Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories-- Numero Quatro!

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[quote name='M1C13']I just started working at GameCrazy about a month ago and we had a midnight Madden Sale. This guy who bought Madden 2007 360 at around 12:15 AM brought it back at around 12:45 AM the same night. He told us that the graphics and the game play were awful and that he wanted to trade it in for a PS2 copy. He came in a couple days later talking about how one of his other games for the 360 looked bad so I asked him about his setup he is using a TV from the 1980s, no lie, he had to buy the RF adapter to hook it up.

Last week the plot thickened. The same guy bought a wireless 360 controller about 2 hours later he comes back says it doesn't work we try it on our demo unit hes right. So we give him another one. Two days later he brings that one back it doesn't work. I freak out and say well its not the controller it's your 360 he says no the manager looks at the controller for a couple seconds and kicks the guy out of the store, Yeah he was bringing back his old dirty controllers and getting new ones. I felt like an idiot. Sorry for any bad grammer or typos.[/QUOTE]

That happens SO much its not funny. Its common with controllers, and somewhat common with used games (really, who is gonna remember every scratch on a game they sold to a customer?). System is where it gets FUN.

Ive seen SO many people try and swap serial #'s on system (as most are just stickers). Talk about a back hack job. Some even thought they were smarter then me by just opening there old system and putting the guts in the new systems case. Its amazing how many people don't think I would check the freshly peeled off VOID sticker on the back of the console, or the obvious removal of screws. The fun I had saying 'Get out' on those occcasions.

The best way to tell if someone is trying to return there own controller is too look at the grooves on the side. Since controllers are two plastic 'halves' put together there is a small strip then bubbles in. You wouldn't imagine how much dirt and filth gets trapped there.
[quote name='gizmogc']That happens SO much its not funny. Its common with controllers, and somewhat common with used games (really, who is gonna remember every scratch on a game they sold to a customer?). System is where it gets FUN.

Ive seen SO many people try and swap serial #'s on system (as most are just stickers). Talk about a back hack job. Some even thought they were smarter then me by just opening there old system and putting the guts in the new systems case. Its amazing how many people don't think I would check the freshly peeled off VOID sticker on the back of the console, or the obvious removal of screws. The fun I had saying 'Get out' on those occcasions.

The best way to tell if someone is trying to return there own controller is too look at the grooves on the side. Since controllers are two plastic 'halves' put together there is a small strip then bubbles in. You wouldn't imagine how much dirt and filth gets trapped there.[/quote]

Lol. Noone everthinks about the void sticker. Though one way around it (I never had to do this since I take care of my systems) is to use steam to get the sticker to peel off easily.
"Did you need a gift receipt for any of your items today"
"Gift receipt?"
"Yup, it's a seperate receipt just in case the people you may be buying these for get a duplicate gift/item"
"What do you mean by duplicate?"
"Just in case they get two of the same gift"
"I'm sorry, I still don't know what you mean by duplicate gift"
"Just in case you buy something that someone has already bought for them. Two of the same gift"
"I don't think I need one of those"
I didn't think duplicate was that complicated of a word.

Doesn't the gift receipt print up automatically after the regular receipt at TRU now anyway? Every time I have bought something there in the last few months, that has always happened. Seems like a waste of paper and it's just something extra I have to throw away.
Yoshi... there are people out there who expect things like that to be printed automatically. You might not think of it like that but trust me.... its true.

Anyways..... folks, wish me luck this Tuesday. I wish I was kidding when I say within the first half hour of my shift yesterday (as in Monday) I had a dozen calls and people coming in looking for the new "Star Wars" release. Its going to be a LONG day.......

*insert the "24" tick tock sound here*

[quote name='Jack Bauer as a retail employee']"Right now, customers are plotting to storm the gates for Star Wars DVDs, my sanity is missing, and people that I work with may be involved in both. I'm Retail lackey Jack Bauer. Today is going to be the longest day of my life."[/quote]
[quote name='gizmogc']
Ive seen SO many people try and swap serial #'s on system (as most are just stickers). Talk about a back hack job. Some even thought they were smarter then me by just opening there old system and putting the guts in the new systems case. Its amazing how many people don't think I would check the freshly peeled off VOID sticker on the back of the console, or the obvious removal of screws. The fun I had saying 'Get out' on those occcasions.[/quote]
classic stuff, that. i took too much pleasure in turning people away who would do this. they'd bring in a PS2 with the sticker switched (badly, i might add) and say they wanted a refund or an exchange. i'd always jerk them around a bit, before dropping the hammer:

