Dumpster Diving Fun

[quote name='dinovelvet']Congrats, great finds.

On another note, is it at all surprising to see that Blockbuster is in the shitter when they do something like this, i.e. just throw out hundreds of dollars of merchandise? Did nobody at any point say "Hold on, aren't God of war 3 and Left 4 dead 2 both newly released games that might be worth trying to sell for $30 or so, rather than just throwing them away?"

Even if they have no use for multiple copies of ex-rental movies, why not, say, send them to bases in Iraq or donate to orphanages and build up some public goodwill? Maybe I just don't understand how a big business works and what's cost effective, but it seems to me that anything is better than simply just throwing this stuff away.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Than again, no wonder Blockbuster is going Bankrupt.
Access_Denied in action:

[quote name='eau']Access_Denied in action:


Papyrus fonts: Because some people shouldn't design shit.

Nothing against you.. just.. that font... must die...
[quote name='drooli']I helped my friend move out of university housing. I got a big brita water filter, and a brand new sleeping bag still in the box with the wrapping. We were gonna take a 40'+ tv but it weighed a ton and wouldnt fit in my tiny car. Earlier today I went dumpster diving in my apartment. Found a box for a macbook pro, but no macbook ):.[/QUOTE]

I found a box for an XBox(original, not 360) on a neighbor's trash pile one week, but unfortunately there was no XBox in the box either.:cry:
A few weeks ago I found a flat screen monitor siting next to my apartment dumpster with a note "Mostly Broken". The power button doesn't work (I have no idea how my roommate got it on), but it works perfectly for our living room computer -- we just let the screen saver and power saving mode take care of the turning it 'off'.
if any of you get a chance check to see if your local wal-mart and see if they have open top dumpsters or closed packers. at least here they are all packers. the only reason why i'm asking is because here everything return to wal-mart goes to the landfill.
I had an awesome dumpster find 2 nights ago. If anyone lives in Arizona and has been to Beyond Bread, you would know that the bread tastes amazing but is really expensive. Well they throw all the day old bread away after they close. I went there around 11 pm and got three trash bags full of still wrapped up bread, so good. Also checked the Chuck E Cheese there but no tickets.
[quote name='PR Mega X']A few weeks ago I found a flat screen monitor siting next to my apartment dumpster with a note "Mostly Broken". The power button doesn't work (I have no idea how my roommate got it on), but it works perfectly for our living room computer -- we just let the screen saver and power saving mode take care of the turning it 'off'.[/QUOTE]

My husband got a used flatscreen somewhere with a similar problem, broken power button. He took it to a local repairman who fixed the broken button for like $20. That might be more than some TVs are worth, but if its a forty incher and up....

I probably shouldn't mention this, but...one of our local libraries has DVDs and audio CDs for borrowing in their collection. However, this library doesn't have a disc resurfacer, and no one EVER cleans the fingerprints and dirt off the discs. So everytime a disc gets really dirty, or scratched, worn out, etc.. Instead of trying to repair them, library staff just throw it out in the dumpster, so any person with a Disc Doctor can have at them...half the stuff is repairable. Getting an entire season of a TV or anime series on discs that work after being sent through a single pass of a Disc Doctor is awesome.

To be honest, some of the waste that goes on this country frankly disgusts me.

The only thing that has really put me off of dumpster diving furniture, buying used furniture and clothes from places like Goodwill are BEDBUGS, which are becoming an epidemic in this country, now that most pesticides effective against them have been banned.
if you have the key to 1 dumpster for one company it should open all of there local dumpster that handle by that company. i have a key for my BFI / allied wastes services
[quote name='jebnaut']Oh, wow, I'm glad we're stuffing landfills with this shit.

Mmmaaaassssss ccccoooonnnnnsssummmeeeerrriiiissssmmm iiissss aaaawwweeesssooommmeeee[/QUOTE]
It makes me sooo glad that I take the time and effort to recycle all of my cardboard/plastic packaging and junk mail in my small apartment, yet these huge corporate entities just trash everything without a second thought and even worse that there are laws to enforce this behavior. Maybe that's what the BP oil spill in the gulf is all about. fucking morons.
wow....hard to imagine the employees would just leave the games in the dumpster and not come back for the loot themselves...strange world we live in.
[quote name='Vampire_Zio']wow....hard to imagine the employees would just leave the games in the dumpster and not come back for the loot themselves...strange world we live in.[/QUOTE]

They were probably waiting until they got off their shift. The store I used to work at was about to toss 50+ books into the trash one day. I volunteered to "throw them out." I kept the box by the dumpster, drove back there with my car once I closed and threw them into my car. They're still in my garage, but they are going to go to my local libraries. I had planned on selling them, but they are pretty much worthless.
Blockbuster close to me had a whole recycling dumpster full of DVD and game cases but the discs were all in the stores regular trash bags in a separate dumpster and had been scratched by box cutters. I did see one disc that had many little dots from that stamping device. This shit makes me sick. Sell them for a $1, donate them to hospitals, give them to ME!!! Just do anything with hundreds of DVDs and games besides throw them in the trash, at least G-Cycle... Recycle CDs and DVDs
I used to do this when I worked at Blockbuster. I had a lot of friends and we had a huge appetite for games and movies. Rather than have them destroyed I would place the box in the store and wait for one of them to come by and then take it out to the "trash". One of them would pick up the stuff from the back and blam, instant collection.

I found a Sega Saturn in the backroom(PS2 release) so we were making room for inventory to hold the rental units and came across it. The last box we took was something like 100 N64 games, 40 or so PS1 games and a few Dream Cast games.

Traded a few BBV exclusive games to EB for $50 a piece(Stunt Racers, Transformers BeastWars). They weren't cataloged in EB so they manager made a deal. After all the trades we were up $200. I need to stop by a few BBVs and check them out, see if any of my former employee buddies still work there.
Holy Shit Saber! Nice finds, I need to check out my local used game store.

I check at Ga me Sto p Every now and then and I find Posters, Promotional displays, Display boxed, etc. Fake display ps3, controllers (2 working wii remotes and charger), computer monitor (probably from att store), game cases w/ manuals. But NEVER games (well once got Sims 3 for PC).

I think I might be checking some local used game stores now other than gamestop. Hmmmm
OP, I'd probably have had a heart attack if I found 500 DVDs...as a collector (well, now starting to collect blu-rays so I'd have sold to buy those), that would have just been like finding buried treasure :lol:
bread's done