Donkey Kong Country™ Returns: Out Now!

[quote name='animalspinners']Have you also been doing
the special levels that open by getting the 4 letters in each stage? I found the World 1 special stage was quite tricky, especially getting all the puzzle pieces.

Mostly, I just have been running through the main path (with the exception of the ones that are open by buying the key). I plan on going back to those special stages later on. I expect those to be the hardest of all.

After playing through a few more Rambi levels, I have concluded that a game called "Rambi Runs Forward and Destroys Everything" would be one of the best, most fun platformers ever.
[quote name='icedrake523']Just got an email mine shipped via ENSENDA (never heard of it) and it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Very nice for Amazon to get it to me tomorrow though I won't be home until Tuesday night.

I have Prime FWIW.

Oh, and if Amazon puts a VG credit a few days after like they did with Kirby, I will send an email complaining. I shouldn't be penalized for placing an order over a month ago.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree about Amazon, that same crap with Kirby happened to me as well. That crap had better not become a trend. You shouldn't be penalized for preordering games.
[quote name='cgarb84']I completely agree about Amazon, that same crap with Kirby happened to me as well. That crap had better not become a trend. You shouldn't be penalized for preordering games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. As much as I love Amazon, I'm not taking that. I have a Prime membership. I buy just about everything from Amazon. As a loyal customer, I deserve it. Last year they didn't give me a $10 credit for AC2 or NSMBW. I didn't email since it was on my dad's account and the guy on the phone had no fucking clue what I was talking about.
Just finished up a quick playthrough without getting many of the extras. I can safely say that the later levels get much harder, especially the minecart/jet barrel thing levels. Words were said that probably shouldn't have been said.

I am looking forward to going through the levels and collecting all the extras. More importantly, I'm interested in what they unlock. Obviously, you haven't experienced the whole game until you find everything.
I checked my shipping info before and now it's even much closer to my house! Can't wait for it to be here tomorrow! Donkey Kong Country on SNES was always one of my favorite games.
Good lord this game is great so far. I only played a few levels but I can already tell this is going to be one of the best platformers ever. Nintendo should only release 2D sequels to their franchise games from now on - could you imagine a top-down 2D Zelda with updated graphics, a gigantic overworld and like 12 dungeons??? :drool:
[quote name='javeryh']Good lord this game is great so far. I only played a few levels but I can already tell this is going to be one of the best platformers ever. Nintendo should only release 2D sequels to their franchise games from now on - could you imagine a top-down 2D Zelda with updated graphics, a gigantic overworld and like 12 dungeons??? :drool:[/QUOTE]

:drool:2D zelda:drool: on 3ds :drool: wait, what was the question?

I'm still waiting on my copy of dkcr :cry: prob stop by kmart for it instead wait on gamestop
I'll probably be getting it for Christmas.

I really can't wait for it. I absolutely love the original DKC games and this new one looks far better than NSMB Wii.
Just got it, and beat all the levels in the first world. I only missed one KONG letter in a level so I'll go back and do that.

Um...Game of the Year. Yup. That's all that really needs to be said.
[quote name='KingBroly']Just got it, and beat all the levels in the first world. I only missed one KONG letter in a level so I'll go back and do that.

Um...Game of the Year. Yup. That's all that really needs to be said.[/QUOTE]

If you're digging the first world that much just know the game gets way better the further in you get.

I just finished World 6 (doing every stage, getting all kong letters, doing all special stages) and the game has yet to disappoint me, getting better and better with each world.
This game reminds me so much of Mega Man 9 it's not even funny. I found an early puzzle piece in the second or third level because of the old DKC physics and mechanics. It was like 'Wow, they did something with those crazy mechanics.'
The time trials are a fucking bitch!!

I am starting world 2 tonight. I love it. My only complaint: WHERE IS DIXIE?!?!! I NEED ME SOME GOLDEN HAIR HELICOPTER!
[quote name='flameofdoom666']The time trials are a fucking bitch!!

I am starting world 2 tonight. I love it. My only complaint: WHERE IS DIXIE?!?!! I NEED ME SOME GOLDEN HAIR HELICOPTER![/QUOTE]

I tried the time trial for the first level - I don't see how gold is even possible. I held down the run button the entire time and I barely got bronze.
[quote name='javeryh']I tried the time trial for the first level - I don't see how gold is even possible. I held down the run button the entire time and I barely got bronze.[/QUOTE]

I got silver in the first level, but barely.

