(Deal Dead, Discussion Dying) Free PSP Games @ EB (w/select PS2/XBX/GC Trade-ins)


Update: 4/16/05

Ths deal is now dead.
Go home... the party is over.

What's that? You wanna be the weird guy that hangs out after the party to talk about how cool the party was even though you were also the guy everyone at the party was trying to get away from?

Fine.... We'll say open for ya... BUT NO STICKY FOR YOU!

Thanks to everyone.... and don't forget.... now that you've gotten an entire library of PSP games for damn near free... don't forget to at least say hi to your DS once in a while.....

Your DS misses you....


UPDATE 4/11/05: As some of you may know... this deal advertised as "3 Trades for 1 PSP Game" is over as of 4/10. However, EBGames.com indicates that the deal is still fresh until the 15th, but you must trade in 6 for 2 games in one transaction in order for it to work.

Under In-Store Promotions, EBGames.com reads:
"Free select PSP title with PS2/XB/GC game trade-in (pre-purchase) Active: Now - 4/15/2005
Trade-in 6 qualifying pre-played PS2/XB/GC games and receive $79.98 towards the pre-purchase of 2 of the following titles: GRETZKY NHL HOCKEY PSP or TWISTED METAL: HEAD ON PSP or WORLD TOUR SOCCER PSP or ATV OFFRD FURY BLAZIN TRLS PSP or APE ESCAPE PSP or NBA PSP or WIPEOUT PURE PSP or MLB PSP. Game boxes and instructions are required. Some titles are excluded from trade. May be combined with other EB Promotions. Typographical errors are not the responsibility of EB Games. Not valid on hardware. See sales associate for complete details. Customer may be responsible for sales tax."

Some stores may or may not honor this promo, and some stores may still let you only trade in 3 for 1. Regardless, we'll keep this thread stickied until the 16th, then officially kill it 14 days after the 15th, for all you guys trying to exchange your items obtained on the 15th. In any case, the trade-in deal is YMMV, and exchanging the PSP games is even more YMMV.

Good luck to all of you on the final days of what is sure to be the most memorable, and profitable, trade-in deal of 2005!

[quote name='joystickz']

Here's the scoop.

EBGames In Store is having an in-store promotion on the preorder/purchase of PSP games that could potentially make your initial launch library damn near free.

Here's the deal......


With this deal, gamers need only trade in THREE games not on THIS LIST to receive one of the EIGHT games shown above.


For those of you who can put two and two together, understand that when you get the game from EB it bumps the value of each game that might be normally traded in for 50 cents, up to a third of the price of any of those 39.99 games.

Then, with your sealed game in hand, and receipt (or better, gift receipt) for said game, you are not prohibited from later exchanging it for store credit for the full $40 value of the game.

In essence, the deal isn't "just for those 8 PSP games" because you can still exchange any one of them within 14 days of purchase for full credit.

Better yet... get your credit back on a gift card (make sure it has scratch off pin numbers) and use it online.

Above deal ends April 10th.

Sound easy?

NOTE: Though this isnt a YMMV deal, the clerks all over don't seem to be too refreshed on it... so make sure you're cool with the employees enough to share some patience until they work it out in the computer.[/QUOTE]
Well, I have quite some advantages to me.

1) I have very close friends at my local EB.
2) There's a blockbuster about 5 mins on foot from it.
3) I practically live on the mall, so I know many people and I can ask them for the favor.

I'll use my skills to try and make about a 25 game list you can trade in. Hope it helps you out, I know how many of you really want a PSP badly.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']I totally agree with you! Some of these EB games clerks are straight A--Holes! {QUOTE]

No kidding.

Unfortunately, at the only EB within 30+ miles of me, the manager is an a-hole! Everyone else there is cool...the assistant manager and all of the other employees, but the manager is a total dick. He's the sort that when you give him games to trade-in, he'll try and push you to trade in a game for $0.25 of $0.75 (say for one of the extras if you brought in 4 or 5 to check on the trade-3 deal). The other guys will just take them out, or give you the ones with the most trade-in value back.

