Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

- Chance to spawn an orb from melee/grenade/critical hive kills (You didn't list the critical one, which is the best one in my opinion)
Hmmm - never seen that one. I just went off mine and others I saw randomly from the Bungie forums (that's where I came up with the stat ranges). Every time I see it, there is a grenade and melee combo perk (spawn orb/reduce cooldown) except for my Warlock gloves which have the increased melee attack speed. It would be nice to get the critical one but I haven't seen it in the 4 or 5 gloves I've gotten. It is hard to be too picky with the perks when you have all the other things to consider (getting anything in the first place, the stats, the numbers on the stats, etc). At some point soon I want all 3 od my chars to be 32 and I probably can only wait another week or two for better rolls.

And I excluded helms entirely because they seem so damn rare to me. I haven't gotten one in 12 Crota kills and this week I ran it twice with the same group and across all those 12 character Crota kills not a single one got a helm. I don't think most people will be able to pick and choose their helms until maybe hard mode (which is supposed to drop them more often). So basically you get what you get if you are lucky enough to get one at all ;).
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Time to vent.

Spent 10 and 1/2 hours making a new character and ended up with helm of saint-14 which i already had from nightfall. Then did the crotas end raid and got shards, energy, emblem, shader, and the rocket launcher for the third time, which i was using in the same raid. Cant believe i couldnt get any piece of armor from the raid..

Time to vent.

Spent 10 and 1/2 hours making a new character and ended up with helm of saint-14 which i already had from nightfall. Then did the crotas end raid and got shards, energy, emblem, shader, and the rocket launcher for the third time, which i was using in the same raid. Cant believe i couldnt get any piece of armor from the raid..
yeah, not getting at least one piece of armor from your (character's) first Raid is pretty unusual on Crota (as opposed to Atheon). On the other hand, what the hell is the deal with everyone else but me getting Hunger of Crota raining from the sky? I'm still waiting on that after 12 Crota kills...
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Xur's in da Haaa-ouse!

Way down below, in the lounge

Annnd... he's got some good stuff (better than last week)!

titans-MK 44 Stand Asides (boots) Str 145/156

hunters-Don't touch me (gauntlets) Dis 91/97

Warlocks-Starfire Protocol (chest, Yes please) Int 144/155

exotic weapon-Dragon's Breath  (you just know everyone's buying it to not have a repeat of Gjally-gate ;) )

exotic engram-gauntlets

No Heavy ammo... again (the bastardo :bomb: )

Upgrade highlights:

knucklehead, armamentarium, apotheosis, praxic fire, universal remote, pocket infinity, gjallarhorn


 did the engram hustle 3x, got...  Don't touch me, Ruin wings, Sunbreakers.

Even happier that I didn't bother to upgrade my old ones last week.  Plus I can now dismantle my 2 old ones for shards ( and yes, all my sunbreakers came from Xur engrams.  He musta bought out some storage locker full of sunbreakers).

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Hey guys, first time posting here! It turns out I have no friends that actually play this game. I was looking for people to play with (mostly do the raid and weekly activities).

Character Stats:

PSN: Revanchist1 

EDIT: Also: two sword bearers at once for Crota fight:

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Was it just me or, before today, was anyone else wholly unaware that Exotic boots even existed in the game?
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Xur was good today, bought everything except the engram since i have all exotic gauntlets already, the one he was selling for the hunter was the only one i didnt have yet. Though some are the old 30 light versions, i dont want to waste my motes on something i can upgrade myself.

I did the engram hoping for the new stuff. Got the young a. hunter gloves which o already have. Oh well. Just sharded my old one and will upgrade this instead. I usually just max the armors exp but dont put mats on it. I tend to run my char w exotic helms anyway. Hehe! I forgt to buy the warlock chest earlier. Will have to do it tonight. Will also be buying exotic shards to max my 2.0 gally, hawkmoon and vex. No 1.0 upgrades forme this week... Unless i decide to do patience and time.
After getting that Gjallarhorn from a Legendary engram, I had more luck today. Got a Legendary engram from punching an acolyte on patrol. Turned into a Universal Remote!
Yeah, but I got it for nothing! Bought the Exotic engram from Xur and got Sunbreakers for my vault.

