December Bestbuy RZ Gamers Club Offers


Get 150 RZ bonus points with these games --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

Soul Caliber: Broken Detiny
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge
NBA 10 The Inside
Madden 10
Resistance Retribution

Zelds: Spirit Tracks

Get 150 RZ bonus points with these games -- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

MX vs. ATV Reflex

The Saboteur

Save $5 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

Animal Crossing
Rapala We Fish
Madden 10
TMNT Smash up

Save $5 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Avatar --- All Systems

Save $10 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09

PC Games ---- Saints Row 2 and Fallen Earth

Guitar Hero 5

Guitar Hero Smash Hits

Save $10 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Terminator Salvation
Street Fighter 4

Drum King
All Star Cheer Squad 2
Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Save $20 on these titles --- Valid 12/7/09-12/20/09


Fairytale Fights

Save $20 on these titles --- Valid 12/21/09-1/3/10

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon -- Explorers of Time & Darkness

Grand Turismo

Tranformers: Revenge of the Fallen
High School Musical: Senior Year Dance

Let's Tap
Monster Vs. Aliens

Saints Row 2
Red Fraction Guerilla

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Just left a Best Buy where they said they were sent out a memo due to the Fairytale Fights issue last week. So no, on this one this time.
[quote name='shrike4242']It couldn't have worked in that situation. Any non-sale price doesn't have an asterisk, any sale price does. That's how the register reps can find out an item is on sale without a sale flier handy.

It worked before because FTF wasn't marked as a sale price when they opened, though by around 4PM ET or there abouts, they fixed it in the register system and it showed up as a sale price with an asterisk.

There's probably some setting for an item in their system that is "SALE" or something like that, and the package price acceptance process invalidates the coupon if the item on the coupon has the "SALE" setting showing up with the asterisked price.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Oside_hunter']last week I got 3 copies of FTF even with the asterisk on the screen[/QUOTE]
You don't have to take my word for it. ;)
No go at Canton, Ohio. The system wouldn't let it go through as it was a sales item, and the cashier seemed right on top of it for why it wouldn't work. On the plus side, found a copy of Saints Row 2 for PS3, so got that for $5 instead.
[quote name='Jodou']You don't have to take my word for it. ;)[/QUOTE]Then the asterisk must show the item is on sale with a sale price, and there's some additional setting inside the item's information in the register that makes it a sale price.

There's has to be something showing up inside the register that invalidates the coupon discount when the item is on sale.
Thanks east coasters for saving me the awkward conversation with a high school cashier! I got some gift cards and a hour trip home with a few BB's on the way so probably checking some clearance out anyway, but at least I know!
[quote name='Kstyle']ok a lot of reports its failure.
should I go try..?

or its waste of my time?[/QUOTE]

No reason to try now, the system will not accept the coupons on the sale prices.
No it won't work. I had an ass for a CSR who wouldn't even try the coupon. He just looked at me and said we can knock it down to $10. I just left te boy and his blob and the 2 games (free) on the table.
Yeah you'd have to get double lucky, a cashier who cares enough to get a manager, and a manager who's nice enough to override. So, at Best Buy, no go.

No dice at White Marsh, MD.
[quote name='shrike4242']Then the asterisk must show the item is on sale with a sale price, and there's some additional setting inside the item's information in the register that makes it a sale price.

There's has to be something showing up inside the register that invalidates the coupon discount when the item is on sale.[/QUOTE]
Oh for sure, but I think they were just super careful this time around to add w/e variable was required for the coupon to not work. Just means they will fuck up again and we'll be waiting when they do.
wow, just wow, I guess I just got really, really, really, lucky with this one. I walked up to the register with 3 transformers and 3 mad worlds in hand and the coupons in the other. The CSR looks at me and asks are you getting these for free, and I said "I'm gonna try." He rang em up. scanned the coupon, no go. I was like shit. He then called over a manager, I guess, who then looked at the coupon looked at the price and then over rode all the prices for all 6 games!! Then he called something like a code 9 or something, as I was getting my receipt. I'm not bragging but when I checked the site from my phone in the car, all I saw were no-gos and had the feeling I just extremely lucky.
[quote name='joshnorm']No it won't work. I had an ass for a CSR who wouldn't even try the coupon. He just looked at me and said we can knock it down to $10. I just left te boy and his blob and the 2 games (free) on the table.[/QUOTE]