"oh, okay. well, i'll just need the system that was purchased here."
"yeah, there it is. that's it."
"no no no, i'm sorry. i need the system that you bought from this store, on XX-XX-XXXX" (whatever date).
"here, let me tell you what i mean -- this system is not the one bought here. someone took the serial number from the system in question, and restuck it to this one, which wasn't purchased here. so if you could bring in that first system, the one i mentioned earlier, that was bought here, then we could return or exchange it."
"oh......... okay."
"oh, one more thing, sir/ma'am... after you get the other system, i really can't take it back because once the sticker with the serial number has been tampered with in any way, it's not eligible for return or exchange. have a nice day, though."

"okay. thanks."
[quote name='Demolition Man']Yoshi... there are people out there who expect things like that to be printed automatically. You might not think of it like that but trust me.... its true.

Anyways..... folks, wish me luck this Tuesday. I wish I was kidding when I say within the first half hour of my shift yesterday (as in Monday) I had a dozen calls and people coming in looking for the new "Star Wars" release. Its going to be a LONG day.......

*insert the "24" tick tock sound here*[/QUOTE]

I'll be right there with ya, I'm pretty sure I'll end up killing some poor SOB dressed up like Han Solo before it's all over.
[quote name='Kuros']I don't have much of a story right now, but let me say this to you guys:

It's really rude to dick around for 20 minutes after a store is closed because you need a video game NOW.[/quote]

I always got pissed when people came in right at closing when I was in retail, first at a video game store, then at a comic book store. At both jobs, there was no time clock. The store closed at 8 pm and I stopped getting paid at 8 pm on the dot. Sometimes I'd be there until 8:45 dicking around with customers.

Those of you that work at EB/GS, do you stop getting paid at a certain time or do you have a time clock? When I worked at Meijer, I actually liked clocking out late since I got paid for it. I'm clock out 7-8 minutes late every day and get paid for an extra 15 minutes a day. I'd also take a 10 minute lunch instead of my full 30 minutes and get paid for an extra 20 minutes a day. It adds up when you're in school and trying to make ends meet. I was a good worker and got called in pretty much every day off so I got a lot of overtime too...no one gets overtime at Meijer or Wal-Mart anymore from what I can tell. Hell, no one gets full-time anymore. I was working 50-60 hours a week and taking 20 credit hours at college in the mid 90s. Almost killed myself only getting 1 hour sleep a night for 2 years. :)
[quote name='DuelLadyS']My Pokemon card were distributed amongst cousins and the kids I used to babysit (who all loved having 1st edition Energy cards from the first release.)

My Yugioh cards are in a binder under my bed. :D[/quote]

Damn little kids. I was in college when Pokemon came out...stop making me feel old.
If you're hourly, and you're being required to work off the clock, I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
I'm not on a clock anymore, but if I got paid only for the scheduled hours [and I wasn't just milking overtime, it was 'required'], I'd damn sure be walking out of there at one second past five [or whatever].
In all my customer service experience, we treated a customer who came in at one minute till closing the same as one who came in one minute after opening. However, we might 'remind' them that the store was closing/has closed; gotta be careful though. We had a manager who was demoted to assistant manager because of the way he approached the 'closing soon' thing [and it was a DM secret shopping, nice timing.]
But as a customer, I do try to be cognizant of such a scenario--if I come into a store at five til closing, I will definitely be as quick as possible, I don't start any major shopping or browsing just before closing.
Not a stupid customer story, but a crazy employee story (these do sometimes get posted here.) I posted it in the Gamecrazy clearance thread, but it's probably buried already:

I had the most ridiculous shopping experience ever. EVER. Holy shit. This was the Gamecrazy training video. The employee there was ultra excited. Like he was hopped up on about 30 kilos of cocaine. He was a little too awake.

Basically, I walk in the store, and he starts literally dancing back and forth telling me about trade in things and I'm like "I just have this list" and so the guy's like "okay, cool, I'll look these up." and I mentioned that I needed them new (because it's a clearance.) He said "oh, somebody's got new-itis," which proved to be a statement to which I could not respond due to the sheer.... ridiculousity (yeah, I made that up) of it. He proceeded to tell me about Gamecrazy's 90-day warranty and other bullshit exactly like the training video laid it out all while scaring the shit out of me with his excitement.