I played with the Wii Remote sideways for the first world, but then tried the nunchuck out- and it is WAY better. I felt like I had to stay still to pick up barrels with just the Wii Remote. Running is also significantly easier (you use the joysticks sensitivity) rather than hold 1. With the nunchuck though, you can run and pick barrels up. It seems like it was developed with the nunchuck in mind, but they shoehorned the Wii Remote configuration in.
I beat all of World 2 and got all the KONG letters for the first two worlds.
K-1 is difficult but at the same time amazing. I tried a tiny bit of K-2 and I gave up because that's some evil design right there.
I'm really excited about this game. I'm happy that, after NSMBWII, Nintendo actually decided to put effort into their work.
[quote name='KingBroly']I beat all of World 2 and got all the KONG letters for the first two worlds.
K-1 is difficult but at the same time amazing. I tried a tiny bit of K-2 and I gave up because that's some evil design right there.

K-2 was easier than K-1 for me. I got all of the puzzle pieces in both too.

In most levels, I can't find one puzzle piece... I gotta look harder. I like how the bonus games always give a puzzle piece, I just dont like how there is basically only 3 types of bonus games (at least thus far)
[quote name='flameofdoom666']
K-2 was easier than K-1 for me. I got all of the puzzle pieces in both too.

In most levels, I can't find one puzzle piece... I gotta look harder. I like how the bonus games always give a puzzle piece, I just dont like how there is basically only 3 types of bonus games (at least thus far)[/QUOTE]

I remember about 4 different ones with minor changes (faster barrels, different layout). They all centered around the same idea though : collect the bananas.
Ended up beating K Two but I missed a Puzzle Piece. GREAT.
I'm through World 3 now. It's getting a bit tough right now, but it's still the 'it's your fault' tough that is caused by player error and not by cheap tricks.
I am at World 5 now. I was not too impressed with Worlds 1-4, but World 5 blew me away. It has amazing level design and feels like a step up from the DKC SNES games. Well done Retro.
[quote name='ananag112']I am at World 5 now. I was not too impressed with Worlds 1-4, but World 5 blew me away. It has amazing level design and feels like a step up from the DKC SNES games. Well done Retro.[/QUOTE]

So what are you normally playing that's so great since Worlds 1-4 weren't that impressive? ;)
[quote name='javeryh']So what are you normally playing that's so great since Worlds 1-4 weren't that impressive? ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, I guess its more of a nostalgia thing. Worlds 1-3 felt recycled from the old DKC games. I liked the minecart levels in World 4, but it felt like just a mild improvement over the old series. I also hated the rocket barrel levels. World 5 though feels fresh, but still has that DKC feel to it. Its somewhat challenging, but not in the cheap way that World 4 was.

Also, I am really annoyed by the controls in this game. Is there a 3rd party Wii controller where you can just press a button and it registers as a waggle?
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My first impressions playing it last night weren't good, to be honest. Donkey Kong moved too much, the controls should have been tighter. I died about 5 times before finishing the first level. But it got better one I got Diddy with me and I've enjoyed it more. Looking forward to the very chaotic levels.

I have died a lot but it's really easy to get lives in this.
[quote name='ananag112']Well, I guess its more of a nostalgia thing. Worlds 1-3 felt recycled from the old DKC games. I liked the minecart levels in World 4, but it felt like just a mild improvement over the old series. I also hated the rocket barrel levels. World 5 though feels fresh, but still has that DKC feel to it. Its somewhat challenging, but not in the cheap way that World 4 was.

Also, I am really annoyed by the controls in this game. Is there a 3rd party Wii controller where you can just press a button and it registers as a waggle?[/QUOTE]

Ahhh - I haven't really played DKC in 15 years so this all seems pretty fresh to me. I was never a huge fan of this series - I thought DKC was good and DKC2 was just OK - I never bothered with DKC3.

I totally agree about the button instead of shaking the wiimote - I wish there was a way to customize the controls.
i don't really have a great deal of love for the originals (didn't dislike them, just didn't love them), but you folks are making me want to pick this one up. I'm a little worried about the difficulty. How does it compare to, say, Mega Man 9? Mega Man 9 I have not completed even a single level on. I was able to get most of the way through MM10 on easy mode only, though. I did enjoy that.
This game looks beautiful. I have only played til the first level on world 2, and my daughter loves the sharks jumping out of the water. I wasn't a huge fan of the originals and mainly played DKC on the gba sp. This game is awesome!
This is one of the first games in a while that I've actually had to force myself to stop playing... mainly because I don't want it to end. Highly recommended, and now certainly on the list of things I'm telling people to buy immediatly. This new sort of 2D renaissance on the Wii is a god-send, and this is easily the best of the lot so far.