I desperately need at least 5 Strange Coins so I can get those Exotic boots from Xur. Haven't done the weekly yet, but I've completed Nightfall. Anyone wanna do the weekly around 9 P.M. Eastern?
Bought all of the armor pieces from Xur even though Starfire Protocol is the only one I think will get any regular use. I like Praxic, but I generally save my super just in case I go down when I am doing something challenging, so I am not taking full advantage of it and the boost is not actually all that significant compared to normal radiance. I think if you are just spamming grenades you can get out 2 more with Praxic than without it. With the other perks being the same I feel like having 2 grenades and being able to have them ignite targets will be better than being able to throw a few more grenades when I pop radiance after I go down. Starfire is probably going to become my exotic for raiding and nightfalls while Praxic will be what I use for more casual things where I am confident I can stay up without any problems.

I bought the other 2 just for collection and coin burning purposes. I already have Dragons Breath and the only upgrades I don't already have the new version of are Pocket Infinity and Crest of Alpha Lupi. I am not really interested in either of those, so I think I am saving my glimmer this week.

Bought all of the armor pieces from Xur even though Starfire Protocol is the only one I think will get any regular use. I like Praxic, but I generally save my super just in case I go down when I am doing something challenging, so I am not taking full advantage of it and the boost is not actually all that significant compared to normal radiance. I think if you are just spamming grenades you can get out 2 more with Praxic than without it. With the other perks being the same I feel like having 2 grenades and being able to have them ignite targets will be better than being able to throw a few more grenades when I pop radiance after I go down. Starfire is probably going to become my exotic for raiding and nightfalls while Praxic will be what I use for more casual things where I am confident I can stay up without any problems.
I keep trying to tell people this but they're so smitten with HotPF that they never listen.

Finally got a Black Hammer, thanks to the quick raid group 7th and Arjay put together. Thank you :beer:

Now to wait for the reset to try and get enough shards to hit 32 on at least my titan

Yeah, but I got it for nothing! Bought the Exotic engram from Xur and got Sunbreakers for my vault.

I desperately need at least 5 Strange Coins so I can get those Exotic boots from Xur. Haven't done the weekly yet, but I've completed Nightfall. Anyone wanna do the weekly around 9 P.M. Eastern?
Yeah, I'm down for that. As long as I can get out of work by then that is...

Been side-tracked all week so I haven't run it for any toon and I need to replenish my supply after dropping coins on Xur last night.

Also wouldn't mind another Fatebringer run (Vault of Glass). Still looking for that sucker...

EDIT: I'm still at work, so I won't be able to run the weekly 'til real late, sorry.

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Trying to organize my weapons because im running out of vault space.

Each of my 3 characters can have their own

- Vision of Confluence

- Atheons Epilogue

- Eidons Alley

- Murmur

- Patience and Time

- Hunger of Crota

- Gjallerhorn

So i dont have to do the weapon swap with those.

Weapons i have two of include

- Vex Mythoclast

- Ice Breaker .... would love to get a third

- Light of the Abyss

- Invective

Thing is i seem to have too many fusion rifles, exotic or legendary. Lot of my fusion rifles seem to be solar or arc, which the murmur can be either. Also i seem to have a ton of solar rocket launchers, 3 gjallerhorns, 3 Hunger of Crota, 1 Dragons Breath, 1 Hezen Vengeance. These are all good rocket launchers but them being all solar kind of defeats the purpose of keeping them all. I have a pretty good mix of solar, arc, and void machine guns. I dont even know what to do with my shotguns. I have a few invectives, 4th horseman, and a few legendary shotguns. But i never use them in PVE, but i dont want to distmantle some because they have auto fire, or grant bonus ammo for kills, and i might use them for PVP if i ever play it.

Not trying to complain, its a good problem to have. Im sure a lot of people still wish they could get some of these weapons. Im just having a hard time deciding on which weapons to keep and which to dismantle.

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You have all those 3x weapons maxed out?

