[Deal Dead] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles $14.99 at Sam Goody [Now $49.99]

Nope I wrote them and they told me that it would cancel on the 16th and that I would have to reorder on the 16th. I would not be able to extend my order!
I both read here and was told by a customer service rep that the price would hold through the re-order. I certainly hope this is the case.
I FINALLY got an email from Sam Goody last night saying that my order came in and that they are shipping it to me. The only problem is, is that I canceled the order 2 weeks ago. Go fig.
[quote name='Ericnmel99']I FINALLY got an email from Sam Goody last night saying that my order came in and that they are shipping it to me. The only problem is, is that I canceled the order 2 weeks ago. Go fig.[/quote]

you originally placed the order when the game was $14.99?

hopefully they'll ship some more out!
[quote name='Ericnmel99']I FINALLY got an email from Sam Goody last night saying that my order came in and that they are shipping it to me. The only problem is, is that I canceled the order 2 weeks ago. Go fig.[/quote]

did you place the order when it was :lol: $14.99?
I called today and was told that they still had no ETA in their system for this title. I asked if my order would still be active and she said yes, she did not mention anything about my order getting cancelled or having to call back to extend it.
[quote name='Imation']Not me. I got yet another email saying it was on Backorder though.[/quote]

I received the same one this morning, still on backorder :?
Just got this email. OFFICIALLY DEAD now...$5 coupon, whoopee...

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your recent order for FINAL FANTASY: CRYSTAL CHRONICLES.
A recent pricing error on our Web site incorrectly offered this DVD for $14.99. The correct price of this product is $49.99. Due to the nature of this error, we have canceled your order for this item per our terms of service agreement posted within our site.

To view these terms, please go to.

We apologize for any disappointment this cancellation may cause, and for your inconvenience, we would like to offer you a $5.00 Digital coupon ( XXXXXXX ), which we encourage you to use to save money on your next purchase at http://www.samgoody.com/

We look forward to your next visit to one of our stores or to www.samgoody.com. Please do not hesitate to contact us again with additional questions and concerns.

You must redeem your digital coupon by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, April 30, 2004.

Best wishes from Samgoody,
The Customer Care Team
I just got the "cancelled" email too. I'm writing them back this: Hi. I ordered this game on February 9th, and have been waiting for it to arrive for over a month. I've passed up other sales for this game at your competitors. If this was truly a pricing mistake, and not a special introductory sale like I thought, then why weren't we notified about it weeks ago? I'm deeply disappointed that my first experience with SamGoody was not a pleasant one.
I guess it's not a total loss...I grabbed Blue Stinger for Dreamcast (got decent reviews at ign.com) for $2.27. The game was $4.99 so all I had to pay was shipping after using the $5 code they sent me.
Blue Stinger?!...


...ahem. Actually, it's not a horrible game. If you have a good sense of humor, it can be funny to kill zombies and watch them spray not only blood but thousands of gold coins, which you can use to buy more weapons from the vending machines in the supermarket. Even the T-Shirt that teaches you kung-fu!

I knew it was coming but they knew about the error for over a month, and they just now send me an email?

Sorriest online sites :arrow: Sam Goody, Buy.com
If anyone else gets a $5 off coupon and knows they won't use it...please PM it to me. I would like to pick up ECW Hardcore for the Dreamcast too. Thanks.
SamGoody.com, you just made the list...

The List
- Bill of Rights
- Grandpa
- fat free lard
- gravity
- Emmys
- Darwin
- Billy Crystal
- God
- Soloflex
- the boy
- Stern Lecture Plumbing
- Econo Save
- SamGoody.com
[quote name='E-Z-B']I just got the "cancelled" email too. I'm writing them back this: Hi. I ordered this game on February 9th, and have been waiting for it to arrive for over a month. I've passed up other sales for this game at your competitors. If this was truly a pricing mistake, and not a special introductory sale like I thought, then why weren't we notified about it weeks ago? I'm deeply disappointed that my first experience with SamGoody was not a pleasant one.[/quote]

That's good. I think I'll write something to this effect too.
I'm most disappointed in this development. If this was a price error and
not a sale, why did it take more than a month to notify me? I have passed
on opportunities to buy this product from competitors in their sales due to
your assurance, as recent as this morning, that I would indeed receive this
game. I suspect that very soon this game will magically come into stock at your website. Do not expect me to further support your business,"A recent pricing error" does not take 35 days to rectify.

