Do Zune/Sony MP3 players remember playback position? Support H.264 video?


Cross posting from another non-CAG forum. I figure you guys know tech, and listen to podcasts like I do :)

First off, I *HATE* the iPod Touch. HATE it with a passion so far. Right off the bat, it requires you to register to use it-which I don't think is even LEGAL, not to mention all the other issues with that. Would NEVER have bought it had I known that.

Beyond that, the interface is a pain, unresponsive, requires you to carefully look at it and press the right area to use, etc. (and even's unresponsive half the time). Yuck yuck yuck.

So I'm really, really doing a 180 on Apple's media players. Not sure what else is out there really.

The Zune and Sony's players seem like obvious candidates to look at (and Dell's new device once it comes out!).

Do either of them have the ability to remember playback position? That's a huge deal for me as I mostly listen to audio-podcasts and audio books and the like (and TV shows from my Tivo).

Second-do either support H.264 in semi-normal formats? I think I remember the Zune only supporting it through transcoding-only supporting Windows Media Video. I guess that would be okay IF it's software can just transcode my Tivo files decently itself, but I have no idea...

(And for that matter-are the interfaces on these things decent?)
Yeah, the Zune remembers playback position for audio and video. Though I sometimes hit Play instead of Resume by accident, so that screws me up.

Can't comment on H.264, but I like the Zune interface. Only problem is having a weak system for manipulating the quick playlist. Lots of useless prompts and extra steps in how the Zune handles it, when it's pretty effortless on the iPod (not sure about touch).
The Sony Walkman also supports H.264 and playback position. I got one after my ipod got stolen and have really enjoyed it so far. My version does not have the quick playlist option but I believe the new models do.
[quote name='Jest'] Look up what you want. It will list all formats. It should list whether it remembers playback position too.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='eswat']Yeah, the Zune remembers playback position for audio and video. Though I sometimes hit Play instead of Resume by accident, so that screws me up.

Can't comment on H.264, but I like the Zune interface. Only problem is having a weak system for manipulating the quick playlist. Lots of useless prompts and extra steps in how the Zune handles it, when it's pretty effortless on the iPod (not sure about touch).[/QUOTE]

I had never heard of that site, and thanks for the Zune info! Does it just automatically remember where you are in any track (audio or video)? Yeah...sounds like it gives you the option to play or resume for any type of track. That sounds workable.

[quote name='branDamn']The Sony Walkman also supports H.264 and playback position. I got one after my ipod got stolen and have really enjoyed it so far. My version does not have the quick playlist option but I believe the new models do.[/QUOTE]

How does playback position work? It just remembers (for audio and video)?

Oh, and how do you transfer stuff to the Sony models? (Like the iPods you use iTunes, Zune uses Zune software.)

Hmm...I may play with these guys at Best Buy. Honestly I've never given much thought to non Apple models before, so I'm not as familiar as I should be :)
I've noticed that if the Zune when its charge is low and you charge it up, it may default to the regular menu screen and it won't remember the previous playback position. That is pretty rare though..

For the most part, I have no problems with the Zune (I own a 1st generation one)
Sorry, shouldn't have said audio in my post. It only remembers the position for podcasts and video (I haven't tried the new 3.0 software mind you).

So if you switch from a song to a video or podcast it's not going to remember the position of the song you were just playing. But vice versa (podcast to video, video to song, etc.) it's going to remember approximately where you left off (a second or two before you switch or pause).
First off, I *HATE* the iPod Touch. HATE it with a passion so far. Right off the bat, it requires you to register to use it-which I don't think is even LEGAL, not to mention all the other issues with that. Would NEVER have bought it had I known that.

Beyond that, the interface is a pain, unresponsive, requires you to carefully look at it and press the right area to use, etc. (and even's unresponsive half the time). Yuck yuck yuck.

omg, you have to press the right area for it to do something? that's awful. I can't believe it doesn't anticipate what you would want to do.
[quote name='Xevious']I've noticed that if the Zune when its charge is low and you charge it up, it may default to the regular menu screen and it won't remember the previous playback position. That is pretty rare though..

For the most part, I have no problems with the Zune (I own a 1st generation one)[/QUOTE]

So does it only 'remember' one thing at a time? (Like the last thing it was playing?) I do like who the 'Pods can have a box checked for any content that causes the iPod to remember it's position (which I use for everything except music).

Still, the older iPods couldn't remember ANYTHING-I'd literally have to write down my current location before I plugged the 'Pod in or changed tracks.

[quote name='eswat']Sorry, shouldn't have said audio in my post. It only remembers the position for podcasts and video (I haven't tried the new 3.0 software mind you).

So if you switch from a song to a video or podcast it's not going to remember the position of the song you were just playing. But vice versa (podcast to video, video to song, etc.) it's going to remember approximately where you left off (a second or two before you switch or pause).[/QUOTE]

Okay, that sounds like how iPods do it. Any way to do that for other audio besides official podcasts though? I do listen to audiobooks I buy on CD where I need that, and tape an audio show every night that just shows up as a song on my iPod (which is okay-I just check the "remember playback position" box and I'm fine).

[quote name='ninja dog']omg, you have to press the right area for it to do something? that's awful. I can't believe it doesn't anticipate what you would want to do.[/QUOTE]

:roll: It's VERY inexact, and far harder to use than tactile buttons like the regular iPods have. It's also VERY hard to do without stopping and looking at it, which is a pain in almost any situation where I use a media player (car, walking, mowing, biking, etc.) I've already frequently had a track jump back to the beginning when I wanted to pause it, also.

