Duke Nukem Forever may have finally gone...forever

Myke is just too reticent to portray his true feelings, his undying man-crush on Duke Nukem and how he wishes that he could be, for even just one brief moment, half the man that Duke Nukem is. Oh, what can never be.

Anywho, Slash made it to the front page of Yahoo hahah:

This game would have never lived up to the hype anyways. Now we don't have to live through the train wreck this game would have been.
Basically Take Two is saying "Okay, you guys are a bunch of talentless fuck-ups and we're taking over development from here." That's why they're taking the IP.

They lean on 3D Realms...

3D Realms folds...

Take Two gets all the stuff they were working on free of royalties and can tweak it or shop it around to other development houses.
[quote name='Strell']Someone on here posted a pre-order slip from EB that they got back in 2001 for DNF.

I hope that person reads this thread. EB owes 'em five bucks.[/quote]

wait...you mean 1997! They should get interest with that!
thats the rub of it i suppose. with there being so man fps out there everytime a new one came out they probably compared what they had with the new game and felt liek they had to start from scratch. they should have just stuck to their guns got the game finished and then gone on to the next thing. all that talking he does is really annoying.
The footage video looked like shit. If the name of the game was Alien Devastator or some other generic crap everyone would think this game looks horrible. The only thing people are jizzing over is the name of the game. It looks on par with Prey with the overly shiny crap. I am really glad this didnt see the light of day because now that the game is legend people working on it can get another job. After it was a shit fest they would have been searching much harder than they have to right now.
[quote name='Chuplayer']That footage video kicks so much ass. This game would have been great![/quote]

I just started playing Prey and there are a lot of interesting things in that game. It easy could of been in the Duke Nukem games. They both have the same publisher, 3D Realms..
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']what is it that duke nukem forever will offer to fps gamers?
what is it that it will offer that other fps games can't offer?[/quote]
Ass kicking, boobs with pasties, and fuckin' Duke Nukem. Did I mention the ass kicking?
Video actually looks decent for a WIP. Not great, as a game 12 years in the making should look, but there were some solid parts in there.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Video actually looks decent for a WIP. Not great, as a game 12 years in the making should look, but there were some solid parts in there.[/quote]

Yeah, I would have liked it to be finished. Would have probably been worthy of a "bargain bin" pickup. I don't see why ppl come on this thread to act like snobs - it's Duke Nukem not Larry Stone's interactive encyclopedia of wine.
No tears will be shed... probably doesn't mean much from someone who started FPS's with GoldenEye 007 on the N64. The only thing remotely interesting from that tech demo for DNF was Duke ripping off the spike and shoving it in the boss's eye, hope God of War III developers "get inspired" by that.
[quote name='Paco']MORE NEWS Has shown! Interesting stuff too. Check this out. On the SAME day the rumor of 3d realms shutting down and this is when it was A RUMOR this site popped up.


Isn't it pretty weird to put that up over a rumor? And if you go here...


You can protect directories with a generic webpage, so I don't see how you think that "No Peeking - Nice Try" means something ominous...
[quote name='Paco']MORE NEWS Has shown! Interesting stuff too. Check this out. On the SAME day the rumor of 3d realms shutting down and this is when it was A RUMOR this site popped up.


Isn't it pretty weird to put that up over a rumor? And if you go here...


THE WORLDS BIGGEST SHENANIGAN IS ABOUT TO BE UNLEASHED ON EVERYONE[/QUOTE]The domain registered the day after Apogee confirmed 3DR was shutting down and Take 2 confirmed it wouldn't fund the game.
It really sucks that 3D Realms was forced to close shop. I was really looking forward to playing Duke Nukem Forever. It would have been awesome. I hope somebody picks it up and hires the team back to finish it.
[quote name='Strell']Maybe we could get 3DR a bailout.[/quote]

At least they have a better chance of paying back that bailout money then Chrystler or GM.
Not sure how reliable this is, saw it on Kotaku.