As it turned out, they didn't have any of the games I needed. I got the guy to ask another Gamecrazy if they had anything and apparently, it was imparitive that the other Gamecrazy knew that I had "new-itis" as well. They didn't have anything, but they did reassure me that they play like new and with an MVP card... well, you know the rest.

Anyway, as I was leaving, I turned around and I asked the guy if he had seen the Gamecrazy training video. He pretended to not know what I was talking about, but god damn... what a weird guy.

And honestly, I'll be shopping there more often now.
Another customer observation at the post office- I was walking out of the post office and by the time I left there were about 10 people in line (I think it was a tax extension deadline today or something like that). The parking lot is over 90% full. Someone walking towards the door asked me if the post office is opened today. I wanted to say something sarcastic but didn't and just said yes.
I don't wanna bother relating the whole story, but I got a call from an idiot today.

In summary, she thought you could buy a dance pad, just a dance pad, and the system would play a game. She then got pissed off that no one told her that there was no game in it because she assumed there was. (Assuming makes and ASS out of U and ME)

I told her about DDR Mario Mix and she said if she can't pick it up, she's gonna return the dance pad.

Once people make consoles that run without any games is the day I shoot pixie dust out my ass.
[quote name='Kuros']I don't wanna bother relating the whole story, but I got a call from an idiot today.

In summary, she thought you could buy a dance pad, just a dance pad, and the system would play a game. She then got pissed off that no one told her that there was no game in it because she assumed there was. (Assuming makes and ASS out of U and ME)

I told her about DDR Mario Mix and she said if she can't pick it up, she's gonna return the dance pad.

Once people make consoles that run without any games is the day I shoot pixie dust out my ass.[/QUOTE]

You should've done that YEARS ago then since thats what the Sega Master System did. Mmm maze.
[quote name='Heyricochet']You should've done that YEARS ago then since thats what the Sega Master System did. Mmm maze.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='YoshiFan1']
Doesn't the gift receipt print up automatically after the regular receipt at TRU now anyway? Every time I have bought something there in the last few months, that has always happened. Seems like a waste of paper and it's just something extra I have to throw away.[/QUOTE]

Yup, it does print out automatically. With big purchases though, sometimes people want maybe just a couple things with a seperate gift receipt, so I ask anyway.
[quote name='allyourblood']classic stuff, that. i took too much pleasure in turning people away who would do this. they'd bring in a PS2 with the sticker switched (badly, i might add) and say they wanted a refund or an exchange. i'd always jerk them around a bit, before dropping the hammer:

"oh, okay. well, i'll just need the system that was purchased here."
"yeah, there it is. that's it."
"no no no, i'm sorry. i need the system that you bought from this store, on XX-XX-XXXX" (whatever date).
"here, let me tell you what i mean -- this system is not the one bought here. someone took the serial number from the system in question, and restuck it to this one, which wasn't purchased here. so if you could bring in that first system, the one i mentioned earlier, that was bought here, then we could return or exchange it."
"oh......... okay."
"oh, one more thing, sir/ma'am... after you get the other system, i really can't take it back because once the sticker with the serial number has been tampered with in any way, it's not eligible for return or exchange. have a nice day, though."

"okay. thanks."[/quote]

How can you spot it with a Gamecube though? Gamecube's have no warranty sticker or anything. Someone could just switch the guts with a broken one and take it back saying it doesn't work.
[quote name='tangytangerine']How can you spot it with a Gamecube though? Gamecube's have no warranty sticker or anything. Someone could just switch the guts with a broken one and take it back saying it doesn't work.[/quote]

have you ever tried prying those fucking screws off that nintendo uses? you have to have a special tool just to do it. they use them on EVERYTHING, too. 64 games, virtual boy, gamecube, n64, etc. if someone has the time and patience to deal with those things, one would hope they'd be smart enough not to try something as stupid as this.
[quote name='eshbums']Most of the time it was very frustrating, but it was little gems like that that kept me going.

There was on time, it was a Saturday so it was slow as hell, that one of the reps tiered a supe call up to me. I listen to the customer go on and on about his side of the story forever (something about his RAM still being under warranty IIRC). While he was talking, I poked around in his history and found that sure enough, he was right, and I'd be able to help him out.

But he wouldn't stop talking long enough for me to tell him he was right. He was dropping F bombs left and right, and every time I'd say "but" - he'd cut me off and continue to scream and yell.

