deadly premonition, best game this year.

I heard it was one of those games that are so bad, that it makes people delirious into thinking that it's bad.
[quote name='Vinny']I heard it was one of those games that are so bad, that it makes people delirious into thinking that it's bad.[/QUOTE]
i watched a quicklook of the whole game, i'd say it's funner to watch then actully play.
I'd get it, but I've been waiting for it to drop in price so long now that it's become one of those "principle of the matter" things. >_
I played it and could not get into it at all. Between the dated graphics and gameplay, I just didn't feel like wasting more than an hour on it.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I played it and could not get into it at all. Between the dated graphics and gameplay, I just didn't feel like wasting more than an hour on it.[/QUOTE]

It's definitely not a game that you can get into within an hour.
[quote name='ihadFG']It's definitely not a game that you can get into within an hour.[/QUOTE]

I think this statement sums up everything I hate about video games now. Mass Effect??????
[quote name='schuerm26']I think this statement sums up everything I hate about video games now. Mass Effect??????[/QUOTE]

While I understand your complaint (and I feel the same way a lot of the time), I don't think it's necessarily a problem only with games of today. RPGs and story-based games have always been the kind of thing that takes a couple hours to get rolling. These kind of games require that you learn a little bit about the world and characters before things can start to move forward.

With that said, there are some games that take WAAAAY longer than they need to before getting good.
[quote name='limelight022']Put 4 hours in and still havent finished the 1st episode. How long is this game?[/QUOTE]

About 20 hours.
I just finished this yesterday. Absloutly brilliant!
I cringed a bit when emily was killed:cry: Her relationship with york was really growing well on the player. Also, if there is a sequal emily should somehow be brought to life in it, they could play it off as something like the red seeds that Carol stuffed in her mouth were able to keep her alive long enough to get her to a hospital and get her treated. crossing my fingers with a sequal with emily alive!!
[quote name='wwe101']I just finished this yesterday. Absloutly brilliant!
I cringed a bit when emily was killed:cry: Her relationship with york was really growing well on the player. Also, if there is a sequal emily should somehow be brought to life in it, they could play it off as something like the red seeds that Carol stuffed in her mouth were able to keep her alive long enough to get her to a hospital and get her treated. crossing my fingers with a sequal with emily alive!!

You called it GOTY without even finishing the game?
[quote name='JasonTerminator']You called it GOTY without even finishing the game?[/QUOTE]

yes, a bunch of people nominate a GOTY without finishing it yet. this is only about the 4th game i've liked enough to finish this year if that says something.:)
[quote name='DarkSageRK']I'd get it, but I've been waiting for it to drop in price so long now that it's become one of those "principle of the matter" things. >_
[quote name='wwe101']yes, a bunch of people nominate a GOTY without finishing it yet. [/QUOTE]
This is news to me.

I for one, did not like DP (heh)... I can live with the bad graphics, but when the game controls and plays poorly, then you've lost what makes a good game a good game, and all that's left is a nod to Twin Peaks. The game seems a pass on said nod, and also that whole "so bad its good" line of thinking that congests the aisles of the local Hot Topic... look I can have a laugh from watching a bad movie too, but when you start calling it your game of the year, then you've flipped all sense of good and bad on its head and there's really nothing to discuss coherently. My favorite kind of pizza is sandwiches. My favorite activity is inactivity. You know what's a good fruit? Potatoes.
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']This is news to me.

I for one, did not like DP (heh)... I can live with the bad graphics, but when the game controls and plays poorly, then you've lost what makes a good game a good game, and all that's left is a nod to Twin Peaks. The game seems a pass on said nod, and also that whole "so bad its good" line of thinking that congests the aisles of the local Hot Topic... look I can have a laugh from watching a bad movie too, but when you start calling it your game of the year, then you've flipped all sense of good and bad on its head and there's really nothing to discuss coherently. My favorite kind of pizza is sandwiches. My favorite activity is inactivity. You know what's a good fruit? Potatoes.[/QUOTE]

Except if the OP is anything like me, then he doesn't actually think the game bad. I enjoyed playing Deadly Premonition far more than any other game this year, and that is why it is my GOTY. Those examples you gave at the end are completely irrelevant to this topic, because we don't like Deadly Premonition because it is really bad. We actually do like it. And I never felt like the gameplay was broken or unplayable in any way, it got the job done. I just loved the game for the characters, story, humor, setting, etc.
DP is not a 'so bad it's good' kind of experience, it is genuinely a very good game.

does it play janky? yes it does, but so do many other games that ppl gush over i.e. Alan Wake or Enslaved.

