Did You Get Your Wii Pre-Order?

Couple of heads up, all of this is from the managers at GameStop:

- There's only 1 per household sold. They will be emailing all of the pre-order info such as phone numbers and account info to the district manager. The DM forwords these where they're put in a database and compared. They did the same thing with the 360. Anyone who has multiple orders will get a phone call asking them to cancel all but one. If they don't they'll be cancelled for them. So there's a chance that there will be at least more systems available because of them catching people trying to eBay.

-The number of reservations is the bare minimum they expect to get in. They fully expect to get extras in. So even if you don't pre-order, there's a good chance you'll get one.

-Employees MUST get the system from thier repsective gamestore.

-Employees are supposed to wait in line too (I waited with on of the store employees today. He got in at about 7:00). If other stores are playing favorites, go ahead and report them.

All told, I won't be surprised either way if you can find a system (due to them really lowballing pre-orders or if you use a Costco or any store that's a little less 'public') or if you can't (based on the reports of low grade insanity over the pre-orders alone).

Fencesitting FTW.
I was about 20-25 in the line. All I could tell you is by the time I got up to the counter the employee announced that they were only taking 4 more pre-orders. I felt kind of bad for the people who didn't get a pre-order. All in all I was surprised in the turn out just to pre-order the Wii. It's a good thing I went at 9 instead of 9:30.
Got mine at gamecrazy. 4th in line. All you had to do was reserve some games and put your name down to get the wii preorder. They wanted you to reserve some games so they make sure your buying the system to play it instead of selling it.
Heres how went for me.

I left house at 9:50 for a 10:00 opening (I wasn't sure if I wanted to go I was really confused , but I made it in time) if my PSO beta was working in the morning I probably wouldn't have tried my luck , but I guess luckly since the game wouldn't connect to the server I was like whatever I'm going to gamestop.

So driving to Gamestop now finally make it their. I see a line with like 20 somthing people on it & they've been open for a few minutes got there around 10:02. My first reaction is $%#^ , Well since here might as well wait. 5 min later clerk says I have 3 pre-order left so I get all 3 since few people in front me & for a second there I saw another guy there and I was like oh $hit , but luckly he was just their waiting for somone and I was able get last one.

They turned away about 7 people after me , but stupid kid in line took a pre-order sheet and didn't even want a Wii. He was there for some game I really wish I knew what game it was some 14.99 game that is mature rated that his mom had to approve of. Everyone felt bad cause this old lady wanted to pre-order one and they had to turn her away and if this kid spoke up she could've pre-order it.

My Gamestop seemed to have about 30 or more Pre-orders all sold out.
I got mine last night. Well I got confirmation that I have mine pre-ordered. Now all I have to do is pony up the $200, which shouldn't be too hard and I will have my Wii and Zelda on launch! :D
40 of 32, so no I didn't get one. The 40 or so were there at 10:15, and the store didn't open until 11. I guess this is one of the more popular stores.

The EB employee said they were getting 20 on launch day, and the other 12 would be "by Christmas". So I'm not entirely unhappy I didn't get a preorder, since it seems worthless. You'd have to camp on the 19th to guarantee you'd get one, and you'd be camping against a bunch of people who were insanely early today. Not fun in my book.
[quote name='WildWop']I got mine, but not at GS/EB...

Nintendo World Store must be getting an allotment in the thousands, since they've been taking PO's for awhile now and still have yet to stop... They also guarantee launch day. Rock.[/QUOTE]

They're getting at least 2000 for launch, says a friend who also preordered there.

I was 7/14 at my EB.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']If anyone was at either EB or Gamestop this morning in Bristol, I was the one pitching the fit at both stores when I was told that the person ahead of me in line would be the last one to get a Wii. Meaning I was SHIAT OUT OF LUCK!!!!!! Farkin - A!!!!!!!!
Im still not over it.

Bristol, CT? I was at the Gamestop, got there at 8:50 (Which was good enough to get me #2 on the PS3 list) and was 9th in line. Got mine preordered and everything.