On a sort of side-note, I realized a few months ago that almost everything I was excited about this fall was for the Wii. Kirby, GoldenEye, Donkey Kong, and Epic Mickey were really my top 4 of this holiday season. Amazingly enough, I haven't been disappointed yet, and DK has well exceeded my expectations. I really do have to give it to Nintendo this year, as this fall is easily the best showing they've had for the Wii since... uh... ever, really. I'm glad that at least DK is getting the recognition it deserves, because too many great Wii games have been criminally overlooked thus far.

Short version: Buy this. Now.
[quote name='007']Short version: Buy this. Now.[/QUOTE]

While I have been tempted, I also have a whole stack of games I haven't played yet and Epic Mickey next week is a higher priority for me. As you say, it has been a good year for Nintendo games. (Add Metroid: Other M to your list.)
For those of you worried about difficulty, don't fret too much. It is not like Mega Man 9 where it comes at you head on with its brights on and horn blowing. It eases you in, aside from the minecart/rocket levels. You might hit a few bumps in the road, but most of the first half of the game can be beaten with only a death or two a level.

I found the main quest to be a good, solid, difficult journey that wasn't ball busting frustrating. But if you decide to go for 100%, be prepared to turn off the game in frustration on multiple occasions.

Oh, and don't forget: If you get stuck on a level, the game will lead you through it like it did in NSMBW.

Oh course, those of us who like the challenge end up shouting "fuck you. I got this" to the little pig. I know I did, even after I died 20+ times.
I was disappointed in the surprise at 100% and the end game boss.

It's just some magic mirror... you can play every level mirrored, no diddy kong and donkey kong dies after one hit. Not sure if there is something for doing every level again like that, but no thanks... time to move onto something else, for me. For doing all the special levels you get one extra level in which you grab the mirror.

End boss was disappointing as well... Retro had said "We won't reveal the last boss" which led some to believe it was a surprise, but it was just what you expected. I didn't really feel any attachment at all to the enemies and kind of wish they just went with Kremlings.
The game isn't as hard as Mega Man 9, but it has that same style of difficulty where you you'll end up dying on something you're expecting to happen. Most of the time it does, and you'll go 'I knew it' and other times you'll go 'you suck game for tricking me.'

I just started World 7 and it's distanced itself from every other new game I've played this year. The design of the levels while simple are absolutely amazing. I have no complaints about the controls (Wiimote+Nunchuck). My only complaints would be the somewhat soft music and the fact that you need to collect all the KONG letters in a level in order to the mark for doing so, whereas with Puzzle Pieces once you collect them, you have them.
Just picked this up yesterday and I'm LOVING the style of the game. What I wasn't a big fan of is learning that motion controls are REQUIRED. I only played for about 10 minutes and I loved what I saw, but honestly is it really necessary to have to shake the controller to pound on everything and to roll? I thought for sure a classic controller option would exist to play it as it was on the SNES. I've heard people saying there are downloadable hacks and such to modify the controls but I'm not sure I can even do that with a legit copy.

Anyone else agree with me on the controls or do I just need to play it more to get used to it? I haven't tried the Nunchuk method yet but that seems to be even more motion-controll-y. Love to hear what you think.
It's not really more motion-y. You can shake with either controller, plus you can grab with Z which is a lifesaver.
[quote name='ananag112']I am at World 5 now. I was not too impressed with Worlds 1-4, but World 5 blew me away. It has amazing level design and feels like a step up from the DKC SNES games. Well done Retro.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed world 4 more than world 5... though to be fair, world 5 was great too.
I didn't like Worlds 4 or 5 too much. World 4 was definitely the low point for me since the levels were Gimmick A and Gimmick B repeated 3 times each. Worlds 6 and 7 were definitely very interesting with challenging area bosses. I need to go back and get the KONG letters from 3 levels in World 6 before I go tackle World 8.
[quote name='007']This new sort of 2D renaissance on the Wii is a god-send, and this is easily the best of the lot so far.