DP is a very deep game with tons to offer in addition to having an extremely entertaining main story line, that's why I consider it one of my favorites of the year.
My personal issue is that I can't really get a straight justification for the game... the fans I talk to preface it with all sorts of warnings: “it doesn't look very good, or control very well, and the dialogue's corny” and then all of a sudden they'll wrap up with “...but it's amazing!” without ever really bridging the gap. Although you two are saying you like it bceause it's good, the only real stuff I've heard until now is “it's like Twin Peaks!” and “it's so bad it's good!”, hell I'm pretty sure I recall Destructoid giving the game a 9 or so based on that quality alone.

So... what IS good about it? Everyone seems to acknowledge faults but no one really seems to explain how the game overcomes them. It's hard for me to ignore the gameplay similarities to the recent Alone in the Dark, but somehow that game got panned and this one became a cult hit, why? The bullet points for the game are certainly intriguing; in many ways the game sounds like what I thought Alan Wake was going to be like with some almost Sim-like elements added, but none of these features have any depth or polish. The game has an open world, but all they ever do is put you on long slow-driving fetch quests. There is a combat system but the RE4 style gunplay doesn't reward, let alone much acknowledge precision shooting. Then we have the story... I can admit that sometimes a good story can compensate for less-than-stellar gameplay (like Enslaved), but that story has to really come together on all fronts: good acting, dialogue, and direction. Does DP do any of that right? I watch a cutscene and I get lingering shots of dead-eyed characters with short snippets of awkward dialogue jammed toghether as if they didn't have the disc space for dramatic pauses. Any time they dare to give a character an original animation it is ruined by watching them robotically lock back into one of their default poses. DP gives you the weirdness of Twin Peaks, but the whole thing feels detached, like some college kid trying to recreate his favorite episode using Poser 5 but not quite succeeding... this is why I have a hard time understanding how people find the story intriguing.

I really shouldn't complain too much about it because it is quite unique and it was only $10, but the whole “game of the year” talk is baffling to me.
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']My personal issue is that I can't really get a straight justification for the game... the fans I talk to preface it with all sorts of warnings: “it doesn't look very good, or control very well, and the dialogue's corny” and then all of a sudden they'll wrap up with “...but it's amazing!” without ever really bridging the gap. Although you two are saying you like it bceause it's good, the only real stuff I've heard until now is “it's like Twin Peaks!” and “it's so bad it's good!”, hell I'm pretty sure I recall Destructoid giving the game a 9 or so based on that quality alone.

So... what IS good about it? Everyone seems to acknowledge faults but no one really seems to explain how the game overcomes them. It's hard for me to ignore the gameplay similarities to the recent Alone in the Dark, but somehow that game got panned and this one became a cult hit, why? The bullet points for the game are certainly intriguing; in many ways the game sounds like what I thought Alan Wake was going to be like with some almost Sim-like elements added, but none of these features have any depth or polish. The game has an open world, but all they ever do is put you on long slow-driving fetch quests. There is a combat system but the RE4 style gunplay doesn't reward, let alone much acknowledge precision shooting. Then we have the story... I can admit that sometimes a good story can compensate for less-than-stellar gameplay (like Enslaved), but that story has to really come together on all fronts: good acting, dialogue, and direction. Does DP do any of that right? I watch a cutscene and I get lingering shots of dead-eyed characters with short snippets of awkward dialogue jammed toghether as if they didn't have the disc space for dramatic pauses. Any time they dare to give a character an original animation it is ruined by watching them robotically lock back into one of their default poses. DP gives you the weirdness of Twin Peaks, but the whole thing feels detached, like some college kid trying to recreate his favorite episode using Poser 5 but not quite succeeding... this is why I have a hard time understanding how people find the story intriguing.

I really shouldn't complain too much about it because it is quite unique and it was only $10, but the whole “game of the year” talk is baffling to me.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like it just isn't your cup of tea then. A lot of the things you pointed out as having issues with, I didn't have a problem with at all. And you also have to remember that the game is a horror-comedy, so you shouldn't be expecting it to be completely serious and dramatic. And part of what adds to the humor is the awkwardness of the music, or the silly expressions that characters make. The game actually managed to use it's low-budget to it's advantage.