It wouldn't be such a pain in the ass, except that this guy is _always_ there.
I got on this deal as well. I love to hear the EB guys tell me that I'm commiting fraud for doing a deal that they set up. I love thier store policy of no duplicate titles. Ask to see it in writing and they will tell you they don't have it in writing. I called around and found one that would take duplicate titles. They should becuase it does not say it anywhere in writing that they won't. So I bought 4 bad boys and 2 metal arms for 30 bux and dropped them off at EB still in the shrinkwrap and I got two PSP games. Oh, the other EB told me that they don't take shrinkwrap games, agian not in writing. Next time one of these EB kids tells you that this fraud tell them that you would be happy to appear in court and explain the situation to a judge. When the judge laughs them out of court than you can go about your life. EB needs these types of sales anyway because there is no reason to buy from these guys. I can buy a PSP from walmart with a 90 day return policy or buy from EB or Gamestop and told that they don't "do returns on dead pixels and do I want to subscribe to some stupid magazine". Besides, EB makes money off this deal, I certain of this. They are getting these games cheap from sony and are jacking the prices of the games people are trading in. They are just fine. What I would be very UPSET about if I was EB and Gamestop is their very poor customer service. I won't shop at these places unless I'm getting a deal like this one. Why should I put up with the crap they spew at you.
does anyone know these game still work?
Socom Navy Seal, Tony Hawk Pro skater 4, splinter cell, metal of honor: frontline, jack and daxtor, ,precursor legacy, metal of honor: rising sun, and ghost recon
How do these dumbass associates explain it as fraud anyways? I think if an EB associate ever says that to me, I am going to ask him why it is fraud and watch him trip all over himself trying to explain it. Then I'll just bring up Ebay and ask if I buy a game from EB for $5 and sell it on Ebay for $10, can I go to jail for fraud? Then watch them trip over themselves trying to explain the difference.

I just hate when they try to act like you are committing a crime for taking advantage of a deal they put into place. Maybe I'll point out that they have my address on the receipt that they make you sign when you trade games in and tell them the hours I will be home for them to send the cops to get me.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']How do these dumbass associates explain it as fraud anyways? I think if an EB associate ever says that to me, I am going to ask him why it is fraud and watch him trip all over himself trying to explain it. Then I'll just bring up Ebay and ask if I buy a game from EB for $5 and sell it on Ebay for $10, can I go to jail for fraud? Then watch them trip over themselves trying to explain the difference.

I just hate when they try to act like you are committing a crime for taking advantage of a deal they put into place. Maybe I'll point out that they have my address on the receipt that they make you sign when you trade games in and tell them the hours I will be home for them to send the cops to get me.[/QUOTE]

LOL I guess my EB isn't that bad... Managers usually have to a-holes because the performance of the store determines whether they keep their job or not. And you're right that if you ask them to prove you for fraud, they really can't. Fraud would be if you try to trade in bootleg games or a real case + manuals with a bogus disc inside (like an AOL disc). It's a corporate deal so they HAVE to give you whatever the computer says.

My EB's manager is a jerk... So I only go in when these two guys are working. Usually, the younger the guy and the more you talk you him about games/whatever, the more easy going they are with you.

[quote name='dental_regurgitation']I plan on using this to get Metal Gear Ac!d... The store is ok with doing the exchange?[/QUOTE]

It really depends on the store. Some stores let you trade in the three games and pick one of the offered titles. And than they'll let you return the game and get another one.

But if the store you go to does let you do that, then just get a gift receipt and exchange the game when a different employee is working or take it to another EB. Then they definitely can't say anything.
[quote name='gamefreak117']you got bs'ed. when you go again, show him that it is indeed PO, or tell him to "key" this in:

PO-Cubix: SHWD PS2 «--- (or for Gamecube)
2407534 522/530 (I don't know what 522/530 means, but that may be something else)

If he gives you more bs, tell him to call some other EB games, because they can confirm on the phone. Otherwise, that employee is a douchebag.[/QUOTE]

Damn...I figured I was getting BS'ed but I just walked out. I'm not the kind of person to put up a stink over this stuff though. Maybe it's cause I used to work at Gamestop and hated dealing with a-hole customers (though in this case I was correct so I guess its a little different). Either way it doesn't matter, I returned the game to Blockbuster saying it was defective (yeah I lied)...but another BB did have 3 copies of the PS2 version new. Maybe I will give it another go...hmmmm.

