Dreamcast - 10th NA Anniversary: 9/9/99 - 9/9/09

Never owned or played a Dreamcast but Skies of Arcadia: Legends was one of my favorite Gamecube games.
I remember getting one 3 days after launch. My mom bought me the system, SoulCalibur, and a VMU. It was absolutely amazing to play SC. I played it for hours every day.

Then I got Crazy Taxi, and man, that game's fun even to this day (its sequels? not so much). Dead or Alive 2 was another amazing game, as good as most DC games looked, DoA2 was above and beyond anything else and it was a fairly stellar fighter too. Sonic Adventure was a great game too.

Of course, when the PS2 came out, I got rid of mine. The draw of the PS2 was too tempting... being able to all the PS1 classics (my 2nd favorite system ever) with smoother graphics & faster load times and the promise of some great RPGs.

The thing that I didn't like about the DC was that it was a great system for fighters but I'm not a huge fan of the genre (even though two of my favorite DC games were fighters). At the time I was a huge RPG fan and with the PS1's dominating lineup of RPGs, I figured that trend would continue on the PS2 (which it did).
I loved the Dreamcast. Enjoyed Powerstone (never played 2 or even owned 1, just rented it).

My favorite game is probably Resident Evil - Code Veronica, though Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, and Skies of Arcadia were on that list as well.

Just a good system that, after the Saturn failure (too bad, loved that system too), never really had a chance.
dreamcast was the shit and still is cool freakin wish i had one still. i loved re code veronica and sonic adventure to me is still the best sonic game ever. shadwman and soul reaver both looked amazing on the system and the sound was incredible if you had a system hooked up to it. power stone 1 and 2 were addictive hell i even liked blue stinger as bad as it was. i liked that rpg game they had too where you could go online with it ( enevr was able to go online since i used aol at the time). i even bought a japanese copy of dead or alive 2 still have it somewhere.

one of my first launch console purchases and it sucks how many games were supposed to come out that never did like chakan and that cstlevannia game.
Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Armada & -especially- Shenmue for me. I never finished it. And I'm not claiming it was a perfect game (arguably more like a city tour half of the time) but it just blew my mind when I fired it up. Excellent graphics (parts of the cities still hold up today), wonderful score and just wildly different than anything I'd ever seen, in home across consoles/PC or at the arcade. Let me put it this way - nothing since has felt as next-gen as that game did to me at the time. What was it, an eighty million dollar budget? Jesus.

Watching the weather slowly turn to snow during the Christmas season and listening to the Christmas musaz in the stores added a lot of ambiance to the experience as I was playing it around the Christmas season.

Heck, even Draconus was sorta fun...
How do you guys feel about IGN leaving both Shenmue and Sonic Adventures 1 & 2 off of their latest top 25 Dreamcast games list?
Dreamcast was awesome, I got one for Christmas in 99 and it was my first system since the Genesis(/32X/CD). Crazy Taxi was awesome, Shenmue was awesome, there were a ton of great games.

After it died I didn't really play too many games again (well I did have a GBA SP, but I didn't play it too much) until the DS and then I ended up getting a GC and then eventually the Wii and a year or so later the 360.

Now I'm not playing too many games again....

[quote name='BlueSwim']How do you guys feel about IGN leaving both Shenmue and Sonic Adventures 1 & 2 off of their latest top 25 Dreamcast games list?[/QUOTE]

Well IGN can suck a dick, obviously.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Power Stone 1 and 2
Soul Calibur
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
Anybody ever play Record of Lodoss War? I stopped after awhile when it got too hard, but remember it being a fun game.

However, my all-time favorite for that system is Skies of Arcadia (Legends on the GC is good, too). Also, my Dreamcast still sits under the TV in the living room. Hardly ever turn it on these days, but it's good to know that it's there.
[quote name='MrFixit66']the dreamcast didnt have big enough controllers imho. and i remember it was really quite when it was turned on. it barely made a peep.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure the DC was pretty loud... especially that damn fan.
My Dreamcast is really loud. At least with my homebrew discs. And the fan is really loud. I mean, if you're next to the Dreamcast, you can feel it.

I picked up a black one a month or so ago for under $30, and it was one of my best gaming purchases of all time. I love Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, Jet Grind Radio, Power Stone, and so many more games. I still have a lot of games I need to find, but it's such a great system.
My fav games were SA2 and Dead or alive 2. Interestingly enough, 9/9 is my birthday! thats so awesome :d
bread's done