I had had enough, so I took the cradle of my phone, and pounded it on my desk for 20 seconds or so. When I put it back up to my ear, it was quiet:

ME: may I speak now?
HIM: yeah
ME: while you were calling me a dumbass, I was able to track down in our system what you were talking about, and can save you about another hour of berating me, and about $300 of RAM you don't want to buy, shall we continue?
HIM: yeah
ME: Great. I'm walking away from my desk for about 2 minutes to grab a printout, when I get back, we'll go over the process without either of us raising our voices, and you'll be off the phone in 10 minutes, does that work?
HIM: yeah

After I got up, I looked around the cube farm, and both our department and tech support were looking at me like I had just killed a horse in my cube. I never had the guts to try beating my phone on the desk with someone on it again, but it felt damned good that day.[/quote]

You are winner.
[quote name='tangytangerine']How can you spot it with a Gamecube though? Gamecube's have no warranty sticker or anything. Someone could just switch the guts with a broken one and take it back saying it doesn't work.[/quote]
uh, you're kidding, right? the Gamecube does have a reg. sticker, and just like Game Boys and the SNES, we scanned 'em at point-of-purchase. my own Gamecube sports a huge, juicy, can't-miss-it barcode sticker right on the bottom. the box (just like that of the XB and PS2) also sports a hole thru which the sticker can be viewed/scanned. is it missing on your own system??
Okay, I never understand why there are SO MANY people who ask if a game will work with the previous generation system. If this makes no sense, well, the other day, I was hanging out at the EB that I used to work at (I still have a lot of friends there). Well, these two guys came up and asked what the price of the PS3 will be. Okay, so not surprisingly, they started bitching about the insane price and then they asked if the PS3 games would work on the PS2. After they received their answer, they proceeded to bitch for around 15 minutes about how stupid Sony is to not have their PS3 games run on the PS2. The sad thing is that when I worked for EB, there were a lot of people who would ask the same thing about the XB and 360 games. I...don't get it.

Oh, and sometimes I stop by EB after work. I work as a medical assistant now and so I'm usually in my scrubs (yes, both the shirt and pants) when I'm there. You'd be surprised how many people come up to me and start asking me questions as if I am an employee there. No....really...game stores require their employees to wear medical scrubs now. The exact same thing happened to me when I was in a Circuit City on my break (one of the few days I'm lucky enough to have one).

Okay, so this is not a "customer" story but it's a story about one of our patients. So my responsibilities include checking the patients in at our satellite offices (since the doctors travel, we don't have a set office that we work at) and assisting the doctor with the examination. Anyway, this patient comes in and I greet him and give him forms to fill out. He looks at the form and freaks because it asks him for his social security number, name, address, and date of birth and then looks at me like I'm looking to steal his information. Okay, so I can kind of understand this since I have to work out of the waiting room (the offices we rent usually don't let me go behind the desk) even though I have his chart on my lap. When patients do this, I usually offer to fill out that information myself since I have everything in their charts if they feel uncomfortable doing so. Usually that sets them at ease and they fill out the form. This guy, however, completely loses it and accuses me of stealing his information. Then he grabs his cell phone, calls his lawyer, and informs his lawyer that the doctor has released his information to some "little girl" and that I'm looking to steal his identity. Huh...? The sad thing is that different variations of this has happened many times... One time I just lost it and informed them that I receive all of the charts at my apartment a week before I work with the doctor. Okay, my fault but this is hte infamous "binder" guy that my friends make fun of me for; he asked me for my full name, phone number, and address so that he can well, sue me...and when I refused, he took his binder (he was one of those people who kept a record of his medical history in a binder) and smashed it into the side of my head. Thank god for security...but I really didn't appreciate the massive headache I had for the rest of the day.

Oh, and it's amazing how many patients freak out when you ask them to sign the HIPAA form. Okay, I admit, I look young, but I'm surprised how many people call their lawyers and say that some little high school girl is trying to get them to make their information public domain or she won't let them see the doctor. Yes, I even outline the form for them and inform that they are not signing a consent but that they are acknowledging that they received the notice.

I even had a LAWYER do this to me once. WTF?