thats still a pretty good deal for $10 for transformer as you can flip it back at gamestop for their $20 off promotion.
[quote name='causticpork']wow, just wow, I guess I just got really, really, really, lucky with this one. I walked up to the register with 3 transformers and 3 mad worlds in hand and the coupons in the other. The CSR looks at me and asks are you getting these for free, and I said "I'm gonna try." He rang em up. scanned the coupon, no go. I was like shit. He then called over a manager, I guess, who then looked at the coupon looked at the price and then over rode all the prices for all 6 games!! Then he called something like a code 9 or something, as I was getting my receipt. I'm not bragging but when I checked the site from my phone in the car, all I saw were no-gos and had the feeling I just extremely lucky.[/QUOTE]

please post the receipt here thanks
[quote name='BudzMcGee']The fact that you can scan your card after any customer that doesn't have one and rack up tons of free RZ points? That is the reason why the BB where my roommate worked the employees had to CANCEL their RZ membership wihle they were employed there. I thought it was a corporate policy, but I guess maybe it just varies by region or even just store.

*Just want to add that I know it does vary greatly from store to store and manager to manager. One of his managers would sometimes offer me an unadvertised discount (not neccessarily employee but more like "this game is going on clearance soon" discount) that only the employees could take advantage of at that time cause I was in the store with him. So obviously there is some gray area.[/QUOTE]

Yes, and corporate tracks that, and would fire me in a heart beat. I just use it on family purchases (have my whole my family use the same account) that way I get lots of points and free games.
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']At least the office season 5 was on sale for $15.99[/QUOTE]

sweet will pick that up as i finally have time to go to the stores damn cant beleive i missed last week-ftf-n this week no transformers (freebie) oh well maybe next time.
[quote name='causticpork']wow, just wow, I guess I just got really, really, really, lucky with this one. I walked up to the register with 3 transformers and 3 mad worlds in hand and the coupons in the other. The CSR looks at me and asks are you getting these for free, and I said "I'm gonna try." He rang em up. scanned the coupon, no go. I was like shit. He then called over a manager, I guess, who then looked at the coupon looked at the price and then over rode all the prices for all 6 games!! Then he called something like a code 9 or something, as I was getting my receipt. I'm not bragging but when I checked the site from my phone in the car, all I saw were no-gos and had the feeling I just extremely lucky.[/QUOTE]
Nice, you got a manager who believes in honoring price mistakes and hates his company. I would've bought that man a round.
[quote name='Jodou']Nice, you got a manager who believes in honoring price mistakes and hates his company. I would've bought that man a round.[/QUOTE]

I offered but its only 10am and he denied.
[quote name='youenvy']was gran turismo for the psp $5 or $10 after the coupon as well??[/QUOTE]

Not sure how it would be. Game is priced at $39.99, and coupon is for $20 off. Looks like it will cost $19.99 after coupon.
[quote name='Oside_hunter']last week I got 3 copies of FTF even with the asterisk on the screen[/QUOTE]

Me too actually. I remember seeing a prompt come up on the screen asking if the employee wanted to apply the coupon to each copy in the transaction and they just hit 'yes' to it each time. This was with an asterisk next to each $19.99 on the screen for Fairytale Fights last week and this was during my first run at the second Best Buy around here.

So I still say it IS possible, but you have to get a clueless employee or one who just doesn't give a shit that will hit 'yes' without even thinking about it.

Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I distinctly remember seeing an asterisk next to each price on the screen. So, maybe if you keep the cashier distracted it'll work.
No go at the Beavercreek, OH Best Buy either. I even got the same cashier that rang up my free Fairytale Fight last time, and she was really friendly about it. She was surprised my copy of Madworld didn't ring up free after the coupon and called for someone to override it. Unfortunately, THAT person was less friendly, wouldn't even acknowledge I was standing there and told the cashier not to accept the coupon for sale items with asterisks. I bought it anyway because the cashier was apologetic and sided with me. Actually was worth it to me to see a cashier after Christmas still with good customer service attitude.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']Not sure how it would be. Game is priced at $39.99, and coupon is for $20 off. Looks like it will cost $19.99 after coupon.[/QUOTE]

cool thanks for the info my mistake--still going try to get a saints row2 copy if im lucky--n pick up the office season 5 ----going to be stubborn n try sneak in transformers in the mix since im already going there anyway-maybe they ll be nice n let it og trough since im buying some things (doubt it but you never know)-im here in chicago--so ill let you guys know if at least 1 copy of transformers or mad world works..
Same for me, no go at the brick, NJ store. Cashier was clueless and asked for help with the transformers discount. Then she noticed it had an asterisk next to it and explained the coupon could not be used on sale items. They must have had 15+ copies on the shelf!

