Drivers Licences Age


CAG Veteran
Read the topic description. I got my licences when I was eighteen and a half. I think the gov. should make a nationwide law that states the minimum age to uptain a drivers licences is at age eighteen.

Post what you think (duh).
I think age isn't as big a factor as experience, people don't suddenly become excellent drivers when they reach any age but rather when they have had enough practice to develop the skills nessesary to drive properly. For this reason a number of states including Washington and Oregon have created more comprehensive requirements for minors wishing to obtain a license.
I doubt they could make a nationwide law since it really is a state issue. You would have to have a national DMV instead of the state ones that we have now.
It's a state issue, that's all I'd say. More generally, the state of driver education in this country is pathetic. Not only are we a nation of mostly terrible drivers, but people get precious little practice before being handed a license (to screw up). Driver's Ed should be a year-long course instead of a semester and you should have minimum 100 hours behind the wheel with an instructor before being ready for a license.
[quote name='elprincipe']It's a state issue, that's all I'd say. More generally, the state of driver education in this country is pathetic. Not only are we a nation of mostly terrible drivers, but people get precious little practice before being handed a license (to screw up). Driver's Ed should be a year-long course instead of a semester and you should have minimum 100 hours behind the wheel with an instructor before being ready for a license.[/QUOTE]

That would cost too much.
[quote name='elprincipe']That's what our justice system is for.[/QUOTE]

Oh really? I didn't realize that our justice system had started handing out money to the victims of hit and run and uninsured motorist accidents, that's really quite nice of them.
Psycological/mental evaluation + behind the wheel exam with an age of atleast 17. Anyone of nearly any age can drive a car physically, it's just if they are mature enough to handle it.
A car is close to a necessity in many non city areas. I think it should be treated essentially as it is, due to the social and economic negative effects it will have if certain people can't get their license, and the effect it would have on their children (income a major issue).

I think raising the costs of getting one would have the most effect on the poor, which is never a good thing.

I don't really care about the whole 16/18 thing, but I would strongly oppose increasing restrictions upon actual adults with livelihoods. It's one thing if someone repeatedly shows they can't handle it (ie. multiple dui's), but we already do that for the most part. Though driving restrictions (ie. no highways) I may be open to if done properly and conservatively.
bread's done