its been too long, I can't remember any good lines, except for: "The Gideon Bible which, of course, I read religiously"
I bought my PS2 the first weekend it released in the US. I bought my 3rd party mem card for it (can't remember exactly when) pretty soon after I got the PS2. I've never had another PS2 mem card 'cause this one has never messed up. It's a Madcatz Magic Gate.
I've never had any trouble from 3rd party memory cards and, like I said in a previous post, I've been with 3rd party cards since shortly after the original Playstation launch. Nor have I ever heard anyone complain about them outside of the CAG forums. :roll:
Please explain to me,
OK, I have a PS2 memory card (not a 3rd party) and I put one game on it (Swing Away Gold) and now it says data corrupted. How does that happen? My b/f is pi$$ed at me, because he thinks I did something to it :shock:
I don't have a receipt for it since I bought it back in November or December, so am I screwed out of a memory card? Also, should I throw the freakin' thing away?
[quote name='m_d_amore']reformat the card[/quote]

Another silly question, if I reformat it, will I get back the data from Swing Away golf?
[quote name='krazeyshoppr'][quote name='m_d_amore']reformat the card[/quote]

Another silly question, if I reformat it, will I get back the data from Swing Away golf?[/quote]

I doubt it. Reformatting deletes everything on the card unfortunately...

Thanks for your help!!!!! I'll reformat it tonight. I know I must be becoming a pain in the a$$, but one more question.

Do you think it will happen again (corrupted data)? :?

Again, thanks for the quick replies!! :p
only if swing away has a glitch that ruins mem cards hence it being 1.99$ it shouldnt happen but never say never
Do you remember how it got corrupted? i.e. power went out, pulled the card out while it was saving, etc. I can't guarantee if it will or won't happen again, but try to not touch anything or disturb it while its saving. I'm paranoid like that, and haven't had any corruptions and I use mostly 3rd party cards. It might be good to buy a cheap 1st party one and keep the other as a backup.
[quote name='magilacudy']Do you remember how it got corrupted? i.e. power went out, pulled the card out while it was saving, etc. I can't guarantee if it will or won't happen again, but try to not touch anything or disturb it while its saving. I'm paranoid like that, and haven't had any corruptions and I use mostly 3rd party cards. It might be good to buy a cheap 1st party one and keep the other as a backup.[/quote]

I was asked the same thing. Nothing happened. I was playing my character and I was doing sucky and at the end it asked me if wanted to save, and I said no, and then it went back to the main screen, and then I shut it down, and when b/f got home last night, he was psyched for playing cuz he's kickin' ass, and then when it wouldn't load, said load failed, he looked at me and said what did you do :shock:
Then he went to the screen where you can check what's on the memory card, and Swing Away was the only one there, and it showed when the last time I played, he then tried to copy it to another disk to see if that would work, and it didn't, so he slept on the couch last night :?
[quote name='m_d_amore']only if swing away has a glitch that ruins mem cards hence it being 1.99$ it shouldnt happen but never say never[/quote]

UPDATE: Well, went to the store bought a brand new PS2 card, and it did the same thing. Gamestop was very nice, and is shipping me out a replacement.
Thanks for all your help!
bread's done