Got Saint's Row 2 for $5, though, which is not a sale price at $24.99.
That sucks that it seems to not be working this time. However, if it's up to the cashier to allow it, I'll hit up 1 or 2 stores & see what happens. If I get shot down (or system doesn't allow it) @ the first store, then I'll probably just head back home.
As I suspected, no go this time for me either. It was a simple system error that allowed X-Blades, FTF, etc. to go through, now the system automatically denies the coupons if the item is tagged with the sale flag. You'd have to get a clueless yet generous manager to do the override, and you all know the chances of that happening.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Me too actually. I remember seeing a prompt come up on the screen asking if the employee wanted to apply the coupon to each copy in the transaction and they just hit 'yes' to it each time. This was with an asterisk next to each $19.99 on the screen for Fairytale Fights last week and this was during my first run at the second Best Buy around here.

So I still say it IS possible, but you have to get a clueless employee or one who just doesn't give a shit that will hit 'yes' without even thinking about it.

Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I distinctly remember seeing an asterisk next to each price on the screen. So, maybe if you keep the cashier distracted it'll work.[/QUOTE]

This is how it worked for me last time with Fairytale Fights. The same thing happened today and the cashier hit yes, in fact tried it multiple times, and it wouldn't go through. It's dead.
i guess i wont even try w/ this coupon. lol. idk tho. i may just try since ima go there and get the xbl 12mth cards for $20(sears PM)
So the general consensus is that w/ out a manager override, it won't go through? Ah well, it's worth @ least one shot on my end. If nothing else, I'll do some browsing.
[quote name='Jodou']Look on the brightside: hour and a half until new Steam sales. Lol, now watch them be garbage deals. . .[/QUOTE]

Hope not Torchwood was a steal at $5 yesterday! :applause:
I suppose I should be glad I don't have to go to Best Buy today, especially with the still somewhat icy roads.

Disappointment reigns, however.

If I end up going past a BBY today, I may just stop in to try it anyhow. Really wanted Let's Tap...MadWorld and Transformers would've just been a bonus.
No go for me in Sawgrass, Florida. The coupon was scanned but all the prices remained the same. Hoping Amazon price-matches Super Mario Bros Wii. Come on, Amazon!
Yeah no go in owings mills, MD. the coupon scanned and was applied in the system, the cashier clicked apply, but nothing happened. manager came over and said it was on sale

too bad
You could get them on a technicality. On the front page of the ad, there are DVDs that clearly say they are on "Sale". Nowhere does it say in the ad that Transformers and the rest of the games are on "sale": it says "$19.99 after $20 savings"...Very YMMV of course but maybe it's worth a shot to those still going.....
Well thanks everyone that reported their adventures today. You all just saved me a trip to Best Buy this morning. Now I'm just going to deal with the supermarket crowds.
[quote name='sephiroth61787']You could get them on a technicality. On the front page of the ad, there are DVDs that clearly say they are on "Sale". Nowhere does it say in the ad that Transformers and the rest of the games are on "sale": it says "$19.99 after $20 savings"...Very YMMV of course but maybe it's worth a shot to those still going.....[/QUOTE]

Considering it'd cost $10, is it really worth being a dick to a manager about it and causing a scene. What price dignity?
[quote name='confoosious']Considering it'd cost $10, is it really worth being a dick to a manager about it and causing a scene. What price dignity?[/QUOTE]

You don't have to be a dick, just point it out....if the still say no, tough shit and walk away.

Where's this $10 coming from?
Meh, I'm not even gonna try. Is Madworld worth it for $10?? Our Wii is out in the family room, so I doubt I will ever have a chance to play a game like that anyway. lol
bread's done