And then there are those patients who refuse to fill out forms because they don't feel like it. Well sorry, then you're not coming in to see the doctor. "I'M GOING TO SUE YOU FOR REFUSING ME CARE." Why does everyone want to sue me? And the funny thing is that once they actually go into see the doctor, they get all nice (even if the doctor isn't that nice to them...). What the heck? Oh, and since our office charges them $250 if they miss the appointment, a lot of people ask me to give them $250 when the doctor's running behind. I'm so sick of it now that I tell them to take it up with my office and the doctor but no, they want the $250 in cash right now. What, do they expect ME to pay them? Man, I even had a patient once tell me that it's my fault that I didn't keep the doctor on schedule and that it was my responsibility to pay out of my own pocket..and EVERYONE in the filled waiting room agreed. What the heck is wrong with people? Do they ever say any of this to the doctor himself? NO!!!

Wow that felt good to whine...
Veitgurl, I was going to congratulate you on getting out of EB and into what seemed like a better job... Then I read the rest of your post and I'm not so sure :rofl:. Keep at it though, hopefully it will get better or you can get some experience and then move to a better doctor's office. It sounds like the doctor/admin don't give you a lot of support in this one.
VG, that fool actually struck you? That is fertile grounds for a lawsuit. Seriously, that's assault. You should at least have had him arrested. Next time just mace him (or a swift shot to the nuts).
[quote name='vietgurl']One time I just lost it and informed them that I receive all of the charts at my apartment a week before I work with the doctor. Okay, my fault but this is hte infamous "binder" guy that my friends make fun of me for; he asked me for my full name, phone number, and address so that he can well, sue me...and when I refused, he took his binder (he was one of those people who kept a record of his medical history in a binder) and smashed it into the side of my head. [/QUOTE]
For a guy who's into lawsuits, he's not terribly savvy. Seeing as his actions violated your rights.

However, doctors or HMOs or medical insurance companies have no legal right to require a persons SSN. So the patient refusing to give this information out is absolutely justified.
[quote name='guinaevere']For a guy who's into lawsuits, he's not terribly savvy. Seeing as his actions violated your rights.

However, doctors or HMOs or medical insurance companies have no legal right to require a persons SSN. So the patient refusing to give this information out is absolutely justified.[/QUOTE]

I know. Security kicked him out and after I called my office (which is located in Fresno...no way am I EVER going all the way there, lol), they told me to drop it. *shrugs* I was having a really bad day at work that day. Haha, I told my friends and they thought it was absolutely hilarious.

Yeah, but the dumb thing is that we ALREADY have their SSN.

On the other hand, we also have some really really nice patients. I also think it's funny how certain patients will treat me like crap and then ask if I'm going to school; when they find out that I'm still in college, they become really nice to me. It's like up until then, they thought I was just some dropout or something...freaking a, I'm a medical assistant, had to go through SOME training for that in the first place. And most patients just don't pay any attention to me, which is great.
at each register at TRU, we have a sign that states the policy for checks. there was line that said, "Be sure to sign your checks, and TRU will do all the work for you".

so I had a customer yesterday who read that sign, signed a check and handed it to me. there was no 'pay to the order of', amount, or anything filled out, not even the date. the only thing on there was her signature.

she then she started an arguement with me because I asked her to fill in that stuff, and that I would fill in the driver's license, phone number, etc.. she kept telling me, "Well, it says I sign and you do the rest!!"

a friend of mine told me there are some places that can push a check through with only having the signature, that everything is electronically done.

this all just seemed really odd to me because I thought the majority of the places you go to hand write the phone number, driver's license, and physically make sure the ID matches the information on the check.
[quote name='asianxcore']at each register at TRU, we have a sign that states the policy for checks. there was line that said, "Be sure to sign your checks, and TRU will do all the work for you".

so I had a customer yesterday who read that sign, signed a check and handed it to me. there was no 'pay to the order of', amount, or anything filled out, not even the date. the only thing on there was her signature.

she then she started an arguement with me because I asked her to fill in that stuff, and that I would fill in the driver's license, phone number, etc.. she kept telling me, "Well, it says I sign and you do the rest!!"

a friend of mine told me there are some places that can push a check through with only having the signature, that everything is electronically done.

this all just seemed really odd to me because I thought the majority of the places you go to hand write the phone number, driver's license, and physically make sure the ID matches the information on the check.[/quote]

Well, if the sign just says "Sign the check and we do the rest", then the customer WAS in the right. I do know that Wal-Mart and some other places can electronically fill the check out for you, all it needs is your signature, so the customer wasn't wrong here.
[quote name='vietgurl']
he asked me for my full name, phone number, and address so that he can well, sue me...and when I refused, he took his binder (he was one of those people who kept a record of his medical history in a binder) and smashed it into the side of my head. Thank god for security...but I really didn't appreciate the massive headache I had for the rest of the day.