I finally decided to level up a Fatebringer for each of my characters so I don't have to swap that around. But I still swap everything else. I was working on 3 Icebreakers before the DLC came out but I only paid to upgrade one of them. I think I will max out a Vision of Confluence for each one as well but then that's probably it. I could see doing Black Hammer (which I have 2 of) and Hunger of Crota (which I have yet to get in 12 Crota kills) for multiples eventually - but it would only be after I get all my Raid armor maxed out (I could do two characters now but I want to get some better rolls first).
Did raids today for my 3 char. Vog haul... Titan helm and a timebreaker for hunter which i didnt have yet. My 1st CE boss haul... Hunter helm, black hammer, sword breaker and hunger of crota... That was sweet run. Hehe!
Thing is i seem to have too many fusion rifles, exotic or legendary. Lot of my fusion rifles seem to be solar or arc, which the murmur can be either. Also i seem to have a ton of solar rocket launchers, 3 gjallerhorns, 3 Hunger of Crota, 1 Dragons Breath, 1 Hezen Vengeance. These are all good rocket launchers but them being all solar kind of defeats the purpose of keeping them all. I have a pretty good mix of solar, arc, and void machine guns. I dont even know what to do with my shotguns. I have a few invectives, 4th horseman, and a few legendary shotguns. But i never use them in PVE, but i dont want to distmantle some because they have auto fire, or grant bonus ammo for kills, and i might use them for PVP if i ever play it.

Not trying to complain, its a good problem to have. Im sure a lot of people still wish they could get some of these weapons. Im just having a hard time deciding on which weapons to keep and which to dismantle.
Any of those shottys void? Keep the auto/void/shot package ones for PvP/bounties when you might need them

You have all those 3x weapons maxed out?
No, i have probably only a couple fully maxed out. I dont know if i want to max out all the exotics, with the next DLC ill probably have to upgrade them once again so upgrading them to the max now would be a waste.

Any of those shottys void? Keep the auto/void/shot package ones for PvP/bounties when you might need them
I dont even remember. But i know i have a thorn bounty which wants me to get void kills and i only have one void fusion rifle that charges super slow so its almost useless in pvp. I dont think i have any void shotguns, and atheons epilogue is kind of garbage in pvp. So that bounty is hard to do, considering id need at least 200 kills.

Trying to organize my weapons because im running out of vault space.

Each of my 3 characters can have their own

- Vision of Confluence

- Atheons Epilogue

- Eidons Alley

- Murmur

- Patience and Time

- Hunger of Crota

- Gjallerhorn

So i dont have to do the weapon swap with those.

Weapons i have two of include

- Vex Mythoclast

- Ice Breaker .... would love to get a third

- Light of the Abyss

- Invective

Thing is i seem to have too many fusion rifles, exotic or legendary. Lot of my fusion rifles seem to be solar or arc, which the murmur can be either. Also i seem to have a ton of solar rocket launchers, 3 gjallerhorns, 3 Hunger of Crota, 1 Dragons Breath, 1 Hezen Vengeance. These are all good rocket launchers but them being all solar kind of defeats the purpose of keeping them all. I have a pretty good mix of solar, arc, and void machine guns. I dont even know what to do with my shotguns. I have a few invectives, 4th horseman, and a few legendary shotguns. But i never use them in PVE, but i dont want to distmantle some because they have auto fire, or grant bonus ammo for kills, and i might use them for PVP if i ever play it.

Not trying to complain, its a good problem to have. Im sure a lot of people still wish they could get some of these weapons. Im just having a hard time deciding on which weapons to keep and which to dismantle.
i was collecting vanguard weapons before... buying up stuff that i didn't have with marks. after the DLC, i decided that it wasn't worth it to collect vanguard weapons anymore. so i started dismantling most of those legendary weapons and armors i have amassed.

i kept one of each void arc and solar rocket launchers that i was lucky enough to get via engrams so stats were randomized. i believe those 3 have round seeking enemy perks.

also kept shadow price and devil may know, cryptic dragon and i think a void fusion rifle. since i had murmur don't think i need any other fusion rifle with arc/solar.

starting now, il just be keeping/maxing out Raid Weapons/Armors. i also plan to max my extra raid primaries for all my char. currently, i have 2 vex, 3 voc, 2 ae. for secondaries and heavy, one max weapon of each type is enough

As for exotics, il just be upgrading the my must have weapons... Ice breaker, patience and time, gally, hawkmoon, suros, last word. all the others can stay at 1.0 for now since i rarely use them anyway. (not worth the glimmer grind)

i do hope bungie rethinks the exotic progression for the next dlc. i would hate to upgrade these max exotics again.