Thanks for the info.
[quote name='kobekobe0']does anyone know these game still work?
Socom Navy Seal, Tony Hawk Pro skater 4, splinter cell, metal of honor: frontline, jack and daxtor, ,precursor legacy, metal of honor: rising sun, and ghost recon[/QUOTE]

Most are on the (aging) exclusion list that was online:


Jak and Daxter, Rising Sun and Ghost Recon will probably work. You could take the others in with you, but don't expect too much.
I can confirm Jak and Daxter works as I did it today. My confirmed EB trade:
Jak and Daxter PS2
Ape Escape 2 (disc only) PS2
Burnout Xbox (have BO 2 and 3)
Whiplash PS2
Wallace and Grommit PS2
Psi Ops Xbox

Picked up Twisted Metal:Head On and Wipeout Pure.

They said no to:
Max Payne Xbox
LOTR: The Fellowship of the RingXbox
Soul Reaver 2 PS2
Wreckless PS2
R:Racing Evolution XboxWolverines Revenge Xbox

Hope this helps.
Eh, i wish I got in on this deal but it looks like far too much work... Plus I doubt the BB people will except multiple coupons and I don't really have another place to buy games.
[quote name='kobekobe0']does anyone know these game still work?
Socom Navy Seal, Tony Hawk Pro skater 4, splinter cell, metal of honor: frontline, jack and daxtor, ,precursor legacy, metal of honor: rising sun, and ghost recon[/QUOTE]

I can say that Socom and Splinter Cell aren't tradeable for this offer.
I went in to trade in a couple of games for this deal:

the jampack 2004 (with ace combat 5 demo) WORKED. This might be YMMV though...

got ape escape, wipeout, and Twisted metal

Thanks CAG
[quote name='CaptPete']Jak and Daxter, Rising Sun and Ghost Recon will probably work. You could take the others in with you, but don't expect too much.[/QUOTE]

Rising Sun works for the Xbox . . . I got it as an extra during the CC GH 2 for $10 glitch . . . paired with Crimson Skies.

Anyway, $5 and I never played it but it got me $13.33.
[quote name='Hazelwood7']Next time one of these EB kids tells you that this fraud tell them that you would be happy to appear in court and explain the situation to a judge. When the judge laughs them out of court than you can go about your life.[/QUOTE]
Hope you're not so much a CAG that you're willing to spend all the money you saved from the deals posted here on legal fees, not to mention your wasted time.
[quote name='clockworkvictim']Eh, i wish I got in on this deal but it looks like far too much work... Plus I doubt the BB people will except multiple coupons and I don't really have another place to buy games.[/QUOTE]

Where's the old CAG spirit . . . string together some in your collection with a Future Tactics from GS and a few Metal Arms from BB and you'll be on your way :)

Actually, this deal has been a great chance for me to weed out my collection . . . I've done the deal 12 times and will likely do a few more. 3/4 of what I've traded in was stuff that I just don't need to hang on to. Now, I've found a few cheapies that I can include to pump up my credit a bit.
Well, I just completed Round 3.
F-Zero (GC) (mine)
Manhunt (PS2) (mine)
RE:CV (PS2) (7.99 @ Blockbuster)

Not too great I know, but oh well. It looks like this madness can continue through next week! A huge thanks to the OP. Everybody at this forum has helped me so much.
BTW, picked up World Tour Soccer today (got the Gift Receipt no prob), traded it at another EB for Lumines. Nice.
[quote name='gamefreak117']

PO-Cubix: SHWD PS2 «--- (or for Gamecube)
2407534 522/530 (I don't know what 522/530 means, but that may be something else)


the 522/530 is simply referring to the way they catalog games as new or preowned in their system
yeah actually Metal Arms was the only game to work for me nicely. Conflict Desert Storm needed to be manually entered and Cabella's. They wouldn't let me take more than one game too with the coupon unfortunately.
[quote name='maxflight']I don't think any corporation likes intelligent consumers. I gotta say that customer service really depends on the hired individual. at the 14th st Union Square, NY, Ebgames, I traded in 12 different games. the employee there was reminding me how I was holding up the line every 5 minutes. he also didn't really want to give me the trade 3 get free psp game deal because he acted like he couldn't get it working. at last one other employee told him to split the games into groups of 3. I felt extremely unwelcomed and you can be sure that I will never go back to that EB again.[/QUOTE]

In their defense, I've milked that EB countless times, for the TRU $10 deal, the 4 for $40, and the current deal, but they've always been totally cool to me. Even when I was unloading tons of Jampacks and 9 more holes.
[quote name='tidwell']Well, I just completed Round 3.
F-Zero (GC) (mine)
Manhunt (PS2) (mine)
RE:CV (PS2) (7.99 @ Blockbuster)

Not too great I know, but oh well. It looks like this madness can continue through next week! A huge thanks to the OP. Everybody at this forum has helped me so much.
BTW, picked up World Tour Soccer today (got the Gift Receipt no prob), traded it at another EB for Lumines. Nice.[/QUOTE]

Manhunt for PS2 is good for this deal? Cool!! I'm gonna trade mine in!!
At first I thought I had some big news, but upon further inspection this is definitely YMMV. I had recalled reading that Hot Shots Golf had been added to the list of PSP games you can trade 3 games for. I went in tonight with three PS2 games and asked the clerk if Hot Shots Golf would work with the trade in deal. He said that as a first-party game, it would, so he rung it up and I got my paid pre-order.

