Do you care about your gamerscore?

I cared when I first got it, then I stopped, then I cared again, and now I don't.
I seem to care more when I am closer to a milestone score? I cared when I hit 1000, and every 1,000 to 5,000. Then I cared at 10,000. I'm close to 25,000 so I'll care for that. But overall, no, not really.
[quote name='KiLL3r']No, but I do enjoy it when I get an achievement.[/quote]

That's more the way I feel. The score is cool, but its the achievement itself that I enjoy the most.
I don't really care about the scores or anything. It is fun to have the extra goals to go for however, if they're fun to try. For example, survive the first 60 sec. in Geometry Wars without shooting.

My wife and I get some enjoyment of being able to compare our gamerscores and such, but it's not a big deal or anything, just a little extra fun on the side.
I'm still a relatively new 360 owner (JAN08) so I'm still loving it. My goal is 10,000 gamerscore and hopefully I won't get addicted to go any further. I will not play games like Avatar, King Kong and old sports games - the ones with '07 and below, though.
[quote name='Hostile']I'm still a relatively new 360 owner (JAN08) so I'm still loving it. My goal is 10,000 gamerscore and hopefully I won't get addicted to go any further. I will not play games like Avatar, King Kong and old sports games - the ones with '07 and below, though.[/QUOTE]
When I first got my 360 I was like "these achievements are stupid". I soon became addicted. I dont go out of my way to get easy achievements like in avatar and such, but I do spend time going after ones in games I enjoy.
When the system first came out I did, but now that people have ridiculously high scores and I'm still floating around 3500 it really means nothing.
I only care that I'm beating my friend in score. Now I left him 5,000+ points behind and well I care a lot less now.
No, not at all. Cared about it for a short time when I tried to do the 360voice challenge, but people gain crazy amounts of points on that.
Not enough to go out of my way to get extra points. If i can get points for pressing the pause button or something then sure, why not.
It also helps me play just a little more of a game I'm losing steam on. I have played 30 hours of Burnout Paradise and might go back for a little more to get achievements, I was 15 hours into Oblivion and was about to stop but finished it at 30 hours because of achievements, almost quit on NBA Street Homecourt and Fight Night Round 3 midway but wanted the rest of the achievements.

Positives being Burnout Paradise and Oblivion. I didn't hate Homecourt or FNR3 but I would have just stopped usually.
No. People who are obsessed with a high gaming score obviously have a small penis they are trying to compensate for.
I don't care about the score itself but I absolutely love getting achievements. I probably would care more if at least one of my friends had a 360 to challenge scores with.
One friend has a PS3 another has a Wii and the rest don't play games.
God no... I think achievements are stupid in general. I just play the games and every time that "Achievement Unlocked" thing pops up, it gets on my nerves.
I care in that I'll try to get them in games I'm playing but the second it starts to feel like work I move on to something else. I still don't have 1000/1000 on any games (Bioshock is my highest at 960). I think they extend the life of a lot of games and are a GREAT idea generally. If a game is multi-platform and all things are otherwise equal I'll buy the 360 version for the achievements.
it motivates me to go a bit further in some games, but that might be it. I'm still trying to beat the secret dungeon in Eternal Sonata and do a 2nd play through, but I haven't touched it in months.
I do.

But I'm not obsessed with getting all the cheesemints in every game I play. I get the ones I think are reasonably attainable and move on.
I don’t necessarily care about my gamerscore. I do love to get achievements though. I’m playing Bully right now. I’m doing things in the game I would never usually try. I’m going after the 100% completion, which on past systems I would have never cared about. That 125 GS points will do me good.

I have one guy on my friend list that I know did something to get all 1,000 points in Ridge Racer 6. He got every single achievement in one day. I played the game for like 2 hours and I don’t even know if I got a single achievement. That type of thing I would never do. I’m not going to cheat, boost or whatever to build up my gamerscore.

Oh yeah, I also did the Avatar 1,000 gamerscore in 3 minutes thing. :D
I like getting achievements in decent games, it makes me go back and play them again once in awhile. I'd never play crap just for cheap achievements, though.

my current goal is to get over 50% achievements completed.

I'd rather have 7,000 points having played 8 games...

than 50,000 points having played 200 games.

that's why I don't bother signing up for that CAG achievement list.
[quote name='KiLL3r']No, but I do enjoy it when I get an achievement.[/quote]


I play for fun and a diversion. I don't kill myself to get every single achievement out of a game. Once I've beat it it's shelved or traded.
I hate gamerscore but don't really mind achievements. There's no real reason to inflate my gamerscore outside of playing for achievements that I find interesting, fun, or rewarding (Gamerpics or in game unlockables). Which may or may not give me reason to play the game longer or even another playthrough.

However I do slam my gamerscore in my local friends/family's face because they just randomly whine about me having more even though I don't have high gamerscore at all really.
I think I care just because mine is so low... I don't think I'll care nearly as much once I've had my 360 awhile and have a decent score. The same goes for my star rating... I just want to get to 5 so I don't look like a big dork (or so I look like a bigger dork? I suppose it depends on how you look at things ;))

I do love achievements, though. They make me interested in games I otherwise probably wouldn't have cared about, and I think they make games I do care about even more fun. I like the challenge, as long as they are ultimately attainable.

I'm not sure if I'll play a game just for easy achievements (like Avatar)... I'm still debating with myself on that one. I did try playing Yaris for achievements, but soon decided it wasn't worth the agony :)
[quote name='HighlightShow']Dim is a cheater.[/quote]Yeah, you can say that. I used to play legit, I got 10,000 without boosting. Then, I managed to reach 45,000 without gamesaving and at that point it just got boring. So I started gamesaving in September and have since earned over 100,000. I dont care anymore about being called a cheater, because in the end, Im one thats happy.
I like it when the message pops up and usually it will keep me playing a game I enjoy longer. Other than that I don't really care.
bread's done