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the first time I did croata on both my characters I just got materials and the shader, emblem and a weapon from croata. 

second time on my titan I got boots and gloves...

I have the croata check point and need to finish with my titan though...

I have the thorn bounty at the last step, to kill Xyor the Unwed. Is anyone needing this too? I was able to get the 500 xp void kills using atheons epilogue, but getting most of my kills with a void Hide and Seek-42 shotgun, and corrective measure. Took about 10-12 matches to do it. But i cant do this last step alone.

I cant wait to do crota again next week. I only really need 2 of 3 items to get my titan to 32, head, chest, or boots. If i can get two of those three then im set since i have exotic helm, arms, chest, and boots. And i have two titans to try to get that. So i hope im lucky and get it. Then i can delete my other titan and make another warlock. LOL.

I only need one radiant shard to hit 32 with my warlock. (I have 6.) I might be able to get to Eris rank 4 tomorrow if she's nice enough to have another Warlock specific bounty. If I do, then I can finally swap energy for shards and get that 7th shard that way. If not there's always Monday.

I'm also excited for the reset. I need just the chest piece (plus shards) to hit 32 with my Titan but I also don't have the helmet. I really want to be a sad panda!! Like 7, I too have two shots with my Titan and I too will probably create another character if I can get what I need. Only I'll probably go Hunter this time where I currently don't have one. I also need just the sniper as far as raid weapons go so I'm hoping I can pick that up as well.

Matt if I'm on later send me an invite and I can help you out...maybe we can get a group to do weekly and nightfall. I need nightfall but did weekly on both already (this week sucks because it takes forever once you get to the end).

Just did Crota on all 3 characters. Got shards on my hunter and warlock, but I got a helmet and my 4th Black Hammer on my Titan. I got boots on my hunter earlier this week so I can hit 32 on two of my characters now. I am hoping I can get better pieces before hard hits, so I am going to hold off for now though. My titan's helm and boots are pure strength as are my hunter's boots. I think my warlock's boots might actually be pure strength as well. I am hoping I can land better pieces before hard hits.

I am taking a little break for now, but if you guys still need the nightfall and weekly I can help when I get back on a little later. They're pretty quick this week, so I don't mind helping out.
I actually read this in bungie forums a couple of days ago. But now a video is up, this will surely gets patch soon. So better start using it if you plan to get quick gears and such.
There's also the two sword glitch for Crota. I can't believe how many glitches CE has. I won't lie though, I kind of love it haha.

Yeah its pretty fast and fun to do the new raid the way it is now with all the glitches...

When I got online Matt already had a team going so I just did some bounties.

Hope he got his coins :)

Yeah its pretty fast and fun to do the new raid the way it is now with all the glitches...

When I got online Matt already had a team going so I just did some bounties.

Hope he got his coins :)
Yeah i helped him out to get his 3 coins he needed to get those boots. So he can still get 6 more later if he does it on the hardest level before tuesday.

A guy I run with a lot showed me that cheese earlier this week. I meant to post it for you guys. It seems like flawless raider might be pretty easy to get now with all of the cheese. Have a hunter (or anyone really) solo the beginning with the second lamp method, cheese the bridge with the new method and after that it's just a matter of being careful and not messing up.

Damn. If only that fourth bounty was Warlock specific and not Hunter specific I would have hit Eris rank 4/Light 32 with my Warlock today. I was 55 rep short. :/ One more day then I guess.

Yeah Eris only giving 3 bounties a day (plus one class specific) makes it take forever to rank up. I'm on 2 with both my guys...