That's mine.
From the Email They sent me:
We would like you to know that your backorder/special order has shipped!

Your order confirmation # is 0XXXXXXXXX received on 02/09/04. You will need to refer to your order confirmation # if you e-mail us.

Extended Ordered Shipped BackOrd Price Title
14.99 1 1 0 14.99 FINAL FANTASY: CRYSTAL / GAME

14.99 Subtotal
2.27 Shipping & Handling
17.26 Total

Your order was shipped to...

Your order was shipped using US Domestic Mail.

Please note - orders shipped via US Domestic Mail should arrive within 4 - 10 business days after they are shipped.

If you have any questions, please contact us via:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (954)255-4831
In the US: (800)538-3465
Customer Service is open from 09:00AM until 09:00PM EST

Thank you for shopping at www.samgoody.com.
I also couldn't email them.

"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, because the
message was forwarded more than the maximum allowed times. This could
indicate a mail loop.

[email protected]"
Anyone not using thier crappy digital coupon of five bucks (assuming it isn't the same number I received when my order was cancelled), can you email it to me?
5 bucks doesn't look like much on their web site, if you could use it in store, it would be a better deal. But then again, Beach Spikers for $55.99 minus the coupon is a bargain. What, NBA courtside 2002 for $56.99, why not get both.
I called them, and the customer service rep basically told me they had been waiting for word from the corporate office on whether or not to honor the orders at the given price. (They said they would have honored the orders if they had received the shipment from the manufacturer before the orders were to be cancelled.) She said the corporate office responded yesterday or something, saying the orders would be cancelled anyways since they've been open for 30 days and to not deliver it at the price. Whether or not that's true, it's definitely poor business practice on Sam Goody's part. At least the CSR was nice.

Edited to add: The CSR also didn't know why the email address wasn't working.
It doesn't appear the coupon would be stackable. I tried putting a CD in my cart and checking out with the coupon. There was never a chance to enter another coupon in. But if anyone isn't going to use theirs PM me your number and I'll give it a shot.
[quote name='Ericnmel99']From the Email They sent me:
We would like you to know that your backorder/special order has shipped!

Your order confirmation # is 0XXXXXXXXX received on 02/09/04. You will need to refer to your order confirmation # if you e-mail us.

Extended Ordered Shipped BackOrd Price Title
14.99 1 1 0 14.99 FINAL FANTASY: CRYSTAL / GAME

14.99 Subtotal
2.27 Shipping & Handling
17.26 Total

Your order was shipped to...

Your order was shipped using US Domestic Mail.

Please note - orders shipped via US Domestic Mail should arrive within 4 - 10 business days after they are shipped.

If you have any questions, please contact us via:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (954)255-4831
In the US: (800)538-3465
Customer Service is open from 09:00AM until 09:00PM EST

Thank you for shopping at www.samgoody.com.[/quote]

awesome, i'm glad one of us got it!
I called customer service today, and man did I lose my cool. :oops: I tried calmly telling them how I ordered it a month ago, waited over 4 weeks, then finally got the "cancelled" email. All I kept getting were quotes like "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do" or "it was a pricing error" or "you can reorder it at $50". I seem to remember saying things to them at the end like "I guess the lesson learned is not to buy from samgoody again". But the customer service rep didn't care. I'm just an insignificant number to them.
So guess what I got in the mail this weekend? My final fantasy game from Sam Goody. They charged my CC $17.52 for the game plus shipping. The only problem was is that i Called and canceled my order 2 weeks ago. It just shows you how stupid these people are that we deal with. Did anyone else actually get this deal?
Now the only problem is that i dont know if i even want the game. I originally wanted it just to sell it, but now its not worth it because its been out a while. ....maybe i'll trade it with someone here.
It sorta had the opposite effect on me... I originally didn't want it, but after all that waiting, I kind of want it now. Are you looking for anything in particular?
bread's done