You are a better person than I am. Once somebody strikes me, I see it as "all bets are off," and I probably would have proceeded in kicking the crap out of that asshole right then and there.

Yeah, the healthcare industry is a pain in the ass. Thankfully, other than paperwork and some other bureaucratic problems, things went smoothly during my days as a healthcare worker.

Well, I hope your head feels better and everything's going OK.
[quote name='vietgurl']I know. Security kicked him out and after I called my office (which is located in Fresno...no way am I EVER going all the way there, lol), they told me to drop it. *shrugs* [/QUOTE]
Except that they don't have the right to tell you to drop it. Even being on their private property working for their health center... You don't give up such rights. The whole thing is just too bizarre.

[quote name='Saucy Jack']You are a better person than I am. Once somebody strikes me, I see it as "all bets are off," and I probably would have proceeded in kicking the crap out of that asshole right then and there.[/QUOTE]
And when you beat the stuffing out of him, he slaps you (or more accurately, your employer) with a lawsuit (even if he started it). Then he'll get a defense attorney and say he was unwell and needed his meds or whatever and sue your employer for gobs of cash and you're out of a job.

Not saying it's right, I'm just saying that you have to cover yourself at all times. Our society is lawsuit-happy for the sake of wanting to get rich easy off of someone else's mistake or misadventure. If people would just take responsibility for themselves and their actions things might be different.
If some one hits you and you hit them back, you both go to jail. If you don't hit them back, only they go to jail. Really depends on whether it's worth a night in jail for assult or not.
[quote name='guinaevere']
And when you beat the stuffing out of him, he slaps you (or more accurately, your employer) with a lawsuit (even if he started it). Then he'll get a defense attorney and say he was unwell and needed his meds or whatever and sue your employer for gobs of cash and you're out of a job.

Not saying it's right, I'm just saying that you have to cover yourself at all times. Our society is lawsuit-happy for the sake of wanting to get rich easy off of someone else's mistake or misadventure. If people would just take responsibility for themselves and their actions things might be different.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I understand. Truthfully, I'd probably just take the one hit and just get pissed off verbally. Yeah, ultimately... unless they continued to beat me up... I wouldn't strike back.

Considering that I could collect disability for my conditions, the law might actually swing in my favor. He'd be assaulting a nearly-disabled person. And thankfully (in a case where you don't have money, at least), Texas law means that you don't have to pay anything and you won't lose anything even with a judgment against you.

But yeah, in a lawsuit-happy society you have to be very careful about handling yourself.

I mean, we live in a damn society where the school systems have zero-tolerance policies... and if you are being beaten up, if you do anything more than run away or block the punches... you're punished, too.
[quote name='guinaevere']

And when you beat the stuffing out of him, he slaps you (or more accurately, your employer) with a lawsuit (even if he started it). Then he'll get a defense attorney and say he was unwell and needed his meds or whatever and sue your employer for gobs of cash and you're out of a job.

that's why you make small additions/ changes to his medical file....have one of his prescriptions changed to estrogen pills...add a positve herpes test result...."accidentally" schedule him for a circumcision....those kind of things.
Here's one for the thread....

I had an old guy limp his way to my department today holding a ragged piece of paper. He hands it over to me and says he's looking (in his words) "this CD that nobody has."

The CD....

"Lego Star Wars II."


Yeah, he actually swore to me after I told him it was a game that "his friend has it and it plays right off of his audio CD player." Turned out that he confused "audio CD" for his friends PC.
[quote name='asianxcore']at each register at TRU, we have a sign that states the policy for checks. there was line that said, "Be sure to sign your checks, and TRU will do all the work for you".

so I had a customer yesterday who read that sign, signed a check and handed it to me. there was no 'pay to the order of', amount, or anything filled out, not even the date. the only thing on there was her signature.

she then she started an arguement with me because I asked her to fill in that stuff, and that I would fill in the driver's license, phone number, etc.. she kept telling me, "Well, it says I sign and you do the rest!!"

a friend of mine told me there are some places that can push a check through with only having the signature, that everything is electronically done.

this all just seemed really odd to me because I thought the majority of the places you go to hand write the phone number, driver's license, and physically make sure the ID matches the information on the check.[/QUOTE]

This is hilarious. Even IF your store had a machine that filled out the information such as the amount and the store's name on the line, I would never just hand someone a blank check.