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Finally got my Husk of the Pit upgraded to Eidolon Ally :D/ :twoguns: sucks. :whistle2:( :wall:

But on the bright side = Murmur fully upgraded is superb.

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Now that I'm on PS4, sent off a bunch more friend requests.  Trying to bulk up my PS4 friend's list :) (looking pretty puny right now)

Didn't see the PSN name for a few of you, so add me:  PSN = WiiDaLoser

Still have access to the the PS3 version too so hit me up there with a message.  I don't mind switching back and forth.

I need a hand completing Exotic bounty 4 Thorn right now, just need to kill Xyrox.
man I've been soloing all these weekly and higher level strikes with regualr primaries because I can't get a good group (est time) to get the elemental primaries from the raid. These are vey do able and almost easy with the right elemental primaries. The thorn bounty strike took me like hour and half but still doable solo.

Hint: most of strikes (vanilla at least) are actually very soloable because you can just run past almost most of the mobs, you may have to back track a room or two and kill the mobs from behind in case to need the room to recover but they are all doable.

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nixmahn said:
man I've been soloing all these weekly and higher level strikes with regualr primaries because I can't get a good group (est time) to get the elemental primaries from the raid. These are vey do able and almost easy with the right elemental primaries. The thorn bounty strike took me like hour and half but still doable solo.
You need to have some CAGs help you out. We just took a few of the Xbox One CAGs who had never done Vault of Glass through it last night. Now, of course, we've been spoiled by the new and improved RNG for Crota (and the guaranteed weapon drop the first time through). None of them got a primary weapon from Atheon, or even any of the others from before (though those are mostly obsolete now). Those primaries, though, are still key not only in Nightfalls with the burn modifiers but in Crota and just about any other PvE activity, really. I use either Fatebringer or Vision of Confluence pretty much all the time. And Atheon's Epilogue is still good for void burn. (Atheon's Epilogue and Vision of Confluence can both drop from Atheon on Normal. Fatebringer is from the Templar on Hard).
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Does raid K/D matter to you guys? Been looking at bungie forums and people are bashing other people with low raid K/D. Hehe!

I hardly pay attention to my stats thats probably why my grimre score is just 2100. I usually run raids with randoms since most cags are on cst. And i just do atheon or gatekeeper for the most part now. Ofcourse constant wipes are inevitable with randoms on that part and kills are low since there are less enemies to kill as compared to gate, conflux, oracle and templar. I think my k/d is like 3.0+ average

But yeah, dnt know why theres hate on that. Dont see any rank ladder for players anyway. If you have a solid group to raid, good for you but i dont think its polite to put down other players hustt coz k/d is not high.
I have the thorn bounty at the last step, to kill Xyor the Unwed. Is anyone needing this too? I was able to get the 500 xp void kills using atheons epilogue, but getting most of my kills with a void Hide and Seek-42 shotgun, and corrective measure. Took about 10-12 matches to do it. But i cant do this last step alone.L.
I have two thorn bounties stuck on the 500 void kills. Cant make myself play crucible to get them. Really hoping that CE hard mode " Word of Crota " void handcannon would be a beast.
Does raid K/D matter to you guys? Been looking at bungie forums and people are bashing other people with low raid K/D. Hehe!

I hardly pay attention to my stats thats probably why my grimre score is just 2100. I usually run raids with randoms since most cags are on cst. And i just do atheon or gatekeeper for the most part now. Ofcourse constant wipes are inevitable with randoms on that part and kills are low since there are less enemies to kill as compared to gate, conflux, oracle and templar. I think my k/d is like 3.0+ average

But yeah, dnt know why theres hate on that. Dont see any rank ladder for players anyway. If you have a solid group to raid, good for you but i dont think its polite to put down other players hustt coz k/d is not high.
Yeah, K/D in any PvE event is pretty irrelevant to me. Even with the raid, I know how well I did (as in how many times I died in battle vs. wiping to reset the checkpoint). Hell, I've been in groups where the guys fuck with each other by knocking each other off ledges (usually when someone's in their menu).

Everyone's got differing levels of dumb-@ssity... mine just happens to stop well before PvE K/D being important.

bread's done