For me, what made me fall in love with the game the most though is the characters. Everyone in the town is just so unique and weird that I had fun just going around town talking to people, doing missions, etc. And also, I really found the story to be more interesting than almost any other game out there. And the twists were really unexpected as well. As for the acting, I thought the main characters were voiced pretty well, and a lot of the side characters were voiced in a way that was perfect for the humor the game was going for. The dialogue was funny when it needed to be, and serious when it needed to be. The relationship between York and Emily was especially done well.

And as for the gameplay, while it wasn't anything special, I had some fun with it. I thought the nightmare-type sequences were mostly pretty fun, and the parts involving the Raincoat Killer were actually very tense.

At the heart of the game, and one of the reasons Twin Peaks gets brought up so much when describing the game, is the fact that the town genuinely feels creepy though. You can tell that something sinister is going on behind the scenes. And much like Twin Peaks, bits and pieces of this are revealed as the story goes on. While the people are friendly, and the town seems relatively normal on the outside, there are certain things that just make you question if everything is as it seems. A lot of the music is fittingly unsettling, and the general weirdness of the characters just made the game something that gave me a feeling unlike any other game. It's not just that the game is similar in setting/characters to Twin Peaks. It's that it gave me the same sense of intrigue and mystery, while still being humorous and entertaining, that Twin Peaks did.

Oh and for the record Destructoid gave it a 10. :)
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']My personal issue is that I can't really get a straight justification for the game... the fans I talk to preface it with all sorts of warnings: “it doesn't look very good, or control very well, and the dialogue's corny” and then all of a sudden they'll wrap up with “...but it's amazing!” without ever really bridging the gap. Although you two are saying you like it bceause it's good, the only real stuff I've heard until now is “it's like Twin Peaks!” and “it's so bad it's good!”, hell I'm pretty sure I recall Destructoid giving the game a 9 or so based on that quality alone.

So... what IS good about it? Everyone seems to acknowledge faults but no one really seems to explain how the game overcomes them. It's hard for me to ignore the gameplay similarities to the recent Alone in the Dark, but somehow that game got panned and this one became a cult hit, why? The bullet points for the game are certainly intriguing; in many ways the game sounds like what I thought Alan Wake was going to be like with some almost Sim-like elements added, but none of these features have any depth or polish. The game has an open world, but all they ever do is put you on long slow-driving fetch quests. There is a combat system but the RE4 style gunplay doesn't reward, let alone much acknowledge precision shooting. Then we have the story... I can admit that sometimes a good story can compensate for less-than-stellar gameplay (like Enslaved), but that story has to really come together on all fronts: good acting, dialogue, and direction. Does DP do any of that right? I watch a cutscene and I get lingering shots of dead-eyed characters with short snippets of awkward dialogue jammed toghether as if they didn't have the disc space for dramatic pauses. Any time they dare to give a character an original animation it is ruined by watching them robotically lock back into one of their default poses. DP gives you the weirdness of Twin Peaks, but the whole thing feels detached, like some college kid trying to recreate his favorite episode using Poser 5 but not quite succeeding... this is why I have a hard time understanding how people find the story intriguing.

I really shouldn't complain too much about it because it is quite unique and it was only $10, but the whole “game of the year” talk is baffling to me.[/QUOTE]whenever a game becomes a love it or hate it type of game, I am usually on the love side. The reason to hate the game is for ordinary conventional game reasons i.e. the graphics are bad, the combat sucks, this stupid ringu enemy is annoying, a freakin dialog box comes up every time I pick up an item is jarring, etc.

but I can deal with that, becoz the reason to love the game is that the game offers a very unique and fresh experience that no other game has yet to offer. You're in a world filled with a handful of characters who go about their own lives, the map tends to show you where they usually are at different times of the day and you can take on side missions to get to know them personally. For all the bad things a person can say about this game, you can not say the writing is bad becoz this is really one of the most well written games out.

and that is just the open world side exploration stuff. Of course there is a main plot line that offers some of the most bizarre left field occurrences no other game would have the balls to pull off. It's amazing that the game can get away with some of the stuff it does get away with and still maintain to be taken seriously. This game has character development that Im sure many other games wish they had.

the game is not difficult, so combat should rarely ever frustrate the player or get in the way of enjoyment. If you like exploring and moving a story forward, then DP is a fantastic game as it delivers on both those ends.
it was absolutely better than heavy rain and alan wake and honestly the only truly terrible combat sequences are at the very beginning of the game. it's piss easy to get weapons that make combat trivial.
bread's done