Does Best Buy price match competitors?


CAG Veteran
I was just glancing at the sales for this week and by default, Best Buy gets my business because it’s within walking distance for me compared to Circuit City. This week they have the first three seasons of Smallville going for $15.99 and rather than order, I wouldn’t mind just taking the flyer and price matching. Will Best Buy compare or no?
[quote name='quickdraw_ltd']While the question is still viable, I just saw on Best that they have the first four seasons for 14.99. So yeah...[/QUOTE]

Yes. BB PMs competitors.

CC also gives you 10% of the difference.
[quote name='quickdraw_ltd']Wow. CC is God. I wish I was within distance. ::sigh::[/QUOTE]

Oh. Most stores will not PM online-prices BTW. However, I've had surprisingly good luck with my Circuit City. I just print out the product page, and they usually give the price to me.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Yes. BB PMs competitors.

CC also gives you 10% of the difference.[/QUOTE]

BB will refund you 110% of the difference if you buy the item first and then price match.
For price matching at both BB & CC, the item MUST be in stock at the loacation showing the sale price, and it has to be a local competitor.
[quote name='fux0r1z3d']For price matching at both BB & CC, the item MUST be in stock at the loacation showing the sale price, and it has to be a local competitor.[/QUOTE]

They don't always check. If there is only a few dollars difference they will just give it to you.
I went to 2 BB's and 2 CC's yesterday trying to get them to match a difference of $400 from a Sears ad. None of them would do it because Sears didn't have it in stock anywhere locally.
yeah if the price difference is that high it will take a managers approval to do it and they will almost always call to confirm for that. Umm if Sears didn't have it ask for a rain check. If you look at the bottom of the Ad it says that if they don't have the item in stock they will give you a comparable item at the same price or do a rain check. Its on the bottom of one of the pages.

BTW - What dvd had a $400 difference :)
Heh, sorry it wasn't a dvd, I was just giving an example that they don't always just price match. Their displays say the item has to be in stock and at a local competitor. (But I have bought box sets of dvds that cost way more than $400)

I doubt they'd call for a difference of $10 on an item though.
Store policy is for Best Buy to call the competitor to verify the price they are being asked to match as well as availability of the product before they will honor the price match.

However, I've done 100's of PM's at Best Buy over the years and not once have they called to confirm pricing or availability.....of course I also always have the print ad showing the price I am trying to match.

Seeing how this thread is about Smallville, I few weeks ago Walmart had the Smallville sets for $14.88. I bought the ones I needed from Best Buy for full price ($48.99 each at the time) then had them adjust the price and ended up getting the sets for around $11 each.
[quote name='BillyBob29']Store policy is for Best Buy to call the competitor to verify the price they are being asked to match as well as availability of the product before they will honor the price match.

However, I've done 100's of PM's at Best Buy over the years and not once have they called to confirm pricing or availability.....of course I also always have the print ad showing the price I am trying to match.

Seeing how this thread is about Smallville, I few weeks ago Walmart had the Smallville sets for $14.88. I bought the ones I needed from Best Buy for full price ($48.99 each at the time) then had them adjust the price and ended up getting the sets for around $11 each.[/QUOTE]

My experience is that if the difference in price is small, they have usually given the PM to me no problem. If the PM is a rather large amount, say $100 difference, they will call to verify whether or not it's in stock.
I price matched CC's $4.99 price of SOCOM 3 at BB with no problem. I just showed the ad and the CSR gave me $16.50 back :D

He didn't call CC nor care about the 75% price difference. But I guess it's a YMMV with different CSRs at the same BB.
holy crap, smallville s 123 for only 16 bucks each? i got season 4 at BB on black friday for $15, and thought it was an awesome deal, now i am off to CC. Thanks OP.

On topic, BB pricematching is YMMV. Sometimes they do it no problem, sometimes they say "we only price match our best buy website" sometimes they will let you combine a pricematch with a GGC, and when they let me do this, it almost always has to be on the sly, like i will get them to do the pricematch, then ask if it is OK if i use a giftcard to pay for part of it, then i just pass them the GGC coupon with the giftcard and bammo, pricematch + ggc. THis is a major YMMV tho.

It is awesome when they pricematch the frys weekly ad, because frys is far from me, and BB and CC are very close
[quote name='BillyBob29']Store policy is for Best Buy to call the competitor to verify the price they are being asked to match as well as availability of the product before they will honor the price match.

However, I've done 100's of PM's at Best Buy over the years and not once have they called to confirm pricing or availability.....of course I also always have the print ad showing the price I am trying to match.

Seeing how this thread is about Smallville, I few weeks ago Walmart had the Smallville sets for $14.88. I bought the ones I needed from Best Buy for full price ($48.99 each at the time) then had them adjust the price and ended up getting the sets for around $11 each.[/QUOTE]

you did this at bestbuy, are you sure you didnt do it at circuit city? i never even once got BB to give me a pricematch + 10% of the difference. Sometimes they will PM, but not every time.
bread's done