Did you beat Ninja Gaiden?


9 (100%)
I just read up on some reviews, this game is defintely going to be awesome!

I was a big fan of Ninja Gaiden, I own the original mint boxed. I didn't like the game because I was expecting the arcade version....in the same way i was tricked with double dragon. (I was 6 or 7)

However I actually liked the nes version over the original after some time passed.

But the game was hard, it really impressed my friends that I could get to the last guy. But not only was the game hard, it was also cheap. Well it was not until 2001 until I finished Ninja Gaiden 1 on the snes trilogy. Anyone else have a hard time with this game?
Well it was hard when I was little, but after u get the patterns down, it's usually not a problem. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy marathon took me 6-7 hours. haha and I was pretty exhausted afterwards.
I never finished it, and that was back in the day when I wasn't distracted by a stack of unplayed games. I have to admit that I am glad that the days of "play-thru-the-whole-game-in-one-sitting" are long gone! :)
Im going to have to borrow my brothers xbox so i can play ninja gaiden.

The new game looks good (i hope it doesnt suck with gameplay or not enough cool moves)

The 3 original new games that come with it is great and is the reason i would buy it IF i owned a xbox.
I have had 1 for about 6 months and have not gotten past 6-3(the outside level on the mountain)

I always get hit by a bird or something and die

I got II today for only 2.50 and have been having a blast with it
I watched my friend beat the original Ninja Gaiden, is that close enough? I beat all 6 Mega Man games on NES, can't wait until a new Mega Man comes out so I can brag about that =P
yeah, my cuzin had a copy and when borrowed it the furthest I got was the level where the guys in hoods threw knives at you from ledges above you.
I definitely had a hard time at first and I didn't beat the game for a long time. NG is one of those games that makes you get really, really good at the game in order to advance, but it's fair about it for the most part (except for the respawning enemies, that's annoying!). I can beat it now somewhat easily, although sometimes I still die on Jaquio or something and have to go back. One of the best games ever made, to be sure.
I remember renting Ninja Gaiden when it came out, and I managed to get to the last boss. It wasn't until I bought the game used years later that I finally sat down and beat that guy (took hours of playing that last level over and over again). I did the same thing with Ninja Gaiden II. I played II to the point that I could beat it without continuing, but I haven't played it for years.

I think my favorite is III, though. It doesn't get enough love.
Yup I beat Ninja Gaiden. I guess the game came out in middle school for me. I didn't beat until like 4 years later. My friend gave me his NES and all his games and I remember just playing NINJA Gaiden during some snow storm when we didn't have school for a week. Discovered that I need the spin attack in order to have any chance of beating the last boss. Finally seeing the ending after 4+ years was a great site. Definitely my greatest accomplishment in gaming.
It took me over 5 years to beat all three games. My personal favorite was NGII. I hated everything after 6-2 in number 1 but I eventually beat it.
I played the first one in anticipation of the new xbox version last night and got all the way to the boss in 6-4. However, after dying against him I threw the controller down immediately after starting back at 6-1. I definitely have to agree with blackdeath that from 6-2 on sucked hard in the original. I hope the new one is as tough as it's supposed to be.
I beat the first 2 about 13 years ago, but never really got to play much of 3, of course that was around the time when girls became more interesting then video games (Damn what the hell was I thinking).
I never beat the original NG or NG 2. I don't think I even played 3. Girls was more important than games in those days. BUT now that I'm married and the trillogy is included in the xbox version, I can do some catching up!
I beat Bloody Malth, but couldn't beat that guy after him (Jaoquin, or something). It was heart-breaking, because it took me so long to get there. I'll make it a point to beat him on the Xbox version (now that you can save your game).

BTW.....does anyone actually know HOW to unlock the old games in the new Ninja Gaiden?
I only played the second, but never made it too far - it was hard as beating the Grim Reaper and Dracula in the first Castlevania for NES (which btw, I beat the Reaper only once in my life. but never Drac).
I agree, the Reaper was worthy of Ninja Gaiden difficulty....

I hated dying at the first boss on level 6 and being forced to start all the way back!
Another game that is just as hard as the Ninja Gaidens: Battletoads. Nowadays, there's very few games out there that match the difficulty of these classic games. Perhaps this is a mixed blessing.
Yea thats another good example, i manage to beat battletoads...actually i think battletoads is harder then ninja gaiden....definetely one of my fav nes games.
The Reaper was a bitch. That was usually where the game ended for me. On the off chance I ever beat him, the rest of the game never gave me too much trouble until Dracula...... (his second form was a pain, because you hardly had any power left after beating the first). Only beat that once.

Battletoads is definitely harder than Ninja Gaiden....one of the hardest games I've ever played (even using the warps). I'll give you credit, eternal.....you're the first person I've ever known to finish it.
I haven't seriously played Ninja Gaiden in years, just some bits of it on an emulator. When I did rent it all those years ago I remember getting my ass kicked on the fourth level and never passing it.

But as tough as the original NES version was it doesn't hold a candle to the difficulty of.....Ninja Gaiden Arcade.
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