It's a LOT harder to use than I thought it was going to be, even with the hardware volume controls, and it also constantly isn't even responsive. Just unlocking it it and going to the home screen (etc.) it usually won't respond to (virtual) button presses for a few seconds.

The interface is the worst I can recall ever using, although it's not like I've used all that many players, but my Palm, earlier iPods, PSP, computer media players, etc. all destroy it.
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[quote name='Wolfpup']Okay, that sounds like how iPods do it. Any way to do that for other audio besides official podcasts though? I do listen to audiobooks I buy on CD where I need that, and tape an audio show every night that just shows up as a song on my iPod (which is okay-I just check the "remember playback position" box and I'm fine).[/QUOTE]Just did a quick Google on the 3.0 software, and it does "have" audiobook support. But apparently it needs to work in conjunction with Audible or OverDrive's client to get them to appear under that menu.

Otherwise it sounds like they have the same position remembering system as podcasts and video. Sorry I can't help beyond that until I upgrade the firmware on mine.
[quote name='Wolfpup']
How does playback position work? It just remembers (for audio and video)?

Oh, and how do you transfer stuff to the Sony models? (Like the iPods you use iTunes, Zune uses Zune software.)

Hmm...I may play with these guys at Best Buy. Honestly I've never given much thought to non Apple models before, so I'm not as familiar as I should be :)[/quote]

After thinking about it, I believe you are referring to playing back a file after you have started listening to something else. It does it for video but not for audio stuff.

As far the transfer software, I use windows media player and it works fairly well. I like that i am able to transfer music from any computer to my Walkman as opposed to the crazy way you have to do it with itunes.

I would highly recommend going to a store and checking them out. It really helps to actually see how they work and if you like the UI.
The Zune does it for podcasts, it will have a resume option when you go to something you've listened to half of, not for music though.
I've done a bit more research on the Zune's "remember playback position" thing (Sony's units lacking that is a deal killer for me, unfortunately).

Sounds like you can manually edit audio files outside the Zune program and set them to be podcasts. Then the Zune will remember their playback position (though who knows if they'd show up decently on the menu system since they'd really be CDs...)

I've installed the Zune desktop software just to get a feel for it. I don't like what I see of the interface, but I guess it would be useable. I did notice though that it's CPU usage kept going from 0-90+%. Up and down, up and down. Kind of disconcerting. I rarely have issues with iTunes (even if it does install a bunch of processes now).
I have a 2nd Gen Zune and I like it. The Zune software sucks at first, but after you get it set up, it's not bad at all. But then again, I've never found a mp3 player software I truly like.

The Zune remembers any amount of podcast positions, and for audio, it will remember what you were playing, and it'll remember where up to a few hours it seems like (ie, I turn it off when I get to class, and it still knows when I leave 1-2 hours later), but not permanently.
Yeah, I could never really get used to the Zune software. It's not bad, but it just seems it tries too hard to be different instead of useful.
Yeah, I don't really get what they were trying to do with the interface. And to me it's pretty disturbing that it sits there and constantly hits the CPU at between 0-90% of it's power. Up and down, up and down. Really, really weird and kind of disturbing (and I mean this is from MICROSOFT-I'd expect a third part media program like that to have more issues than Microsoft's program!) iTunes only uses that kind of power when it's playing back H.264 or something.

Right now that's probably my number one "hmmm...." about the Zune. Also don't like that you apparently have to log in in order to download podcasts, even though they're not really coming from the Zune store. Plus the lack of being able to have it remember playback position on any track...

but it does seem like they keep improving it, slowly but surely, which is good!

I'm...still having a sort of love/hate relationship with this iPod touch. Really it SHOULD have some more hardware buttons. All it needs is maybe three more buttons. play/pause, and a fast forward and rewind button-that would probably make the interface about perfect, and there's plenty of room on the front for them.

It smudges up CONSTANTLY, though it wipes off really easily too. The online stuff is pretty nifty for a mobile device, although for myself personally not all that useful. Do love that internal speaker...maybe a new version with three more buttons and a louder internal speaker... It's still kind of sluggish, and apperently crashes quite a bit (I'll sync it and it asks if it can send these crash logs to Apple-had like 6 of them last time)...but I haven't actually noticed a crash yet. I *think* it's happening when I hit home to exit a program, and instead of the slick animation it just goes black for a second and goes to the home screen...I guess it just rebooted during that!
I just figured out what causes the Zune desktop software to use a HUGE ton of CPU time-by default it monitors a bunch of folders for new audio/video. I removed all of them, and CPU usage basically dropped to 0.

I don't *think* you actually need any folders monitored. I assume it's just like iTunes, where you can drag and drop stuff into the Zune software, rather than having to do it outside the software.

I'm thinking I just can't use this touch in the car. Too dangerous/annoying. With the Zune, I'm still not sure how to get audio books (from my own CDs) to correctly save their position aside from tricking the Zune into thinking they're Podcasts. It's smart playlist feature seems too limited to be able to build a list of podcasts that excludes books though-and there's no play count apparently, so I can't tell which one's I've already listened to.

*sigh* Well, I may just end up getting a new nano... (Is green not masculine enough? :D )
Excellent, thanks! Geez, just need to figure out if it can handle audiobooks okay (I mean my own, not Audible or something).

Not sure either if I'd like having to click in the center to play/pause-seems like it would be easy to accidentally jump to another track...although even still it has to be more practical than the iPod touch interface!
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