Do you have a list of horror movies you watch every year for Halloween?

Oh we got the Scanners buddy...don't you worry. We got the Scanners 1-sheet hanging on the wall :)
Going to go through Halloween possibly this year, the original. And maybe the devils rejects etc.

Hopefully my blockbuster has a blue ray deal going on this month so I can snag some blue ray goodies.
[quote name='tankass']Anyone watch Nightmare before Christmas? I know thats a fav of mine. Also Aliens and the Thing.[/QUOTE]

I usually watch Nightmare Before Christmas on Thanksgiving. It just feels like the right time, since the movie bridges the time between Halloween and Christmas.
Usually some zombie flicks, and of course a classic or two (i.e. Dawn of the Dead remake or original, etc.). Many times I'll just rent something I haven't seen that I might enjoy. The Frighteners is a favorite/classic that I love to watch. I just need to finally pick up a copy of it.

The Devil's Rejects is indeed awesome!
I'm curious, not to totally thread-jack this bad mofo but.....riddle me this:

How many of you guys prefer the new "Dawn of the Dead" over the old "Dawn of the Dead". Here's why, Dawn and Day (the originals) came out right when I was a young teenager, right at the start of the VCR Home-Movie-Rental boom (remember kids, before the 80's there were no video rental stores and the only time you saw a movie was if the local non-affiliated cable channels were playing them, none of this watch-any-movie-anytime-I-want shit).

To me, Dawn was a totally re-defining movie for me...the gore, at the time, was over the top..but the story...that "hopelessness" thing was what really did it for me, Day was less of that and more over-the-top the new Dawn of the Dead, while I didn't think it was bad, wasn't nearly as important to me as the old one was. The new one completely missed the "fantasy" that a lot of us had of being able to LIVE in a Shopping Mall like that for didn't really touch on that consumerism aspect. In fact all it did was replace the dread of 'slow moving, shambling corpses that want to eat you" with...well crazy people on Meth. I wasn't terrible, but the acting was truly sub-par. But today kids know Dawn as "that fast moving zombie movie".....just curious, which do you prefer :)

My summary:

Night of the living Dead (original) - Ok, but before my time and not really creepy..a little too blah for me. Must have been insane for people who grew up in the 50's and 60's, they'd never seen anything like that.

Dawn of the Dead - Amazing, Fantastic, incredible. The fx and makeup today look silly but this movie changed me. Shopping Malls were kinda new in a lot of places, the whole "end of society" vibe, living in a mall, having your own arcade.....and then realizing you're in a hopeless situation..very profound. Plus, gore :)

Day of the Dead - Super Gory (the gut-spilling scene makes me wince more today than it did back then) and very cool, but not as cool as "the end of society" storyline that Dawn was....still, great movie.

Remake of Night of the Living Dead by Tom Savini - Liked it, made "Night" watchable for me...

Remake of DAWN - Different...just differetn. Good, but not in a Zombie way...I found it a little silly to be honest, to me a zombie is a rotting human corpse...rotting human corpses they moving so fast!? I'm calling BULLSHIT! AND wasn't BAD...problem was it was an amateur effort, and I felt they had TOO many characters...things happened too quickly....the movie felt rushed-along.

Land of the Dead - Ok, I enjoyed it. It was stupid, but it was fun to see a big-budget Romero flick. it was more a popcorn flick but some key performances saved it, but the thinking Zombie? fuck That...that turned them from an army of Zombies to an army of unwashed Homeless people :p Still, it was fun enough....Slow Zombies > Fast Zombies.

Remake of Day - Will not be discussed here...well ok...well no, it was terrible. In so many ways.

Then there was that MTV one...was that Day of the Dead? Or was that Twilight of the Dead? Or was...shit one had Ving Rhymes (whatever) in a cameo and that fat english actor and another had like MTV Kids Vs. Zombies.....they sucked equally...or was that Alien Versus Predator 2...!? Shit :p

Document..or Diary of the Dead..whatever it was: George A Romero needs to give it up, seriously. huge steaming pile of shit. Worse than a student film. I could make a better zombie movie, and I SUCK. Amish guy was fun. Fun doesn't belong in a romero zombie movie. The End.

28 Days Later - mentioned here because I loved it....they aren't "zombies", and they sleep during the day, and you gotta be quiet at night or they find premise and I thought well executed. 28 Weeks sucked gorilla ballz.

