Die Hard Blu Ray Collection 88 BUCKS AT WALMART!

[quote name='dim2192']Or not waste your money on something that you watch for free on TV[/quote]

you can? where can you get the 4 movies for $5

edit...when i first read that it said $5...lol and with that logic why buy anything?
[quote name='Josef368']Don't buy it the Live Free Die Hard Blu-Ray is the PG-13 version. Not worth it for me.[/QUOTE]

GTFO, if you liked what you saw in the theater, it's the same thing. I'll take the demo-worthy picture quality over the extra four or five curse words on an insanely compressed DVD anyday.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']GTFO, if you liked what you saw in the theater, it's the same thing. I'll take the demo-worthy picture quality over the extra four or five curse words on an insanely compressed DVD anyday.[/QUOTE]

I want both.

I guess I can just do the swearing on my own during the movie.
I'm in for the $66 Box.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']GTFO, if you liked what you saw in the theater, it's the same thing. I'll take the demo-worthy picture quality over the extra four or five curse words on an insanely compressed DVD anyday.[/QUOTE]

This is the mentality Fox wants you to have. Buy the PG-13 only edition now... then six months to a year from now they'll release the Unrated one. Even if I had a PS3/Bluray player I would pass on the Bluray PG-13 just on THAT principle. The Unrated could of easily fit on the disc via seamless branching. Henseforth its pure greed.
[quote name='Demolition Man']This is the mentality Fox wants you to have. Buy the PG-13 only edition now... then six months to a year from now they'll release the Unrated one. Even if I had a PS3/Bluray player I would pass on the Bluray PG-13 just on THAT principle. The Unrated could of easily fit on the disc via seamless branching. Henseforth its pure greed.[/QUOTE]

No kidding, but I guess some people just like taking it up the ass. Morons with no self-control.
[quote name='Josef368']Don't buy it the Live Free Die Hard Blu-Ray is the PG-13 version. Not worth it for me.[/quote]

Good thing Live Free or Die Hard doesn't even come in the Die Hard Collection set then :applause:
[quote name='Jake77444']Good thing Live Free or Die Hard doesn't even come in the Die Hard Collection set then :applause:[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah it does.
[quote name='dcon agent 000']No kidding, but I guess some people just like taking it up the ass. Morons with no self-control.[/QUOTE]
Grow up dude, unrated DVDs are fucking gimmicks anyways, some people would be just happy with the EXACT SAME VERSION THAT PEOPLE LOVED IN THEATERS.
I want the film as how it was originally shot and not the edited version in the theaters. Im not saying the film was bad but with a little more blood and a few F-Bombs it makes it feel more life a Die Hard film, thats all. Plus you know they are going to double dip this within the next year.
[quote name='cleaver']or $66 from deepdiscount[/QUOTE]

WTF? Does deepdiscountdvd.com have any kind of price protection? I ordered it from them on Tues and paid $76 after coupon. And it drops a day or so later? Bah.

EDIT: My order is still showing as "processing" so I emailed them to change the price. I told them if for some reason they can't, just cancel it and I'll re-place the order. We'll see what happens.
[quote name='Josef368']I want the film as how it was originally shot and not the edited version in the theaters. Im not saying the film was bad but with a little more blood and a few F-Bombs it makes it feel more life a Die Hard film, thats all. Plus you know they are going to double dip this within the next year.[/quote]

Having seen the unedited it seems that the originally shot version was the edited one. The lips do not match half of the added curse words and the added in cgi blood on a few of the scenes add nothing to the film.

WTF? Does deepdiscountdvd.com have any kind of price protection? I ordered it from them on Tues and paid $76 after coupon. And it drops a day or so later? Bah.

I called them and they gave me the $9.75 difference with no questions just had to verify my order information.
[quote name='Sporadic']Um, yeah it does.[/quote]

Really? DDD only lists the first 3, maybe i'm wrong. I surrender:bomb:
[quote name='cleaver']or $66 from deepdiscount[/QUOTE]

can we please get a link thankz
[quote name='rooter']Grow up dude, unrated DVDs are fucking gimmicks anyways, some people would be just happy with the EXACT SAME VERSION THAT PEOPLE LOVED IN THEATERS.[/QUOTE]

So in other words you'd rather watch the "Edited For TBS" version? That's pretty much what the PG-13 version is.
Die Hard at DD.


Use Promo code ESPN or one of the others posted in the DD thread.

Once again in response to the Uncut vs PG13 one the PG13 was the original... watch the uncut on SDDVD and look at the lips when bruce talks they are way off in some cases as they inserted the new dialogue over the old... its almost like a poor dub job on a foreign dvd... might as well have just included a 2nd audio track for the uncut as it would likely still be mostly synched
[quote name='Bezerker']Uncut is such a gimmick. Soprano's on A&E is so much more hardcore than on HBO.


that's an extreme comparison... Soprano uses the f-bomb almost every freaking sentence. Not so in the DH movies... While i do agree that the f words make the DH movie more DH, but there are so few that you don't really feel you miss anything with the PG-13 version.

i'm in for a set, $16.59 per DH movie on BD is not bad at all... considering the original trilogy on dvd is $29.99...
As much as I would love to get this. Hell had it on preorder before I realized that by the time it shipped I wouldn't have the money. I think I'll stick with my 5 Star collection set. Still remember picking that up for 30-35 bucks the day it came out at BB many moons ago
Called DDD yesterday and they credited me the difference. $8 & change. From my math, it was supposed to be $9 & change, but I have been under the weather & didn't feel like arguing for a dollar. :p That's close enough.

They also said they shipped yesterday, so looks like I'll be having a DH marathon next week. :)
bread's done