[DEAD] Tales of Symphonia - GameCube $23.44 Target


Target has Tales of Symphonia for the GC for only $23.44 starting tomorrow, Friday morning. Sales ends Saturday at 11 pm. Great price for one of the best games on the GameCube, almost $27 off.
I got 2 rain checks.:twisted: Used one to match % off(54%) for Metriod Prime 2:Echoes!:p The girl who rang me up did not hesitate to substitute it. The store was raped pretty good, and the display cases were unlocked it was so busy. This was at Woodhaven, MI. I love this site :lol: :!:
Thank you so much NintendoFanGirl!!! I've been waiting for a good deal on this one and would have totally missed it if not for you! I picked up this one and Star Ocean also. They still had a bunch of copies of each at my local Taget in Monrovia, CA. Thanks again! :D
[quote name='Professor Oreo']Thank you so much NintendoFanGirl!!! I've been waiting for a good deal on this one and would have totally missed it if not for you! I picked up this one and Star Ocean also. They still had a bunch of copies of each at my local Taget in Monrovia, CA. Thanks again! :D[/quote]

Nice, that's 5 minutes away from me. Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='slidecage']rain checks do no good if your hope to sub for another game[/quote]

look who is talking :rofl:
[quote name='WhoDey'][quote name='Querjek']Very good deal for a game that I only hear good things about--this is one of the only things I'll be picking up tomorrow. Thanks for the deal![/quote]

Is there a Target in Athens?[/quote]
Nope, but there is one in Lancaster, which is about an hour from here.

(heh heh... sorry for not responding until now but I didn't see this topic again until today)
[quote name='Prof Elvin Gadd']Do the rainchecks have the substitution thing on them?[/quote]

The Tales raincheck does not have the substiution part.
I'm hooked to this game o_O
Worth my $25, coulda got it at the CC next door though with PM...I don't know whether the CC had ToS stocked though.
If anyone cares, i snagged some extras at this price before the sale went dead tonight. If anyone wants it, 30.00 shipped. If you wanna bitch that me putting another 4.00 and some change to ship it to you, flame on and go f' yourself. If anyone wants it, glad to help you out. Since i put them on my credit card, checks and money orders only..pm if interested.
I picked this up and I played for some 2 hours. Great game, worth even $50. And apparently rainchecks don't allow for substitutions anymore......
[quote name='crazytalkx']I picked this up and I played for some 2 hours. Great game, worth even $50. And apparently rainchecks don't allow for substitutions anymore......[/quote]

I heard it was anything over 33% you can't substitute, the Shellshock 'Nam one was 32% off and I used it to substitute for Donkey Konga, plus I got 3 others :)

Also I picked up this too, really great game. I didn't see this thread before I went and was shocked to see it for so cheap. I remember passing it up for, what was it $34 a while ago?
I PM Tales at Best Buy for $24... no problems. I also got a few others games (like the GBA Classics) in that Target ad price-matched, along with the Simpsons Season 4 DVD and Family Guy Season 1+2 DVD for $17.77... I got a whole bunch of other stuff for cheap too... great deals!
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Cracka']this game is like $9 at sears[/quote]

Sears doesn't sell NGC games :roll:[/quote]

Yeah, they do. :roll:
[quote name='snipegod'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Cracka']this game is like $9 at sears[/quote]

Sears doesn't sell NGC games :roll:[/quote]

Yeah, they do. :roll:[/quote]

Actually... you're right, mine does not, but others do. However I can attest that TOS is NOT $9 at sears, at best it was extremly YMMV.

BTW Target raised the price back up to $49.99, this topic should be locked or deleted.
[quote name='Si1veR']Damn, can't believe I missed out on this deal. Does anyone have an extra copy to sell for $25 shipped?[/quote]

sooo . . . you expect someone to take a loss on sending you a game?

23.44 + 1.00 tax + .75 mailer + 2.30 shipping + 1.00 paypal fee

I'd say its about $28.50 to send you the game. You should at least offer $30.00 (its always best to add at least $5 to cover costs).
Anyone want to send me your receipts or an extra raincheck...please. I lucked out at a Target when the sale was around, and the losers wouldn't giv\ve me the raincheck at the 2 Targets that I went to.
Guess people have a hard time ponying up an extra 5.00 after tax to save themselves time from going back and forth and trying to get one at that price.
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='snipegod'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Cracka']this game is like $9 at sears[/quote]

Sears doesn't sell NGC games :roll:[/quote]

Yeah, they do. :roll:[/quote]

Actually... you're right, mine does not, but others do. However I can attest that TOS is NOT $9 at sears, at best it was extremly YMMV.

BTW Target raised the price back up to $49.99, this topic should be locked or deleted.[/quote]

Cracka corrected himself earlier in the thread. Maybe you should read the whole thread before you post.
bread's done