If I were you, I would have just filled it out to myself for about five-hundred dollars and simply walked away. That would teach them to hand blank checks to strangers.

[quote name='neocisco']This must be the quiet before the retail storm that is Black Friday. I'm enjoying it while I can.[/quote]

I think November is just going to be crazy in general, PS3/Wii Launch, etc.
I agree, while thankfully i do not work in retail anymore even if your shopping in retail stores you tend to have to put up with the really stupid customers, i see the backwards compatability thing all the time, customer asks clerk if system x can play games from system y, it cant so they blow up at the clerk because they have to spend money on a new piece of hardware so their kid can play the game they want for christmas.

One time i was in TRU a few years ago and a typical soccer mom was blowing up at a clerk (yelling to the point where you could hear it across the whole store) because the xbox, gamecube and ps2 did not play the same games and that she would have to spend for 3 systems in order to fulfill the wants on her son's wish list. I will never forget it.

Its gonna be especially bad here this november because TRU and media play have shut down in our city so now we have to depend on a small walmart, target and kmart for toys and thats about it. Thats not gonna be enough because the people around here never buy anything for their kids until christmas time, then they load up the cart with 400-500$ of merchandise. Thankfully amherst is not that far away and there is amazon.com for those toys where they only have like 2-3 in stock for the whole city.
Last night, I went from normal to homicidal in a matter of 1 hour.

Had a little kid running around grabbing everything in sight and the parents not doing shit about it until I noticed him grabbing the bottle of CD cleaner. I put it back and when his mom picked him up, he started screaming bloody murder and the damn bitch wouldn't take him outside. She wasn't even buying the damn games! Someone else in her family was buying the games.

Then came the ADD/ADHD "Gotta mess with everything in sight" kid. This kid was 12 and his 13 (looked 13) year old brother had to tell him to knock it off. Then when the mom was taking him away he goes "Look mom! BUTTOCKS!" and then sticks his ass out. He repeats this action all the way out the door.

Then I got hit with an onslaught of customers while I was the only one working at the time, also hit with an onslaught of phone calls at the same time.

Had a guy give me a card for a job offer.

Had a deaf guy want me to buy some bullshit thing because he's deaf.

My only good point of the night was when I was talking to this customer and he mentioned he worked IT for No Fear. I mentioned I'm working towards IT and he gave me his Email saying that they are looking for an IT guy who has retail experience.
I work for Gamestop and i aboslutely HATE people who bitch to use about there xbox 360 games and they didn't get a GPG./a gpg is basically letting return the game if it gets scratched and let you get a new game but instead they say "no i'm fine" call up 2 weeks later" i moved my 360 and my disced scratch can i return it for a new one...NO you can't why...cause you damaged it"

i kick last minute shoppers out at 9 even if they get in at 8:55 the stores closed at 9 therefore i ask them to leave

the worst has to be people who try to return new games because "they didn't like" when i offer the game used...
[quote name='allyourblood']classic stuff, that. i took too much pleasure in turning people away who would do this. they'd bring in a PS2 with the sticker switched (badly, i might add) and say they wanted a refund or an exchange. i'd always jerk them around a bit, before dropping the hammer:

"oh, okay. well, i'll just need the system that was purchased here."
"yeah, there it is. that's it."
"no no no, i'm sorry. i need the system that you bought from this store, on XX-XX-XXXX" (whatever date).
"here, let me tell you what i mean -- this system is not the one bought here. someone took the serial number from the system in question, and restuck it to this one, which wasn't purchased here. so if you could bring in that first system, the one i mentioned earlier, that was bought here, then we could return or exchange it."
"oh......... okay."
"oh, one more thing, sir/ma'am... after you get the other system, i really can't take it back because once the sticker with the serial number has been tampered with in any way, it's not eligible for return or exchange. have a nice day, though."

"okay. thanks."[/QUOTE]

Oh man, that one reminded me of when I was working customer service for a notebook company. Everything was based on the serial numbers, and a few of our models only had little white stickers on the bottom, so we had one shady company that bought about 30 notebooks off of us, and only one 3 year warranty for one serial number. They took the other 29 stickers off the computers, so whenever they came in, we basically had to eat the warranty because we couldn't prove it wasn't the computer with the warranty.