Short version: Buy this. Now.[/QUOTE]

That ends the thread. Just on world 2 now with the wife, but having a blast.

Great game, Retro is really making me happy.
Got to
the Volcano
. I've died about twice as much as I have on this one area than all the other areas combined. Sheesh.
Currently at level 8-5 and loving it. The K-levels are all fantastic and super frantic. I'm ok with the motion controls, I can think of two instances where I died because I tried to ground pound but I was moving so I rolled off the edge of the level.
I am up to 7-5 and have every KONG and puzzle piece thus far (I either find them all or spend 15 coins on squawks to help). My only major complaint is that they played it safe. Yes, the level design is innovative, new and fun- but the stage layouts are very formula based. Ground pound certain areas... etc. Also, the locals are too similar. A
... seriously? Is this DKC4 or a reimagination...? With all of that said, I am loving it.
They did the same with Metroid Prime, which was basically just Super Metroid but in 3D. No bitched then so why are people bitching now?
I rented the game and spent about 10 hours that day going through all 8 worlds but had to divert the final boss for the next day. I had the same stale nostalgia problem for the first 4 worlds or so but now that I've beat the game and am revisiting old levels for KONGs and puzzle pieces I finally notice a lot of the small details I had ignored and am actually enjoying the earlier stages much more the second time around. Rushing is never good. The latter worlds get pretty cool, like the factory. The silhouette levels are also neat and the -k temple levels are challengingly fun. I still need to get all the orbs to see the final stage.

I use to play DKC on my SNES and have from time to time fired up an emulator for DKC2. Even with a million save states, DKC2 is devilish. DKCR is far more forgiving and the controls and physics/collision detection make it feel so much smoother and controllable than the older games. It's a big step forward, with no invisible walls and weird sudden deaths or dropoffs. The ground feels real solid, if that makes any sense. I get high from doing 1-K Platform Panic since I feel like a real pro on a speedrun and I can pull it off without stopping, even though I'm not that good and it's really just the level design.

The shake controls, however, are annoying and really deter from the fluidity. Trying to keep one finger pushing the down button, another on the 1 button, and shaking the too-small-and-not-designed-for-horizontal-use-but-shoehorned-in-for-legacy-purposes controller to blow on enemies quick enough is disorienting. Another big issue is when bouncing off enemy heads. The high bounce doesn't always trigger and is especially frustrating on this later temple level where I have a hard time bouncing on this one particular enemy and end up dying a hundred times.

Like others have said, the bonus levels are disappointingly bland, and I miss collecting super gigantic coins to pay toll fees. The puzzle pieces are poor substitutes and remind me too much of Braid. The lack of more furry (or fishy) friends is noted. And whatever happened to the water levels?

The older DKC games had really nice CGI sprites and levels that were on the more realistic side. The atmosphere was also darker, more ominous, and the music stronger and more emotional. DKCR kind of puts a different spin with the Wii's sometimes annoying family-friendly approach. The graphics are more cartoony and simplistic, probably to make it more light-hearted feeling, but I'm sure the hardware limitations had a part in it as well. The music seems kind of barebones, with generic tracks fused with some light vestiges of the older tunes. The kid-friendly sliver for a story led to some equally unremarkable boss battles and game ending.

I get the feeling that without a lot of the extraneous baggage that many games come with these days, Retro could probably pull off a sequel every year with purely just levels.
Started playing tonight, I'm about halfway through world 1.

I don't like the way the Wii Remote only seems to control. I have issues with control, and apparently a lot of my movements get picked up as me ground pounding.
Rented it from Blockbuster. It's kinda boring and aggrivating. Co-op is pointless and confusing. Some parts make you ask yourself if it's really worth playing anymore. I got up to 6-4 and gave up because it seemedas if there were no solution to finishing the level
[quote name='KingBroly']This game reminds me so much of Mega Man 9 it's not even funny.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='javeryh']I can already tell this is going to be one of the best platformers ever.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KingBroly']Um...Game of the Year. Yup. That's all that really needs to be said.[/QUOTE]

This thread is the greatest thread of all times!
I've watched some level playthroughs on Youtube, and it definitely looks fun, but I'm disappointed by the lack of DK coins (yes, I know they were in DKC2, not the original). I really loved finding those, and some of them were super well hid that you felt a sense of accomplishment when you found one.
bread's done