But, EB's price for HSG is $50, so my preorder is worth 50 bucks. Upon further inspection, it looks like he adjusted the trade prices manually, because, unlike my previous 3-for-1 trades, there is no Bonus or Promo information under each trade; 2 items are listed at $16.66 and the other for $16.67. My previous trades after the bonus credit were all bumped up to $13.33 each, so I'm convinced that Hot Shots Golf is not part of the deal, and he just overrode it.

YMMV, but, it may work for you and give you $10 extra credit to boot!
[quote name='abilyk']

YMMV, but, it may work for you and give you $10 extra credit to boot![/QUOTE]

wow i already have it pre-ordered from switching an ATV pre-order but that worth a shot...
[quote name='JAMMR']Can anyone verify if these still (or ever) work?


Rebel Strike Demo Disc


Yup.... Anyone know the answer to these?
[quote name='JAMMR']Yup.... Anyone know the answer to these?[/QUOTE]

Seriously, if you would have just checked the exclusion list you'd have at least some sort of answer.

Haven PS2 is on the exclusion list = does not work.
[quote name='JAMMR']Yup.... Anyone know the answer to these?[/QUOTE]

Warjetz is POX...meaning it cannot be used for the deal. My receipt from today shows this(just bought it in hopes of using it for a GR trade).
[quote name='galvatron2k1']I totally agree with you! Some of these EB games clerks are straight A--Holes! I called an EB that I normally do not go to and asked if they had Digital Devil Saga and the Echo Night game that gets $$$ trade value at gamerush. He told me he had 2 copies of Echo Night and 3 of DDS. So I asked him to hold them for me for 1 hour. He was cool and said he would put them behind the counter.

I come up there a half hour later and the same A--hole hands me an opened copy of DDS and 1 opened Echo Night. I asked him if he held 2 copies for me and he was like, no we sold the other copy. Already getting pissed, he rings up the open copy of DDS and I look at him with this funny look because there are 2 sealed ones on the shelf. Luckily the manager comes over and grabs a sealed copy and switches the 2 and told the clerk to ring up the new one. Oh well, hope a CAG got the other Echo Night.

Kind of didn't make me feel so bad when I traded him back a Wipeout Pure w/ gift receipt from the trade-in deal. I hope everybody in here stacks them up with crap games every time they start a trade-in deal![/QUOTE]

Which digital devil saga you are talking about? Shim megami Tensei: digital devil saga?? that one is $59.99 @ ebgames???
Does anyone know if Max Payne 2 for PS2 is PO? My Best Buy has a ton that I could get for $5 with "that" coupon.
I've been trying to search this forum (LONG!) but can't find anywhere that points out cheap games to trade. Can someone tell me what the best way to handle this deal is? If I went to Gamestop (right next to EB) and bought a bunch of CA games, what should I pick up? Thanks.
[quote name='Hazelwood7']I got on this deal as well. I love to hear the EB guys tell me that I'm commiting fraud for doing a deal that they set up. I love thier store policy of no duplicate titles. Ask to see it in writing and they will tell you they don't have it in writing. I called around and found one that would take duplicate titles. They should becuase it does not say it anywhere in writing that they won't. So I bought 4 bad boys and 2 metal arms for 30 bux and dropped them off at EB still in the shrinkwrap and I got two PSP games. Oh, the other EB told me that they don't take shrinkwrap games, agian not in writing. Next time one of these EB kids tells you that this fraud tell them that you would be happy to appear in court and explain the situation to a judge. When the judge laughs them out of court than you can go about your life. EB needs these types of sales anyway because there is no reason to buy from these guys. I can buy a PSP from walmart with a 90 day return policy or buy from EB or Gamestop and told that they don't "do returns on dead pixels and do I want to subscribe to some stupid magazine". Besides, EB makes money off this deal, I certain of this. They are getting these games cheap from sony and are jacking the prices of the games people are trading in. They are just fine. What I would be very UPSET about if I was EB and Gamestop is their very poor customer service. I won't shop at these places unless I'm getting a deal like this one. Why should I put up with the crap they spew at you.[/QUOTE]

And as this type of crap goes on the deals get thinner. i have seen it happen over the past couple years...