A few years go by, and they upgrade, buying 30 new systems, one of which was on a seperate receipt with the 3 year warranty. The customer service department was sick of eating it every time they needed a repair, so before they shipped, our build department added serial numbers underneath the keyboards.

About a year and a half later, sure enough, they tried to pull the same crap. The silence on the other end of the phone was priceless when I said "you forgot the sticker inside the machine...would you like to pay for the repair now or wait to talk to your boss?" It made the other 8 hours of crap well worth it.
[quote name='dtcarson']If you're hourly, and you're being required to work off the clock, I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
I'm not on a clock anymore, but if I got paid only for the scheduled hours [and I wasn't just milking overtime, it was 'required'], I'd damn sure be walking out of there at one second past five [or whatever].
In all my customer service experience, we treated a customer who came in at one minute till closing the same as one who came in one minute after opening. However, we might 'remind' them that the store was closing/has closed; gotta be careful though. We had a manager who was demoted to assistant manager because of the way he approached the 'closing soon' thing [and it was a DM secret shopping, nice timing.]
But as a customer, I do try to be cognizant of such a scenario--if I come into a store at five til closing, I will definitely be as quick as possible, I don't start any major shopping or browsing just before closing.[/quote]

Eh, I worked at a mom and pop store...we didn't have a time clock or anything, you got paid 8 hours if you were scheduled 8 hours. On slow days, sometimes I'd close 10 minutes early to make up for having to stay 30 minutes late on most other days. I also didn't get any breaks or lunch breaks as I was the only employee in the store during my shift. As far as I can tell, the ONLY reason most EB/GS stores have more than 1 employee working at the same time is so they don't get sued for not giving breaks/lunches. Most of the stores around here are nowhere near busy enough to require more than 1 employee on the clock at once.

I always got annoyed when customers complained to my boss that I was eating lunch in the store. I worked a 9-10 hour shift on average (open to close) with no lunch break so I'd bring a ham sandwich and eat it when there were no customers in the store. Sometimes I'd put a sign on the door and walk somewhere else in the strip mall and get pizza or something.

Eventually I got offered salary and took it, considering I would get a slight pay bump and that I already didn't get paid for working over anyway. Sometimes I'd have to work on my day off...but on the flip side, I could take a day off whenever I wanted and get paid for it (within reason).

When I worked at Meijer (similar to Wal-Mart) I actually liked working overtime because I got paid for it. I'd always log around 50 hours a week and get yelled at, but I liked the extra money in my paycheck. I was a cashier, and basically the managers would leave you on your lane for hours on end if you didn't remind them about your lunch or that you shift was over. Most employees whined constantly for breaks and to go home at the end of the day...but I'd never remind them and I'd end up working 2 hours over every day. I also usually would only take a 10-15 minute lunch and then clock back in early. Breaks were paid so I'd take the full 15 minutes on both of those.
[quote name='Kuros']In summary, she thought you could buy a dance pad, just a dance pad, and the system would play a game. She then got pissed off that no one told her that there was no game in it because she assumed there was. (Assuming makes and ASS out of U and ME)[/QUOTE]

Funny thing today is that I had a woman came in who swore she saw "somewhere" a DDR game that does not require a game system. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Funny thing today is that I had a woman came in who swore she saw "somewhere" a DDR game that does not require a game system. :lol:[/quote]
I'm pretty sure they do sell a dance game that connects directly to the TV. Of course, it's a clone of DDR. But perhaps that is what she saw?
[quote name='yukine']I'm pretty sure they do sell a dance game that connects directly into the TV. Of course, it's nothing more than a clone of DDR.[/quote]Yeah, I've seen em at cvs I think. You could probably find them at those kiosks in the mall that sell total crap.
[quote name='Cambot']This is hilarious. Even IF your store had a machine that filled out the information such as the amount and the store's name on the line, I would never just hand someone a blank check.

If I were you, I would have just filled it out to myself for about five-hundred dollars and simply walked away. That would teach them to hand blank checks to strangers.


You people have really never seen this done before? The machine fills it out, the cashier shows the person the check, they say Ok, you aren't ripping me off, and its all done.

Greatly speeds up the process of check writing, but I guess you want to wait in line for grandma who still uses checks and is old and can't write quickly.
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