EA & Marvel Split!! A New Hope for Marvel vs. Capcom 3


83 (98%)
According to multiple sources, Electronic Arts and Marvel have ended their partnership to develop and produce games based on Marvel characters and properties. The deal between the two companies had resulted in one game to date, 2004’s Marvel Nemesis: The Rise of the Imperfects which was heavily promoted by both companies (including a comic book tie-in featuring the game’s new characters), but only received lukewarm reviews by gamers.

According to GameTap, EA Chicago’s studio was developing another fighting game, but the studio was shut down last year, and the game’s producer, Kudo Tsunoda left the company recently, and is now at Microsoft’s Xbox division.

Justin Lambros, vice president of Marvel's Interactive division told Wired.com, “Electronic Arts and Marvel have jointly agreed to discontinue development of Marvel fighting games under the Electronic Arts brand. This was a business decision based on Electronic Arts portfolio strategy and will not affect Marvel's ongoing plans to release fighting games based on the Marvel properties in the future.”

Fans are already speculating, or hoping strongly, that Lambros’ comments may indicate Marvel re-teaming with Capcom. The two partnered in the ‘90s, resulting in many fan-favorite games including 1999’s Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. The earlier Capcom/Marvel relationship was similar to the relationship that Marvel had with EA, that is, the fighting game featured Marvel characters interacting with characters owned by the videogame company.

In early December, Develop reported that Marvel was looking to perhaps revise its relationship with videogame developers, and perhaps, model its relationship with video game developers on its movie production, which would allow Marvel to take a greater role in the production of games based on its properties.

Marvel has videogame releases based on the upcoming Iron Man and Hulk films scheduled for this year (both through Sega), and currently has a relationship with Activision for Spider-Man videogames. Marvel’s Marvel Universe Online MMO, however, is reportedly in trouble as both Cryptic and Marvel have ben silent about the project of late. The game, which was a result of a partnering of Marvel and Cryptic Stuidios was announced in September of 2006.

Finally... the nightmare is over. I sure hope Capcom takes note of this and picks Marvel back up on their offer.

Finally... the nightmare is over. I sure hope Capcom takes note of this and picks Marvel back up on their offer.
[quote name='benjamouth']Good news, maybe now we'll see Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on XBLA.[/quote]

That would kick EPIC levels of ass if it happens. I guarantee it would be the most purchased game on Live Arcade ever. It wouldn't even be close.
[quote name='benjamouth']Good news, maybe now we'll see Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on XBLA.[/QUOTE]

Yes please...with the HD upgrade treatment.
Um I think Activision still had the Marvel rights. EA only has a deal for fighting game that was signed before the Activision deal.
I am upset that the new fighting game they were working on isn't going to be made. From the early video, it looked amazing. Throwing each other through buildings would have been amazing.
I'd even be happy with a Smash Bros-like Marvel Fighting game made for online. And even though we all would rather see a 2D MvC3 with an insane amount of characters that may be a hard sell considering the industries lack of intrest in anything 2D. Something like that may only find a home on XBLA or the Wii.

Anyways I'm glad to see Marvel got away from EA. Marvel Nemesis: The Rise of the Imperfects sucked. Just gimme Marvel characters, I don't care about all those new guys. Who wants to use them?
Well this is great news... EA is thoroughly incapable of making a good Marvel game. Marvel Nemesis was a slap in the face.
[quote name='Chacrana'] Marvel Nemesis was a slap in the face.[/quote]
Oh man was that horrible. They had a preview at comic con one year and even the booth people couldn't figure out how to play it well. They had 4 whole days and still couldn't get it. It didn't give any charcter's their feel. None of the characters moved smoothly. If whoever makes the next marvel fighting game can get over these probllems, I will be there.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']This is all that matters.[/quote]

A continuation of the series would be more important. I think playing MvC2 online would ultimately piss me off due its balance issues.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']A continuation of the series would be more important. I think playing MvC2 online would ultimately piss me off due its balance issues.[/QUOTE]

seeing as capcom is rebalancing SFIIHD, if MvC2 was rebalanced it would become a great revitalization.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']seeing as capcom is rebalancing SFIIHD, if MvC2 was rebalanced it would become a great revitalization.[/quote]

No doubt, It would great, but it could never be done perfectly. SSFIIHD only has 17 characters (including Akuma) while MvC2 has 50+ characters to re-balance with the consideration of all the cheap super moves, assists, combos, etc, that infect the game. That's quite an undertaking.
I think a MvC sequel would hinge a lot on the success of SFIV. Especially since Capcom is not at all interested in the fighting game genre anymore.

I think an MvC appearance on XBLA is more likely, if anything.
Honestly, I'm just more excited about the prospect of seeing some of the neglected Marvel games being released finally... y'know, like Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. IMO, one of the best beat-em-ups ever.
[quote name='MadFlava']Most likely the Marvel License will go to a crappy developer and churn out garbage like EA.[/QUOTE]
it is currently in Activision's hand, and they did a good job with marvel ulimate alliance.
[quote name='heavyd853']Needs Dante in MVC 3. Ooooh lord how quickly I would buy that game.[/QUOTE]



I had marvell vs capcom 2 on PS2, until my crappy PS2 decided it didn't want to play CD-based games (the ones with the blue bottom).... I was so pissed that I couldn't play Contra: shattered Soldier or MVC 2... maybe this will at least help with one of those problems, haha
bread's done