I personally am more hyped about the Wii, but I definitely didn't see there being more demand (for preorders atleast) for the Wii than the PS3.
[quote name='Bazz']I don't get why people have curse out employee if they want buy the system their not stealing it no reason why they can't be allowed. You can curse them if their an ass about it though.[/QUOTE]

Corporate alloted only a few systems per store. Granted this is YMMV, but it is fact. Also if Blane's info (Post #50) is correct then alot of the peons who work at GS will at least get wrote up and hopefully fired. Spectreon has been telling me that all the info put out via managers meetings and through various emails is serious. He couldn't even tell me any early info because he would lose his job. All of you pissed off at employees just know that if they abused there position they will have to answer for it; all pre-orders are being shipped up the chain. Moohaha Moohaha :rofl:
[quote name='y2jrevolution']It pisses me off that they did not stand in line to get theirs. Only one employee was standing in line this morning. At least he waited with everyone else.[/QUOTE]

Well, there have to be some perks. Give them a break--they work at fucking GameStop.

I didn't bother trying to preorder, and I'm surprised to be reading stories of people camping out for this. Perhaps I'm underestimating this, even with the millions Nintendo claims will be available. At least I still have a month to decide whether or not I want to spend my entire evening on the 18th at Wal-Mart.
[quote name='neudog'] Spectreon has been telling me that all the info put out via managers meetings and through various emails is serious. He couldn't even tell me any early info because he would lose his job. [/quote]

This is 100% true. I'm on very friendly terms with the entire store and even in private, when was just me and the manager, he would only ever be able to give me vague numbers and answers for everything.

The higher ups in that company will kill off employees by the boatload to avoid anything that even approaches what the 360 launch was like.

They're treating collusion and favortism for customers as damnable treason - a memo went out that any employee who is caught buying a console at another store in the chain (that is, one that they don't work for), will be fired.

Now whether or not every DM will follow this to a letter is up in the air, but that is absolutely the corporate position.
[quote name='Blaine']
They're treating collusion and favortism for customers as damnable treason - a memo went out that any employee who is caught buying a console at another store in the chain (that is, one that they don't work for), will be fired.

Now whether or not every DM will follow this to a letter is up in the air, but that is absolutely the corporate position.[/quote]I guess it's a good thing one of the employees who preordered at my store (used to work there, now works at another one nearby) is planning on quitting soon.
I was unable to get a preorder at 10:30, but I did do very well on the Cisco exam I was taking when the store opened, so I'm not that sad. I'm sure I wont have any problems getting on at my local Walmart at midnight.
After visitig 4 different EG/GS in a 15 mile radius in Irving, Tx got to be #7 of 12 at the "whole in the wall" GameStop in Plaza del Sol on Irving Blvd, the guy in charge ask me to sign my name on a list and you can clearly read that 4 of the 12 Wii for the store were hold by employees.

Had to reserved one for my Wife, don't want to camp outside Best Buy or chase it all around Mesquite, even if there is going to be millions of them at launch remember that Nintendo fan base are kids and that they are asking for one and they might not be regular players but they will get one from their parents non the less.
At my store they had 32 available, which was surprising to me, seeing as the store I went to is in a small mountain town. But, I guess the store is the only specialty game store in the area (aside from another Gamestop that is about 45 minutes away), so that alone might generate more business. I got there about 45 minutes before the store opened, and I got 15th out of 32. The last preorder went to someone that got there a couple minutes after the store opened I think. They explained the line about a reservation being "not guaranteed" by relating to an example of when the PS2 was launched, their shipment was reduced in half 3 days before launch, so that is what that disclaimer is for.
I strolled into Gamestop around 2 p.m. and got my preorder without having to wait at all.

However, the clerk was a complete dick. After trading in some games for the preorder, he tried to tell me that it's a "good idea" to preorder a couple games along with the system.

So I told him no that I just wanted the Wii.

He then brings out a list of games that he's highlighted. He tells me these games are most likely going to sell out very quickly and I should really preorder them so I will have something to play.

Again, I told him that I don't even know what games I want yet and will come back and pick some out later.

