Do PC games work on Mac


I love to play CS on my pc and also other games, but i wonder (after all the commotion) if they possible work on a mac also.
Or is the mac still, just a mac.
Or is it difficult to get the games to run?
I have no plan so far about that issue and wasn't really reading anything about that.
Anybody knows, maybe firsthand?
Some games eventually come out with a Mac version, but typically, no, you can't play PC games on a Mac.

And I have an EXTREMELY honest question for you:
Is English your first language?

No flames. No sarcasm. No veiled comments. Just a simple, friendly question.
thats why i will go to the college to improve my english skills. I know that my writing skills are not that great, but at least understandable.
No, i not offended. Lsat time i got just upset. Perhaps i have to much of an ego i guess.
[quote name='moe11888']With Boot Camp, PC games will work with the mac. The only problem is, do you have an intel mac?[/quote]

NO, i don't have a Mac so far.
I just want to find out, if a Mac could do the same (with Boot Camp) or if i am better off getting a pc.
Thank you for answering my question. You aren't difficult to understand, but it is plainly noticeable that you aren't a natural English speaker.

Anyway, I say you're better off getting a PC. Most programs, games, and hardware are created with the PC in mind.
Do i have a lot of errors? I am really just curious, because i want to improve. It just takes time....
Anyway, yes i figure. It just would be so cool to have a mac and running all this nice pc games on it. To bad. sig.
[quote name='yester']Do i have a lot of errors? I am really just curious, because i want to improve. It just takes time....
Anyway, yes i figure. It just would be so cool to have a mac and running all this nice pc games on it. To bad. sig.[/quote]

Don't stress your ego out: English is one of the more difficult languages to learn! Anyway, there are quite a few native CAG'ers here that write at a fourth grade level (if that) and have the attitude that they're not going to or shouldn't improve - welcome to America, baby. I would consider your English to be quite good. That was cool that the poster that commented didn't jump all over you and was nice about it.

Now, Mac to the subject. It's been my experience that the short answer to your question is "no". My friend had a G4 back about two years back and we used to raz him as follows, "Dude! Did you hear?! Gamespot just got Quake in for the Mac. HA HA HA HA!" There was a hot minute around 98-2000 where Mac was really touting that it was going to be a viable gaming platform. That moment came and went.

Even with Bootcamp, from the few technical write-ups I've seen (and I am FAR from an expert on this topic) it looks like there are a lot of problems occurring when trying to run various games.
I recently got my new Intel iMac and it runs PC games great using Boot Camp! I downloaded the demo for Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Quake 4 and F.E.A.R. and all the games have run perfectly with all the graphics turn up on high. I currently run a 2.0 Ghz Dual Core Intel iMac with 2 GB of ram and the upgraded 256 mb video card.

I think the problems I have read about running PC games on the Mac is with the Mac Mini's and probably the new mac books. I think it has something to do with the intergrated graphics card and boot camp... but I'm not 100% on that.

Anyways, while my iMac is running the current gen games great, I'm not sure how long it will last. All my PC friends upgrade their machines pretty regularly and the more affordable Macs are pretty much non-upgradable. The way I look at it is if you are looking for a machine to play games on... just bite the bullet and get a PC. If you want your Mac (Like I do), but would enjoy having a little PC on the side. Boot Camp is working great!

The only thing I feel I have to add is that this is as far from cheapass as you can get! Not only must you pay from your Mac (which is by nature more expensive then a PC), but then you also have to purchase a copy of Windows XP (Boot Camp doesn't run anything except for XP). I'm sure this isn't condoned by CAGS at all. lol. I don't mind though, World of Warcraft has never looked so good for me.
bread's done