First off dont do multiple copies and have the 2 minutes of time to happen the games before you bring them in. This is the type of junk that ruins the deals.

What the hell is so hard about be considerate of other CAG'S?
[quote name='tayaf69']I've been trying to search this forum (LONG!) but can't find anywhere that points out cheap games to trade. Can someone tell me what the best way to handle this deal is? If I went to Gamestop (right next to EB) and bought a bunch of CA games, what should I pick up? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I think finding cheap games for this deal varies by what area you live in with the exception of the Best Buy $10 game with the $5 off coupon (which I haven't even used in my area). If I were you I'd check out Blockbuster and Hollywood Video or any place selling PO games, take the list with you and buy what ever is not on the list and cheap. Heck check out Gamestop and EB too. One poster said he traded in Bombastic for the PS2 as part of this deal, rebought it from EB for $6, and traded it in again. The cheap games are out there you just need to find them. Hollywood Video has worked great for me...4 for $20 ($9.99 games)...I bought 12 for $60 translated into $160 in PSP games.
[quote name='little_krampy']I think finding cheap games for this deal varies by what area you live in with the exception of the Best Buy $10 game with the $5 off coupon (which I haven't even used in my area). If I were you I'd check out Blockbuster and Hollywood Video or any place selling PO games, take the list with you and buy what ever is not on the list and cheap. Heck check out Gamestop and EB too. One poster said he traded in Bombastic for the PS2 as part of this deal, rebought it from EB for $6, and traded it in again. The cheap games are out there you just need to find them. Hollywood Video has worked great for me...4 for $20 ($9.99 games)...I bought 12 for $60 translated into $160 in PSP games.[/QUOTE]

Search this thread
[quote name='Hazelwood7']I got on this deal as well. I love to hear the EB guys tell me that I'm commiting fraud for doing a deal that they set up. I love thier store policy of no duplicate titles. Ask to see it in writing and they will tell you they don't have it in writing. I called around and found one that would take duplicate titles. They should becuase it does not say it anywhere in writing that they won't. So I bought 4 bad boys and 2 metal arms for 30 bux and dropped them off at EB still in the shrinkwrap and I got two PSP games. Oh, the other EB told me that they don't take shrinkwrap games, agian not in writing. Next time one of these EB kids tells you that this fraud tell them that you would be happy to appear in court and explain the situation to a judge. When the judge laughs them out of court than you can go about your life. EB needs these types of sales anyway because there is no reason to buy from these guys. I can buy a PSP from walmart with a 90 day return policy or buy from EB or Gamestop and told that they don't "do returns on dead pixels and do I want to subscribe to some stupid magazine". Besides, EB makes money off this deal, I certain of this. They are getting these games cheap from sony and are jacking the prices of the games people are trading in. They are just fine. What I would be very UPSET about if I was EB and Gamestop is their very poor customer service. I won't shop at these places unless I'm getting a deal like this one. Why should I put up with the crap they spew at you.[/QUOTE]

I've wondered why the EB employees in my area had such bad customer service skills, until I read this post. If I had to deal with people like this even on a weekly or monthly basis I'd be pretty pissy too. You're going to take EB to court!!! Oh I'd love to see that. First, it's just a 40 frickin' dollar videogame (do you think a judge will care or your case will even see a courtroom). Second, EB has EVERY RIGHT to deny you. It says right on the flyer, some titles excluded. It doesn't say EB will accept everything not on their online exclusion list. Start being a normal decent person and stop rubbing this deal in the face of every EB employee you come across.
[quote name='little_krampy']I've wondered why the EB employees in my area had such bad customer service skills, until I read this post. If I had to deal with people like this even on a weekly or monthly basis I'd be pretty pissy too. You're going to take EB to court!!! Oh I'd love to see that. First, it's just a 40 frickin' dollar videogame (do you think a judge will care or your case will even see a courtroom). Second, EB has EVERY RIGHT to deny you. It says right on the flyer, some titles excluded. It doesn't say EB will accept everything not on their online exclusion list. Start being a normal decent person and stop rubbing this deal in the face of every EB employee you come across.[/QUOTE]