Then, he tells me that they cannot print the trade-in credit receipts at this time so he would do me the favor of putting me down for two preorders, and when I wanted to come back and use the credit, he'd take the games off and give me my credit back.

At this point, I'm getting pretty pissed. So I told him "Look, I'm going to use the credit now, and I'm don't want to preorder any of those games."

So then I stroll around the store and pick up Perfect Dark and end up preordering Gears of War.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']
At this point, I'm getting pretty pissed. So I told him "Look, I'm going to use the credit now, and I'm don't want to preorder any of those games."

So then I stroll around the store and pick up Perfect Dark and end up preordering Gears of War.[/quote]
I've had the high pressure pre-order sell a few times as well, particularly outside of my regular store (sometimes they don't have what I'm looking for).

Now I just explain it simply - I pre-order games from people who I think deserve it. Harassing me to pre-order something doesn't fall under that catagory. You will NOT get a pre-order from me.

It makes for a lovely conversation.
[quote name='Apossum']Nope! Camping for pre-orders? Ha! fuck that. They're shipping 7 million of them.
Haven't decided if I even want the thing yet.[/quote]

Nintendo only confirmed that they're shipping 4M worldwide by end of 2006. This includes Japan, Europe, and North America. Let's assume 1M goes to each territory at launch with the rest being shipments throughout Nov. and Dec.

1M units to North America...that's US and Canda. Think about it if around 14M people watched eps 1 of Heroes on TV the night it debut, 1M is nothing compared to that number. Oh, no ads have been put on TV yet...so imagine when near launch comes around and there are commercials.

Pre-orders are sold out from in-store gamestop/ebgames, fye (if you're 1-12 maybe), Nintendo World (2k initial sold out), amazon.com.
[quote name='Yoohoo1231']Bristol, CT? I was at the Gamestop, got there at 8:50 (Which was good enough to get me #2 on the PS3 list) and was 9th in line. Got mine preordered and everything.

I personally am more hyped about the Wii, but I definitely didn't see there being more demand (for preorders atleast) for the Wii than the PS3.[/QUOTE]

Yeah Bristol, CT. I waited outside of EB first... cos I did some grocery shopping at Stop N Shop first and then went on to EB. As soon as they let finally leak that everyone who was in line would not be getting a Wii (after like 20min) I jetted over to Gamestop and got in line there only to be shiaatted out of luck again. Wonder if I saw you there? Everytime Im in one of those game stores I cant help but wonder if the other customers are fellow CAGs. Weird eh?

Never preordered a console before...usually prefer the insanity of launch day (and have only once not been able to obtain a console - that was XBox).
Mine had the most allocated by GS Corp. we had 36 total including employees. My mom got there 45 mins. after opening and got me preorder #29/32 :)
[quote name='Strell']Just ...[lots of bullshit]... perceived.

-Stardate 10.13.06, Captain Strell of the USS Enterprise[/QUOTE]

LOLZ funniest post EVAR
I ended up getting 3rd in line. I had an exam in my 8-9 class and I ended up finishing it around 8:20. I also had to skip my next class.
Posted this in a couple of places.. or forums.. one of those:

I broke down. Skipped my class and waited about 1.5 hours for the Wii. #5/17.

Should have brought my camera for fun, but a guy from warcry.com took some pictures.

Site: http://www.warcry.com/
Yes, I did. Second at Gamecrazy's list, January 27th 2006 at Gamecrazy, when they did preorders for a Wii for a couple weeks before they were told not to.(And PS3! I could have been third on their list)
I called the Gamecrazy today to see what the situation was and they said it won't be first come first serve, that I'll have 24 hours to pick up a Wii. So, that'll give me more than enough time to try my scheme of buying a Wii with a Target Visa.
I arrived at the only non-mall EB/GameStop in Savannah, GA at 9:00AM, as I figured most people would be at the mall locations. I discovered that I was #22 in line and there were only #18 Wii Pre-orders available. I got in my car and drove fast as hell to the Mall with an EB and a GameStop. I was #19 at the mall GameStop (which I found odd) and I got a preorder. They took #30 preorders and I was so happy I got mine in. The anticipation is killing me though!