Reign Of Fire - a cool post-apocalyptic movie that shouldn't be missed, zombies, but still....neet :)
[quote name='tankass']Anyone watch Nightmare before Christmas? I know thats a fav of mine. Also Aliens and the Thing.[/QUOTE]

Nightmare before Christmas is an amazing movie, its like THe Rocky HOrror Picture Show for a new generation, people will sing along to every song. Tim Burton + Danny Elfman = magic.

Aliens is incredible, but really its an Action movie.....ALIEN is more a horror movie and is the superior of the two. The Thing, both versions (The original THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD) and the John Carpenter version are both some of the "best of breed".

Carpenter's THE THING is one of those "survival horror" movies by which all others should be judged, in fact if it was released today I'd be amazed if they could put it in theaters with those special fx without an X rating or at least NC17.
[quote name='HeadRusch']I'm curious, not to totally thread-jack this bad mofo but.....riddle me this:

How many of you guys prefer the new "Dawn of the Dead" over the old "Dawn of the Dead". Here's why, Dawn and Day (the originals) came out right when I was a young teenager, right at the start of the VCR Home-Movie-Rental boom (remember kids, before the 80's there were no video rental stores and the only time you saw a movie was if the local non-affiliated cable channels were playing them, none of this watch-any-movie-anytime-I-want shit).

To me, Dawn was a totally re-defining movie for me...the gore, at the time, was over the top..but the story...that "hopelessness" thing was what really did it for me, Day was less of that and more over-the-top the new Dawn of the Dead, while I didn't think it was bad, wasn't nearly as important to me as the old one was. The new one completely missed the "fantasy" that a lot of us had of being able to LIVE in a Shopping Mall like that for didn't really touch on that consumerism aspect. In fact all it did was replace the dread of 'slow moving, shambling corpses that want to eat you" with...well crazy people on Meth. I wasn't terrible, but the acting was truly sub-par. But today kids know Dawn as "that fast moving zombie movie".....just curious, which do you prefer :)

My summary:

Night of the living Dead (original) - Ok, but before my time and not really creepy..a little too blah for me. Must have been insane for people who grew up in the 50's and 60's, they'd never seen anything like that.

Dawn of the Dead - Amazing, Fantastic, incredible. The fx and makeup today look silly but this movie changed me. Shopping Malls were kinda new in a lot of places, the whole "end of society" vibe, living in a mall, having your own arcade.....and then realizing you're in a hopeless situation..very profound. Plus, gore :)

Day of the Dead - Super Gory (the gut-spilling scene makes me wince more today than it did back then) and very cool, but not as cool as "the end of society" storyline that Dawn was....still, great movie.

Remake of Night of the Living Dead by Tom Savini - Liked it, made "Night" watchable for me...

Remake of DAWN - Different...just differetn. Good, but not in a Zombie way...I found it a little silly to be honest, to me a zombie is a rotting human corpse...rotting human corpses they moving so fast!? I'm calling BULLSHIT! AND wasn't BAD...problem was it was an amateur effort, and I felt they had TOO many characters...things happened too quickly....the movie felt rushed-along.

Land of the Dead - Ok, I enjoyed it. It was stupid, but it was fun to see a big-budget Romero flick. it was more a popcorn flick but some key performances saved it, but the thinking Zombie? fuck That...that turned them from an army of Zombies to an army of unwashed Homeless people :p Still, it was fun enough....Slow Zombies > Fast Zombies.

Remake of Day - Will not be discussed here...well ok...well no, it was terrible. In so many ways.

Then there was that MTV one...was that Day of the Dead? Or was that Twilight of the Dead? Or was...shit one had Ving Rhymes (whatever) in a cameo and that fat english actor and another had like MTV Kids Vs. Zombies.....they sucked equally...or was that Alien Versus Predator 2...!? Shit :p

Document..or Diary of the Dead..whatever it was: George A Romero needs to give it up, seriously. huge steaming pile of shit. Worse than a student film. I could make a better zombie movie, and I SUCK. Amish guy was fun. Fun doesn't belong in a romero zombie movie. The End.

28 Days Later - mentioned here because I loved it....they aren't "zombies", and they sleep during the day, and you gotta be quiet at night or they find premise and I thought well executed. 28 Weeks sucked gorilla ballz.

