EBgames 15 for $50


EBgames has an offer on their site for classic system games. 15 games, $50 dollars. Its $3.33 a game. Its for NES, SNES, N64, Sega Gensis and Sega Dreamcast....

Its gotta be known... but I'm posting incase its not.
can these deals be combined with the other deals. CAG15 and EB edge card.....I never see anything too interesting in these deals, but the above may sweeten the deal.
[quote name='lurknomore']can these deals be combined with the other deals. CAG15 and EB edge card.....I never see anything too interesting in these deals, but the above may sweeten the deal.[/quote]

IIRC, I don't think so, but I may be wrong...
Yeah, this is a well known deal.. I think they've had it ever since they've had a classic section, or something.
Only problem is that the DC game section is depleted its not worth it. To bad I can't find that copy of Powerstone 2 and a couple of copies of Ferrari F355 for some link action. I definately like the Genesis game though for my Nomad.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']It's a decent deal for the NES/Genesis/SNES games. I already have most of those games on the list so I never took advantage of this offer.[/quote]
For the NES games you'll be paying way more than you should. The average you should spend on a NES game is $2 IMO. With this deal after taxes and shipping you'll be spending about $3.60.
[quote name='Derwood43']The "select" games are pretty crappy. There aren't 15 in there worth the $50.[/quote]

You might be able to find 15 games worthwhile games for a particular if you were just starting out your collection and had someone to help you pick out the right games. Still, most of the games they're offering with this deal normally sell for less than $5 each, so you're not really getting as good a deal as you might think. Also, many of EB's cartridge games are somewhat "weathered" to say the least. (They've seen better days.)
bread's done