3D Realms: We're Not Closing, Spent $20 Million on Duke Nukem Forever

"Despite rumors and statements to the contrary, 3D Realms (3DR) has not closed and is not closing. 3DR retains ownership of the Duke Nukem franchise. Due to lack of funding, however, we are saddened to confirm that we let the Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) development team go on May 6th, while we regroup as a company. While 3DR is a much smaller studio now, we will continue to operate as a company and continue to license and co-create games based upon the Duke Nukem franchise."
I sank so much of my life into Duke3D and user content for it, I don't care how long it takes, if it ever comes out I'm buying it day one full price. Duke Nukem is the original badass of FPS games and had a ton of personality for the time which was pretty innovative considering the competition. I have faith that if this sees the light of day, it won't disappoint.
[quote name='Kaoz']Not sure how reliable this is, saw it on Kotaku.[/quote]

It's legit; it's on other news portals, as well.

There is still hope. God almighty, make it happen. Someday. I'll wait as long as it takes.
I have to admit I like hearing that news, as I would like to see the game come out still. It looked amusing enough in that final video that got released, so I hope it makes it out.
Y'know what would be badass? If this were the final marketing ploy before releasing DNF. 3D Realms closes and suddenly the gaming world is abuzz about Duke again. Take Two sues, 3D Realms says they aren't closing. I am expecting at any moment someone will say, "hah, it was all a joke, here's DNF!"

1. Create hype about game for 13 years.
2. Close studio to sustain hype...
3. ???
4. Profit!

(3) Might be the release of duke. Otherwise, well good luck 3DRealms!
Dude, I just thought of the best thing.

So, Croteam just confirmed that they're still alive, after not being heard from for the past couple years. Their first order of business was to confirm that they just recently started work on Serious Sam III (which will run on their new Serious Engine 3).

So, it's pretty obvious what has to happen here.

Duke Nukem Forever. Serious Sam III. First one to retail. The race begins now.

[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Y'know what would be badass? If this were the final marketing ploy before releasing DNF. 3D Realms closes and suddenly the gaming world is abuzz about Duke again. Take Two sues, 3D Realms says they aren't closing. I am expecting at any moment someone will say, "hah, it was all a joke, here's DNF!"[/QUOTE]

Wow dude, you're totally the first person to suggest this so far.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Y'know what would be badass? If this were the final marketing ploy before releasing DNF. 3D Realms closes and suddenly the gaming world is abuzz about Duke again. Take Two sues, 3D Realms says they aren't closing. I am expecting at any moment someone will say, "hah, it was all a joke, here's DNF!"[/QUOTE]

Wow dude, you're totally the first person to suggest this so far.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Y'know what would be badass? If this were the final marketing ploy before releasing DNF. 3D Realms closes and suddenly the gaming world is abuzz about Duke again. Take Two sues, 3D Realms says they aren't closing. I am expecting at any moment someone will say, "hah, it was all a joke, here's DNF!"

1. Create hype about game for 13 years.
2. Close studio to sustain hype...
3. ???
4. Profit!

(3) Might be the release of duke. Otherwise, well good luck 3DRealms![/QUOTE]

You mean like the chair story?


My friend told it to me today and I was rofling.

Here is the important part quoted:

So about that chair?
The first meeting was really just getting everyone up to speed. We all needed time to absorb it… and what was being proposed. They needed everyone involved to buy off on it because we’d all be working through the years to maintain the plan.
The plan was actually pretty simple… create the longest developed game in history that eventually is one of the greatest games ever made. You have the time to work on it properly (no shit), so given the intelligence and talent of all the people involved, it was a pretty good bet. All 3DR had to do was make money on other stuff. All Epic had to do was open up a wide channel between the two companies. 3DR would serve as a research house for future Epic engine updates, but also give 3DR everything they did as well. The boots on the ground just had to keep the drum beating and keep the image of business as usual going. The truly hard to swallow part of this was some of us had to eventually leave, but we were guaranteed we’d be ok. All we had to do was let go of the idea of just making DNF in the traditional way… which I’m ashamed to admit was easier to let go of than I thought it would be.
In fact, with my role in this, I wouldn’t ever really work on the “real” DNF. That was a tough pill to swallow, but again the big picture looked good.
The beauty of the plan is that even though I’m telling you about it now, it is too late for it to have any negative impact on the long term goal. That’s something that took me a long term to come to grips with. It just *works* and I’ll be damned if I understand fully why or how. That’s biz and marketing brilliance for you… I just know how to put maps together or script up some gameplay. *sigh*
What Epic got out of this whole deal was basically this mystery project that is a constant “customer” of their engine, with people always speculating on whether it was updated to the newest one or not, etc. You would be surprised at how many licenses this has helped sell through the years. Who said business made any sense? Not to mention a team to just do research into engine upgrades without any pressure of actually releasing anything. Huge advantage. Notice that Epic really pulled ahead in the engine licensing business after 2001? That’s *not* an accident.
So that chair again.
We didn’t end the first chat on a particularly *good* note, but I think we were mostly exhausted… but there was an undercurrent of “can we really trust each other on this?”. That’s typical of any big business deal, but this was a case where we would be agreeing to hold this story steady for decades. Yes, decades. You don’t go into this lightly.
We all came back the next day (Cliffy in white thankfully, not red). We went around and gave our thoughts on things after having a night to sleep on it. Scott and George wanted to get paperwork signed that day if we were going to attempt it at all. This seemed *way* too soon and I didn’t have a lawyer around to read the contract or anything. I was young, but I had had enough experience by that point to know you don’t sign a contract of any significance without having a lawyer read it. Unfortunately it was made clear that this offer was active only so long as we were all in the room. Once any one of us left it was void and Scott, George, and Mark Rein (the three that put it together) would deny all knowledge. They had never done any discussions of this in written form except the contracts which Scott Miller was holding.
That was pressure… here was this deal where I would be set for life, and if I backed out of it, it would blow the whole thing for both companies and everyone involved. Not only would I be backing out of the opportunity of a lifetime, but I would also be ruined in the industry because those guys have way more power than I do. I wanted to do it, but how do you commit on such short notice and without really knowing what you are signing?
Brandon, Allen, Keith, and I kept hemming and hawing and we could tell we were really causing problems with everyone else in the room. I said that I wanted to do it, but I *had* to have a lawyer review it before I signed it. The fury in the eyes of the guys sitting across from me was literally enough to give me a third degree burn. I have *never* felt that much fear in my life. Well… up to that point at least.
I was told to think about my next words very carefully before giving my final answer. Honestly, I felt this was a test to see how well I would hold up to pressure later when we had to “hold the lie” (the similarity to “hold the line” isn’t on accident), so I held firm and said I really wanted to, but needed to have it reviewed…
oh fuck
Faster than I can even remember (literally… I don’t remember) I was knocked out of my chair by I *think* of all people Tim Sweeney (it was a wooden kitchen chair) and was pinned on the ground by Mike Wilson and Cliffy B (he’s so much stronger than I ever expected). George walks over to my chair and fucking stomps the shit out of it until the legs are broken off. He casually picks up one of the legs that had split into a shit your pants style point and starts tossing it up and down. Scott and Mark Rein alternate on and off saying that I apparently wasn’t aware how *real* business is done and that if I didn’t want to find out why those two companies had maintained such a strong position in the industry dating back to the shareware days (when it seems people didn’t ask nearly as many questions about why developers appeared, made a game, and then disappeared without a trace)… I had better reconsider my answer.
I do remember the next part very very well though… I will never forget it and I have to admit that I have dreams about it pretty frequently.
Cliffy and Mike pulled me up and shoved my face about 6 inches from the point of the chair leg. I was drenched in sweat (the trailers didn’t have decent AC so it was already hot as hell in there)… and if they had let go of me I would not have been able to stand on my own.
George looked me in the eyes and asked me one more time what I was going to do… so at that point I did what anyone would do…
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wow dude, you're totally the first person to suggest this so far.[/QUOTE]
Everytime I see you post, you act like a jerk to someone - I guess my time had to come at some point!

I know I'm not the first to suggest it - and I actually read that damn chair story even - but I didn't see a ton of people saying what I said. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the thread - but I guess I missed the other people saying this.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Everytime I see you post, you act like a jerk to someone - I guess my time had to come at some point!

Yea, I don't understand how people like CoffeeEdge more than me, seeing as he is a pretty big ass hole, but whatever.
bread's done