He is an EB spy!!! Oh no...LOL....who cares a deals a deal....deal with it...lol
[quote name='Hazelwood7'] So I bought 4 bad boys and 2 metal arms for 30 bux and dropped them off at EB still in the shrinkwrap and I got two PSP games. Oh, the other EB told me that they don't take shrinkwrap games, agian not in writing.[/QUOTE]

I to have taken advantage of the latest deals. I am curious though, why make it obvious or cause suspicion by using multiple copies and leaving them sealed? Yes there is a little risk involved in opening the games and finding them no longer PO, but you could always take them to GR or even keep them. They only cost you $5 a piece. You could get another qualifying game somewhere else and only trade 3 per day.

I get that this may not work for you, but little things like this, do raise suspicion. I am not bashing you at all. I have been called on some of my deals lately due to frequency of trades. There's nothing wrong legally or even morally with what you are doing, it just may hurt you in the long run.

I have found it's better to keep as low a profile as possible particularly at EB's and GS's. The GR's I go to, all the employees know me, and I trade there a lot, and they still treat me great. I can't say the same for the EB's. I have since toned my trading at EB's down as much as possible. I just don't want to piss them off to the point they identify me when I walk in.

Granted, I still believe it shouldn't matter how many trades I do or where I get the games from as long as they aren't stolen, yet the EB CSR's are still getting irritated.
[quote name='hotwls13']I to have taken advantage of the latest deals. I am curious though, why make it obvious or cause suspicion by using multiple copies and leaving them sealed? .[/QUOTE]
Because if you're like me, and you bought 3 copies of Outlaw golf:9 more holes of Xmas, you'd like to be able to return it when it does come up as POX. Its worthless to trade in and I dont have a GR near me.
Also if Bloodrayne (Xbox) is still able to be used, I picked up a copy at TRU for 5.34 (I know its random). And I picked up Chaos Legion for $4.89.
[quote name='jza1218']Because if you're like me, and you bought 3 copies of Outlaw golf:9 more holes of Xmas, you'd like to be able to return it when it does come up as POX. Its worthless to trade in and I dont have a GR near me.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I too have a couple 9 more holes still to get rid of. But, they only cost me $3 a piece. I look at it as you win some lose less. I take my losses and figure I have saved so much doing these deals, $6 here and there isn't that big a deal.
[quote name='hotwls13']I to have taken advantage of the latest deals. I am curious though, why make it obvious or cause suspicion by using multiple copies and leaving them sealed? Yes there is a little risk involved in opening the games and finding them no longer PO, but you could always take them to GR or even keep them. They only cost you $5 a piece. You could get another qualifying game somewhere else and only trade 3 per day.

I get that this may not work for you, but little things like this, do raise suspicion. I am not bashing you at all. I have been called on some of my deals lately due to frequency of trades. There's nothing wrong legally or even morally with what you are doing, it just may hurt you in the long run. [/QUOTE]

How can it hurt you in the long run? Employees at those stores have a huge turn over rate, and over the course of 6 monthes your likely to run into new ones that don't know you.
[quote name='little_krampy']I've wondered why the EB employees in my area had such bad customer service skills, until I read this post. If I had to deal with people like this even on a weekly or monthly basis I'd be pretty pissy too. You're going to take EB to court!!! Oh I'd love to see that. First, it's just a 40 frickin' dollar videogame (do you think a judge will care or your case will even see a courtroom). Second, EB has EVERY RIGHT to deny you. It says right on the flyer, some titles excluded. It doesn't say EB will accept everything not on their online exclusion list. Start being a normal decent person and stop rubbing this deal in the face of every EB employee you come across.[/QUOTE]

Ummm dude read his post again. Hes not saying he is going to take EB to court, his point was that if EB were to try to sue him or something of that nature, he would be happy to explain it to the judge and get the EB employee laughed out of the court room. I also feel nothing for the employees in this deal. The deal doesn't directly hurt them so why do ANY of them get so pissy about it? I have one at an EB near me who is a complete spaz who would wring my neck for doing this deal if he could. What have I done wrong? OMG I HAVE TRADED IN MULTIPLE UNOPENED GAMES! Not even duplicates mind you, but he still acts like an ass about it. Which is exactly why I rub his face in the deal.