Put $50 down on the Wii.
Put $10 down on another Wii-mote.
Put $10 down on another Nunchuck.
Put $5 down on Zelda.
Put $5 down on Red Steel.

I got at Gamestop at 4:30 A.M. Was first in line. I had to read a book that day, Weber's The Protest Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, so I just figured I'd read while waiting in front of the store....

14 systems, lady who showed up at 9:55 was #14. Truly had no idea how lucky she was....Which sort of makes me angry for some odd reason....
One thing I think people are forgetting when they're figuring out how many units there are gonna be available - Importing.

Just not the way we're used to thinking about it. Importing North American games and systems into other territories is big business. The games come out sooner and with European pricing, usually cheaper even with importing costs. Top that off with most newer PAL TV sets will accept and NTSC signal, all you have to buy is a power adapter and off you go.

So a marked percentage of your US/Canada Wii stock will be exported.

Granted, I don't know how this percentage compares to the percentage of Japan to US importing, but with the US getting the system first we'll be experiencing some sort of 'export loss' to Europe, Japan and Australia at the least (a lot of Aussie gamers just buy US systems and games period since Nintendo of Australia is even worse that NOE when it comes to customer satisfaction).

Food for thought.
I'm #6 out of 10 at the local EB store.... but I've got a question. The last system I bought was the Nintendo 64, so I've kinda been out of the loop for a few yeas: I got to the store 2 and a half hours before it opened and now I've got this pre-order, but do I have to do anything else? The first post in this thread says,

"It's a small step towards getting the system, still gotta camp out for the launch though."

I assumed that with a pre-order, I could go to EB on the 19th and just pick my Wii (heh). Somebody please fill me in, because obviously I don't know what's going on. Thanks
[quote name='zaxo']I'm #6 out of 10 at the local EB store.... but I've got a question. The last system I bought was the Nintendo 64, so I've kinda been out of the loop for a few yeas: I got to the store 2 and a half hours before it opened and now I've got this pre-order, but do I have to do anything else? The first post in this thread says,

"It's a small step towards getting the system, still gotta camp out for the launch though."

I assumed that with a pre-order, I could go to EB on the 19th and just pick my Wii (heh). Somebody please fill me in, because obviously I don't know what's going on. Thanks[/QUOTE]

I asked about this and the cashier told me that it does not guarantee me a system with the pre-order, but I shouldn't worry because there will be enough systems. I don't know what she was smoking, but it must have been good. The way I've seen it done at my GS is that they hold it for a certain amount of time. Some stores give you a couple of hours, others 24 and some up to 48, but don't take a chance. If you "pre-ordered" and you want it on launch you either get there at 12 the night before or when they open on launch morning; my store is supposedly opening at midnight so I'm grabbing mine at 12:01. If you're not there within a specific time I think it is first come first serve.
[quote name='zaxo']I'm #6 out of 10 at the local EB store.... but I've got a question. The last system I bought was the Nintendo 64, so I've kinda been out of the loop for a few yeas: I got to the store 2 and a half hours before it opened and now I've got this pre-order, but do I have to do anything else? The first post in this thread says,

"It's a small step towards getting the system, still gotta camp out for the launch though."

I assumed that with a pre-order, I could go to EB on the 19th and just pick my Wii (heh). Somebody please fill me in, because obviously I don't know what's going on. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Some people were concerned on how pre-order lists would be handled in the even that a store receives less consoles than they took pre-orders for. The main issue is whether or not you will retain your number from your preorder or if you will have to arrive before the others that pre-ordered. In other words, it was unclear if pre-orders would be numbered or first come, first served.