Reign Of Fire - a cool post-apocalyptic movie that shouldn't be missed, zombies, but still....neet :)[/QUOTE]

both dawns are great movies. the remake is very entertaining and it has some tense moments but i think you care more about the characters in the original dawn more. the zombies in dawn ( original) look really cheesy now and because theyre so slow it makes you wonder how anyone could lose to them but the zombies in the remake are amazingly grotesque but i hate that growl shit they do.

im personally still hoping they make a decent day of the dead ( based on romeros original script) that movie could be done nowdays and would be amazing. havent seen the day remake and i wont ever.

hated land of the dead the whole movie was a dissapointment except for the zombies ( and not the smart zombie). cmon you see a smart zombie and you dont kill it? would have been better if more of them were smarter not just one "special" on.

i like 28 days and liked 28 weeks although i was annoyed that doyle died the way he did ( he killed other soldiers already so why not just shoot the gusy with flamethrowers)? i cant wait to see where the next 28 movie will be set africa could be a cool locale especially if you toss in military men and get that whole tears of the sun thing going only vs zombies.
I always watch these two:

The Nightmare Before Christmas - Nearly perfect in my eyes
Event Horizon - One of the only movies to ever truly SCARE me.

But this year I have a lot more free time and several classic and modern horror movies on BluRay/DVD so I'll probably watch some of these this month:

-Halloween (original)
-Dawn of the Dead (original)
-Day of the Dead (original)
-Evil Dead II
-The Host
-The Mist
-The Fly
-I Am Legend
-The Monster Squad
-Shaun of the Dead

I might try to plow through a survival horror game or three too. :D
AMC Halloween marathon FTW. The first two are great, I never watch the third, then I for some reason greatly enjoy 4, 5, and 6. I really shouldn't, but I find them fascinating. If anyone here enjoys watching them, this site has a lot of info on each individual film, including a plethora of goofs.

Goofs like Dr. Loomis shooting M.M. seven times in the beginning of Halloween 2, a camera man in the window's reflection a la Evil Dead in Halloween 4, and M.M.'s house of Halloween 6 being a completely different looking house than any other Halloween.
The only ones I'm usually guaranteed to watch are the Halloween movies. The other ones I'll watch if I catch them on, but it's not a big deal one way or the other to me. I'll also catch one at the theater most years as well. This year, it'll probably be Saw VI.
I usually just watch Nightmare on Elm Street and whatever happens to be on. I also watch a copy of Disney's DTV I've got on tape from my childhood while carving my pumpkin.
Typically the original Halloween. This year I hope to see Trick or Treat and Drag me to hell. EvilDead Trilogy is a favorite as well(of course). Has anyone seen Diary of the Dead?

As far as the Dawn discussion goes I stand by the original, not a huge fan of the remake.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Typically the original Halloween. This year I hope to see Trick or Treat and Drag me to hell. EvilDead Trilogy is a favorite as well(of course). Has anyone seen Diary of the Dead?

As far as the Dawn discussion goes I stand by the original, not a huge fan of the remake.[/QUOTE]

its a decent movie. its basically cloverfield but instead of a giant monster with mini monsters its zombies. its a cool film to watch a damn sight better than land of the dead.
I love Halloween, but I'm not a big horror movie fan. Generally, horror movies tend to miss the spirit of Halloween, that crisp fall-time excitement whispered by the shuffle of leaves in cool morning gusts of breeze. That being said, i do have a couple of October favorites. For movies, it's all about Hocus Pocus. There really is no other film that captures the essence of Halloween so well. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is another staple. Just as essential, however, are a few choice books. Ray Bradbury remains unbeaten in the field of autumn literature, and Something Wicked This Way Comes is the magnum opus of his fall works. The Halloween Tree gives a quick taste of the season, similar to the Christmas Eve favorite "Twas the Night Before Christmas," and The October Country and From the Dust Returned stand in wait for those who need more of the autumn people. Of course, there are always the Disney classics: The Adventures of Ichabod and the shorts "Lonesome Ghosts" and "Trick or Treat." So, less gore and more whimsy for me, I guess.
Witches Night Out is still on of my favorite halloween movies. its animated but its awesome. finally found a copy of it and this thread has got me motivated to watch it this halloween to remember what halloween used to be like back in the day.
I forgot to say in my earlier post, but Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon after having seen it this past year is going to now be in my yearly October month of horror fright/film-fest. That movie is all kinds of awesome. I suggest it to anyone who is even remotely interested in the slasher genre of horror films, or just a fan of them in general.
[quote name='lokizz']drag me to hell was kind of dissappointing. it started off amazing then it kinda got very odd in the middle and not in a good way but the ending was cool. they should have stuck with what hey were doing in the first part of the film and not went into the sos. that chick was crazy hot though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah Drag Me to Hell was pretty lame. It did have a couple "LOL moments" but that's about it.

Trick 'r Treat was awesome, however.
bread's done