Look I used to work at an EB before college. In those glory days some of the employees used to actually give a sh$t about games, and we never gave a damn when someone came in and did one of these deals. Hell half of the time employees were the ones taking advantage of the deals. Now EB as a company has turned into an even bigger bitch, and often only hires idiots. The employees that arn't idiots are just screwed because they have no ability to control the shitty policies they are forced to cram down people's throats(Aka asking people to preorder games constantly).

Don't feel sorry for EB and trust me don't feel sorry for its employees either. Its not your fault that some of them have a stick up their @ss.
Verified to still be working as of 4/7:

GCN - Cubix
PS2 - Metal Arms
XBN - Future Tactics
PS2 - Bad Boys
PS2 - Conflict: Desert Storm
PS2 - Syphon Filter: Omega Strain
it is pox in stores though. The website doesn't always have the info updated, as their exclusion list is out of date and they don't list the psp in anything other than a bundle, when you can buy just the value pack at a local shop.
I am not rude to the EB store employees. I just show up with the games and do my thing. I do get mad when they tell me no duplicates or no shrinkwrapped games. These policies are not stated on the offer. These policies are individual store policies. So what if I'm going to bestbuy and buying them. I could have gone to best buy and bought 3 God of Wars and traded them in shrinkwrapped. I'm siure they would have been very happy if I did that and they would lt me trade as many God of Wars shrinked wrapped as I wanted. That could be very profitable for them. It's their right to set the rules but I just don't get it. I have done nothing wrong or inmoral. I owned the games and I traded them in. The store I went to did not care if I traded in duplicates. They did not care if they where shrinkwrapped. To me it's like rebates. They try to exclude as many people as possible unless you follow the rules as closely as possible. I'm following thier rules and I'm doing nothing wrong. EB will still come ahead in all of this. You can sleep easy at night and know that EB is profitable. They have a bean counter who thinks up these senarios. These deals are all good publicity for them becasue it shows up on sites like this and keeps people coming into their store.
[quote name='Toth']How can it hurt you in the long run? Employees at those stores have a huge turn over rate, and over the course of 6 monthes your likely to run into new ones that don't know you.[/QUOTE]

Not at my EB. I've only seen one new guy in the 3 years or so that the store has been open. Unfortunately that means that they know that I only really come in when there are good deals. =( Granted, only the manager really cares. Now if I could just know what their work schedule was...
[quote name='Toth']Ummm dude read his post again. Hes not saying he is going to take EB to court, his point was that if EB were to try to sue him or something of that nature, he would be happy to explain it to the judge and get the EB employee laughed out of the court room. I also feel nothing for the employees in this deal. The deal doesn't directly hurt them so why do ANY of them get so pissy about it? I have one at an EB near me who is a complete spaz who would wring my neck for doing this deal if he could. What have I done wrong? OMG I HAVE TRADED IN MULTIPLE UNOPENED GAMES! Not even duplicates mind you, but he still acts like an ass about it. Which is exactly why I rub his face in the deal.

Look I used to work at an EB before college. In those glory days some of the employees used to actually give a sh$t about games, and we never gave a damn when someone came in and did one of these deals. Hell half of the time employees were the ones taking advantage of the deals. Now EB as a company has turned into an even bigger bitch, and often only hires idiots. The employees that arn't idiots are just screwed because they have no ability to control the shitty policies they are forced to cram down people's throats(Aka asking people to preorder games constantly).

Don't feel sorry for EB and trust me don't feel sorry for its employees either. Its not your fault that some of them have a stick up their @ss.[/QUOTE]

I don't agree with you there. My manager checks every trade transaction that comes in everyday and has specifically told all of his employees that we are gone if we take in duplicates or if he sees something fishy (a customer buying a game and then trading it back in for a higher value, then rebuying the game, etc.). This is my second job and it's helping to pay for my tuition (and gaming habits) so I can't afford to lose this job because I'm not allowed to hold two campus jobs at once. Besides, its a crappy paying job and many of my coworkers depend on this job to live and feed themselves (not too people going to college in this area), of course they're gonna be a little annoyed when someone tries to put their job on the line, even if the job is complete crap. EB as a company doesn't treat its empoylees that well at all and it would be nice if you guys would just give a break to the ones who don't mean to be a-holes but have to be firm because they're expected to be.
Pulled my rant because it really has nothing to do with this thread.
On another note, EBgames.com had a price drop(which I think works in the store). NFL 2k5(which can be used) is now 9.99. With an edge card its cheaper.
bread's done