The manager at my store said that our original line numbers would remain in effect. If I was number 8 of 16 pre-orders, and they only got 8 units, I will be one of the people to get my console. Hopefully this holds true.
Thanks. I don't know if this location is doing a midnight launch, but I'll check. I saw the kid working there write my name on the list in the #6 slot, and i was thinking that if they didn't plan on honoring your position on the list, they wouldn't bothering making the list. Anyway, thanks again.
[quote name='neudog']I asked about this and the cashier told me that it does not guarantee me a system with the pre-order, but I shouldn't worry because there will be enough systems. I don't know what she was smoking, but it must have been good. The way I've seen it done at my GS is that they hold it for a certain amount of time. Some stores give you a couple of hours, others 24 and some up to 48, but don't take a chance. If you "pre-ordered" and you want it on launch you either get there at 12 the night before or when they open on launch morning; my store is supposedly opening at midnight so I'm grabbing mine at 12:01. If you're not there within a specific time I think it is first come first serve.[/QUOTE]

She's talking about in the case that they get less systems on launch than the took preorders...like what happened with the 360 when they took to many and MS cut allocations dramatically.

Say the store took 28 preorders, but only get 20 consoles in, for example

If that happens, then it is first come, first serve among the 28 people with preorders on launch day with the 8 that get left out waiting for the 2nd shipment. Or they simply call everyone and give them to the first 20 people on the list.

So they are just saying they can't guarantee one on launch to cover their asses after all the 360 problems.
I was 14th out of 22 and the employee hinted that there would be more than 15 and less than 20, so I am sure I will get one.
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k']Yeah Bristol, CT. I waited outside of EB first... cos I did some grocery shopping at Stop N Shop first and then went on to EB. As soon as they let finally leak that everyone who was in line would not be getting a Wii (after like 20min) I jetted over to Gamestop and got in line there only to be shiaatted out of luck again. Wonder if I saw you there? Everytime Im in one of those game stores I cant help but wonder if the other customers are fellow CAGs. Weird eh?

Never preordered a console before...usually prefer the insanity of launch day (and have only once not been able to obtain a console - that was XBox).[/QUOTE]

Really? When the line at GS started getting a bit long, one of the employees had told everybody that EB only had three people in line and they should try there.

I was towards the front of the line, talking to some kids about music and recording and stuff. Funny thing was I wondered when I got there if any CAG's were there too.

If you can't find a preorder anywhere, I can give you some advice. The Wal-Mart in New Britain last year had a couple Xbox 360s that went unsold for a while, so that place is always worth the chance.
I missed the pre-orders because I was at an all-day conference on Friday, and my fiancee tried to get one after her 10 AM appointment, but it was too late. Today, we went to a couple of EB/GS to do some last minute trade 3 get an extra $10 trades, and at the second store, I tried to pre-order Elebits for the extra 20% kick (she put in the code for Dragonball Z, I'll fix it later). When she found out that I was pre-ordering a Wii game, she asked if I had ordered the system, and she told me that they had just had a cancellation an hour earlier. I couldn't believe my luck. I now have a fully paid for Wii pre-order. :)
I was #4 of 17 available at my EB. By the time they opened there were around 23 people in line. Strangely there's an EBX directly below on the first floor, they had a similar line.

Put $50 down on the Wii.
Put $10 down on another Wii-mote.
Put $10 down on another Nunchuck.
Put $5 down on Excite Truck.
Put $5 down on SMB:BB.
I didn't get my preorder in since I was out of town visitng my girlfriend when the preorders were happening. I was pretty bummed but I will just camp out at a 24 hour walmart to get one.
So I was all ready to march down to GS that friday morning and preorder a Wii, the it started snowing, and then it started snowing HARDER, finally it started raining mother fucking tree branches. Before I knew it it was friday morning and most of the city doesn't have power, oh and there's a travel ban because most of the city is covered in trees and down powered lines. Still, I try my hardest to get to Gamestop and preorder (as it turns out I wasn't the only one). Unfortunately EB & GS are both closed, no one ver shows up and I leave. I call once an hour up untill three, then I just give up. Stupid me, EB opens up at a little after three and promptly sells out.

This would be the end of my sad little story, but evidently GS never opened up untill today. The manager tells me that they'll be starting preorders tommorow morning. And so, the guest continues.
bread's done